813 resultados para Photovoltaic power generation
La situación actual del mercado energético en España y el imparable aumento de las tasas por parte de las eléctricas, está fomentando la búsqueda de fuentes de energía alternativas que permitan a la población poder abastecerse de electricidad, sin tener que pagar unos costes tan elevados. Para cubrir esta necesidad, la energía fotovoltaica y sobretodo el autoconsumo con inyección a red o balance neto, está adquiriendo cada vez más importancia dentro del mundo energético. Pero la penetración de esta tecnología en la Red Eléctrica Española tiene un freno, la desconfianza por parte del operador de la red, ya que la fotovoltaica es una fuente de energía intermitente, que puede introducir inestabilidades en el sistema en caso de alta penetración. Por ello se necesita ganar la confianza de las eléctricas, haciendo que sea una energía predecible, que aporte potencia a la red eléctrica cuando se le pida y que opere participando en la regulación de la frecuencia del sistema eléctrico. Para tal fin, el grupo de investigación de Sistemas Fotovoltaicos, perteneciente al IES de la UPM, está llevando a cabo un proyecto de investigación denominado PV CROPS, financiado por la Comisión Europea, y que tiene por objetivo desarrollar estas estrategias de gestión. En este contexto, el objetivo de este Proyecto Fin de Carrera consiste en implementar un Banco de Ensayos con Integración de Baterías en Sistemas FV Conectados a Red, que permita desarrollar, ensayar y validar estas estrategias. Aprovechando la disponibilidad para usar el Hogar Digital, instalado en la EUITT de la UPM, hemos montado el banco de ensayos en un laboratorio contiguo, y así, poder utilizar este Hogar como un caso real de consumos energéticos de una vivienda. Este banco de ensayos permitirá obtener información de la energía generada por la instalación fotovoltaica y del consumo real de la "casa" anexa, para desarrollar posteriormente estrategias de gestión de la electricidad. El Banco de Ensayos está compuesto por tres bloques principales, interconectados entre sí: Subsistema de Captación de Datos y Comunicación. Encargado de monitorizar los elementos energéticos y de enviar la información recopilada al Subsistema de Control. Formado por analizadores de red eléctrica, monofásicos y de continua, y una pasarela orientada a la conversión del medio físico Ethernet a RS485. Subsistema de Control. Punto de observación y recopilación de toda la información que proviene de los elementos energéticos. Es el subsistema donde se crearán y se implementarán estrategias de control energético. Compuesto por un equipo Pxie, controlador empotrado en un chasis de gama industrial, y un equipo PC Host, compuesto por una workstation y tres monitores. Subsistema de Energía. Formado por los elementos que generan, controlan o consumen energía eléctrica, en el Banco de Ensayos. Constituido por una pérgola FV, un inversor, un inversor bidireccional y un bloque de baterías. El último paso ha sido llevar a cabo un Ejemplo de Aplicación Práctica, con el que hemos probado que el Banco de Ensayos está listo para usarse, es operativo y completamente funcional en operaciones de monitorización de generación energética fotovoltaica y consumo energético. ABSTRACT. The current situation of the energetic market in Spain and the unstoppable increase of the tax on the part of the electrical companies, is promoting the search of alternative sources of energy that allow to the population being able to be supplied of electricity, without having to pay so high costs. To meet this need, the photovoltaic power and above all the self-consumption with injection to network, it is increasingly important inside the energetic world. It allows to the individual not only to pay less for the electricity, in addition it allows to obtain benefits for the energy generated in his own home. But the penetration of this technology in the Electrical Spanish Network has an obstacle, the distrust on the part of the operator of the electrical network, due to the photovoltaic is an intermittent source of energy, which can introduce instabilities in the system in case of high penetration. Therefore it´s necessary to reach the confidence of the electricity companies, making it a predictable energy, which provides with power to the electrical network whenever necessary and that operates taking part in the regulation of the frequency of the electric system. For such an end, the group of system investigation Photovoltaic, belonging to the IES of the UPM, there is carrying out a project of investigation named PV CROPS, financed by the European Commission, and that has for aim to develop these strategies of management. In this context, the objective of this Senior Thesis consists in implementing a Bank of Tests with Integration of Batteries in Photovoltaic Systems Connected to Network, which allows developing, testing and validating these strategies. Taking advantage