802 resultados para Parkinson’s disease - motor deficits


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A doença de Parkinson (DP) é uma das desordens neurodegenerativas mais comuns associada ao envelhecimento, alcançando 2% aos 70 anos. É uma doença caracterizada pela degeneração progressiva de neurônios dopaminérgicos nigrais nos gânglios basais e pela presença de inclusões protéicas citoplasmáticas denominadas corpúsculos e neuritos de Lewy nos neurônios sobreviventes. A etiologia da DP é pouco conhecida, sendo considerada, na maioria dos casos, idiopática. Conhecimentos alcançados nos últimos 15 anos sobre a base genética da DP demonstram, claramente, que os fatores genéticos desempenham um importante papel na etiologia desta desordem. Neste trabalho, rastreamos mutações nos genes que codificam proteínas participantes de vias metabólicas mitocondriais (Parkin, PINK1 e DJ-1) em 136 pacientes brasileiros com manifestação precoce da DP, através do sequenciamento automático e da técnica de MLPA. Avaliamos a presença de variantes de sequência por meio do sequenciamento dos exons 1 a 12 do gene Parkin e dos exons 1 a 8 do gene PINK1. Em Parkin foram identificadas três mutações patogênicas ou potencialmente patogênicas, ambas em heterozigose: p.T240M, p.437L e p.S145N. Em PINK1 não encontramos variantes de ponto patogênicas. Através da técnica de MLPA investigamos alterações de dosagem nos genes Parkin, PINK1 e DJ-1. Identificamos cinco alterações no gene Parkin em quatro pacientes: uma duplicação heterozigota do exon 4 no paciente PAR2256, uma deleção heterozigota do exon 4 no probando PAR2099, uma deleção homozigota do exon 4 na paciente PAR3380 e um probando heterozigoto composto (PAR2396) com duas alterações, uma duplicação do exon 3 e uma deleção dos exons 5 e 6. No gene PINK1 identificamos uma deleção heterozigota do exon 1, que nunca foi descrita na literatura, em um paciente (PAR2083). Não encontramos alteração quantitativa no gene DJ-1. Neste estudo obtivemos uma frequência total de mutações patogênicas (pontuais e de dosagem) nos genes estudados de 7,3%, sendo 6,6% no gene Parkin e 0,7% no gene PINK1.


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A Hipóxia-isquemia (HI) perinatal é um problema de saúde pública, e ocorrem aproximadamente 1,5 casos de encefalopatias por HI por 1000 nascidos vivos. Dos que sobrevivem 25-60% sofrem de deficiências permanentes do desenvolvimento neurológico, incluindo paralisia cerebral, convulsões, retardo mental, e dificuldade de aprender. Neurônios e oligodendrócitos, especialmente os progenitores, são os mais afetados pela HI. Existem vários modelos de HI, no entanto, poucos levam em consideração as intercorrências maternas, a importância da atividade placentária, e as trocas entre mãe-filho, que são clinicamente observadas em humanos. Robinson estabeleceu um modelo de HI sistêmica pré-natal transitório, onde o fluxo das artérias uterinas da rata grávida era obstruído por 45 minutos no décimo oitavo dia (E18) de gestação. Neste modelo foram observadas alterações que são similares às observadas em cérebros humanos que passaram por hipóxia perinatal, dentre as quais foram relatados aumento no nível de apoptose. Caspase-3 é descrita como uma enzima que atua na apoptose, e é amplamente utilizada como marcador para células apoptóticas. Vários autores vêm mostrando, entretanto, que a enzima caspase-3 pode estar ativada para fins não apoptóticos. No modelo de HI sistêmica pré-natal, foram observados astrogliose na substância branca, morte de oligodendrócitos, lesão em axônios tanto na substância branca como no córtex cerebral, e danos motores. Pouco se sabe da influencia do insulto HI no desenvolvimento do cerebelo, considerando que o cerebelo junto com o córtex motor, contribui para o controle motor. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a distribuição da caspase-3 clivada durante o desenvolvimento do cerebelo em um modelo de HI pré-natal. Os resultados deste trabalho demonstram que as células caspase-3 clivadas apresentaram duas morfologias distintas em ambos os grupos. Uma onde a caspase-3 foi observada apenas no núcleo, oscilando entre células com imunorreatividade fraca a intensa, e de células com a presença da caspase-3 no corpo celular, nos prolongamentos condensados e presença de fragmentos ao redor do soma, morfologia típica de célula em apoptose. A HI pré-natal, assim como nos hemisférios cerebrais, levou ao aumento de células caspase-3 clivadas com morfologia de progenitores de oligodendrócitos no cerebelo do grupo HI em P2, mas não em P9 e P23. Também foi demonstrado que a HI pré-natal não levou a uma ativação da apoptose em oligodendrócitos, neurônios e microglia (identificados por seus respectivos marcadores, CNPase, NeuN e ED1) apresentando marcação no núcleos de células GFAP+, na substância branca, camada granular e nas células da glia de Bergmann, em P9 e P23 no cerebelo. Podemos concluir que a HI pré-natal aumentou o número de células imunorreativas para a caspase-3 em um período crítico do desenvolvimento da oligodendroglia no cerebelo, e que a diminuição de progenitores de oligodendrócitos no cerebelo decorrente do insulto pré-natal visto em trabalhos anteriores, pode estar relacionada a morte celular por apoptose, embora não se possa descartar a hipótese da participação dessas células que apresentam caspase-3 clivada em outros eventos não apoptóticos desencadeados pela hipóxia-isquemia.


