987 resultados para Plimpton 322
A pesquisa teve como objetivos caracterizar aspectos populacionais de Aegla franciscana Buckup & Rossi, 1977 que ocorre em corpos d'água do planalto sul-rio-grandense, onde foram analisados a distribuição de freqüência em classes de tamanho, a proporção sexual, o período reprodutivo através da freqüência de fêmeas ovígeras, o recrutamento e a fecundidade da espécie. As amostragens foram realizadas sazonalmente, no arroio Rolante, município de São Francisco de Paula, RS. Os eglídeos foram coletados com puçás, medidos e devolvidos ao arroio. Foram amostrados 1.322 exemplares, sendo 567 machos, 579 fêmeas e 176 animais com sexo indefinido. Machos e fêmeas foram agrupados em classes de comprimento do cefalotórax (CC), onde foi observada distribuição bimodal. A amplitude do comprimento do cefalotórax dos machos variou de 3,86 mm a 22,09 mm e o das fêmeas de 4,06 mm a 22,48 mm, sendo que os machos apresentaram tamanho mediano (10,36 mm) superior ao das fêmeas (9,89 mm). A proporção sexual foi de 1:1 (chi2 = 0,03; p>0,05). Na análise da proporção sexual, por classes de tamanho, observou-se que os machos são mais freqüentes nas classes superiores e as fêmeas nas classes intermediárias. O primeiro registro do surgimento de juvenis na população ocorreu no verão e de fêmeas ovígeras no outono, estas ocorrendo mais freqüentemente no inverno. As fêmeas ovígeras produzem em média 123,3 ± 47,8 ovos; observou-se correlação entre o comprimento do cefalotórax das fêmeas ovígeras e o número de ovos (r = 0,81).
La enfermedad de CHAGAS fué conocida en Argentina desde 1911 por conferencias y demonstraciones efectuadas por LOZANO, MAGGIO y ROSENBUSCH. En 1914 MAGGIO y ROSENBUSCH hicieron las primeiras comprobaciones de infestación por S. cruzi de Triatoma infestans, triatomíneo más común del país y en La mayor parte de su territorio. Em 1924 MÜHLENS y colaboradores hallaron los primeros seres humanos con infección por S. cruzi al practicar exámenes de sangre buscando parásitos malarígenos. En 1926 MAZZA encontro al perro con infección natural por S. cruzi; el mismo autor en 1927 diagnosticó clinicamente, aunque sin comprobación micrográfica, el primer caso agudo conocido del país, con la sintomatología descripta por CHAGAS. En 1932 se comprobaron por microscopía positiva de sangre los primeros enfermos previamente presumidos chagásicos por El aspecto clínico divulgado por MAZZA en Argentina. Estos sumaron luego hasta ahora 1.305 etiológicamente comprobados por la M. E. P. R. A., conociéndose para 1.244 de ellos la procedencia por provincias: 341 (la mayor cifra) del Chaco; 322 de provincia Mendoza; 198 de provincia Santa Fé, etc. De las 33 muertes establecidas sobre urn total de 1.232 enfermos de edades conocidas, 28 son de primeira infancia y de ellos, 16 sólo alcanzaban a 6 meses de edad (57 % ) y representan 14% de los afectados de esa edad (85, o sea 6,89 % del total). La mayor frecuencia de afectados se comprobó en niños de 5 a 10 anos con el 21,5% del total, siguiédole los grupos de 2 a 5 años con 20,21% y de 10 a 20 años con 20,12%.
São estudados 666 pares de indivíduos, sendo 344 masculinos e 322 femininos, com sorologia positiva/negativa para doença de Chagas, obtidos em inquérito sorológico-eletrocardiográfico entre populações rurais não selecionadas de 17 municípios do sul Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Na análise dos eletrocardiogramas foram consideradas só as alterações sugestivas de cardiopatia chagásica: bloqueio átrio-ventricular de 1º, e 2º e 3º, BCRD isolado ou associado ao HBAE, HBAE isolado, extrasístoles ventriculares freqüentes e/ou polifocais e/ou bigeminadas e trigeminadas; alterações de ST e T; zonas eletricamente inativas. Com este critério apresentaram eletrocardiogramas alterados 201 pessoas soropositivas (30,2%) e 66 soronegativas (9,9%). O gradiente de 20,3%, sendo 21,5% nos homens e 18,9% nas mulheres, mostrou-se significativo ao nível de p < 0,001.
