993 resultados para Plasmodium, Kinase, FRET, localization
Knowing exactly where a mobile entity is and monitoring its trajectory in real-time has recently attracted a lot of interests from both academia and industrial communities, due to the large number of applications it enables, nevertheless, it is nowadays one of the most challenging problems from scientific and technological standpoints. In this work we propose a tracking system based on the fusion of position estimations provided by different sources, that are combined together to get a final estimation that aims at providing improved accuracy with respect to those generated by each system individually. In particular, exploiting the availability of a Wireless Sensor Network as an infrastructure, a mobile entity equipped with an inertial system first gets the position estimation using both a Kalman Filter and a fully distributed positioning algorithm (the Enhanced Steepest Descent, we recently proposed), then combines the results using the Simple Convex Combination algorithm. Simulation results clearly show good performance in terms of the final accuracy achieved. Finally, the proposed technique is validated against real data taken from an inertial sensor provided by THALES ITALIA.
The advent of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) technologies is paving the way for a panoply of new ubiquitous computing applications, some of them with critical requirements. In the ART-WiSe framework, we are designing a two-tiered communication architecture for supporting real-time and reliable communications in WSNs. Within this context, we have been developing a test-bed application, for testing, validating and demonstrating our theoretical findings - a search&rescue/pursuit-evasion application. Basically, a WSN deployment is used to detect, localize and track a target robot and a station controls a rescuer/pursuer robot until it gets close enough to the target robot. This paper describes how this application was engineered, particularly focusing on the implementation of the localization mechanism.
This paper presents a novel approach to WLAN propagation models for use in indoor localization. The major goal of this work is to eliminate the need for in situ data collection to generate the Fingerprinting map, instead, it is generated by using analytical propagation models such as: COST Multi-Wall, COST 231 average wall and Motley- Keenan. As Location Estimation Algorithms kNN (K-Nearest Neighbour) and WkNN (Weighted K-Nearest Neighbour) were used to determine the accuracy of the proposed technique. This work is based on analytical and measurement tools to determine which path loss propagation models are better for location estimation applications, based on Receive Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI).This study presents different proposals for choosing the most appropriate values for the models parameters, like obstacles attenuation and coefficients. Some adjustments to these models, particularly to Motley-Keenan, considering the thickness of walls, are proposed. The best found solution is based on the adjusted Motley-Keenan and COST models that allows to obtain the propagation loss estimation for several environments.Results obtained from two testing scenarios showed the reliability of the adjustments, providing smaller errors in the measured values values in comparison with the predicted values.
Dissertação apresentada para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Genética Molecular e Biomedicina, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
In this paper a new PCA-based positioning sensor and localization system for mobile robots to operate in unstructured environments (e. g. industry, services, domestic ...) is proposed and experimentally validated. The inexpensive positioning system resorts to principal component analysis (PCA) of images acquired by a video camera installed onboard, looking upwards to the ceiling. This solution has the advantage of avoiding the need of selecting and extracting features. The principal components of the acquired images are compared with previously registered images, stored in a reduced onboard image database, and the position measured is fused with odometry data. The optimal estimates of position and slippage are provided by Kalman filters, with global stable error dynamics. The experimental validation reported in this work focuses on the results of a set of experiments carried out in a real environment, where the robot travels along a lawn-mower trajectory. A small position error estimate with bounded co-variance was always observed, for arbitrarily long experiments, and slippage was estimated accurately in real time.
In the field of appearance-based robot localization, the mainstream approach uses a quantized representation of local image features. An alternative strategy is the exploitation of raw feature descriptors, thus avoiding approximations due to quantization. In this work, the quantized and non-quantized representations are compared with respect to their discriminativity, in the context of the robot global localization problem. Having demonstrated the advantages of the non-quantized representation, the paper proposes mechanisms to reduce the computational burden this approach would carry, when applied in its simplest form. This reduction is achieved through a hierarchical strategy which gradually discards candidate locations and by exploring two simplifying assumptions about the training data. The potential of the non-quantized representation is exploited by resorting to the entropy-discriminativity relation. The idea behind this approach is that the non-quantized representation facilitates the assessment of the distinctiveness of features, through the entropy measure. Building on this finding, the robustness of the localization system is enhanced by modulating the importance of features according to the entropy measure. Experimental results support the effectiveness of this approach, as well as the validity of the proposed computation reduction methods.
