999 resultados para Possible consciousness


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Climate induced changes in the planktonic community have been reported in the North Atlantic in recent years (Beaugrand et al., 2002), and similar responses has been seen in higher trophic levels (eg fish, Brander et al., 2003). Many of these responses have been identified by the use of the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR), and here we discuss recent results from the survey concerning pipefish, numbers of which have increased dramatically around the UK in recent years. This has also been reported in both the scientific and popular press, and anecdotally by many divers. Pipefish are easily recognized, being vermiform with a long slender ‘snout’ and an armoured outer layer, much like an elongated seahorse. This increase has raised many questions, why has it happened and what affects will it have on the ecosystem?


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A consideration of some physiological (rates of oxygen consumption, the scope for growth) and cellular (the cytochemical latency of a lysosomal enzyme) processes in bivalve molluscs suggests that animal size and seasonal changes related to the gametogenic cycle are important sources of natural variability. Correcting for size using regression techniques, and limiting measurements to one part of the gametogenic cycle, reduces observed natural variability considerably. Differences between populations are then still apparent, but the results of laboratory experiments with hydrocarbons from crude oil suggest that it should be possible to detect sub-lethal effects due to pollution (the ‘signal’) in the presence of the remaining natural variability (the ‘noise’). Statistical considerations, taken together with results from current studies on Mytilus edulis and Scobicularia plana, indicate that sample sizes of 10–15 individuals should suffice for the detection of possible pollution effects. The physiological effects to be expected in the presence of sub-lethal levels of polluting hydrocarbons are on a scaie that can cause significant ecological damage to a population through a reduction in fecundity and the residual reproductive value of the individuals.


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The biological affinity of the extinct microfossil order chitinozoa has been the source of much discussion in the fifty years since they were first discovered. Within this period these flask-shaped, organic-walled organisms have been variously attributed to rhizopods, flagellates, tintinnids, chrysomonads, metazoan eggs, dinoflagellates, and fungi. Most of these suggested relationships were made before it was recognised that chitinozoans were encapsulated and must therefore be resting cysts or eggs and not active individuals. There are no living organisms which combine all the characteristics of the chitinozoa. Of all the possibilities, a grouping of flask-shaped cysts which have been found in present-day marine plankton and sediment comes closest to characterising the morphology of chitinozoa. This grouping of flask-shaped cysts includes forms which have been found within tintinnid loricae. Another modern cyst type Pacillina arctica, which is believed to be a ciliate cyst, comes close to replicating the morphology of the chitinozoan genus Hoegisphaera. This paper discusses the structure of tintinnid, other flask-shaped cysts and Pacillina arctica in relation to chitinozoan morphology, drawing attention to similarities and differences. The occurrence and distribution of these cyst forms in present-day plankton is also described and interpreted.


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Separation of the proteins comprising the crystalline style of the mussel Choromytilus meridionalis (Krauss) by anion exchange chromatography shows that there are three fractions displaying α-amylase activity in both warm- and cold-acclimated mussels. These fractions correspond with one or more proteins which remain unbound to the resin (Peak I), a bound fraction which is eluted at 100–150 mM NaCl (Peak II) and a further fraction which is eluted at 200–250 mM NaCl (Peak III) but which may represent contamination carried over from Peak II. Cold-acclimation to 8°C results in the appearance of a fourth α-amylase fraction (Peak IV) which is eluted from the column between 300–400 mM NaCl. Thermal acclimation also results in changes in the activities of Fractions I–IV such that a specific activity of 0.47 mg glucose liberated per A280 unit of protein per 8 min incubation at 8°C in Fraction IV is increased nearly 10-fold to a specific rate of 4.10 in protein Fraction I following acclimation to 22°C. It is suggested that an increased of digestive activity may be of equal importance to a suppression of metabolic costs in the maintenance of energy flow into growth and reproduction in ectothermic organisms which experience an increase of environmental temperature, especially in bivalves such as C. meridionalis which do not show a compensatory increase in filtration rate.


