330 resultados para Pins -- Pirineus
OBJECTIVE To compare the accuracy of radiography and computed tomography (CT) in predicting implant position in relation to the vertebral canal in the cervical and thoracolumbar vertebral column. STUDY DESIGN In vitro imaging and anatomic study. ANIMALS Medium-sized canine cadaver vertebral columns (n=12). METHODS Steinmann pins were inserted into cervical and thoracolumbar vertebrae based on established landmarks but without predetermination of vertebral canal violation. Radiographs and CT images were obtained and evaluated by 6 individuals. A random subset of pins was evaluated for ability to distinguish left from right pins on radiographs. The ability to correctly identify vertebral canal penetration for all pins was assessed both on radiographs and CT. Spines were then anatomically prepared and visual examination of pin penetration into the canal served as the gold standard. RESULTS Left/right accuracy was 93.1%. Overall sensitivity of radiographs and CT to detect vertebral canal penetration by an implant were significantly different and estimated as 50.7% and 93.4%, respectively (P<.0001). Sensitivity was significantly higher for complete versus partial penetration and for radiologists compared with nonradiologists for both imaging modalities. Overall specificity of radiographs and CT to detect vertebral canal penetration was 82.9% and 86.4%, respectively (P=.049). CONCLUSIONS CT was superior to radiographic assessment and is the recommended imaging modality to assess penetration into the vertebral canal. CLINICAL RELEVANCE CT is significantly more accurate in identifying vertebral canal violation by Steinmann pins and should be performed postoperatively to assess implant position.
Leaves originate from the shoot apical meristem, a small mound of undifferentiated tissue at the tip of the stem. Leaf formation begins with the selection of a group of founder cells in the so-called peripheral zone at the flank of the meristem, followed by the initiation of local growth and finally morphogenesis of the resulting bulge into a differentiated leaf. Whereas the mechanisms controlling the switch between meristem propagation and leaf initiation are being identified by genetic and molecular analyses, the radial positioning of leaves, known as phyllotaxis, remains poorly understood. Hormones, especially auxin and gibberellin, are known to influence phyllotaxis, but their specific role in the determination of organ position is not clear. We show that inhibition of polar auxin transport blocks leaf formation at the vegetative tomato meristem, resulting in pinlike naked stems with an intact meristem at the tip. Microapplication of the natural auxin indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) to the apex of such pins restores leaf formation. Similarly, exogenous IAA induces flower formation on Arabidopsis pin-formed1-1 inflorescence apices, which are blocked in flower formation because of a mutation in a putative auxin transport protein. Our results show that auxin is required for and sufficient to induce organogenesis both in the vegetative tomato meristem and in the Arabidopsis inflorescence meristem. In this study, organogenesis always strictly coincided with the site of IAA application in the radial dimension, whereas in the apical–basal dimension, organ formation always occurred at a fixed distance from the summit of the meristem. We propose that auxin determines the radial position and the size of lateral organs but not the apical–basal position or the identity of the induced structures.
M Pinès. Nach dem franz. Original bearb. von Georg Hecht
par M. Pinès. Avec une préf. de Charles Andler
Este trabajo descriptivo exploratorio se propone detectar y analizar el uso de la red social Pinterest por bibliotecas iberoamericanas. Se analizaron 648 sitios de bibliotecas en la red social y se recopilaron los siguientes datos de cada una: institución a la que pertenecen, ubicación geográfica, tipos de bibliotecas y actividad en el servicio (tipos de tableros, pines que crearon y cantidad de seguidores). Se concluye que el tipo de bibliotecas que más están utilizando esta red son las públicas, populares y universitarias, con un fuerte predominio de las españolas.
Este trabajo descriptivo exploratorio se propone detectar y analizar el uso de la red social Pinterest por bibliotecas iberoamericanas. Se analizaron 648 sitios de bibliotecas en la red social y se recopilaron los siguientes datos de cada una: institución a la que pertenecen, ubicación geográfica, tipos de bibliotecas y actividad en el servicio (tipos de tableros, pines que crearon y cantidad de seguidores). Se concluye que el tipo de bibliotecas que más están utilizando esta red son las públicas, populares y universitarias, con un fuerte predominio de las españolas.