A pentagonal patch-excited sectorized antenna (SA) suitable for 2.4-2.5 GHz localization systems was studied and developed. The integration of six patch-excited structures converges into a sectorized antenna called Hive5 that provides gain improvement compared to a patch antenna, maximum variation of 3 dB beam width over the radiation pattern and circular polarization (CP). This antenna is presented and analyzed taking into account the tap length and the flare angle. The proposed antenna in combination with a RF-Switch provides a cost effective solution for localization based on Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) and will be used for implementing angle of arrival (AoA) techniques combined with RF fingerprinting techniques.
In August 1983 the Authors studied 36 patients with Plasmodium falciparum malaria and 14 normal individuals born in Humaita region who had never had malaria, had no spleen enlargement and had negative parasitemia as well as passive hemagglutination. Medical histories were obtained and complete physical examination were performed in all of them just as blood tests, parasite density and lymphocyte typing. The lymphocytes were separated and then frozen in liquid nitrogen for later typing by rosette formation. The patients were divided in two groups according to the presence (13 patients) or abscence (23 patients) of gametocytes before treatment. Severe malaria was predominant in the group without gametocytes. The results showed a decrease in the T-cell numbers in Plasmodium falciparum acute malaria patients both with or without gametocytes before the treatment, while B-cell numbers were normal only in the patients with gametocytes. These observations as like as those previously reported by the Authors, permit to associate the presence of gametocytes in peripheral blood and normal number of B-cells in patients with mild Plasmodium falciparum malaria.
Athymic BALB/c (Nu/Nu) mice died at 7-13 days after inoculation (DAI) of Plasmodium berghei NK65, whereas their heterozygous (Nu/+) littermates died at 7-8 DAI. Nude (Nu/Nu) mice, reconstituted with 2 x 10(7) splenocytes from uninfected heterozygous (Nu/+) littermates at 20 days before parasite inoculation (DBI), died about 2 days earlier than control nude mice; nude mice reconstituted at 10 or 2 DBI lived 2 to 4 days longer than control nudes; and nude mice reconstituted 2 DAI lived even longer and some survived. These findings indicate that P. berghei NK65 induces at least two T-cell dependent immune phenomena, one suppressive and the other stimulatory. Reconstitution of nude mice with T-cells from BALB/c (Nu/+) mice appeared to reduce or bypass suppressive T-cell activities which allowed the formation of a protective immune response by some of the nude mice.
Mycobacterium bovis (BCG) aumenta significantemente o desenvolvimento da imunidade nos camundongos CFW, C57BL/6, C57BL/l0ScN e BALB/c (Nu/+) para os estágios eritrocitos do Plasmodium berghei. Camundongos tratados com BCG requerem menos ciclos de infecção com P. berghei e cura pelo Fansidar (pirimetamina + sulfadoxina) para desenvolverem imunidade sólida a este parasita do que os controles. Contudo, os animais que receberam BCG 30 dias antes do início da imunização evidenciaram uma perda precoce da imunidade adquirida para o P. berghei, quando comparado com os animais que receberam BCG 14 dias antes ou que não receberam BCG. Assim, sendo, o BCG aumentada a indução na resposta imune do hospedeiro ao P. berghei no curso de infecções subseqüentes. O tratamento de camundongos CFW, BALB/c e C57BL/6 com lipopolissacarídeo bacteriano ou hidrocortisona faz com que os animais requeiram um número maior de ciclos de infecção e cura para tornarem-se imunes ao P. berghei que os controles. O tratamento dos camundongos C57BL/10ScN com hidrocortisona aboliu completamente a sua habilidade de sobrevida subseqüentes a ciclos de infecção com P. berghei e cura pelo Fansidar.
Nove amostras de Plasmodium falciparum foram coletadas de migrantes infectados no Estado de Rondônia. Estas amostras foram mantidas em cultivo para caracterização por tipificação enzimática em acetato de celulose, sensibilidade á cloroquina, amodiaquina, mefloquina e quinino e análise da diversidade antigê-nica através de anticorpos monoclonais específicos. Os resultados obtidos mostraram variação entre todas as amostras estudadas: encontrou-se resistência crescente à cloroquina, resistência intermediária à amodiaquina e quinino e sensibilidade a baixos níveis de mefloquina; apenas dois isolados mostraram sensibilidade a todas as drogas. A tipificação enzimática mostrou presença de parasitas GPI 1 e 2 e ADA 1 e 2, enquanto que para PEP e LDH todas as amostras foram do tipo 1. Sorotipagem com anticorpos monoclonais PSA mostrou presença de três sorotipos diferentes (II, III e IV). Estes resultados mostraram: a) variação entre as amostras para os marcadores analisados; b) nesta região, para o pequeno número de amostras analisadas, não foram observadas diferenças significativas ou novos tipos de parasitas.