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In sensorimotor integration, sensory input and motor output signals are combined to provide an internal estimate of the state of both the world and one's own body. Although a single perceptual and motor snapshot can provide information about the current state, computational models show that the state can be optimally estimated by a recursive process in which an internal estimate is maintained and updated by the current sensory and motor signals. These models predict that an internal state estimate is maintained or stored in the brain. Here we report a patient with a lesion of the superior parietal lobe who shows both sensory and motor deficits consistent with an inability to maintain such an internal representation between updates. Our findings suggest that the superior parietal lobe is critical for sensorimotor integration, by maintaining an internal representation of the body's state.


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The adsorption of dopamine (DA) molecules on gold and their interactions with Fe3+ were studied by a microcantilever in a flow cell. The microcantilever bent toward the Au side with the adsorption of DA due to the change Of Surface stress induced by the intermolecular hydrogen bonds of DA or the charge transfer effect between adsorbates and the Substrate. The interaction process between DA adsorbates and Fe3+ was revealed by the deflection curves of microcantilever. As indicated by the appearance of a variation during the decline of curves, two steps were observed in the curve at relative high concentrations of Fe3+. In this case, Fe3+ reacted with DA molecules only in the outer layers and the complexes removed with solution. Then Fe3+ reacted further with DA molecules forming the surface complex in the first layer next to the gold. At this stage, the stability Of Surface complexes was time dependent, i.e., unstable initially and stable finally. This may be due to the surface complexes change from mono-dentate to bi-dentate complexes. In another case, i.e., at relative low concentration of Fe3+, only the first step was observed as indicated by the absence of a variation.


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Neuromelanin is a complex polymer pigment found primarily in the dopaminergic neurons of the human substantia nigra, whose composition is complex including production of dopamine auto-oxidation, glutathione and a variety of amino acid. Neuromelanin forms stable complex with iron (111). We observed that 5,6-dihydroxyindole and its ramification possessed strong ability of chelating iron (111), and they are the production of dopamine auto-oxidation under physiological pH condition. In the present Of L-Cysteine, the relative yields of electrochemical oxidation of dopamine also had strong ability of chelating iron (111). The experimental results suggest that 5,6-dihydroxyindole and 5-S-cysteineldopamine play important roles in the process of synthetic neuromelanin chelating iron (111).