of the availability to use the Digital Home installed in the EUITT of the UPM, we have mounted the bank of tests in a contiguous laboratory to use this Home as a real case of energetic consumptions of a house. This bank of tests will allow obtaining information of the energy generated by the photovoltaic installation and information of the royal consumption of the attached "house", to develop later strategies of management of the electricity. The Bank of Tests is composed by three principal blocks, interconnected each other: Subsystem of Gathering of data and Communication. In charge of monitoring the energetic elements and sending the information compiled to the Subsystem of Control. Formed by power analyzers, AC and DC, and a gateway for the conversion of the Ethernet physical medium to RS485. Subsystem of Control. Point of observation and compilation of all the information that comes from the energetic elements. It is the subsystem where there will be created and there will be implemented strategies of energetic control. Composed of a Pxie, controller fixed in an industrial range chassis, and a PC Host, formed by a workstation and three monitors. Subsystem of Energy. Formed by the elements of generating, controlling or consuming electric power, in the Bank of Tests. Made of photovoltaic modules, an inverter, a twoway inverter and a batteries block. The last step has been performing an Example of Practical Application we have proved that the Bank of Tests is ready to be used, it´s operative and fully functional in monitoring operations of energetic photovoltaic generation and energetic consumption.
The maximum performance of bare electrodynamic tethers as power generating systems under OML-theory is analyzed. Results show that best performance in terms of power density is achieved by designing the tether in such a way to increase ohmic impedance with respect to plasma contact impedance, hence favoring longer and thinner tethers. In such condition the corresponding optimal value of the load impedance is seen to approach the ohmic impedance of the conducting tether. At the other extreme, when plasma contact impedance dominates (which is not optimal but can be relevant for some applications) optimum power generation is found by matching the load impedance with an effective tether-plasma contact impedance whose expression is derived.
In the C02 capture from power generation, the energy penalties for the capture are one of the main challenges. Nowadays, the post-combustion methods have energy penalties 10wer than the oxy combustion and pre-combustion technologies. One of the main disadvantages of the post combustion method is the fact that the capture ofC02at atmospheric pressure requires quite big equipment for the high flow rates of flue gas, and the 10w partial pressure of the CO2generates an important 10ss of energy. The A1lam cyc1e presented for NETPOWER gives high efficiencies in the power production and 10w energy penalties. A simulation of this cyc1e is made together with a simulation of power plants with pre-combustion and post-combustion capture and without capture for natural gas and forcoa1. The simulations give 10wer efficiencies than the proposed for NETPOWER For natural gas the efficiency is 52% instead of the 59% presented, and 33% instead of51% in the case of using coal as fuel. Are brought to light problems in the CO2compressor due the high flow ofC02that is compressed unti1300 bar to be recyc1ed into the combustor.
The Europe-Japan Collaborative Research Project on Concentrator Photovoltaics (CPV) has been initiated under support by the EC (European Commission) and NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization) since June 2011. This is project (NGCPV Project; a New Generation of Concentrator PhotoVoltaic cells, modules and systems) is aiming to accelerate the move to very high efficiency and lower cost CPV technologies and to enhance widespread deployment of CPV systems. 7 organizations such as UPM, FhG-ISE Imperial College, BSQ, CEA-INES, ENEA, and PSE in Europe and 9 organizations such as TTI, Univ. Tokyo, AIST, Sharp Co. Daido Steel Co., Kobe Univ., Miyazaki Univ., Asahi Kasei Co., and Takano Co. participate in this project. The targets of this project are 1) to develop world-record efficiency CPV cells of more than 45%, 2) to develop world-record efficiency CPV modules of 35%, 3) to establish standard measurements of CPV cells and modules, 4) to install 50kW CPV system in Spain, to carry out field test of CPV system and to manage power generation of CPV systems, and 5) to develop high-efficiency and low-cost new materials and structure cells such as III-V-N, III-V-on-Si tandem, quantum dots and wells. This paper presents outline of this project and most recent results such as world record efficiency (37.9% under 1-sun) cell and high-efficiency (43.5% under 240-306 suns) concentrator cell with inverted epitaxial grown InGaP/GaAs/InGaAs 3-junction solar cells.
