587 resultados para Phonetic alphabet.
Sin lugar a dudas, el inglés se ha convertido en las últimas décadas en la lingua franca de la comunidad científica internacional, desplazando incluso a otras lenguas que tuvieron una gran importancia en otras épocas, caso del francés o del alemán. El lenguaje científico español también ha sucumbido a esta entrada masiva del inglés en las distintas disciplinas científico-técnicas, y presenta desde hace unas décadas ciertas características que no son propias de las reglas gramaticales del español y que son el fruto de una contaminación lingüística derivada de la penetración del inglés. El objetivo del presente artículo es analizar las características del lenguaje médico tal y como lo podemos encontrar en las publicaciones españolas actuales. Para ello, el artículo se divide en tres apartados: en primer lugar, haremos un breve recorrido por la historia del lenguaje médico como punto de partida para comprender la evolución de este lenguaje. En segundo lugar, analizaremos las características principales dentro de los niveles léxicosemántico, morfosintáctico y fonético-fonológico del lenguaje médico español y veremos la influencia que ha tenido el inglés en el proceso de evolución del mismo. En tercer lugar, examinaremos los procedimientos de creación y formación de términos médicos y cómo afectan al desarrollo lingüístico de la terminología.
Background: In Portugal, the routine clinical practice of speech and language therapists (SLTs) in treating children with all types of speech sound disorder (SSD) continues to be articulation therapy (AT). There is limited use of phonological therapy (PT) or phonological awareness training in Portugal. Additionally, at an international level there is a focus on collecting information on and differentiating between the effectiveness of PT and AT for children with different types of phonologically based SSD, as well as on the role of phonological awareness in remediating SSD. It is important to collect more evidence for the most effective and efficient type of intervention approach for different SSDs and for these data to be collected from diverse linguistic and cultural perspectives. Aims: To evaluate the effectiveness of a PT and AT approach for treatment of 14 Portuguese children, aged 4.0–6.7 years, with a phonologically based SSD. Methods & Procedures: The children were randomly assigned to one of the two treatment approaches (seven children in each group). All children were treated by the same SLT, blind to the aims of the study, over three blocks of a total of 25 weekly sessions of intervention. Outcome measures of phonological ability (percentage of consonants correct (PCC), percentage occurrence of different phonological processes and phonetic inventory) were taken before and after intervention. A qualitative assessment of intervention effectiveness from the perspective of the parents of participants was included. Outcomes & Results: Both treatments were effective in improving the participants’ speech, with the children receiving PT showing a more significant improvement in PCC score than those receiving the AT. Children in the PT group also showed greater generalization to untreated words than those receiving AT. Parents reported both intervention approaches to be as effective in improving their children’s speech. Conclusions & Implications: The PT (combination of expressive phonological tasks, phonological awareness, listening and discrimination activities) proved to be an effective integrated method of improving phonological SSD in children. These findings provide some evidence for Portuguese SLTs to employ PT with children with phonologically based SSD
Relatório de Estágio submetido à Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Teatro - especialização em Encenação.
In this paper, a linguistically rule-based grapheme-to-phone (G2P) transcription algorithm is described for European Portuguese. A complete set of phonological and phonetic transcription rules regarding the European Portuguese standard variety is presented. This algorithm was implemented and tested by using online newspaper articles. The obtained experimental results gave rise to 98.80% of accuracy rate. Future developments in order to increase this value are foreseen. Our purpose with this work is to develop a module/ tool that can improve synthetic speech naturalness in European Portuguese. Other applications of this system can be expected like language teaching/learning. These results, together with our perspectives of future improvements, have proved the dramatic importance of linguistic knowledge on the development of Text-to-Speech systems (TTS).
Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo consistiu na descrição da aquisição fonética e fonológica de crianças falantes do Português Europeu (PE), da região Centro de Portugal Continental, com idades compreendidas entre os [18-‐36[ meses. Mais especificamente pretendeu-‐se traçar uma ordem cronológica de aquisição dos fones e verificar quais os processos fonológicos mais utilizados nas 3 faixas etárias ([18-‐24[, [24-‐30[, [30-‐36[ meses). Foi ainda objetivo averiguar se existiam diferenças em relação ao número de fones produzidos adequadamente e ao número de processos fonológicos utilizados entre as faixas etárias e os sexos. Definir a ordem pela qual os fones vão surgindo no discurso da criança, isto é, a sua ordem de aquisição, também foi um objetivo deste estudo. Método: A amostra foi constituída por 69 crianças (2 da faixa etária [18-‐24[m, 31 dos [24-‐30[m e 36 dos [30-‐36[m, de ambos os sexos, que frequentavam 6 creches do distrito de Aveiro. Para recolher os dados recorreu-‐se a gravações digitais áudio usando as imagens do Teste Fonético-‐Fonológico-‐ALPE. Resultados: Na aquisição fonética verificou-‐se que que a produção de fones aumentou significativamente à medida que a idade avançou. Também foram encontradas diferenças entre as 3 faixas etárias (p<0,05), mas não entre os sexos (p>0,05). Foi ainda possível traçar a ordem cronológica de aquisição de fones: vogais orais < vogais nasais < oclusivas orais < oclusivas nasais < fricativas < líquidas Laterais < líquidas vibrantes. Relativamente à aquisição fonológica não se verificaram diferenças entre as 3 faixas etárias e entre os sexos (p>0,05). Quanto aos processos fonológicos, os mais utilizados foram os de estruturação silábica, nomeadamente a redução de grupo consonântico, palatalização e omissão de consoante final. Conclusão: As conclusões de maior relevo incidem no facto das diferenças nas faixas etárias serem mais notórias para a aquisição fonética do que para a aquisição fonológica. Também se verificou que não existiam diferenças entre os sexos na aquisição fonética-‐fonológica. Constatou-‐se que nesta amostra as crianças mais velhas adquiriram mais fones que as crianças das faixas etárias mais precoces.
Abbaye Saint-Maur-des-Fossés ; cf. B. de Montfaucon, Bibliotheca bibliothecarum, II, 1739, p.1141-1143 : "73. 1095. Dictionarium amplissimum". Ex-libris : F. 1 : "Sti Germani a Pratis". Paris.
Contient : « Extraict des statuts de l'Ordre du Sainct-Esprit, rédigé suivant l'ordre de l'alphabet » ; « Extraicts et copies des Registres de l'Ordre du Sainct-Esprit » ; « Noms de tous les officiers de l'Ordre qui ont exercé les charges, depuis la création dudict Ordre jusques à présent, 1662 » ; « Enregistrement de tout ce qui a concerné la promotion des commandeurs de l'Ordre du Sainct-Esprit, faicte le premier janvier 1662... » ; « Table alphabétique des extraicts et copies des Registres de l'Ordre du Sainct-Esprit » [cf. f. 21] ; « Lettre du maréchal de Fabert... au Roy, refusant la qualité de chevallier de l'Ordre de Sa Majesté », décembre 1661 ; « Discours sur les contraventions aux statuts de l'Ordre du Saint Esprit, faites par les officiers dudit Ordre. Ensemble sur la protestation du sieur marquis de Sourdis, chevalier de l'Ordre du S. Esprit, pour tous les chevaliers, signifiée ausdits officiers le deuxiesme janvier mil six cens cinquante sept », in-4°, impr ; « Responce à l'escrit publié contre les grâces et les priviléges accordez par nos rois Très-chrestiens aux officiers de leurs Ordres », in-4°, impr
