720 resultados para Phonegap HTML5 CSS Javascript Mobile Geolocalizzazione


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BACKGROUND: There is a growing use of mobile devices to access the Internet. We examined whether participants who used a mobile device to access a brief online survey were quicker to respond to the survey but also, less likely to complete it than participants using a traditional web browser. FINDINGS: Using data from a recently completed online intervention trial, we found that participants using mobile devices were quicker to access the survey but less likely to complete it compared to participants using a traditional web browser. More concerning, mobile device users were also less likely to respond to a request to complete a six week follow-up survey compared to those using traditional web browsers. CONCLUSIONS: With roughly a third of participants using mobile devices to answer an online survey in this study, the impact of mobile device usage on survey completion rates is a concern. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT01521078.


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PURPOSE: Performing total knee replacement, accurate alignment and neutral rotation of the femoral component are widely believed to be crucial for the ultimate success. Contrary to absolute bone referenced alignment, using a ligament balancing technique does not automatically rotate the femoral component parallel to the transepicondylar axis. In this context we established the hypothesis that rotational alignment of the femoral component parallel to the transepicondylar axis (0° ± 3°) results in better outcome than alignment outside of this range. METHODS: We analysed 204 primary cemented mobile bearing total knee replacements five years postoperatively. Femoral component rotation was measured on axial radiographs using the condylar twist angle (CTA). Knee society score, range of motion as well as subjective rating documented outcome. RESULTS: In 96 knees the femoral component rotation was within the range 0 ± 3° (neutral rotation group), and in 108 knees the five-year postoperative rotational alignment of the femoral component was outside of this range (outlier group). Postoperative CTA showed a mean of 2.8° (±3.4°) internal rotation (IR) with a range between 6° external rotation (ER) and 15° IR (CI 95). No difference with regard to subjective and objective outcome could be detected. CONCLUSION: The present work shows that there is a large given natural variability in optimal rotational orientation, in this study between 6° ER and 15° IR, with numerous co-factors determining correct positioning of the femoral component. Further studies substantiating pre- and postoperative determinants are required to complete the understanding of resulting biomechanics in primary TKA.


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En plena era de la informació, les noves tecnologies s’han posat també al servei del’ensenyament. Per tal de proveir a l’estudiant dels mètodes més útils i eficients per donar suport al seu aprenentatge, han sorgit eines cada cop més acurades amb la intenció de proveird’una manera robusta tot allò que fins fa poc només es podia fer a les aules. Així va néixer el concepte d’e-learning.QuesTInSitu és una eina concebuda dins d’aquesta àrea que permet crear preguntesgeolocalitzades sobre mapes de GoogleMaps i organitzar-les com a rutes (qüestionaris), sobre el mapa que es desitgi del món. Aquest projecte ofereix la possibilitat de poder realitzar físicament l’activitat creada per QuesTInSitu mitjançant terminals mòbils amb connexió 3G i GPS. Per això, s’ha dissenyat un portal web adaptat, QuesTInSitu mobile, que permet realitzar les gimcanes geolocalitzades dissenyades prèviament. Malgrat aquest projecte està contingut enl’àrea del e-learning, ofereix un llarg ventall de possibilitats d’ús; publicitat o turisme en són alguns exemples.


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OBJECTIVES To validate an instrument to assess quality of mobile emergency pre-hospital care. METHOD A methodological study where 20 professionals gave their opinions on the items of the proposed instrument. The analysis was performed using Kappa test (K) and Content Validity Index (CVI), considering K> 0.80 and CVI ≥ 0.80. RESULTS Three items were excluded from the instrument: Professional Compensation; Job Satisfaction and Services Performed. Items that obtained adequate K and CVI indexes and remained in the instrument were: ambulance conservation status; physical structure; comfort in the ambulance; availability of material resources; user/staff safety; continuous learning; safety demonstrated by the team; access; welcoming; humanization; response time; costumer privacy; guidelines on care; relationship between professionals and costumers; opportunity for costumers to make complaints and multiprofessional conjunction/actuation. CONCLUSION The instrument to assess quality of care has been validated and may contribute to the evaluation of pre-hospital care in mobile emergency services.


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In this paper, we study how access pricing affects network competition when subscription demand is elastic and each network uses non-linear prices and can applytermination-based price discrimination. In the case of a fixed per minute terminationcharge, we find that a reduction of the termination charge below cost has two opposing effects: it softens competition but helps to internalize network externalities. Theformer reduces mobile penetration while the latter boosts it. We find that firms always prefer termination charge below cost for either motive while the regulator preferstermination below cost only when this boosts penetration.Next, we consider the retail benchmarking approach (Jeon and Hurkens, 2008)that determines termination charges as a function of retail prices and show that thisapproach allows the regulator to increase penetration without distorting call volumes.