Esta tesis doctoral contribuye al análisis y desarrollo de nuevos elementos constructivos que integran sistemas de generación eléctrica a través de células fotovoltaicas (FV); particularmente, basados en tecnología FV de lámina delgada. Para ello se estudia el proceso de la integración arquitectónica de éstos elementos (conocido internacionalmente como “Building Integrated Photovoltaic – BIPV”) mediante diferentes metodologías. Se inicia con el estudio de los elementos fotovoltaicos existentes y continúa con los materiales que conforman actualmente las pieles de los edificios y su posible adaptación a las diferentes tecnologías. Posteriormente, se propone una estrategia de integración de los elementos FV en los materiales constructivos. En ésta se considera la doble función de los elementos BIPV, eléctrica y arquitectónica, y en especial se plantea el estudio de la integración de elementos de disipación térmica y almacenamiento de calor mediante los materiales de cambio de fase (“Phase Change Materials – PCM”), todo esto con el objeto de favorecer el acondicionamiento térmico pasivo a través del elemento BIPV. Para validar dicha estrategia, se desarrolla una metodología experimental que consiste en el diseño y desarrollo de un prototipo denominado elemento BIPV/TF – PCM, así como un método de medida y caracterización en condiciones de laboratorio. Entre los logros alcanzados, destaca la multifuncionalidad de los elementos BIPV, el aprovechamiento de la energía residual del elemento, la reducción de los excedentes térmicos que puedan modificar el balance térmico de la envolvente del edificio, y las mejoras conseguidas en la producción eléctrica de los módulos fotovoltaicos por reducción de temperatura, lo que hará más sostenible la solución BIPV. Finalmente, como resultado del análisis teórico y experimental, esta tesis contribuye significativamente al estudio práctico de la adaptabilidad de los elementos BIPV en el entorno urbano por medio de una metodología que se basa en el desarrollo y puesta en marcha de una herramienta informática, que sirve tanto a ingenieros como arquitectos para verificar la calidad de la integración arquitectónica y calidad eléctrica de los elementos FV, antes, durante y después de la ejecución de un proyecto constructivo. ABSTRACT This Doctoral Thesis contributes to the analysis and development of new building elements that integrate power generation systems using photovoltaic solar cells (PV), particularly based on thin-film PV technology. For this propose, the architectural integration process is studied (concept known as "Building Integrated Photovoltaic - BIPV") by means of different methodologies. It begins with the study of existing PV elements and materials that are currently part of the building skins and the possible adaptation to different technologies. Subsequently, an integration strategy of PV elements in building materials is proposed. Double function of BIPV elements is considered, electrical and architectural, especially the heat dissipation and heat storage elements are studied, particularly the use Phase Change Materials– PCM in order to favor the thermal conditioning of buildings by means of the BIPV elements. For this propose, an experimental methodology is implemented, which consist of the design and develop of a prototype "BIPV/TF- PCM element" and measurement method (indoor laboratory conditions) in order to validate this strategy. Among the most important achievements obtained of this develop and results analysis includes, in particular, the multifunctionality of BIPV elements, the efficient use of the residual energy of the element, reduction of the excess heat that it can change the heat balance of the building envelope and improvements in electricity production of PV modules by reducing the temperature, are some benefits achieved that make the BIPV element will be more sustainable. Finally, as a result of theoretical and experimental analysis, this thesis contributes significantly to the practical study of the adaptability of BIPV elements in the urban environment by means of a novel methodology based on the development and implementation by computer software of a useful tool which serves as both engineers and architects to verify the quality of architectural integration and electrical performance of PV elements before, during, and after execution of a building projects.
