750 resultados para Parenting Sense of Competence
Introduction: A standardized three-dimensional ultrasonographic (3DUS) protocol is described that allows fetal face reconstruction. Ability to identify cleft lip with 3DUS using this protocol was assessed by operators with minimal 3DUS experience. Material and Methods: 260 stored volumes of fetal face were analyzed using a standardized protocol by operators with different levels of competence in 3DUS. The outcomes studied were: (1) the performance of post-processing 3D face volumes for the detection of facial clefts; (2) the ability of a resident with minimal 3DUS experience to reconstruct the acquired facial volumes, and (3) the time needed to reconstruct each plane to allow proper diagnosis of a cleft. Results: The three orthogonal planes of the fetal face (axial, sagittal and coronal) were adequately reconstructed with similar performance when acquired by a maternal-fetal medicine specialist or by residents with minimal experience (72 vs. 76%, p = 0.629). The learning curve for manipulation of 3DUS volumes of the fetal face corresponds to 30 cases and is independent of the operator's level of experience. Discussion: The learning curve for the standardized protocol we describe is short, even for inexperienced sonographers. This technique might decrease the length of anatomy ultrasounds and improve the ability to visualize fetal face anomalies.
Songs were the means used by the Romanian Communist Party to ‘educate’ Romanians. Through them, Romanians were told what they had to appreciate, how grateful they were supposed to be to the regime, how great President Ceausescu was and how they had to work harder and harder so that they could be even better Communists. This paper comprises the translation of three songs composed, performed and broadcast in Communist Romania and their analysis from the point of view of communication. In translating the song, I have chosen to translate closest to the original possible meaning and meanwhile to respect to the best of my ability Low’s ‘pentathlon principle’: singability, rhyme, rhythm, naturalness and fidelity to the sense of the source text
Long the obscure cousins of Alzheimer's, the frontotemporal dementias last month stood in the glare of a large three-day meeting devoted specifically to this particular group of diseases. FTD is an isolating and ruinous progressive illness. Sufferers exhibit a range of disturbing, aberrant behaviors and often reckless financial decisions, all coupled with a puzzling emotional flatness that makes it impossible for them to realize it's actually wrong to cheat on a spouse or spend the family savings. In the wake of some recent genetic and biochemical advances, FTD research is now quickly picking up speed, and a new sense of optimism pervaded the 7th International Conference on Frontotemporal Dementias. Madolyn Bowman Rogers captured its essence-read her series to learn what FTD is, and how new research is changing its diagnosis, biological understanding, and the search for new treatments.Frontotemporal Dementia Research Comes of AgeNeuroimaging Opens Window to Disease, Better DiagnosisDissecting the Pathways Behind Frontotemporal DementiaClinical Trials a Ripple, Scientists Hope for a WaveView PDF of the entire series.��
Long the obscure cousins of Alzheimer's, the frontotemporal dementias last month stood in the glare of a large three-day meeting devoted specifically to this particular group of diseases. FTD is an isolating and ruinous progressive illness. Sufferers exhibit a range of disturbing, aberrant behaviors and often reckless financial decisions, all coupled with a puzzling emotional flatness that makes it impossible for them to realize it's actually wrong to cheat on a spouse or spend the family savings. In the wake of some recent genetic and biochemical advances, FTD research is now quickly picking up speed, and a new sense of optimism pervaded the 7th International Conference on Frontotemporal Dementias. Madolyn Bowman Rogers captured its essence-read her series to learn what FTD is, and how new research is changing its diagnosis, biological understanding, and the search for new treatments.Frontotemporal Dementia Research Comes of AgeNeuroimaging Opens Window to Disease, Better DiagnosisDissecting the Pathways Behind Frontotemporal DementiaClinical Trials a Ripple, Scientists Hope for a WaveView PDF of the entire series.��
A promising approach to adoptive transfer therapy of tumors is to reprogram autologous T lymphocytes by TCR gene transfer of defined Ag specificity. An obstacle, however, is the undesired pairing of introduced TCRalpha- and TCRbeta-chains with the endogenous TCR chains. These events vary depending on the individual endogenous TCR and they not only may reduce the levels of cell surface-introduced TCR but also may generate hybrid TCR with unknown Ag specificities. We show that such hybrid heterodimers can be generated even by the pairing of human and mouse TCRalpha- and TCRbeta-chains. To overcome this hurdle, we have identified a pair of amino acid residues in the crystal structure of a TCR that lie at the interface of associated TCR Calpha and Cbeta domains and are related to each other by both a complementary steric interaction analogous to a "knob-into-hole" configuration and the electrostatic environment. We mutated the two residues so as to invert the sense of this interaction analogous to a charged "hole-into-knob" configuration. We show that this inversion in the CalphaCbeta interface promotes selective assembly of the introduced TCR while preserving its specificity and avidity for Ag ligand. Noteworthily, this TCR modification was equally efficient on both a Mu and a Hu TCR. Our data suggest that this approach is generally applicable to TCR independently of their Ag specificity and affinity, subset distribution, and species of origin. Thus, this strategy may optimize TCR gene transfer to efficiently and safely reprogram random T cells into tumor-reactive T cells.