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En matière de dépistage du cancer du sein, il a été proposé de compléter les moyens techniques actuellement disponibles des praticiens du canton de Vaud par ceux d'une unité mobile de mammographie. Avant de se lancer dans cette aventure, il paraît raisonnable d'estimer le volume et la nature de la demande pour ce nouveau service. La participation des femmes vaudoises peut être évaluée par une enquête de population. Pour préparer cette enquête, un sondage téléphonique pilote a été effectué, permettant d'en estimer la faisabilité, le coût et le rendement.


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Studies on lower attines are scarce, especially on nesting and foraging ecology and behavior. This study aimed to contribute to the knowledge of an Attini in dunes ecosystems through the description of density and spatial distribution of Mycetophylax simplex (Emery, 1887) nests in a strip of mobile dunes in the Praia Grande beach, Torres, northern coast of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The density and spatial distribution of nests were estimated in four plots of 2,500 m² each, in which were found 20, 209, 284 and 324 nests, with average densities of 0.01 nests/m², 0.09, 0.11 and 0.13 nests/m², respectively. The nests were found near to the vegetation and showed clumped distribution. The density and distribution pattern of the nests seem to be related to the availability of nesting places and foraging resources.


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A forma como um projeto é gerido tem vindo a evoluir ao longo dos tempos. Com a crescente preocupação em entregar os projetos dentro dos prazos estipulados, com qualidade e dentro do orçamento previsto, foi necessário melhorar a forma de gerir os mesmos. Neste sentido têm vindo a surgir várias metodologias e, principalmente, ferramentas informáticas que apoiam os gestores de projetos a gerir os mesmos. Tendo em conta que gerir projetos de desenvolvimento de sistemas de informação engloba desafios específicos dos projetos desta natureza e, no sentido de ajudar os gestores a enfrentarem tais desafios com sucesso, propôs-se efetuar o desenvolvimento de uma aplicação web e mobile de apoio a gestão de projetos desta natureza. Este trabalho procura fazer um mapeamento entre as principais metodologias de gestão de projetos, principalmente, as direcionadas para projetos de desenvolvimento de sistemas de informação, e os grupos de processos e áreas de conhecimento de gestão de projetos definidos no PMBOK. Toda essa informação é disponibilizada numa aplicação web, que está, igualmente, acessível nos dispositivos móveis. Com esta aplicação web e mobile, pretendeu-se desenvolver uma aplicação informática interativa de apoio a gestão de projetos de sistemas de informação, tendo em conta a metodologia adotada para a gestão do projeto e as linhas de orientação do PMBOK.


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Introduction. - « Ostéo-Mobile Vaud » est un projet pilote visant àinformer et promouvoir les mesures générales de prévention del'ostéoporose chez les femmes vaudoises de 60 ans et plus. Son butest également d'évaluer le risque de fracture dans cette populationen associant les facteurs de risque cliniques, la mesure de la DMOpar DXA de la colonne lombaire et du fémur proximal (Hologic Discovery),la recherche des fractures vertébrales préexistantes parVFA et une appréciation de la « qualité osseuse » par TBS. Une phaseprospective de 5 ans est prévue. Le Trabecular Bone Score (TBS) estun procédé qui consiste à appliquer un traitement informatique àl'image 2D de projection de la DXA basé sur la quantification desvariations locales de niveaux de gris. Un modèle mathématiquerelie le paramètre TBS avec des paramètres de microarchitecture 3Dtels la connectivité 3D, le nombre de travées et l'espace inter-trabéculaire.Ce modèle fait de TBS une mesure indirecte de microarchitectureosseuse.Résultats. - Fin juillet 2011, 510 femmes de ± 67 ans, IMC ± 26 kg/m2,ont été évaluées. Une ou plusieurs fractures de fragilité ont été rapportéeschez 72 femmes, parmi lesquelles 39 avec fractures vertébrales.TBS diminue avec l'âge (-0.005 par année, p < 0,001) etdiminue en fonction de l'IMC (- 0,011 par kg/m2, p < 0,001). La corrélationentre TBS et la DMO de la colonne lombaire est faible(r = 0,4, p < 0,001) et un grand pourcentage de la variabilité du TBSest indépendant de la DMO (> 84%). TBS discrimine les femmes avecfractures vertébrales des femmes sans fracture vertébrale et lesfemmes avec OP clinique (fractures de fragilité) de celles sans OPclinique. Ce pouvoir discriminatif est indépendant de la DMO de lacolonne lombaire ou du T-score le plus bas, après ajustement pourl'âge et l'IMC.Odd ratio (OR, 95 % IC) pour une diminution d'une déviation standarddu TBS, ajusté pour l'âge, l'IMC et la mesure de DMO :Conclusion. - TBS représente une plus-value par rapport à la DMOdans l'appréciation du risque de fracture chez les femmes vaudoisesde 60 ans et plus.