Este trabajo de fin de grado trata sobre el estudio de la energía solar de concentración en todos sus aspectos. Se han analizado sus tecnologías, así como posibles innovaciones que se puedan producir en los próximos años. También se va ha llevado a cabo un estudio de los costes actuales que conlleva el uso de este tipo de generación de energía, así como un análisis de las reducciones que pueden experimentar estos costes. Para poder realizar una comparación posterior con la energía solar fotovoltaica se ha escrito un capítulo dedicado exclusivamente a esta tecnología para conocer cuál es el estado actual. Además se ha realizado un análisis DAFO de los mercados que a priori puedan parecer más beneficiosos y que cuenten con un mayor potencial para el desarrollo de esta tecnología. A modo de conclusión para exponer la comparativa entre esta tecnología y la energía solar fotovoltaica se ha desarrollado un análisis de la viabilidad económica de dos plantas de estas tecnologías para comprobar en qué escenarios resulta más provechosa cada una de ellas. Al final se incluyen unas conclusiones extraídas del desarrollo del trabajo. Abstract This project concerns a study about every aspect about the concentrated solar power. Each type of technology has been analyzed as well as the possible innovations that may occur in the future. Also, the theme regarding the costs of this kind of power generation and an analysis dealing with the potential cost reduction that it may experience has been carried out. Then, in anticipation to do a comparative with the photovoltaic solar power, a whole chapter has been dedicated to this technology, to know what its actual state is. In addition, a SWOT analysis has also been carried out about the countries that at first sight might be a good option to develop the CSP. To conclude and to expose the comparative between these two technologies, a study about the economic viability of two power plants to know under what circumstances are each of them more profitable has been made. At the end some conclusions extracted from the development of this work have been included.
La situación energética actual es insostenible y como consecuencia se plantea un escenario próximo orientado a conseguir un futuro energético sostenible que permita el desarrollo económico y el bienestar social. La situación ambiental actual está afectada directamente por la combustión de combustibles fósiles que en 2013 constituyeron el 81% de la energía primaria utilizada por el ser humano y son la principal fuente antropogénica de gases de efecto invernadero. Los informes del IPCC1, ponen de manifiesto que el cambio climático se ha consolidado durante los últimos años y en la conferencia de la ONU sobre cambio climático de París que se celebrará a finales de 2015, se pretende que los gobiernos suscriban un acuerdo universal para limitar las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero y evitar que el incremento de la temperatura media global supere los 2°C. Por otra parte, en el interior de las ciudades es especialmente preocupante, por su efecto directo sobre la salud humana, el impacto ambiental producido por las emisiones de NOx que generan el transporte de personas y mercancías. El sector del transporte fue responsable en 2012 del 27,9% del consumo final de energía. Una vez expuesto el escenario energético y ambiental actual, en esta tesis, se analiza la eficiencia de un sistema autónomo fotovoltaico para la carga de baterías de vehículos eléctricos y el uso del mismo con otras cargas, con el objetivo de aprovechar al máximo la energía eléctrica generada y contribuir a la utilización de energía limpia que no produzca impacto ambiental. Como primer paso para el desarrollo de la tesis se hizo un estudio de trabajos previos comenzando por las primeras aplicaciones de la energía fotovoltaica en los vehículos solares para después pasar a trabajos más recientes enfocados al suministro de energía a los vehículos eléctricos. También se hizo este estudio sobre las metodologías de simulación en los sistemas fotovoltaicos y en el modelado de distintos componentes. Posteriormente se eligieron, dentro de la amplia oferta existente en el mercado, los componentes con características técnicas más adecuadas para este tipo de instalaciones y para las necesidades que se pretenden cubrir. A partir de los parámetros técnicos de los componentes elegidos para configurar la instalación autónoma y utilizando modelos contrastados de distintos componentes, se ha desarrollado un modelo de simulación en ordenador del sistema completo con el que se han hecho simulaciones con distintos modos de demanda de energía eléctrica, según los modos de carga disponibles en el vehículo eléctrico para corriente alterna monofásica de 230 V. También se han simulado distintos tamaños del generador fotovoltaico y del sistema de acumulación de energía eléctrica para poder determinar la influencia de estos parámetros en los balances energéticos del sistema. Utilizando recursos propios el doctorando ha realizado la instalación real de un sistema fotovoltaico que incluye sistema de acumulación e inversor en un edificio de su propiedad. Para la realización de la tesis, La Fundación de Fomento e Innovación Industrial (F2I2) ha facilitado al doctorando un dispositivo que permite realizar la alimentación del vehículo eléctrico en modo 2 (este modo emplea un adaptador que incorpora dispositivos de seguridad y se