Contient : « Medul[l]a artis » ; « La Pierre végétable de Christophle, parisien, comme elle se contient dans son Alphabet » ; « Icy commence la Sommette du très excellant Christophle, parisien, de la composition de la grande pierre des philosophes », traité divisé en deux parties principales, dont la première comprend 17 chapitres, cotés de 7 à 23, et suivi (fol. 67 v°) de l' « Alphabet de la présente Sommette » ; Traité intitulé « Violete », en deux parties, suivi (fol. 99 v°) de l'« Alphabet de nostre susdite Violete » ; « Lucidaire, ou Somme majeur de l'art transmutatoire des corps des métaulx », en deux parties principales, suivi (fol. 216) de l'« Alp[h]abet dudict Lucidaire » ; Traité intitulé « La Pratique de nostre oeuvre », traité à la suite duquel se lisent les dates 1466 et 1476 ; « L'extraction et exubération de la très excellente quinte essence de l'estoille de la mer antienne » ; On a ajouté, d'une autre main, un « Abbrégé des euvres practicales [de] Christofle, parisien » ; Notes diverses d'un des possesseurs du volume, parmi lesquelles on remarque : « Monsieur Bongard [Jacques Bongars ?] est honest home et de mes bons amys ; Dieu le vueille conserver et tous les ciens par sa grâce et miséricorde infinie »
Contient : « Dictionnaire des mots et termes plus usitez et cachez en l'art spagirique, desquels les philosophes chimiques ont accoutumé de se servir, suivant les lettres de l'alphabet : Acetum philosophorum- » ; inachevé ; « Recueil de plusieurs secretz et pièces curieuses, exactement recherché ; le tout aprouvé pour estre bon et avoir esté esprouvé ; faict par moy, G. D. R., à Paris, ce 30e juillet 1666 » ; Recettes diverses ; « Le débat et question sur la grande oeuvre, entre Aaron et Marie la prophétesse » ; « Le Vade mecum, ou abrégé de l'art chimique, touchant la transmutation des mestaux et vraye pierre des philosophes, extraict des oeuvres du très docte et très vénérable RAYMOND LULLE, traduict fidellement du latin en françois, en faveur des amateurs de la philosophie hermétique... Le livre de l'art compendieuse de Raymond Lulle, qu'il a nommé Vade mecum : La teinture du feu est la plus excellente... » ; l'ouvrage ici traduit est celui qui est imprimé dans la Bibliotheca chemica curiosa de J.-J. Manget, t. I, pp. 849-852, sous le titre : Raymundi Lullii liber Artis compendiosae, quem Vade mecum nuncupavit ; n° CXI de la notice de l'Histoire littéraire de la France, t. XXIX, p. 280 ; « Claviculles de RAYMOND LULLE ; Raymondi Lullii clavicula. Chers enfans, qui voulez estre de nostre doctrine... ; et pour ce que sans ce petit livre et clavicule... » ; traduction et extraits, avec de notables différences, de l'ouvrage imprimé dans la Bibliotheca chemica curiosa de J.-J. Manget, t. I, pp. 872-875, sous le titre : Clavicula Raymundi Lullii..., quae et Apertorium dicitur ; Hist. littér., ibid., p. 284, n° CXVII ; Traités d'alchimie, en vers, probablement copie du recueil publié à Paris, en 1561, sous le titre : De la transformation métallique, trois anciens traités en rithme françoise, et comprenant : La Fontaine des amoureux de science, par Jean DE LA FONTAINE, de Valenciennes (fol. 106), — le Sommaire philosophique, de Nicolas FLAMEL (fol. 117), — et les Remontrances de Nature à l'alchimiste errant, par JEAN DE MEUNG (fol. 120 v°) ; « Du traité de Terra terrarum » ; « Christofle DE GAMON à un singulier » ; poème de C. de Gamon sur l'alchimie, connu sous le titre de « Trésor des Trésors », avec partie du commentaire
The present study explored processing strategies used by individuals when they begin to read c;l script. Stimuli were artificial words created from symbols and based on an alphabetic system. The words were.presented to Grade Nine and Ten students, with variations included in the difficulty of orthography and word familiarity, and then scores were recorded on the mean number of trials for defined learning variables. Qualitative findings revealed that subjects 1 earned parts of the visual a'nd auditory features of words prior to hooking up the visual stimulus to the word's name. Performance measures-which appear to affect the rate of learning were as follows: auditory short-term memory, auditory delayed short-term memory, visual delayed short- term memory, and word attack or decod~ng skills. Qualitative data emerging in verbal reports by the subjects revealed that strategies they pefceived to use were, graphic, phonetic decoding and word .reading.
