1000 resultados para Pesquisa na Internet


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This paper describes the inception, planning and first delivery of a security course as part of a postgraduate ecommerce program. The course is reviewed in terms of existing literature on security courses, the common body of knowledge established for security professionals and the job market into which students will graduate. The course described in this paper is a core subject for the e-commerce program. This program was established in 1999 and the first batch of students graduated in 2001. The program is offered at both postgraduate and undergraduate level. The work described here relates to the postgraduate offering. Students on this program are graduates of diverse disciplines and do not have a common e-commerce or business background.


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We have developed a software application to enable interactive rehabilitation via the Internet. The reliability of the telemedicine application was examined by comparing it with face-to-face assessment. The physical outcome measures assessed were knee range of motion, quadriceps muscle strength, limb girth and an assessment of gait. One therapist performed both in-person and Internet-based measurements of all outcome measures on 20 normal subjects. There was good agreement between the two techniques (the 95% limits of agreement included zero for all the variables studied). Internet assessments were conducted at two bandwidths: ISDN at 128 kbit/s and the telephone network at 17 kbit/s. Bandwidth had no significant influence on any of the measures. This study suggests that Internet-based physiotherapy interventions delivered to the home are suitable for further development.


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Telemedicine promises to revolutionize medical care delivery in rural and remote areas. The ability to accurately evaluate physical impairment via the Internet is important to the possible future provision of Internet-based physiotherapy. This study evaluated the reliability and validity of assessing knee range of motion via the Internet. Two therapists evaluated knee angle on a single subject via two methods of assessment: the Internet and the traditional method (face-to-face). Nine random positions of the knee were chosen with the principal examiner performing 20 face-to-face and two sets of 20 Internet measures in each position (n=540). The secondary therapist performed Internet assessments only. The Internet connection was established at a readily available speed of 17 kbit/s. The Internet-based goniometer was found to be a valid tool for measuring both knee flexion and extension angles. It was shown to possess both high intra and inter-rater reliability. Difference average plots of the scores verified the consistency of measurement between both modes of assessment. The successful evaluation of the physical outcome measure of knee range of motion via the Internet assists the further development of Internet-based physiotherapy applications. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The design of Internet Relay Chat (IRC) affords for, and itself produces, non-response situations that are not possible in FTF or telephone interaction. These system-occasioned nonresponses produce almost isomorphic stimuli to participant non-responses. Situations thus arise in which non-responses are interpersonally accountable despite agentive ambiguity. This study explores four intersections of participant-action and system-occasioned non-responses. An extension to Pomerantz's (1984b) 'pursuing a response' problems/solutions is proposed. The impact of IRC's design on its popularity is discussed in contrast to more recent chat systems. Suggestions are made for active and passive presence and non-response accounting features in future chat systems.


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The Internet has the potential for delivering innovative, interactive physical activity (PA) interventions to large numbers of people. This study was designed to test the efficacy. of ant Internet intervention that consisted of a Web site plus 12 weekly e-mail tip sheets, compared with a waiting list control group. The Internet intervention was theory based and emphasized clear, graphical presentation of PA information. Sixty-five (30 intervention and 35 control) sedentary adult employees of several large hospitals (9 men and 56 women) were randomly assigned to 1 of the 2 study arms. Of the 65 participants, 57 completed the 1-month follow-up, and 52 completed the 3-month follow-up. At both 1 and 3 months, those in the intervention group were significantly more likely to have progressed, in stage of motivational readiness for PA than participants in the control group: 1 month, chi(2)(1, N = 52) = 4.05, p


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O Portal de Peri??dicos da Capes disponibiliza ??s institui????es de ensino superior e de pesquisa, conte??do atualizado e de alta qualidade permitindo consultas e acesso aos textos completos de artigos publicados em 23.925 revistas internacionais, nacionais e estrangeiras e mais de 124 bases de dados com resumos de documentos em todas as ??reas do conhecimento. Tem como finalidade oferecer ??s universidades, institutos de pesquisa e organiza????es governamentais, n??o governamentais e particulares, onde se desenvolve a p??sgradua????o e a pesquisa do pa??s, informa????o cient??fica necess??ria ?? forma????o de recursos humanos de alto n??vel e desenvolvimento do conhecimento, tecnologia e inova????o. O acesso ?? biblioteca eletr??nica se d?? via internet, por meio do site www.periodicos.capes.gov.br, de forma gratuita ??s organiza????es autorizadas. Em 2009, foram baixados mais de 65 milh??es de documentos, entre textos completos e abstracts


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O Sisbio ?? um sistema informatizado de autoriza????o e de informa????o que objetiva melhorar o atendimento a pesquisadores cujos estudos envolvem coleta de material biol??gico ou s??o desenvolvidos em unidades de conserva????o da natureza ou ainda, em cavernas. Por meio do preenchimento e envio de formul??rios pela internet, pesquisadores solicitam ao Instituto Chico Mendes de Conserva????o da Biodiversidade (ICMBio) autoriza????es para as atividades supracitadas. Pelo sistema, os pesquisadores tamb??m apresentam seus relat??rios de atividades, cujas informa????es compor??o um banco de dados georreferenciado. Anteriormente, essas autoriza????es eram emitidas em papel a partir da an??lise do projeto de pesquisa impresso enviado por correio. Os relat??rios das atividades autorizadas eram arquivados em processos, tornando as informa????es neles contidas pouco dispon??veis para a consulta. O Sisbio mudou esse quadro, promovendo celeridade e transpar??ncia na an??lise, bem como a otimiza????o da gest??o e uso da informa????o


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Gerenciar pesquisa, desenvolvimento tecnol??gico e inova????o no Brasil ?? um grande desafio. S?? no ano de 2004, a ind??stria brasileira desembolsou cerca de US$ 4 bilh??es, em royalties, pelo uso de tecnologias importadas. Com a Lei n. 9.991/00, as empresas do Setor El??trico Brasileiro (SEB) obrigaram-se a investir, anualmente, o m??nimo de 1% da Receita Operacional L??quida (ROL) em Projetos de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Tecnol??gico (P&D). O processo do Programa Eletronorte de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Tecnol??gico (PEPD) ?? inovador e foi estruturado utilizando redes de conhecimentos e parceiros na gest??o profissional da P&D. Esse trabalho avalia como o PEPD gerou uma verdadeira revolu????o empresarial a partir da GTI, Gest??o da Tecnologia e da Inova????o, tornando-se uma importante estrat??gia de competitividade e desempenho. O PEPD possibilitou a obten????o de expressivos resultados como o aumento de tr??s vezes dos recursos investidos em P&D, solu????o de problemas empresariais cr??ticos, redu????o de custos e adiamento de investimentos, aumento das inser????es tecnol??gica e social, aumento do n??mero de titula????es (gradua????o, p??s-gradua????o, mestrado e doutorado). O que ratifica a nova dimens??o assumida pela GTI na transforma????o da ind??stria de energia el??trica brasileira