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Removal of large predatory fishes from marine ecosystems has resulted in persistent ecosystem shifts, with collapsed predator populations and super-abundant prey populations. One explanation for these shifts is reversals of predator–prey roles that generate internal feedbacks in the ecosystems. Pelagic forage fish are often predators and competitors to the young life stages of their larger fish predators. I show that cod recruitment in the North Sea has been negatively related to the spawning-stock biomass of herring for the last 44 years. Herring, together with the abundance of Calanus finmarchicus, the major food for cod larvae, were the main predictors of cod recruitment. These predictors were of equivalent importance, worked additively, and explained different parts of the dynamics in cod recruitment. I suggest that intensive harvesting of cod has released herring from predator control, and that a large population of herring suppresses cod recruitment through predation on eggs and larvae. This feedback mechanism can promote alternative stable states and therefore cause hysteresis to occur under changing conditions; however, harvesting of herring might at present prevent a shift in the ecosystem to a herring-dominated state.


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Largely used as a natural biological tag in studies of dispersal/connectivity of fish, otolith elemental fingerprinting is usually analyzed by laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). LA-ICP-MS produces an elemental fingerprint at a discrete time-point in the life of a fish and can generate data on within-otolith variability of that fingerprint. The presence of within-otolith variability has been previously acknowledged but not incorporated into experimental designs on the presumed, but untested, grounds of both its negligibility compared to among-otolith variability and of spatial autocorrelation among multiple ablations within an otolith. Here, using a hierarchical sampling design of spatial variation at multiple scales in otolith chemical fingerprints for two Mediterranean coastal fishes, we explore: 1) whether multiple ablations within an otolith can be used as independent replicates for significance tests among otoliths, and 2) the implications of incorporating within-otolith variability when assessing spatial variability in otolith chemistry at a hierarchy of spatial scales (different fish, from different sites, at different locations on the Apulian Adriatic coast). We find that multiple ablations along the same daily rings do not necessarily exhibit spatial dependency within the otolith and can be used to estimate residual variability in a hierarchical sampling design. Inclusion of within-otolith measurements reveals that individuals at the same site can show significant variability in elemental uptake. Within-otolith variability examined across the spatial hierarchy identifies differences between the two fish species investigated, and this finding leads to discussion of the potential for within-otolith variability to be used as a marker for fish exposure to stressful conditions. We also demonstrate that a 'cost'-optimal allocation of sampling effort should typically include some level of within-otolith replication in the experimental design. Our findings provide novel evidence to aid the design of future sampling programs and improve our general understanding of the mechanisms regulating elemental fingerprints.


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Pre-eclampsia (PE) is a pregnancy disorder that affects roughly 5-7% of all pregnancies and is a leading cause of both maternal and fetal/neonatal morbidity and mortality. With no present cure for the disease, researchers are interested in the lower incidence of PE observed among the cigarette smoking pregnant population. However, women who use smokeless tobacco do not experience the same decreased incidence of PE, leading to hypothesis of protection against PE from the largest combustible product of cigarette smoke, carbon monoxide (CO). Studies evaluated levels of CO in PE women and found that they were statistically lower than those of healthy pregnancy. Researchers have found CO to possess many cytoprotective and regulatory properties and specifically within the placenta, it has been found to increase perfusion pressure, decrease oxidative stress, decreases ischemia/reperfusion induced apoptosis and maintain endothelial functioning. The idea for use of CO as a possible therapeutic for PE has thus become a real possibility. This study determined CO levels in pregnant women ± smoking as well as in PE women±smoking, as to discover a possible therapeutic range for future treatments. The best correlated automated CO measurement device with blood CO levels was determined, for use in future clinical studies. This thesis also sought a possible CO delivery concentration, in order to achieve the CO levels observed in the human correlation study. A threshold level of maternal CO exposure in a murine animal model was found, for which fetal and maternal negative toxicities were not observed. The results of this thesis lend a few more pieces to the complicated puzzle involving CO and PE and offer another step toward the possibility of a therapeutic treatment/prevention using this gaseous molecule.