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Growth differentiation factor-5 (GDF-5) is a member of the transforming growth factor-β superfamily, a family of proteins that play diverse roles in many aspects of cell growth, proliferation and differentiation. GDF-5 has also been shown to be a trophic factor for embryonic midbrain dopaminergic neurons in vitro (Krieglstein et al. 1995) and after transplantation to adult rats in vivo (Sullivan et al. 1998). GDF-5 has also been shown to have neuroprotective and neurorestorative effects on adult dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra in animal models of Parkinson’s disease (Sullivan et al. 1997, 1999; Hurley et al. 2004). This experimental evidence has lead to GDF-5 being proposed as a neurotrophic factor with potential for use in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. However, it is not know if GDF-5 is expressed in the brain and whether it plays a role in dopaminergic neuron development. The experiments presented here aim to address these questions. To that end this thesis is divided into five separate studies each addressing a particular question associated with GDF-5 and its expression patterns and roles during the development of the rat midbrain. Expression of the GDF-5 in the developing rat ventral mesencephalon (VM) was found to begin at E12 and peak on E14, the day that dopaminergic neurons undergo terminal differentiation. In the adult rat, GDF-5 was found to be restricted to heart and brain, being expressed in many areas of the brain, including striatum and midbrain. This indicated a role for GDF-5 in the development and maintenance of dopaminergic neurons. The appropriate receptors for GDF-5 (BMPR-II and BMPR-Ib) were found to be expressed at high levels in the rat VM at E14 and BMPR-II expression was demonstrated on dopaminergic neurons in the E13 mouse VM. GDF-5 resulted in a three-fold increase in the numbers of dopaminergic neurons in cultures of E14 rat VM, without affecting the numbers of neurones or total cells. GDF-5 was found to increase the proportion of neurons that were dopaminergic. The numbers of Nurr1-positive cells were not affected by GDF-5 treatment, but GDF-5 did increase the numbers of Nurr1- positive cells that expressed tyrosine hydroxylase (TH). Taken together this data indicated that GDF-5 increases the conversion of Nurr1-positive, TH-negative cells to Nurr1-positive, TH-positive cells. In GDF-5 treated cultures, total neurite length, neurite arborisation and somal area of dopaminergic were all significantly increased compared to control cultures. Thus this study showed that GDF-5 increased the numbers and morphological differentiation of VM dopaminergic neurones in vitro. In order to examine if GDF-5 could induce a dopaminergic phenotype in neural progenitor cells, neurosphere cultures prepared from embryonic rat VM were established. The effect of the gestational age of the donor VM on the proportion of cell types generated from neurospheres from E12, E13 and E14 VM was examined. Dopaminergic neurons could only be generated from neurospheres which were prepared from E12 VM. Thus in subsequent studies the effect of GDF-5 on dopaminergic induction was examined in progentior cell cultures prepared from the E12 rat VM. In primary cultures of E12 rat VM, GDF-5 increased the numbers of TH-positive cells without affecting the proliferation or survival of these cells. In cultures of expanded neural progenitor cells from the E12 rat VM, GDF-5 increased the expression of Nurr1 and TH, an action that was dependent on signalling through the BMPR-Ib receptor. Taken together, these experiments provide evidence that GDF-5 is expressed in the developing rat VM, is involved in both the induction of a dopaminergic phenotype in cells of the VM and in the subsequent morphological development of these dopaminergic neurons


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Ventral midbrain (VM) dopaminergic (DA) neurons, which project to the dorsal striatum via the nigrostriatal pathway, are progressively degenerated in Parkinson’s disease (PD). The identification of the instructive factors that regulate midbrain DA neuron development, and the subsequent elucidation of the molecular bases of their effects, is vital. Such an understanding would facilitate the generation of transplantable DA neurons from stem cells and the identification of developmentally-relevant neurotrophic factors, the two most promising therapeutic approaches for PD. Two related members of the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) family, BMP2 and growth/differentiation factor (GDF) 5, which signal via a canonical Smad 1/5/8 signalling pathway, have been shown to have neurotrophic effects on midbrain DA neurons both in vitro and in vivo, and may function to regulate VM DA neuronal development. However, the molecular (signalling pathway(s)) and cellular (direct neuronal or indirect via glial cells) mechanisms of their effects remain to be elucidated. The present thesis hypothesised that canonical Smad signalling mediates the direct effects of BMP2 and GDF5 on the development of VM DA neurons. By activating, modulating and/or inhibiting various components of the BMP-Smad signalling pathway, this research demonstrated that GDF5- and BMP2-induced neurite outgrowth from midbrain DA neurons is dependent on BMP type I receptor activation of the Smad signalling pathway. The role of glial cell-line derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF)-signalling, dynamin-dependent endocytosis and Smad interacting protein-1 (Sip1) regulation, in the neurotrophic effects of BMP2 and GDF5 were determined. Finally, the in vitro development of VM neural stem cells (NSCs) was characterised, and the ability of GDF5 and BMP2 to induce these VM NSCs towards DA neuronal differentiation was investigated. Taken together, these experiments identify GDF5 and BMP2 as novel regulators of midbrain DA neuronal induction and differentiation, and demonstrate that their effects on DA neurons are mediated by canonical BMPR-Smad signalling.