Este trabajo descriptivo exploratorio se propone detectar y analizar el uso de la red social Pinterest por bibliotecas iberoamericanas. Se analizaron 648 sitios de bibliotecas en la red social y se recopilaron los siguientes datos de cada una: institución a la que pertenecen, ubicación geográfica, tipos de bibliotecas y actividad en el servicio (tipos de tableros, pines que crearon y cantidad de seguidores). Se concluye que el tipo de bibliotecas que más están utilizando esta red son las públicas, populares y universitarias, con un fuerte predominio de las españolas.
Focus of this study is the analysis of a local hydrogeological system in the subhumid outer tropics in the western African country of Benin. The aim was to characterize, qualify and quantify the hydrogeological and hydrological properties of the approx. 30 km2 big study area and to develop a conceptual hydrogeological model. This model should provide the basis for further studies on a regional scale. The main goal was to obtain the process knowledge of the hydrogeological system and to determine the process and the quantity of the groundwater recharge in the working area. According to the objectives, a broad hydrogeological approach was chosen. In a spacious network on the local scale TDR probes, suction cups and groundwater observation bores were installed. Also in a multidisciplinary cooperation with hydrology, geography, soil science, biology, meteorology and plant nutrition sciences, instruments like discharge gauging stations, tensiometers, lysimeter, climate stations, runoff plots and erosion pins were installed in the test site for the investigation of the relevant parameters of the hydrological cycle.
Visually impaired people have many difficulties when traveling because it is impossible for them to detect obstacles that stand in their way. Bats instead of using the sight to detect these obstacles use a method based on ultrasounds, as their sense of hearing is much more developed than that of sight. The aim of the project is to design and build a device based on the method used by the bats to detect obstacles and transmit this information to people with vision problems to improve their skills. The method involves sending ultrasonic waves and analyzing the echoes produced when these waves collide with an obstacle. The sent signals are pulses and the information needed is the time elapsed from we send a pulse to receive the echo produced. The speed of sound is fixed within the same environment, so measuring the time it takes the wave to make the return trip, we can easily know the distance where the object is located. To build the device we have to design the necessary circuits, fabricate printed circuit boards and mount the components. We also have to design a program that would work within the digital part, which will be responsible for performing distance calculations and generate the signals with the information for the user. The circuits are the emitter and the receiver. The transmitter circuit is responsible for generating the signals that we will use. We use an ultrasonic transmitter which operates at 40 kHz so the sent pulses have to be modulated with this frequency. For this we generate a 40 kHz wave with an astable multivibrator formed by NAND gates and a train of pulses with a timer. The signal is the product of these two signals. The circuit of the receiver is a signal conditioner which transforms the signals received by the ultrasonic receiver in square pulses. The received signals have a 40 kHz carrier, low voltage and very different shapes. In the signal conditioner we will amplify the voltage to appropriate levels, eliminate the component of 40 kHz and make the shape of the pulses square to use them digitally. To simplify the design and manufacturing process in the digital part of the device we will use the Arduino platform. The pulses sent and received echoes enter through input pins with suitable voltage levels. In the Arduino, our program will poll these two signals storing the time when a pulse occurs. These time values are analyzed and used to generate an audible signal with the user information. This information is stored in the frequency of the signal, so that the generated signal frequency varies depending on the distance at which the objects are. RESUMEN Las personas con discapacidad visual tienen muchas dificultades a la hora de desplazarse ya que les es imposible poder detectar los obstáculos que se interpongan en su camino. Los murciélagos en vez de usar la vista para detectar estos obstáculos utilizan un método basado en ultrasonidos, ya que su sentido del oído está mucho más desarrollado que el de la vista. El objetivo del proyecto es diseñar y construir un dispositivo basado en el método usado por los murciélagos para detectar obstáculos y que pueda ser usado por las personas con problemas en la vista para mejorar sus capacidades. El método utilizado consiste en enviar ondas de ultrasonidos y analizar el eco producido cuando estas ondas chocan con algún obstáculo. Las señales enviadas tendrán forma de pulsos y la información necesaria es el tiempo transcurrido entre que enviamos un pulso y recibimos el eco producido. La velocidad del sonido es fija dentro de un mismo entorno, por lo que midiendo el