Pharmacogenomics is a field with origins in the study of monogenic variations in drug metabolism in the 1950s. Perhaps because of these historical underpinnings, there has been an intensive investigation of 'hepatic pharmacogenes' such as CYP450s and liver drug metabolism using pharmacogenomics approaches over the past five decades. Surprisingly, kidney pathophysiology, attendant diseases and treatment outcomes have been vastly under-studied and under-theorized despite their central importance in maintenance of health, susceptibility to disease and rational personalized therapeutics. Indeed, chronic kidney disease (CKD) represents an increasing public health burden worldwide, both in developed and developing countries. Patients with CKD suffer from high cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, which is mainly attributable to cardiovascular events before reaching end-stage renal disease. In this paper, we focus our analyses on renal function before end-stage renal disease, as seen through the lens of pharmacogenomics and human genomic variation. We herein synthesize the recent evidence linking selected Very Important Pharmacogenes (VIP) to renal function, blood pressure and salt-sensitivity in humans, and ways in which these insights might inform rational personalized therapeutics. Notably, we highlight and present the rationale for three applications that we consider as important and actionable therapeutic and preventive focus areas in renal pharmacogenomics: 1) ACE inhibitors, as a confirmed application, 2) VDR agonists, as a promising application, and 3) moderate dietary salt intake, as a suggested novel application. Additionally, we emphasize the putative contributions of gene-environment interactions, discuss the implications of these findings to treat and prevent hypertension and CKD. Finally, we conclude with a strategic agenda and vision required to accelerate advances in this under-studied field of renal pharmacogenomics with vast significance for global public health.
El concepte d’economia subjacent en el desenvolupament de la generalitat de les transaccions mercantils de la nostra era ha fet cas omís als seus orígens aristotèlics en un nombre de casos excessivament significatius, i ha prescindit d’unes arrels ordenades al servei recte de la vida bona de l’home. Per això, la Doctrina Social de l’Església ha manifestat la seva preocupació envers el desordre moral que regeix la conducta dels individus de la comunitat política quant a l’adquisició i administració dels béns materials que Déu els confià, i així mateix ha marcat una clara distinció entre les ciències econòmiques modernes, que ignoren tot component ètic, i la seva accepció ontològica, d’acord amb la qual l’economia es troba íntimament vinculada a la moralitat. Així, les ensenyances del Magisteri de l’Església Catòlica fan una crida al sentit d’“economia” derivat dels mots oikonomike i chrematistike limitada –l’art adquisitiu necessari i natural- que Aristòtil abordà en l’Antiguitat i que Sant Tomàs d’Aquino posteriorment rebé durant l’Edat Mitjana valent-se de diversos matisos; és a saber, invoquen el substrat moral que el Filòsof i el Doctor Angèlic compartiren des de la respectiva perspectiva pagana i catòlica: la dinàmica de l’economia contemporània s’allunya de l’“administració domèstica” de l’Estagirita per esdevenir una realitat desnaturalitzada, atesa la seva identificació amb aquella vessant de la crematística contranatural que exalça les passions mundanes. Sens perjudici de les especificitats històriques que inevitablement condicionaren el tractament de la dita qüestió a mans dels al•ludits autors, cal subratllar que la contribució més rellevant en aquest àmbit es veu reflectida en la presentació d’un art crematístic econòmic, necessari i natural, en contraposició a l’antieconòmic, que obviava el fi últim de la comunitat en tant que s’incorria en una alteració entre els mitjans posats a disposició de l’acompliment de la vida bona i tal finalitat. L’Aquinate reprengué el plantejament aristotèlic fent especial insistència en el paper de l’home amb relació a Déu, mentre que la Doctrina Social de l’Església –emprant dades de raó i fe- l’introduí en les seves pautes orientadores de la faceta econòmica de la vida social per, lluny d’aportar un model descoratjador del progrés humà, ordenar aquells aspectes de la comunitat que, sota els efectes de l’economia moderna o la crematística innatural, deixen en un segon pla l’amor al Pare. Si bé és ben cert que alguns dels passatges aristotèlics i tomistes contenen una oposició expressa a determinats gèneres adquisitius pel fet d’enquadrar-se en la crematística innecessària i innatural, el clímax dels seus raonaments no se centra tant en l’anàlisi de la coherència d’unes classificacions taxonòmiques com a resposta de les particularitats del moment, sinó en uns principis l’aplicació dels quals ha perdurat fins als nostres dies. En definitiva, l’herència d’aquells autors s’expressa en les premisses morals de les quals el Magisteri s’ha servit per establir la “definició universal” de les bases econòmiques, d’on se segueix la desaparició de tota nota dissonant entre l’economia desvirtuada de la modernitat i la seva essència assentada en l’oikonomike.