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Intervertebral disc herniation may contribute to inflammatory processes that associate with radicular pain and motor deficits. Molecular changes at the affected dorsal root ganglion (DRG), spinal cord, and even midbrain, have been documented in rat models of radiculopathy or nerve injury. The objective of this study was to evaluate gait and the expression of key pain receptors in the midbrain in a rodent model of radiculopathy. Radiculopathy was induced by harvesting tail nucleus pulposus (NP) and placing upon the right L5 DRG in rats (NP-treated, n=12). Tail NP was discarded in sham-operated animals (n=12). Mechanical allodynia, weight-bearing, and gait were evaluated in all animals over time. At 1 and 4 weeks after surgery, astrocyte and microglial activation was tested in DRG sections. Midbrain sections were similarly evaluated for immunoreactivity to serotonin (5HT(2B)), mu-opioid (µ-OR), and metabotropic glutamate (mGluR4 and 5) receptor antibodies. NP-treated animals placed less weight on the affected limb 1 week after surgery and experienced mechanical hypersensitivity over the duration of the study. Astroctye activation was observed at DRGs only at 4 weeks after surgery. Findings for pain receptors in the midbrain of NP-treated rats included an increased expression of 5HT(2B) at 1, but not 4 weeks; increased expression of µ-OR and mGluR5 at 1 and 4 weeks (periaqueductal gray region only); and no changes in expression of mGluR4 at any point in this study. These observations provide support for the hypothesis that the midbrain responds to DRG injury with a transient change in receptors regulating pain responses.


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Narrative, by its very nature, is changing as a consequence of internet developments. Hypertexts are, for example, changing not just the way in which we disseminate information, but also the ways in which we write, speak and think. In this paper a narrative approach is taken to assess a case study of a person’s extensive home site on the web. Bill maintains an extensive web site documenting his life with Parkinson’s Disease, his love for running and all matters relating to the island of Montserrat in the Eastern Caribbean. Bill’s Parkinson’s Disease hypertext diary forms the focus of this case study of a life spent on-line. Though set up just as a diary about this progressively degenerative disease, because of its hypertextual qualities, this paper argues that it is through the diary that Bill comes to produce and sustain - to narrate - his identity. This paper thus contributes to the position that though hypertext encourages the construction of fragmented and false identity narratives, it is also a medium for sustaining linear and coherent representations of self-identity.


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Tese de mestrado, Química Farmacêutica e Terapêutica, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia, 2013


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biomédicas (Neurociências), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2014


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Résumé: L’objectif général de la thèse était de caractériser les déficits de reconnaissance mnésique dans la maladie d’Alzheimer et le trouble cognitif léger. La thèse comprend trois articles. Le premier article propose une recension des écrits portant sur les déficits cognitifs dans le trouble cognitif léger, alors que les deux articles suivants rapportent les résultats d’études expérimentales portant sur la reconnaissance. Le but de la première étude empirique était d’évaluer l’impact du type de matériel sur la reconnaissance à long terme et la reconnaissance à court terme dans la maladie d’Alzheimer en comparant l’atteinte pour des stimuli verbaux et musicaux. Nos analyses de groupe ont révélé que les atteintes des personnes avec maladie d’Alzheimer s’étendaient à toutes les épreuves et que les déficits étaient d’une ampleur comparable en reconnaissance musicale et verbale. Les analyses corrélationnelles appuient, bien que partiellement, une certaine spécificité d’atteintes par domaine, particulièrement en reconnaissance à long terme, mais suggèrent également que les deux domaines puissent partager certains mécanismes. L’objectif de la seconde étude était de caractériser les processus utilisés en reconnaissance dans le vieillissement normal et le trouble cognitif léger en fonction de la nouveauté et du type de matériel. L’étude évaluait la recollection et la familiarité à l’aide de la méthode remember/know. Les tâches étaient composées d’items connus et d’items nouveaux faisant partie du domaine verbal ou du domaine musical. Les résultats ont révélé que la recollection était atteinte dans le vieillissement normal et le trouble cognitif léger, mais uniquement pour la reconnaissance de stimuli connus, ce qui est compatible avec le fait que les deux groupes ont de la difficulté à encoder l’information de façon élaborée. D’autre part, la familiarité était compromise dans le vieillissement normal, sans impact additionnel du trouble cognitif léger, et seulement pour la reconnaissance de stimuli inconnus. Cette atteinte peut être associée aux difficultés des aînés dans les tâches d’amorçage perceptif impliquant des items inconnus. Les résultats découlant de ces études s’avèrent pertinents dans une perspective clinique, en plus de pouvoir contribuer à certaines questions d’ordre théorique.