A mesura que el suport del creixement econòmic constitueix un objectiu fonamental de la formulació de polítiques econòmiques, cal assenyalar que aquest tipus de creixement està limitat naturalment per un planeta finit. Aquest article argumenta que, des del punt de vista de la justícia intergeneracional, la realització d'un concepte de desmaterialització i, com a efecte, d'una economia que no creix (en el sentit de dissociació absoluta del creixement econòmic i consum d'energia i materials) es pot justificar. Per tant, el creixement pot ser també entesa com la millora de la qualitat de vida sobretot en comptes d'ampliar quantitats escarpats de sortida. Per tant, una dràstica reducció del cabal de material es necessita, sobretot en els països d'alts ingressos. Després de presentar alguns crítica de les propostes, en el focus d'aquest article es dibuixen en els arguments de per què la política econòmica en el futur han de ser etiquetats com "ecològic" i, a continuació, les opcions de posar en acció les idees del teòric presentat marc en tasques manejables polítiques seran discutides. En aquest cas, s'argumentarà que l'enfocament clàssic de internalització d'efectes externs sovint seguides de decisions de política econòmica ortodoxa no és completament capaç de reflectir canvis ecològics en les estructures de preus dels mercats. Per tant, formal (industrial i l'establiment de la política de consum) i institucions informals (llars) representen punts clau de la política econòmica sostenible, assenyalant l'individu com així com la responsabilitat col · lectiva per omplir aquest buit substancial.
This paper estimates the effect of piracy attacks on shipping costs using a unique data set on shipping contracts in the dry bulk market. We look at shipping routes whose shortest path exposes them to piracy attacks and find that the increase in attacks in 2008 lead to around a ten percent increase in shipping costs. We use this estimate to get a sense of the welfare loss imposed by piracy. Our intermediate estimate suggests that the creation of $120 million of revenue for pirates in the Somalia area led to a welfare loss of over $1.5 billion.
Importa si una guerra civil es combat com un conflicte irregular, convencional o simètric no convencional? En altres paraules, tenen les “tecnologies de la rebel·lió” un impacte sobre la gravetat d’una guerra, la seva durada o el seu resultat? Aquest treball mostra que els conflictes irregulars duren més que els altres tipus de conflicte, mentre els convencionals tendeixen a ser més greus en termes de letalitat al camp de batalla. D’altra banda, els conflictes irregulars tendeixen a ser guanyats pels governs, mentre els altres són més propensos a acabar en empat. Substancialment, aquests resultats ens ajuden a donar sentit a l’evolució de les guerres civils, les quals tendeixen a ser més curtes, més intenses i més difícils per als governs. Teòricament, aquests resultats donen suport a la importància de la tecnologia de rebel·lió a l’estudiar la gravetat, la durada i els resultats de les guerres civils; a més, contribueixen a una millor comprensió de la contribució històrica de la guerra irregular a la construcció de l’Estat i al canvi social.
Right from the beginning of the development of the medical specialty of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM) the harmonization of the fields of competence and the specialist training across Europe was always an important issue. The initially informal European collaboration was formalized in 1963 under the umbrella of the European Federation of PRM. The European Academy of PRM and the UEMS section of PRM started to contribute in 1969 and 1974 respectively. In 1991 the European Board of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (EBPRM) was founded with the specific task of harmonizing education and training in PRM in Europe. The EBPRM has progressively defined curricula for the teaching of medical students and for the postgraduate education and training of PRM specialists. It also created a harmonized European certification system for medical PRM specialists, PRM trainers and PRM training sites. European teaching initiatives for PRM trainees (European PRM Schools) were promoted and learning material for PRM trainees and PRM specialists (e-learning, books and e-books, etc.) was created. For the future the Board will have to ensure that a minimal specific undergraduate curriculum on PRM based on a detailed European catalogue of learning objectives will be taught in all medical schools in Europe as a basis for the general medical practice. To stimulate the harmonization of national curricula, the existing postgraduate curriculum will be expanded by a syllabus of competencies related to PRM and a catalogue of learning objectives to be reached by all European PRM trainees. The integration of the certifying examination of the PRM Board into the national assessment procedures for PRM specialists will also have to be promoted.