comunica con el vehículo permitiendo ajustar la velocidad de recarga) y que ha sido necesario para los trabajos desarrollados. Se ha utilizado la red eléctrica como sistema de apoyo de la instalación fotovoltaica para permitir la recarga en el modo 2 que requiere más potencia que la proporcionada por el sistema fotovoltaico instalado. Se han analizado mediante simulación distintos regímenes de carga que se han estudiado experimentalmente en la instalación realizada, a la vez que se han hecho ensayos que se han reproducido mediante simulación con los mismos valores de radiación solar y temperatura con objeto de contrastar el modelo. Se han comparado los resultados experimentales con los obtenidos mediante simulación con objeto de caracterizar el comportamiento del sistema de acumulación (energía eléctrica suministrada y tensión de salida en las baterías) y del generador fotovoltaico (energía eléctrica fotovoltaica suministrada). Por último, se ha realizado un estudio económico de la instalación autónoma fotovoltaica ejecutada y simulada. En el mismo se ha planteado la utilización de fondos propios (como realmente se ha llevado a cabo) y la utilización de financiación, para determinar dos posibles escenarios que pudieran ser de utilidad a un propietario de vehículo eléctrico. Se han comparado los resultados obtenidos en los dos escenarios propuestos del estudio económico del sistema, en cuanto a los parámetros de tiempo de retorno de la inversión, valor actual neto de la inversión y tasa interna de retorno de la misma. Las conclusiones técnicas obtenidas, permiten la utilización del sistema con los modos de carga ensayados y otro tipo de cargas que aprovechen la generación eléctrica del sistema. Las baterías ofrecen mejor comportamiento cuando el aporte fotovoltaico está presente, pero no considera adecuado la conexión de cargas elevadas a un sistema de acumulación de gel (plomo-acido) como el que se ha utilizado, debido al comportamiento de este tipo de baterías ante demandas de intensidad de corriente eléctrica elevadas. Por otra parte, el comportamiento de este tipo de baterías con valores de intensidad de corriente eléctrica inferiores a 10 A en ausencia de energía fotovoltaica, con el objetivo de utilizar la generación de energía eléctrica diaria acumulada en el sistema, sí resulta interesante y ofrece un buen comportamiento del sistema de acumulación. Las circunstancias actuales de mercado, que carece de sistemas de acumulación de litio con precios de compra interesantes, no han permitido poder experimentar este sistema de acumulación en la instalación autónoma fotovoltaica ejecutada, tampoco se ha podido obtener el favor de ningún fabricante para ello. Actualmente hay disponibles sistemas de acumulación en litio que no se comercializan en España y que serían adecuados para el sistema de acumulación de energía propuesto en este estudio, que deja abierta las puertas para futuros trabajos de investigación. Las conclusiones económicas obtenidas, rentabilizan el uso de una instalación autónoma fotovoltaica con consumo instantáneo, sin acumulación de energía eléctrica. El futuro de conexión a red por parte de estas instalaciones, cuando se regule, aportará un incentivo económico para rentabilizar con menos tiempo las instalaciones autónomas fotovoltaicas, esto también deja la puerta abierta a futuros trabajos de investigación. El sistema de acumulación de energía aporta el mayor peso económico de inversión en este tipo de instalaciones. La instalación estudiada aporta indicadores económicos que la hacen rentable, pero se necesitaría que los precios de acumulación de la energía en sistemas eficientes estén comprendidos entre 100-200 €/kWh para que el sistema propuesto en este trabajo resulte atractivo a un potencial propietario de un vehículo eléctrico. ABSTRACT The current energy situation is untenable; it poses a scenario next focused on reaching a sustainable energy future, to allow economic development and social welfare. The environmental current situation is affected directly by the combustion of fossil fuels that in 2013 constituted 81 % of the primary energy used by the human being and they are the principal source human of greenhouse gases. The reports of the IPCC2, they reveal that the climate change has consolidated during the last years and in the conference of the UNO on climate change of Paris that will be celebrated at the end of 2015, there is claimed that the governments sign a universal agreement to limit the emission of greenhouse gases and to prevent that the increase of the global average temperature overcomes them 2°C. On the other hand, inside the cities it is specially worrying, for his direct effect on the human health, the environmental impact produced by the NOx emissions that generate the persons' transport and goods. The sector of the transport was responsible in 2012 of 27,9 % of the final consumption of energy. Once exposed the scenario and present environmental energy, in this thesis, it has analyzed the efficiency of an autonomous photovoltaic system for charging electric vehicles, and the use of the same with other workloads, with the objective to maximize the electrical energy generated and contribute to the use of clean energy that does not produce environmental impact. Since the first step for the development of the thesis did to itself a study of previous works beginning for the first applications of the photovoltaic