973 resultados para Palm, A. J


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The aim of this study was the glycerolysis of babassu oil catalyzed by immobilized lipase from Burkholderia cepacia, in a continuous packed-bed reactor. The best reaction conditions were previously established in batchwise via response surface methodology as a function of glycerol-to-oil molar ratio and reaction temperature. The reactor operated continuously for 22 days at 50 A degrees C, and during the first 6 days, no significant decrease on the initial lipase activity was observed. Monoglycerides concentration was in the range from 25 to 33 wt.%. Subsequently, a progressive decrease in the activity was detected, and an inactivation profile described by Arrhenius model estimated values of 50 days and 1.37 x 10(-2) h(-1), for the half-life and deactivation coefficient, respectively.


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This work aimed at the production of stabilized derivatives of Thermomyces lanuginosus lipase (TLL) by multipoint covalent immobilization of the enzyme on chitosan-based matrices. The resulting biocatalysts were tested for synthesis of biodiesel by ethanolysis of palm oil. Different hydrogels were prepared: chitosan alone and in polyelectrolyte complexes (PEC) with kappa-carrageenan, gelatin, alginate, and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). The obtained supports were chemically modified with 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS) to increase support hydrophobicity, followed by activation with different agents such as glycidol (GLY), epichlorohydrin (EPI), and glutaraldehyde (GLU). The chitosan-alginate hydrogel, chemically modified with TNBS, provided derivatives with higher apparent hydrolytic activity (HA(app)) and thermal stability, being up to 45-fold more stable than soluble lipase. The maximum load of immobilized enzyme was 17.5 mg g(-1) of gel for GLU, 7.76 mg g(-1) of gel for GLY, and 7.65 mg g(-1) of gel for EPI derivatives, the latter presenting the maximum apparent hydrolytic activity (364.8 IU g(-1) of gel). The three derivatives catalyzed conversion of palm oil to biodiesel, but chitosan-alginate-TNBS activated via GLY and EPI led to higher recovered activities of the enzyme. Thus, this is a more attractive option for both hydrolysis and transesterification of vegetable oils using immobilized TLL, although industrial application of this biocatalyst still demands further improvements in its half-life to make the enzymatic process economically attractive.


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Two screenings of commercial lipases were performed to find a lipase with superior performance for the integrated production of biodiesel and monoglycerides. The first screening was carried out under alcoholysis conditions using ethanol as acyl acceptor to convert triglycerides to their corresponding ethyl esters (biodiesel). The second screening was performed under glycerolysis conditions to yield monoglycerides (MG). All lipases were immobilized on silica-PVA composite by covalent immobilization. The assays were performed using babassu oil and alcohols (ethanol or glycerol) in solvent free systems. For both substrates, lipase from Burkholderia cepacia (lipase PS) was found to be the most suitable enzyme to attain satisfactory yields. To further improve the process, the Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was used to determine the optima operating conditions for each biotransformation. For biodiesel production, the highest transesterification yield (>98%) was achieved within 48 h reaction at 39 degrees C using an oil-to-ethanol molar ratio of 1:7. For MG production, optima conditions corresponded to oil-to-glycerol molar ratio of 1: 15 at 55 degrees C, yielding 25 wt.% MG in 6 h reaction. These results show the potential of B. cepacia lipase to catalyze both reactions and the feasibility to consider an integrated approach for biodiesel and MG production. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Solid-liquid phase equilibrium modeling of triacylglycerol mixtures is essential for lipids design. Considering the alpha polymorphism and liquid phase as ideal, the Margules 2-suffix excess Gibbs energy model with predictive binary parameter correlations describes the non ideal beta and beta` solid polymorphs. Solving by direct optimization of the Gibbs free energy enables one to predict from a bulk mixture composition the phases composition at a given temperature and thus the SFC curve, the melting profile and the Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) curve that are related to end-user lipid properties. Phase diagram, SFC and DSC curve experimental data are qualitatively and quantitatively well predicted for the binary mixture 1,3-dipalmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycerol (POP) and 1,2,3-tripalmitoyl-sn-glycerol (PPP), the ternary mixture 1,3-dimyristoyl-2-palmitoyl-sn-glycerol (MPM), 1,2-distearoyl-3-oleoyl-sn-glycerol (SSO) and 1,2,3-trioleoyl-sn-glycerol (OOO), for palm oil and cocoa butter. Then, addition to palm oil of Medium-Long-Medium type structured lipids is evaluated, using caprylic acid as medium chain and long chain fatty acids (EPA-eicosapentaenoic acid, DHA-docosahexaenoic acid, gamma-linolenic-octadecatrienoic acid and AA-arachidonic acid), as sn-2 substitutes. EPA, DHA and AA increase the melting range on both the fusion and crystallization side. gamma-linolenic shifts the melting range upwards. This predictive tool is useful for the pre-screening of lipids matching desired properties set a priori.


