839 resultados para Pan-African reactivation


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Quality changes during storage were investigated for several commercially important East African freshwater fish. Lates, Bagrus, Protopterus, Tilapia esculenta and T. nilotica were examined during storage in ice and at ambient temperature (250•C). After 24 hours at ambient temperature Lates and Bagrus were completely spoilt but Protopterus was still edible. In iced storage most fish were acceptable for at least 20 days. Organoleptic examination showed that T. nilotica was acceptable after 22 days storage in ice and that gutting was only marginally beneficial. Changes in physical appearance, which could form the basis of a fish inspection system, were recorded during storage. Possible chemical quality control indices were also investigated. It was found that total volatile bases and hypoxanthine are unlikely to be useful quality indices for the species studied with the possible exception of Lates. The bacterial counts of the flesh and skin of T. esculenta and T. niloticus were found to be low (a maximum of 10 organisms per sq cm of skin or per g of flesh) after 22 days storage in ice.


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Studies of fish and fisheries in Africa fall in to four phases: the period of fisheries expeditions, ecological investigations, the development phase, and the period of mechanized exploitation. There is need to establish the taxonomic status and ecology of the varied components of the potentially important Haplochromis in Lake Victoria. A comprehensive study of their bionomics and life history, population structure, natality, recruitment and mortality coefficients should be undertaken. Emphasis lo be laid on the study of the ecology, especially breeding behaviour of the economically important c1upeids (Stolothrissa tanganciae and Limnothrissa miodon), in Lake Tanganyika. A comprehensive investigation into the migratory and shoaling behaviour of the Lake Victoria Tilapia to be initiated. Pre-impoundment studies to be undertaken to assess effects of hydroelectric projects of fisheries. Studies on parasites of economically important fishes to be stepped up to assess pathological effects and the biological basis for their control. The role of predators, e.g., Hydrocyon, Lates and Micropterus salmoides in commercial fish populations should be evaluated, and the knowledge gaincd used to effectively manage the fisheries in favour of the more desirable fish stocks.


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The paper discusses relevance of studies on the resources to the decisions that have taken for the development of management of African inland fisheries. Particular emphasis is given to outlining the types of advice that can be provided by the biologist, without which the decisions taken can easily be wrong. The primary information concerns the magnitude of the potential yield from the resource, and how it compares with present catches. From this the possibilities for development can be assessed, or the need for management be determined. Methods of determining the potential, and the data used in their application are briefly reviewed. Because scientific advice on the resource is desirable as early as possible in the development of a fishery, simple but rather rough methods may be equally, if not more, valuable than more precise but more difficult methods.


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The present study was under taken to provide further and more detailed information on the apparent seasonal and relative abundance of the species, food and feeding habits. Spawning season and size composition. The incidence of parasites, in relation to the month of the year and the fish length, was also examined.


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The paper provides key for the identification of the East African marine fishes. Just like in most determination keys this one is based on the "either-or" principle, i.e. there is a single alternatIve at each point. A specimen either fits all the characters recorded, or fails to conform to one or more characters and you should then proceed to the next number, keeping this up until the fish to be identified does fit all the characters.


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The paper examines a conceptualized fishing system for the African Environment with a comparative approach. Although the fishing system has been conceived as a bio-economic complex, emphasis will be given to the explanation of the detailed structure and functioning of the system. Subsequent synthesis involving the use of existing relationships for management etc. will also be undertaken. The proposed fishing system is conceptually feasible in an ideal environment with adequate monitored data and organized fishing, however it is anticipated that the African environment will not satisfy such conditions.


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An ecological survey of the fisheries of Lake Baringo, Kenya was carried out between August, 1972 and August, 1973. The bionomics and population structure of T. nilotica is described. Sampling was done with multifilament gillnets of graded mesh sizes from 51 mm to 178 mm in approximately 12.5 mm increments. The Lake was divided into three sampling and ecologically different zones - the south, central and north zones. The size range of T. nilotica of both sexes caught was between 5 and 27 cm (mode 16 cm) with a mean length of 16.07 cm. For all the collections, males dominated (55.3%) and a higher proportion of males were caught in January, August and November. The smallest mature male and female was 9 and 10 cm respectively. Males grow faster and mature at larger sizes than females. 50% of all males and females mature at 17.4 and 16:4 cm respectively. The periods of intense spawning were between August and October and January to April. The Tilapia were feeding best in central and north zones and the feeding intensity was reduced in January. Two endoparasites Contracaecum sp. and Clinostomum sp. were isolated from the Tilapia. The "condition" of the fish was better in the north than in the other two zones.


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Results are presented of systematic studies of vibration damping in steel of a type, and processed by a route, rel-evant to Caribbean steel pans. Damping is likely to be a significant factor in the variation of sound quality be-tween different pans. The main stages in pan manufac-ture are simulated in a controlled manner using sheet steel, cold-rolled to a prescribed level of thickness reduc-tion then annealed at a chosen temperature in a laboratory furnace. Small test strips were cut from the resulting material, and tested in free-free beam bending to deduce the Young’s modulus and its associated loss factor. It is shown that the steel type, the degree of cold working and the annealing temperature all have a significant influence on damping. Furthermore, for each individual specimen damping is found to decrease with rising frequency, ap-proximately following a power law. Comparison with samples cut from a real pan show that there are further influences from the pan’s geometrical details.