power in the solar vehicles later to go on to more recent works focused on the power supply to the electrical vehicles. Also this study was done on the methodologies of simulation in the photovoltaic systems and in the shaped one of different components. Later they were chosen, inside the wide existing offer on the market, the components with technical characteristics more adapted for this type of facilities and for the needs that try to cover. From the technical parameters of the components chosen to form the autonomous installation and using models confirmed of different components, a model of simulation has developed in computer of the complete system with which simulations have been done by different manners of demand of electric power, according to the available manners of load in the electrical vehicle for single-phase alternating current of 230 V. Also there have been simulated different sizes of the photovoltaic generator and of the system of accumulation of electric power to be able to determine the influence of these parameters in the energy balances of the system. Using own resources the PhD student has realized a real installation of a photovoltaic system that includes system of accumulation and investing in a building of his property. For the accomplishment of the thesis, The Foundation of Promotion and Industrial Innovation (F2I2) it has facilitated to the PhD student a device that allows to realize the supply of the electrical vehicle in way 2 (this way uses an adapter that incorporates safety devices and communicates with the vehicle allowing to fit the speed of recharges) and that has been necessary for the developed works. The electrical network has been in use as system of support of the photovoltaic installation for allowing it her recharges in the way 2 that more power needs that provided by the photovoltaic installed system. There have been analyzed by means of simulation different rate of load that have been studied experimentally in the realized installation, simultaneously that have done to themselves tests that have reproduced by means of simulation with the same values of solar radiation and temperature in order the model contrasted. The experimental results have been compared by the obtained ones by means of simulation in order to characterize the behavior of the system of accumulation (supplied electric power and tension of exit in the batteries) and of the photovoltaic generator (photovoltaic supplied electric power). Finally, there has been realized an economic study of the autonomous photovoltaic executed and simulated installation. In the same one there has appeared the utilization of own funds (since really it has been carried out) and the utilization of financing, to determine two possible scenes that could be of usefulness to an owner of electrical vehicle. There have been compared the results obtained in both scenes proposed of the economic study of the system, as for the parameters of time of return of the investment, current clear value of the investment and rate hospitalizes of return of the same one. The technical obtained conclusions, they make the utilization of the system viable with the manners of load tested and another type of loads of that they take advantage the electrical generation of the system. The batteries offer better behavior when the photovoltaic contribution is present, but he does not consider to be suitable the connection of loads risen up to a system of accumulation of gel (lead - acid) as the one that has been in use, due to the behavior of this type of batteries before demands of intensity of electrical current raised. On the other hand, the behavior of this type of batteries with low values of intensity of electrical current to 10 To in absence of photovoltaic power, with the aim to use the generation of daily electric power accumulated in the system, yes turns out to be interesting and offers a good behavior of the system of accumulation. The current circumstances of market, which lacks systems of accumulation of lithium with interesting purchase prices, have not allowed to be able to experience this system of accumulation in the autonomous photovoltaic executed installation, neither one could have obtained the favor of any manufacturer for it. Nowadays there are available systems of accumulation in lithium that is not commercialized in Spain and that they would be adapted for the system of accumulation of energy proposed in this study, which makes the doors opened for future works of investigation. The economic obtained conclusions; they make more profitable the use of an autonomous photovoltaic installation with instantaneous consumption, without accumulation of electric power. The future of connection to network on the part of these facilities, when it is regulated, will contribute an economic incentive to make profitable with less time the autonomous photovoltaic facilities, this also leaves the door opened for future works of investigation. The system of accumulation of energy contributes the major economic weight of investment in this type of facilities. The studied installation contributes economic indicators that make her profitable, but it would be necessary that the prices of accumulation of the energy in efficient systems are understood between 100-200 € in order that the system proposed in this work turns out to be attractive to a proprietary potential of an electrical vehicle.