Foram selecionados 110 pacientes que procuraram a SUCAM/CUIABÁ para diagnóstico e tratamento de malária, com queixa de febre e procedente de área malarígena. Nestes pacientes foram realizados: gota espessa para a pesquisa de Plasmodium; aplicação de questionário padronizado para detectar sintomas respiratórios presentes no momento da entrevista; gasometria arterial e espirometria para avaliar a função pulmonar. Desta amostra, 62 pacientes foram positivos para malária sendo 41 P. vivax, 20 P. falciparum e 01 forma mista (grupo Malárico); 48 mostraram-se negativos à pesquisa de hematozoários através da gota espessa (grupo Não Malárico). As manifestações respiratórias encontradas nesta população quando comparadas os grupos Malárico e Não Malárico, foram respectivamente: 1º) Sintomáticos Respiratórios de 46,8% para 22 9% (p < 0,05); 2°) Alterações Espirométricas de 53,2% para 20,8% (p < 0,05); 3°) Alterações Gasométricas de 62,9% para 25,0% (p < 0,05). Com estes resultados concluímos que há nítida associação entre a Malária produzida pelo P. vivax e P. falciparum e as manifestações respiratórias apresentadas, nesta população de estudo.
Foram realizados 171 testes de sensibilidade (microtécnica) com cepas de Plasmodium falciparum da Região Amazônica brasileira para cloroquina, mefloquina, amodiaquina e quinino. Os testes tiveram duração de 24 horas com as drogas preparadas na hora da realização de cada teste. Os resultados mostraram elevada resistência a cloroquina (83%) e sensibilidade em quase a totalidade das amostras testadas para mefloquina (97,7%). Para amodiaquina e quinino observou-se sensibilidade em 51,0% e 56,5% das cepas, respectivamente. Este estudo demonstra a emergência de um possível foco de resistência do Plasmodium falciparum a mefloquina, em Tucuruí.
Os autores estudaram a prevalência da deficiência de glicose-6-fosfato desidrogenase (G6PD), pelo método de BREWER et alii, em 141 indivíduos da população do município de Humaitá, Estado do Amazonas. Destes, 128 eram amazônides, 67 dos quais nunca tiveram malária, enquanto que 61 tinham tido ou estavam tendo a doença; os 13 restantes que estavam com malária não eram arnazônides. Os resultados revelaram que 7 arnazônides (4,96%), eram deficientes. Destes, 5 eram do sexo feminino e 2 do masculino. Em todos os indivíduos do sexo feminino o teste foi positivo com comportamento do tipo heterozigoto. Dos indivíduos deficientes, 4 nunca tinham tido malária; dos outros 3, 2 apresentavam a reação de hemaglutinação positiva com título 1/16 e o terceiro estava tendo malária causada pelo Plasmodium falciparum pela primeira vez. Este doente apresentou forma benigna de malária evoluindo para cura clínica e parasitológica no 3.° dia de tratamento com a clindamicina. Nenhum dos 13 doentes não arnazônides apresentava deficiência de G6PD. Dessa forma, não houve diferença na prevalência da deficiência de G6PD em arnazônides que nunca tiveram malária e em arnazônides que tinham tido ou estavam tendo a doença. Portanto, os indivíduos com deficiência de G6PD estão sujeitos a infecções por Plasmodium falciparum na mesma proporção que os não deficientes. Por outro lado, o aumento da prevalência da deficiência de G6PD, na amostra estudada, poderia estar relacionado com a pressão seletiva exercida pela malária em população submetida à homozigose.
In order to investigate whether gentian violet exhibited "in vitro" inhibitory activity against Plasmodium falciparum, the Authors have carried out 20 sensitivity tests according to the microtechnique described by RIECK MANN et al.5. Results have shown inhibition of schizonts'maturation at the following concentration: 1/1000; 1/1500; 1/2000; 1/2500; 1/3000 and 1/4000, thus demonstrating inhibitory activity of the tested dye against asexual blood parasites. The present data suggest gentain violet may be possibly used in the prophylaxis of transfusion-acquired malaria.