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Developing countries face serious problems on building and using digital libraries (DL) due to low computer and Internet penetration rates, lack of financial resources, etc. Thus, since mobile phones are much more used than computers in these countries, they might be a good alternative for accessing DL. Moreover, in the developed world there has been an exponential growth on the usage of mobile phones for data traffic, establishing a good ground for accessing DL on mobile devices. This paper presents a design proposal for making DSpace-based digital libraries accessible on mobile phones. Since DSpace is a popular free and open source DL system used around the world, making it accessible through mobile devices might contribute for improving the global accessibility of scientific and academic publications.


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Digital libraries (DL) have had a tremendous impact on improving the accessibility of scientific and academic publications. In developing countries, they seem to be the great hope, due to the serious existing problems with the traditional publishing and distribution mechanisms and to the potential they have on enabling access to a great panoply of publications. Moreover, accessing digital libraries over mobile devices has the potential of reaching a broader community of users and on helping to bridge the digital divide, since there are very reduced computer and Internet penetration rates in these countries, along with a higher mobile phone usage. For developed countries, accessing digital libraries on the go might also bring important added value. This paper features an analysis of the major issues related to making digital libraries accessible over mobile devices. A specific study on the possibility of using mobile digital libraries in a developing country context is also presented along with a proposal for making DSpace based digital libraries accessible over mobile phones.


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La aplicación tiene como objetivo llegar a la comunidad de alumnos, los cuales no pueden tener reuniones presenciales debido a su situación geográfica. La aplicación dispone de un conjunto de herramientas para poder centralizar toda la información que los usuarios vayan generando durante el desarrollo de los proyectos. Ha de ser una herramienta para facilitar la organización y la administración de los recursos de los usuarios de la plataforma. El proyecto que se presenta es una aplicación web, desarrollada en lenguajes PHP, SQL, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Ajax, en un servidor Apache y base de datos MySQL.


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As constantes mudanças na situação socioeconómica têm intensificado e modificado as demandas e pressões sociais a que as organizações são submetidas. É neste sentido que a Câmara Municipal de São Vicente - CMSV pretende implementar aos Serviços de Promoção Social um Sistema de Gestão dos Benefícios Sociais para que o processo de atribuição de apoios sociais seja mais democrático, promovendo assim igualdade social. Com este trabalho pretende-se desenvolver um sistema de gestão de benefícios sociais, que será um módulo integrante do Sistema de Informação Municipal – SIM, indo desde à definição dos vários processos até a sua finalização, mantendo na base de dados da mesma todas as informações socioeconómicas dos agregados familiares, de modo a zelar pela igualdade social. Todo o sistema foi modelado utilizando o UML (Unified Modeling Language) com extensão web. No desenvolvimento do protótipo foi utilizado um framework que está sendo desenvolvido pela equipa da Divisão de Informática da CMSV – DICMSV e com a utilização deste framework que possui um gerador de código, ferramenta esta que é capaz de realizar funcionalidades eficientes e eficazes das aplicações que facilitam na programação em linguagem Oracle PL/SQL Web e JavaScript e, ainda as linguagens de formatação HTML5 e CSS3, linguagens que fazem parte do desenvolvimento do projeto.


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Abstract This PhD thesis addresses the issue of alleviating the burden of developing ad hoc applications. Such applications have the particularity of running on mobile devices, communicating in a peer-to-peer manner and implement some proximity-based semantics. A typical example of such application can be a radar application where users see their avatar as well as the avatars of their friends on a map on their mobile phone. Such application become increasingly popular with the advent of the latest generation of mobile smart phones with their impressive computational power, their peer-to-peer communication capabilities and their location detection technology. Unfortunately, the existing programming support for such applications is limited, hence the need to address this issue in order to alleviate their development burden. This thesis specifically tackles this problem by providing several tools for application development support. First, it provides the location-based publish/subscribe service (LPSS), a communication abstraction, which elegantly captures recurrent communication issues and thus allows to dramatically reduce the code complexity. LPSS is implemented in a modular manner in order to be able to target two different network architectures. One pragmatic implementation is aimed at mainstream infrastructure-based mobile networks, where mobile devices can communicate through fixed antennas. The other fully decentralized implementation targets emerging mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), where no fixed infrastructure is available and communication can only occur in a peer-to-peer fashion. For each of these architectures, various implementation strategies tailored for different application scenarios that can be parametrized at deployment time. Second, this thesis provides two location-based message diffusion protocols, namely 6Shot broadcast and 6Shot multicast, specifically aimed at MANETs and fine tuned to be used as building blocks for LPSS. Finally this thesis proposes Phomo, a phone motion testing tool that allows to test proximity semantics of ad hoc applications without having to move around with mobile devices. These different developing support tools have been packaged in a coherent middleware framework called Pervaho.