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本论文通过聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯-b-聚丙烯睛嵌段共聚物同铁(III)离子络合物([PMMA-b-PAN]-Fe)制备有机一无机杂化薄膜,并利用妨M对薄膜的表面形态进行了表征。结果表明,通过控制[PMMA-b-PAN]-Fe络合物溶液热处理时间(T=120℃)及络合物溶液中精基同铁<III)离子的摩尔比率,可以得到不同表面形态的有机一无机杂化薄膜。并借助抑S对[PMMA-b-PAN〕-Fe络合物配位作用进行了研究,发现铁(III)离子与PMMA-b-PAN嵌段共聚物中的睛基配位。此外,对掺杂有FeSO4·7H2O 的均聚甲基丙烯酸甲酷(PMMA)溶液、均聚丙烯睛(PAN)溶液和FeSO4·7H2O(溶解在DMF中)溶液经不同时间热处理(T=120℃)后的薄膜表面形态进行了研究,结果发现,掺杂有FeSO4·7H2O 的PMMA 溶液经20in热处理后,薄膜的表面形态与FeS04·7H2O。溶液经20in热处理后薄膜的表面形态基本相同,而掺杂有FesO4·7H2O的PAN溶液经不同时间热处理后,薄膜的表面形态没有明显的变化。与此同时,对匡[PMMA-b-PAN]-Fe络合物高温热解制备碳材料进行了初步的研究,研究结果表明,利用PMMA-b-PAN]-e杂化薄膜炭化制备具有纳米尺寸孔洞的碳薄膜是可能的,但控制好热解条件至关重要。


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高频感耦等离子体发射光谱法(ICP-AES)具有测量精度好、线性范围宽、多元素同时测定等优点。经过20年来的发展已广泛应用于环境、地质、高纯材料等样品的分析中,成为分析实验室常备的分析手段之一。尽管ICP-AES在过去的20年中有很大的发展,但是依然存在着某些不足,例如:基体元素产生光谱干扰以及某些元素的含量低于检测限,使得ICP-AES对天然水等样品的直接分析上存在着一定的困难。为此,人们往往采取化学分离和富集的手段,从而使化学分离富集ICP-AES分析技术得以不断发展。在化学分离富集方法中,离子变换和吸附分离是一种较受欢迎的方法,其中所使用过的吸附剂有阴、阳离子交换树脂、螯合树脂以及螯合剂负载型吸附剂。螯合剂负载型吸附剂是一种将螯合剂以离子交换及物理吸附的方式固定在某些载体之上而成的新型吸附剂,近年来已引起人们的关注。PAN-聚氨酯泡沫是负载型吸附剂之一,它具有原料易得、制备简单、分离速度快、操作简便等特点。虽然,已有人做过研究,然而,目前的方法只限于单一或少数几个元素的富集分离,此外,与ICP-AES相结合的工作尚无人研究。本文在系统地研究了PAN-聚氨酯泡沫性质的基础上,建立了PAN-聚氨酯泡沫分离富集ICP-AES分析方法,并用此方法测定了天然水及化学试剂中的痕量元素,获得满意结果。本文首先研究比较了PAN-硅胶、PAN-GDX-401、PAN-聚四氟乙烯、PAN-聚氨酯泡沫的吸附性能。发现PAN-聚氨酯泡沫较适合ICP-AES多元素同时测定的特点,并且,操作简单,分离迅速。因此,我们对PAN-聚氨酯泡沫体系进行了深入的考察。我们研究了pH=2-9.5范围内PAN-聚氨酯泡沫对Cu、En、Cd等17种离子的吸附特征,确定了同时富集Cu、En、Cd、Mn、Fe、Co、Pb长种离子的pH值为7.4-8.5。在吸附离子的解脱方式上,我们研究了1-4M HCl, 1-4M HCl-丙酮混合液以及消解泡沫三种解脱方式,结果发现,采用5ml 4 M HCl 可同时解脱Cu、En、Cd、Mn、Pb五种离子。采用5ml 4 HCl-丙酮混合液可同时解脱Cu、En、Cd、Mn、Fe、Co、Pb七种离子,解脱液经消解,转入无机介质后便可进样测定。实验发现,聚氨酯泡沫较易消解,因此,消解泡沫的方法也是一种实用的解脱方式。本文研究了样品体积在250-1000ml内变化时,各金属离子的回收率变化。发现此体积变化范围内,Cu、En、Cd、Mn、Pb、Fe、Co七种离子的回收率在90%以上。我们研究了试液流速对上述离子吸附性能的影响,确立了定量富集上述元素的流速为2-10ml/min。在基体元素干扰的研究中,我们对k、Na、Ca、Mg四种基体元素分别进行了考察,结果表明,k的含量为3%时,Mn的回收率低于90%,Na为3%时,Fe、Co、En回收率低于90%,Ca为0.1%时,Co、Fe、Mn回收率低于90%,Mg为0.5%时,Co、Mn、En回收率低于90%。本文还研究了PAN在聚氨酯泡沫上的动态吸附和洗脱特征,结果表明,PAN在聚氨酯泡沫上的动态饱和吸附量为60mg/g。同时,确立了PAN的动态负载方式为,以20ml 0.5% PAN-丙酮液通过泡沫柱床,经水洗后用于富集分离。实验发现,5ml 4 M HCl通过PAN-聚氨酯泡沫柱床后,流出液中PAN浓度为200Mg/ml左右。为此,我们研究了微量PAN进样时,对ICP-AES测定的影响,结果表明,进样介质中50-400Mg/ml的PAN对仪器的测定不产生影响。在化学条件研究之后,我们对仪器的工作参数进行了选择,确定了5%HG进样的工作条件为:正向功率1.3kw,载光流量为0.8 L/min,观察高度为16.5mn。最后,我们确立了PAN-聚氨酯泡沫的最佳分离条件,建立了PAN-聚氨酯泡沫分离富集ICP-AES分析方法,并用此方法分析了长春净月潭水样及优级纯NaCl中痕量元素。变异系数和标加回收实验表明,结果令人满意。


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