The design of a large and reliable DNA codeword library is a key problem in DNA based computing. DNA codes, namely sets of fixed length edit metric codewords over the alphabet {A, C, G, T}, satisfy certain combinatorial constraints with respect to biological and chemical restrictions of DNA strands. The primary constraints that we consider are the reverse--complement constraint and the fixed GC--content constraint, as well as the basic edit distance constraint between codewords. We focus on exploring the theory underlying DNA codes and discuss several approaches to searching for optimal DNA codes. We use Conway's lexicode algorithm and an exhaustive search algorithm to produce provably optimal DNA codes for codes with small parameter values. And a genetic algorithm is proposed to search for some sub--optimal DNA codes with relatively large parameter values, where we can consider their sizes as reasonable lower bounds of DNA codes. Furthermore, we provide tables of bounds on sizes of DNA codes with length from 1 to 9 and minimum distance from 1 to 9.
Research points clearly to the need for all concerned stakeholders to adopt a preventative approach while intervening with children who are at-risk for future reading disabilities. Research has indicated also that a particular sub-group of children at-risk for reading impairments include preschool children with language impairments (Catts, 1993). Preschool children with language impairments may have difficulties with emergent literacy skills - important prerequisite skills necessary for successful formal reading. Only in the past decade have researchers begun to study the effects of emergent literacy intervention on preschool children with language impairments. As such, the current study continues this investigation of how to effectively implement an emergent literacy therapy aimed at supporting preschool children with language impairments. In addition to this, the current study explores emergent literacy intervention within an applied clinical setting. The setting, presents a host of methodological and theoretical challenges - challenges that will advance the field of understanding children within naturalistic settings. This exploratory study included thirty-eight participants who were recruited from Speech Services Niagara, a local preschool speech and language program. Using a between-group pre- and posttest design, this study compared two intervention approaches - an experimental emergent literacy intervention and a traditional language intervention. The experimental intervention was adopted from Read It Again! (Justice, McGinty, Beckman, & Kilday, 2006) and the traditional language intervention was based on the traditional models of language therapy typically used in preschool speech and language models across Ontario. 5 Results indicated that the emergent literacy intervention was superior to the ,t..3>~, ~\., ;./h traditional language therapy in improving the children's alphabet knowledge, print and word awareness and phonological awareness. Moreover, results revealed that children with more severe language impairments require greater support and more explicit instruction than children with moderate language impairments. Another important finding indicated that the effects of the preschool emergent literacy intervention used in this study may not be sustainable as children enter grade one. The implications of this study point to the need to support preschool children with language impairments with intensive emergent literacy intervention that extends beyond preschool into formal educational settings.
Finding large deletion correcting codes is an important issue in coding theory. Many researchers have studied this topic over the years. Varshamov and Tenegolts constructed the Varshamov-Tenengolts codes (VT codes) and Levenshtein showed the Varshamov-Tenengolts codes are perfect binary one-deletion correcting codes in 1992. Tenegolts constructed T codes to handle the non-binary cases. However the T codes are neither optimal nor perfect, which means some progress can be established. Latterly, Bours showed that perfect deletion-correcting codes have a close relationship with design theory. By this approach, Wang and Yin constructed perfect 5-deletion correcting codes of length 7 for large alphabet size. For our research, we focus on how to extend or combinatorially construct large codes with longer length, few deletions and small but non-binary alphabet especially ternary. After a brief study, we discovered some properties of T codes and produced some large codes by 3 different ways of extending some existing good codes.
The purpose of this project was to provide parents with an awareness of the role that they play in their preschool children's literacy and reading development and to create a practical handbook that parents can use to teach early literacy and reading skills to their preschool children in their home environment. The handbook was created in response to the literature that confirmed that the children benefit from developing emergent literacy skills before they enter school in kindergarten or grade 1. In addition to the information gathered from the academic literature, needs assessments were conducted in order to hear perspectives from multiple stakeholders involved in the context of this project. The needs assessment questionnaires were conducted with 4 Ontario certified grade 1 and 2 teachers, and 4 parents with preschool children or children in kindergarten or grade 1. Data collected from these participants highlighted the needs of parents and were used to create a comprehensive handbook that will hopefully be accessible and useful to a wide parent audience. The results of the research project indicated that parents would, in fact, benefit from having access to a resource such as this handbook to assist in teaching the 4 components of emergent literacy to their preschool children––oral language, alphabet knowledge, phonological awareness, and print awareness––to their preschool children.