A stylized macroeconomic model is developed with an indebted, heterogeneous Investment Banking Sector funded by borrowing from a retail banking sector. The government guarantees retail deposits. Investment banks choose how risky their activities should be. We compared the benefits of separated vs. universal banking modelled as a vertical integration of the retail and investment banks. The incidence of banking default is considered under different constellations of shocks and degrees of competitiveness. The benefits of universal banking rise in the volatility of idiosyncratic shocks to trading strategies and are positive even for very bad common shocks, even though government bailouts, which are costly, are larger compared to the case of separated banking entities. The welfare assessment of the structure of banks may depend crucially on the kinds of shock hitting the economy as well as on the efficiency of government intervention.
In many organisms, individuals behave more altruistically towards relatives than towards unrelated individuals. Here, we conducted a study to determine if the performance of Arabidopsis thaliana is influenced by whether individuals are in competition with kin or non-kin. We selected seven pairs of genetically distinct accessions that originated from local populations throughout Europe. We measured the biomass of one focal plant surrounded by six kin or non-kin neighbours in in vitro growth experiments and counted the number of siliques produced per pot by one focal plant surrounded by four kin or non-kin neighbours. The biomass and number of siliques of a focal plant were not affected by the relatedness of the neighbour. Depending on the accession, a plant performed better or worse in a pure stand than when surrounded by non-kin plants. In addition, whole-genome microarray analyses revealed that there were no genes differentially expressed between kin and non-kin conditions. In conclusion, our study does not provide any evidence for a differential response to kin vs non-kin in A. thaliana. Rather, the outcome of the interaction between kin and non-kin seems to depend on the strength of the competitive abilities of the accessions.
Patellar instability concerns mostly young and active patients. Because of the condition's multifactorial origin, knowledge about the risk factors of patella instability and the biomechanics of the femoropatellar joint are necessary to understand this disorder. Most of the patellar dislocations are spontaneously reduced. Only the patient's history, clinical examination and appropriate imaging lead to the correct diagnosis. If haemarthrosis is present, MRI is recommended to rule out concomitant injuries. A traumatic patellar dislocation without history of prior dislocation is treated conservatively. Surgical treatment is indicated in presence of intra-articular injury or for recurrent dislocations. The surgical procedure should correct the different factors of patella instability identified by preoperative analysis.
Patients with pathological laughter and crying have episodes of uncontrollable laughter, crying or both. Pathological laughter is a well-described entity secondary to various conditions such as multiple sclerosis, pseudo-bulbar palsy, cerebello-pontine angle tumours, clival chordomas and brainstem gliomas. Pathological crying is rare and there have been no previous reports of brainstem compression causing this entity. We report a patient who presented with pathological crying caused by a trigeminal schwannoma with a tumor-associated cyst indenting the pons. This case report confirms the involvement of the cortico-ponto-cerebellar pathways in the pathogenesis of pathological crying.