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A new methodology is proposed for the analysis of generation capacity investment in a deregulated market environment. This methodology proposes to make the investment appraisal using a probabilistic framework. The probabilistic production simulation (PPC) algorithm is used to compute the expected energy generated, taking into account system load variations and plant forced outage rates, while the Monte Carlo approach has been applied to model the electricity price variability seen in a realistic network. The model is able to capture the price and hence the profitability uncertainties for generator companies. Seasonal variation in the electricity prices and the system demand are independently modeled. The method is validated on IEEE RTS system, augmented with realistic market and plant data, by using it to compare the financial viability of several generator investments applying either conventional or directly connected generator (powerformer) technologies. The significance of the results is assessed using several financial risk measures.
Combined Heat and Power (CHP) is the simultaneous generation of usable heat and power in a single process. Despite its obvious advantages in terms of increased efficiency when compared to a single heat or power generation unit, there are a number of technical and economic reasons that have limited their selection. Biomass resources can be, and actually are used as fuel in CHP installations; however several hurdles have to be sorted beforehand, among the most important is the fact that biomass energy sources are not as energy intense as conventional CHP fuels. The ultimate outcome is a limited number of CHP units making use of biomass as fuel. Even fewer CHP units use bioliquids (e.g.: fast pyrolysis biomass liquids, biodiesel and vegetable oil). The Bioliquid-CHP project is carried out by a consortium of seven European and Russian complementary partners, funded by the EU and by the Federal Agency for Science and Innovation of the Russian Federation. The project aim is to develop microturbine and internal combustion engine adaptations in order to adjust these prime movers to bioliquids for CHP applications. This paper will show a summary of the current biomass CHP installations in the UK and the Netherlands, making reference to number of units, capacity, fuel used, the conversion technology involved and the preferred prime movers. The information will give an insight of the current market, with probable future trends and areas where growth could be expected. A similar paper describing the biomass CHP situation in Italy and Russia will be prepared in the near future.
This study of concentrating solar thermal power generation sets out to evaluate the main existing collection technologies using the framework of the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). It encompasses parabolic troughs, heliostat fields, linear Fresnel reflectors, parabolic dishes, compound parabolic concentrators and linear Fresnel lenses. These technologies are compared based on technical, economic and environmental criteria. Within these three categories, numerous sub-criteria are identified; similarly sub-alternatives are considered for each technology. A literature review, thermodynamic calculations and an expert workshop have been used to arrive at quantitative and qualitative assessments. The methodology is applied principally to a case study in Gujarat in north-west India, though case studies based on the Sahara Desert, Southern Spain and California are included for comparison. A sensitivity analysis is carried out for Gujarat. The study concludes that the linear Fresnel lens with a secondary compound parabolic collector, or the parabolic dish reflector, is the preferred technology for north-west India.
This paper investigates vertical economies between generation and distribution of electric power, and horizontal economies between different types of power generation in the U.S. electric utility industry. Our quadratic cost function model includes three generation output measures (hydro, nuclear and fossil fuels), which allows us to analyze the effect that generation mix has on vertical economies. Our results provide (sample mean) estimates of vertical economies of 8.1% and horizontal economies of 5.4%. An extensive sensitivity analysis is used to show how the scope measures vary across alternative model specifications and firm types. © 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Editorial Board of The Journal of Industrial Economics.
Estimation of productivity in Korean electric power plants:a semiparametric smooth coefficient model
This paper analyzes the impact of load factor, facility and generator types on the productivity of Korean electric power plants. In order to capture important differences in the effect of load policy on power output, we use a semiparametric smooth coefficient (SPSC) model that allows us to model heterogeneous performances across power plants and over time by allowing underlying technologies to be heterogeneous. The SPSC model accommodates both continuous and discrete covariates. Various specification tests are conducted to compare performance of the SPSC model. Using a unique generator level panel dataset spanning the period 1995-2006, we find that the impact of load factor, generator and facility types on power generation varies substantially in terms of magnitude and significance across different plant characteristics. The results have strong implication for generation policy in Korea as outlined in this study.