tiempo que tarda la onda en hacer el viaje de ida y vuelta podemos fácilmente conocer la distancia a la que se encuentra el objeto. Para construir el dispositivo tendremos que diseñar los circuitos necesarios, fabricar las placas de circuito impreso y montar los componentes. También deberemos diseñar el programa que funcionara dentro de la parte digital, que será el encargado de realizar los cálculos de la distancia y de generar las señales con la información para el usuario. Los circuitos diseñados corresponden uno al emisor y otro al receptor. El circuito emisor es el encargado de generar las señales que vamos a emitir. Vamos a usar un emisor de ultrasonidos que funciona a 40 kHz por lo que los pulsos que enviemos van a tener que estar modulados con esta frecuencia. Para ello generamos una onda de 40 kHz mediante un multivibrador aestable formado por puertas NAND y un tren de pulsos con un timer. La señal enviada es el producto de estas dos señales. El circuito de la parte del receptor es un acondicionador de señal que transforma las señales recibidas por el receptor de ultrasonidos en pulsos cuadrados. Las señales recibidas tienen una portadora de 40 kHz para poder usarlas con el receptor de ultrasonidos, bajo voltaje y formas muy diversas. En el acondicionador de señal amplificaremos el voltaje a niveles adecuados además de eliminar la componente de 40 kHz y conseguir pulsos cuadrados que podamos usar de forma digital. Para simplificar el proceso de diseño y fabricación en la parte digital del dispositivo usaremos la plataforma Arduino. Las señales correspondientes el envío de los pulsos y a la recepción de los ecos entraran por pines de entrada después de haber adaptado los niveles de voltaje. En el Arduino, nuestro programa sondeara estas dos señales almacenando el tiempo en el que se produce un pulso. Estos valores de tiempo se analizan y se usan para generar una señal audible con la información para el usuario. Esta información ira almacenada en la frecuencia de la señal, por lo que la señal generada variará su frecuencia en función de la distancia a la que se encuentren los objetos.
Resulta imposible disociar la evolución de la arquitectura de Enric Miralles de lo que fue el desarrollo de un sistema de representación propio. Partiendo de una posición heredada de su formación en la Escuela de Arquitectura de Barcelona y de su práctica en el estudio Viaplana-Piñón, donde adquiere el gusto por la precisión en el dibujo técnico, la delineación sobre papel vegetal o el grafismo constituido exclusivamente a base de líneas del mismo grosor, Miralles pronto evoluciona hacia un método caracterizado por un personal uso del sistema diédrico, vinculado a una concepción fragmentaria de la planta de arquitectura y del espacio mismo. Miralles proyectará por fragmentos de planta, asignándoles una geometría característica para diferenciarlos entre sí y desarrollar su espacialidad y sección con cierta autonomía, a través de planos y maquetas independientes. Gran parte de la arquitectura que elabora con Carme Pinós, en solitario o con Benedetta Tagliabue, estará compuesta por colecciones de piezas heterogéneas herederas de los fragmentos de la planta original, que encajan entre sí no en base a esquemas clásicos de integración subordinada o jerárquica, sino a través de posiciones relativas de yuxtaposición o superposición, caracterizadas por una ausencia de compacidad en la solución de conjunto. Este sistema de representación se apoya por tanto en la geometría como mecanismo de diferenciación por piezas, se basa en la fragmentación del diédrico desde la fragmentación de la planta, y en la falta de compacidad como soporte de pensamiento separativo. Un sistema que se define como “planta Miralles”, término que incluye todas las técnicas de representación empleadas por el arquitecto, desde planos a maquetas, pero que enfatiza la importancia estratégica de la planta como origen y guía del proyecto de arquitectura. La tesis se estructura en los tres primeros capítulos como un corolario de las categorías enunciadas, explicando, en orden cronológico a través de los proyectos, la evolución de la geometría, la utilización del diédrico, y el impacto de la falta de compacidad en la obra construida. Mientras que estos capítulos son globales, se refieren a la trayectoria de este método en su totalidad, el cuarto y último es un estudio de detalle de su aplicación en un proyecto particular, el Ayuntamiento de Utrecht, a través de los dibujos originales de Miralles. Tanto en la explicación global como en el estudio de detalle de este sistema de representación, la tesis pone de manifiesto su instrumentalidad en el pensamiento de esta arquitectura, argumentando que ésta no podría haber sido desarrollada sin la existencia del mismo. La relación entre representación y pensamiento es por tanto un tema capital para explicar esta obra. No obstante, hasta la fecha, las referencias al mismo en la bibliografía disponible no han pasado de ser una colección de opiniones dispersas, incapaces de construir por sí mismas un cuerpo estructurado y coherente de conocimiento. Se ha insistido sobremanera en el análisis y contextualización de los proyectos individuales, y poco en el estudio de la técnica proyectual utilizada para pensarlos y llevarlos