Background: Previous studies reported an increase of mean platelet volume (MPV) in patients with acute ischemic stroke. However, its correlation with stroke severity has not been investigated. Moreover, studies on the association of MPV with functional outcome yielded inconsistent results. Methods: We included all consecutive ischemic stroke patients admitted to CHUV (Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois) Neurology Service within 24 h after stroke onset who had MPV measured on admission. The association of MPV with stroke severity (NIHSS score at admission and at 24 h) and outcome (Rankin Scale score at 3 and 12 months) was analyzed in univariate analysis. The chi(2) test was performed to compare the frequency of minor strokes (NIHSS score </=4) and good functional outcome (Rankin Scale score </=2) across MPV quartiles. The ANOVA test was used to compare MPV between stroke subtypes according to the TOAST classification. Student's two-tailed unpaired t test was performed to compare MPV between lacunar and nonlacunar strokes. MPV was generated at admission by the Sysmex XE-2100 automated cell counter (Sysmex Corporation, Kobe, Japan) from EDTA blood samples. Results: There was no significant difference in the frequency of minor strokes (p = 0.46) and good functional outcome (p = 0.06) across MPV quartiles. MPV was not associated with stroke severity or outcome in univariate analysis. There was no significant difference in MPV between stroke subtypes according to the TOAST classification (p = 0.173) or between lacunar and nonlacunar strokes (10.50 +/- 0.91 vs. 10.40 +/- 0.81 fl, p = 0.322). Conclusions: MPV, assessed within 24 h after ischemic stroke onset, is not associated with stroke severity or functional outcome.
The Na,K-ATPase is a major ion-motive ATPase of the P-type family responsible for many aspects of cellular homeostasis. To determine the structure of the pathway for cations across the transmembrane portion of the Na,K-ATPase, we mutated 24 residues of the fourth transmembrane segment into cysteine and studied their function and accessibility by exposure to the sulfhydryl reagent 2-aminoethyl-methanethiosulfonate. Accessibility was also examined after treatment with palytoxin, which transforms the Na,K-pump into a cation channel. Of the 24 tested cysteine mutants, seven had no or a much reduced transport function. In particular cysteine mutants of the highly conserved "PEG" motif had a strongly reduced activity. However, most of the non-functional mutants could still be transformed by palytoxin as well as all of the functional mutants. Accessibility, determined as a 2-aminoethyl-methanethiosulfonate-induced reduction of the transport activity or as inhibition of the membrane conductance after palytoxin treatment, was observed for the following positions: Phe(323), Ile(322), Gly(326), Ala(330), Pro(333), Glu(334), and Gly(335). In accordance with a structural model of the Na,K-ATPase obtained by homology modeling with the two published structures of sarcoplasmic and endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase (Protein Data Bank codes 1EUL and 1IWO), the results suggest the presence of a cation pathway along the side of the fourth transmembrane segment that faces the space between transmembrane segments 5 and 6. The phenylalanine residue in position 323 has a critical position at the outer mouth of the cation pathway. The residues thought to form the cation binding site II ((333)PEGL) are also part of the accessible wall of the cation pathway opened by palytoxin through the Na,K-pump.
Failure to detect a species in an area where it is present is a major source of error in biological surveys. We assessed whether it is possible to optimize single-visit biological monitoring surveys of highly dynamic freshwater ecosystems by framing them a priori within a particular period of time. Alternatively, we also searched for the optimal number of visits and when they should be conducted. We developed single-species occupancy models to estimate the monthly probability of detection of pond-breeding amphibians during a four-year monitoring program. Our results revealed that detection probability was species-specific and changed among sampling visits within a breeding season and also among breeding seasons. Thereby, the optimization of biological surveys with minimal survey effort (a single visit) is not feasible as it proves impossible to select a priori an adequate sampling period that remains robust across years. Alternatively, a two-survey combination at the beginning of the sampling season yielded optimal results and constituted an acceptable compromise between sampling efficacy and survey effort. Our study provides evidence of the variability and uncertainty that likely affects the efficacy of monitoring surveys, highlighting the need of repeated sampling in both ecological studies and conservation management.