This paper presents an assessment of the technical and economic performance of thermal processes to generate electricity from a wood chip feedstock by combustion, gasification and fast pyrolysis. The scope of the work begins with the delivery of a wood chip feedstock at a conversion plant and ends with the supply of electricity to the grid, incorporating wood chip preparation, thermal conversion, and electricity generation in dual fuel diesel engines. Net generating capacities of 1–20 MWe are evaluated. The techno-economic assessment is achieved through the development of a suite of models that are combined to give cost and performance data for the integrated system. The models include feed pretreatment, combustion, atmospheric and pressure gasification, fast pyrolysis with pyrolysis liquid storage and transport (an optional step in de-coupled systems) and diesel engine or turbine power generation. The models calculate system efficiencies, capital costs and production costs. An identical methodology is applied in the development of all the models so that all of the results are directly comparable. The electricity production costs have been calculated for 10th plant systems, indicating the costs that are achievable in the medium term after the high initial costs associated with novel technologies have reduced. The costs converge at the larger scale with the mean electricity price paid in the EU by a large consumer, and there is therefore potential for fast pyrolysis and diesel engine systems to sell electricity directly to large consumers or for on-site generation. However, competition will be fierce at all capacities since electricity production costs vary only slightly between the four biomass to electricity systems that are evaluated. Systems de-coupling is one way that the fast pyrolysis and diesel engine system can distinguish itself from the other conversion technologies. Evaluations in this work show that situations requiring several remote generators are much better served by a large fast pyrolysis plant that supplies fuel to de-coupled diesel engines than by constructing an entire close-coupled system at each generating site. Another advantage of de-coupling is that the fast pyrolysis conversion step and the diesel engine generation step can operate independently, with intermediate storage of the fast pyrolysis liquid fuel, increasing overall reliability. Peak load or seasonal power requirements would also benefit from de-coupling since a small fast pyrolysis plant could operate continuously to produce fuel that is stored for use in the engine on demand. Current electricity production costs for a fast pyrolysis and diesel engine system are 0.091/kWh at 1 MWe when learning effects are included. These systems are handicapped by the typical characteristics of a novel technology: high capital cost, high labour, and low reliability. As such the more established combustion and steam cycle produces lower cost electricity under current conditions. The fast pyrolysis and diesel engine system is a low capital cost option but it also suffers from relatively low system efficiency particularly at high capacities. This low efficiency is the result of a low conversion efficiency of feed energy into the pyrolysis liquid, because of the energy in the char by-product. A sensitivity analysis has highlighted the high impact on electricity production costs of the fast pyrolysis liquids yield. The liquids yield should be set realistically during design, and it should be maintained in practice by careful attention to plant operation and feed quality. Another problem is the high power consumption during feedstock grinding. Efficiencies may be enhanced in ablative fast pyrolysis which can tolerate a chipped feedstock. This has yet to be demonstrated at commercial scale. In summary, the fast pyrolysis and diesel engine system has great potential to generate electricity at a profit in the long term, and at a lower cost than any other biomass to electricity system at small scale. This future viability can only be achieved through the construction of early plant that could, in the short term, be more expensive than the combustion alternative. Profitability in the short term can best be achieved by exploiting niches in the market place and specific features of fast pyrolysis. These include: •countries or regions with fiscal incentives for renewable energy such as premium electricity prices or capital grants; •locations with high electricity prices so that electricity can be sold direct to large consumers or generated on-site by companies who wish to reduce their consumption from the grid; •waste disposal opportunities where feedstocks can attract a gate fee rather than incur a cost; •the ability to store fast pyrolysis liquids as a buffer against shutdowns or as a fuel for peak-load generating plant; •de-coupling opportunities where a large, single pyrolysis plant supplies fuel to several small and remote generators; •small-scale combined heat and power opportunities; •sales of the excess char, although a market has yet to be established for this by-product; and •potential co-production of speciality chemicals and fuel for power generation in fast pyrolysis systems.