Since a couple of years, physicians are confronted with an increasing request of end of life patients asking for a dying facilitated process. The reasons for this are multiple and complex. Existential suffering, increased by depression, a feeling of loss of meaning or dignity and/or being a burden, seems to be a significant factor. Social isolation and physical symptoms seem to be only contributory. The identification of "protecting elements" such as spiritual well-being or a preserved sense of dignity offers new opportunities for care. Providing a space for dialogue by exploring the patient's expectations and fears, his knowledge of care options available at the end of life, his own resources and difficulties frequently contribute to decrease suffering.
Any effort to make sense of the complexities of contemporary midwifery must deal not only with biomedical and governmental power structures but also with the definitions such structures impose upon midwives and the ramifications of these definitions within and across national and cultural borders. The international definition of a midwife requires graduations from a government-recognized educational program. Those who have not are not considered midwives but are labeled traditional birth attendants. Since there are myriad local names for midwives in myriad languages, the impact of this naming at local levels can be hard to assess. But on the global scale, the ramifications of the distinction between midwives who meet the international definition and those who do not have been profound. Those who do are incorporated into the health care system. Those who do not remain outside of it, and suffer multiple forms of discrimination as a result.
Exploramos, en este artículo, el desarrollo y los resultados iniciales de una metodología innovadora que, usando la metáfora y el sentido del humor, crea un espacio narrativo en un contexto de formación universitaria en competencia social que favorece el proceso de aprendizaje. La experiencia consiste en vincular un escenario metafórico al escenario académico y al futuro escenario profesional. En el artículo se describen los ingredientes de la metáfora utilizada (la fiesta de cumpleaños) y sus vínculos con las competencias trabajadas en la asignatura de Habilidades sociales en la Facultad de Educación Social y Trabajo Social Pere Tarrés (URL). La valoración del profesorado y de los estudiantes la avala como una práctica educativa de éxito cuyos ingredientes pueden ser generalizados a otros contextos formativos.
With increasing data on the dynamics of normative couples as they transition to parenthood and become a triad, the need for greater understanding of the impact of parental psychopathology on this transition has become clear. The goal of the current article is to begin exploring this area that has received little attention to date, by describing case examples from a study of clinical families as they transitioned to parenthood. Four representative cases were selected from a pool of 13 mother-father-baby triads, for whom the mother had been hospitalized conjointly with her infant due to a psychotic episode during the postpartum period. The families were observed as part of a clinical consultation that included a semistructured play paradigm known as the Lausanne Trilogue Play (LTP; E. Fivaz-Depeursinge, & A. Corboz-Warnery, 1999). Interactions were scored using standardized measures as well as clinical impressions. All families from the clinical sample were noted to struggle and frequently failed to achieve the goals of play. The impact on the infants in terms of their developing sense of self as well as their defensive strategies in this context are discussed, with clinical implications explored.
This paper describes an experiment to explore the effects of the TENCompetence infrastructure for supporting lifelong competence development which is now in development. This infrastructure provides structured, multi-leveled access to learning materials, based upon competences. People can follow their own learning path, supported by a listing of competences and their components, by competence development plans attached to competences and by the possibility to mark elements as complete. We expected the PCM to have an effect on (1) control of participants of their own learning, and (2) appreciation of their learning route, (3) of the learning resources, (4) of their competence development, and (5) of the possibilities of collaboration. In the experiment, 44 Bulgarian teachers followed a distance learning course on a specific teaching methodology for six weeks. Part of them used the TENCompetence infrastructure, part used an infrastructure which was similar, except for the characterizing elements mentioned above. The results showed that in the experimental condition, more people passed the final competence assess-ment, and people felt more in control of their own learning. No differences between the two groups were found on the amount and appreciation of collaboration and on further measures of competence development.