a cabo. En definitiva, se han priorizado los resultados frente a los procesos creativos, existiendo por tanto un inexplicable vacío teórico respecto a un tema de gran importancia. Este vacío es el marco donde se inserta la necesidad de esta tesis doctoral. La investigación que aquí se presenta explica el origen y evolución del sistema de representación de Enric Miralles, desde su etapa como estudiante en la Escuela de Arquitectura de Barcelona hasta los últimos proyectos que elabora con Benedetta Tagliabue, así como el estudio de sus consecuencias en la obra construida. Termina concluyendo que su desarrollo es paralelo al de la arquitectura de Miralles, poniendo de manifiesto su vinculación y mutua interdependencia. ABSTRACT It is impossible to dissociate the evolution of the architecture of Enric Miralles from the development of his own system of representation. Starting from a position inherited from his training at the Barcelona School of Architecture and his practice at the office of Viaplana-Piñón, where he acquires a liking for precision in drafting and a graphic style based exclusively on lines of the same thickness, Miralles soon moves into a method defined by a customized use of the dihedral system, connected to a fragmented conception of the floorplan and space itself. Breaking up the floorplan into multiple fragments, Miralles will design an architecture where each of them has a unique shape and geometry, developing their sections and spatial qualities with a certain degree of autonomy within the whole, through separate plans and models. Many of the projects he designs with Carme Pinós, individually or with Benedetta Tagliabue, will consist of collections of heterogeneous pieces, heirs of the original floorplan fragments, which do not fit together according to classical principles of subordinate or hierarchical integration, but based on relative positions of juxtaposition or superposition that lead to a lack of compactness in the overall scheme. This system of representation is thus based on the use of geometry as a way of differentiating architectural pieces, on the fragmentation of the dihedral system from the fragmentation of the floorplan, and on a lack of compactness as a device of separative thinking. This system is defined as “Miralles plan”, a term that includes all techniques of representation used by the architect, from plans to models, and that emphasizes the particular importance of the floorplan as the guiding force of the design process. The first three chapters of the thesis have been structured as a corollary of these categories, explaining, in chronological order through Miralles’ projects, the evolution of geometry, the customization of the dihedral system, and the impact of the lack of compactness on the built work. While these three chapters are global, for they refer to the overall evolution of this system, the fourth and last one is a case study of its application to a particular project, the Utrecht Town Hall, through Miralles’ original drawings. Both in the global and particular explanations of this system of representation, the thesis highlights its instrumentality in the process of thinking this architecture, arguing that it could not have been designed without its parallel development. The relationship between thinking and representation is therefore a key issue to explain this architecture. However, to date, existing references to it in the available literature have not evolved from a collection of scattered opinions, unable to build for themselves a structured and coherent body of knowledge. Great emphasis has been put on the critical contextualization of this architecture through the analysis of the projects themselves, but little on the study of the design technique used to think and carry them out. Results have been prioritized over creative processes, existing therefore an inexplicable theoretical void on an issue of great importance. This void is the conceptual framework where the need for this thesis is inserted. This research explains the origin and evolution of Enric Miralles’ system of representation, from his time as student at the Barcelona School of Architecture to the last projects he designed with Benedetta Tagliabue, as well as the study of its impact on the built work. It concludes that the development of this system runs parallel to that of the architecture it is used for, making it explicit its indissolubility and mutual interdependence.
La respiración del suelo es uno de los mayores flujos en el ciclo global de carbono y supone unas 80-98 Pg C año-1, por lo que cambios en las condiciones de los suelos pueden tener grandes efectos en las emisiones globales de carbono a la atmósfera. Esto hace que sea importante conocer y entender los mecanismos que influyen en la respiración de los suelos. La temperatura del suelo se ha reconocido como uno de los factores principales que influyen en la respiración del suelo aunque la humedad del suelo no es menos importante, sobre todo en climas como el mediterráneo donde es uno de los factores ecológicos más importantes. El objetivo del trabajo es determinar la relación que tienen la temperatura y la humedad del suelo con la respiración del mismo, y valorar si la gestión forestal influye en dicha relación.
Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases (PI 3-kinases) have been implicated in membrane trafficking in the secretory and endocytic pathways of yeast and mammalian cells, but the molecular mechanisms by which these lipid kinases operate are not known. Here we identify a protein of 170 kDa that is rapidly released from cell membranes in response to wortmannin, a potent inhibitor of mammalian PI 3-kinases. The amino acid sequence of peptides from p170 reveal its identity to early endosomal antigen (EEA) 1, an endosomal antigen with homology to several yeast proteins genetically implicated in membrane trafficking. Immunofluorescence analysis of 3T3-L1 adipocytes with antisera against p170/EEA1 reveal a punctate peripheral pattern that becomes diffuse in response to wortmannin. In vitro, p170/EEA1 binds specifically to liposomes containing PIns(3)P, suggesting that the effect of wortmannin on cells is due to inhibition of PIns(3)P production. Thus, p170/EEA1 may define a family of proteins that mediate the regulatory effects of 3′-phosphoinositides on membrane trafficking in yeast and mammalian cells.
The synaptic vesicle membrane protein synaptotagmin (tagmin) is essential for fast, calcium-dependent, neurotransmitter release and is likely to be the calcium sensor for exocytosis, because of its many calcium-dependent properties. Polyphosphoinositides are needed for exocytosis, but it has not been known why. We now provide a possible connection between these observations with the finding that the C2B domain of tagmin I binds phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PIns-4,5-P2), its isomer phosphatidylinositol-3,4-bisphosphate and phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate (PIns-3,4,5-P3). Calcium ions switch the specificity of this binding from PIns-3,4,5-P3 (at calcium concentrations found in resting nerve terminals) to PIns-4,5-P2 (at concentration of calcium required for transmitter release). Inositol polyphosphates, known blockers of neurotransmitter release, inhibit the binding of both PIns-4,5-P2 and PIns-3,4,5-P3 to tagmin. Our findings imply that tagmin may operate as a bimodal calcium sensor, switching bound lipids during exocytosis. This connection to polyphosphoinositides, compounds whose levels are physiologically regulated, could be important for long-term memory and learning.
We have synthesized two sets of noncleavable peptide-inhibitor libraries to map the S and S' subsites of human heart chymase. Human heart chymase is a chymotrypsin-like enzyme that converts angiotensin I to angiotensin II. The first library consists of peptides with 3-fluorobenzylpyruvamides in the P1 position. (Amino acid residues of substrates numbered P1, P2, etc., are toward the N-terminal direction, and P'1, P'2, etc., are toward the C-terminal direction from the scissile bond.) The P'1 and P'2 positions were varied to contain each one of the 20 naturally occurring amino acids and P'3 was kept constant as an arginine. The second library consists of peptides with phenylalanine keto-amides at P1, glycine in P'1, and benzyloxycarbonyl (Z)-isoleucine in P4. The P2 and P3 positions were varied to contain each of the naturally occurring amino acids, except for cysteine and methionine. The peptides of both libraries are attached to a solid support (pins). The peptides are evaluated by immersing the pins in a solution of the target enzyme and evaluating the amount of enzyme absorbed. The pins with the best inhibitors will absorb most enzyme. The libraries select the best and worst inhibitors within each group of peptides and provide an approximate ranking of the remaining peptides according to Ki. Through this library, we determined that Z-Ile-Glu-Pro-Phe-CO2Me and (F)-Phe-CO-Glu-Asp-ArgOMe should be the best inhibitors of chymase in this collection of peptide inhibitors. We synthesized the peptides and found Ki values were 1 nM and 1 microM, respectively. The corresponding Ki values for chymotrypsin were 10 nM and 100 microM. The use of libraries of inhibitors has advantages over the classical method of synthesis of potential inhibitors in solution: the libraries are reusable, the same libraries can be used with a variety of different serine proteases, and the method allows the screening of hundreds of compounds in short periods of time.