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La maladie de Parkinson (MP) est une affection neurodégénérative invalidante et incurable. Il est maintenant clairement établi que d’importants déterminants génétiques prédisposent à son apparition. La recherche génétique sur des formes familiales de la MP a mené à la découverte d’un minimum de six gènes causatifs (SNCA, LRRK2, Parkin, PINK1, DJ-1 and GBA) et certains, par exemple LRRK2, contiennent des variations génétiques qui prédisposent également aux formes sporadiques. La caractérisation des protéines codées par ces gènes a mené à une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires sousjacents. Toutefois, en dépit de ces efforts, les causes menant à l’apparition de la MP restent inconnues pour la majorité des patients. L’objectif général des présents travaux était d’identifier des mutations prédisposant à la MP dans la population canadienne-française du Québec à partir d’une cohorte composée principalement de patients sporadiques. Le premier volet de ce projet consistait à déterminer la présence de mutations de LRRK2 dans notre cohorte en séquençant directement les exons contenant la majorité des mutations pathogéniques et en effectuant une étude d’association. Nous n’avons identifié aucune mutation et l’étude d’association s’est avérée négative, suggérant ainsi que LRRK2 n’est pas une cause significative de la MP dans la population canadienne-française. La deuxième partie du projet avait pour objectif d’identifier de nouveaux gènes causatifs en séquençant directement des gènes candidats choisis à cause de leurs implications dans différents mécanismes moléculaires sous-tendant la MP. Notre hypothèse de recherche était basée sur l’idée que la MP est principalement due à des mutations individuellement rares dans un grand nombre de gènes différents. Nous avons identifié des mutations rares dans les gènes PICK1 et MFN1. Le premier code pour une protéine impliquée dans la régulation de la transmission du glutamate tandis que le second est un des acteurs-clés du processus de fusion mitochondriale. Nos résultats, qui devront être répliqués, suggèrent que le séquençage à grande échelle pourrait être une méthode prometteuse d’élucidation des facteurs de prédisposition génétiques à la MP ; ils soulignent l’intérêt d’utiliser une population fondatrice comme les canadiens-français pour ce type d’étude et devraient permettre d’approfondir les connaissances sur la pathogénèse moléculaire de la MP.


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Au Québec, près de 25 000 personnes, principalement des aînés, sont touchées par la maladie de Parkinson (MP), la majorité étant soignée par leur conjoint. Au stade modéré, la MP altère la santé et la qualité de vie de ces couples. Ce stade est propice à la mise en place d’interventions dyadiques, car les couples expérimentent des pertes croissantes, nécessitant plusieurs ajustements. Néanmoins, aucune étude n’avait encore examiné leurs besoins d’intervention lors de cette transition et peu d’interventions pour les soutenir ont fait l’objet d’études évaluatives. Avec comme cadre de référence la théorie de l’expérience de transition de Meleis et al. (2000) et l’approche systémique de Wright et Leahey (2009), cette étude visait à développer, mettre à l’essai et évaluer une intervention auprès de couples âgés vivant avec la MP au stade modéré. À cette fin, un devis qualitatif et une approche participative ont été privilégiés. L’élaboration et l’évaluation de l’intervention s’appuient sur le cadre méthodologique d’Intervention Mapping de Bartholomew et al. (2006) et sur les écrits de Miles et Huberman (2003). L’étude s’est déroulée dans une clinique ambulatoire spécialisée dans la MP. Dix couples et quatre intervenants ont collaboré à la conceptualisation de l’intervention. Trois nouveaux couples en ont fait l’expérimentation et l’évaluation. L’intervention dyadique compte sept rencontres de 90 minutes, aux deux semaines. Les principaux thèmes, les méthodes et les stratégies d’intervention sont basés sur les besoins et les objectifs des dyades ainsi que sur des théories et des écrits empiriques. L’intervention est orientée vers les préoccupations des dyades, la promotion de la santé, la résolution de problèmes, l’accès aux ressources, la communication et l’ajustement des rôles. Les résultats de l’étude ont montré la faisabilité, l’acceptabilité et l’utilité de l’intervention. Les principales améliorations notées par les dyades sont l’adoption de comportements de santé, la recherche de solutions ajustées aux situations rencontrées et profitables aux deux partenaires, la capacité de faire appel à des services et l’accroissement des sentiments de maîtrise, de soutien mutuel, de plaisir et d’espoir. Cette étude fournit des pistes aux infirmières, engagées dans différents champs de pratique, pour développer et évaluer des interventions dyadiques écologiquement et théoriquement fondées.


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