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(Spatial-temporal variation in coiled and straight morphotypes of Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (Wolsz) Seenayya et Subba Raju (Cyanobacteria)). This study reports the spatial and temporal behavior of straight and coiled morphotypes of C. raciborskii in a reservoir in Brazil`s semiarid region as well as the main factors responsible for the variability. Two set of samples were collected from the subsurface and bottom in the central region of a reservoir in two seasonal periods (dry January 2005; rainy June 2005) over 20-hour sampling periods during daylight (8 am, 12 pm and 4 pm) and dark (8 pm, 12 am and 4 am) hours. Measurements of abiotic parameters were determined concurrently to the sampling of biotic variables. Two C. raciborskii morphotypes were found in the reservoir: straight and coiled. There was no difference in density of the straight and coiled C. raciborskii morphotypes between the different sampling times for either season. Vertical differences were found in the distribution of both morphotypes in both seasons, with greater densities recorded at the subsurface. Densities of the two C. raciborskii morphotypes were greater in the dry season, with the density of the coiled morphotype at the surface two-fold greater than that of the straight morphotype and that found in the rainy season. The ecological success of the coiled morphotype was due to thermal stratification, whereas a mixed condition was determinant in the success of the straight morphotype.


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Two species of Neocypholaelaps Vitzthum are reported from Sri Lanka. One of them, Neocypholaelaps ceylonicus Narita & Moraes, n. sp., is described based on adult females. The other, Neocypholaelaps ampullula (Berlese), originally described from Indonesia, is reported for the first time in Sri Lanka. Complementary morphological information about this species is provided based on the specimens collected in this study. A discussion is presented about the spermathecal apparatus of Neocypholaelaps species.


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A new species, Neocypholaelaps geonomae n. sp., is described based on the morphology of adult females and males collected on Geonoma spp. (Arecaceae) in southeastern Brazil. This is the first species of this genus identified from the American continent. A key to the world species of Neocypholaelaps is provided.


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Aceria guerreronis Keifer (Acari: Eriophyidae) is considered a major pest of coconut in many countries in the Americas, Africa and parts of Asia. Neoseiulus baraki Athias-Henriot (Acari: Phytoseiidae) is one of the predatory mites most commonly found in association with A. guerreronis in parts of northeast Brazil. The objective of this work was to study the distribution of A. guerreronis and N. baraki among and within coconut bunches. The hypothesis was tested that A. guerreronis and N. baraki are homogenously distributed over the fruits in a bunch, independent of the fruits` age and position. Five collections of bunches, each corresponding to leaves 12-16 from apex (about 2-6 month-old), were conducted in each of three fields in northeastern Brazil, from February to October, 2007. A total of 1,986 fruits were examined. The number of mites, the percentage of fruits hosting them and the level of damage caused by A. guerreronis were evaluated. The highest density of A. guerreronis was observed on fruits of bunch 4 whereas the highest density of N. baraki was observed on bunch 5. Considering all fruits together, no significant differences were observed between densities of either A. guerreronis or N. baraki among the basal, median and apical thirds of the bunches. In younger bunches, fruits of the apical region tend to have lower densities of both mites than fruits of the basal region. This pattern, in association with a similar pattern for the percentage of fruits hosting N. baraki, suggests that the predator initially reaches the basal bunch region, from where it moves to the apical region. The results of the present study suggest that the pest population reduction in bunches older than bunch 4 could be due to (1) an effect of the predator, (2) reduction of the proportion of undamaged tissues amenable to attack, and/or (3) less favorable characteristics of the fruits to attack by A. guerreronis, as indicated by their increasing lignin content as they get older.


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Observations of cells of axenic peach palm (Bactris gasipaes) microplants by light microscopy revealed movements of small particles within the cells. The phenomenon was characterized initially as Brownian movement, but electron microscopy revealed the presence of an intracellular bacterial community in these plants. Microscopy observations revealed the particular shapes of bacterial cells colonizing inner tissues of analyzed plants. Applying a molecular characterization by polymerase chain reaction and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, it was revealed the existence of bacterial rRNA within the plants. Sequencing of the rRNA identified three different phylogenetic groups; two bands had a high degree of similarity to sequences from Moraxella sp. and Brevibacillus sp., and a third sequence was similar to a non-cultivated cyanobacterium. The presence of those endosymbionts, called bacteriosomes, in axenic peach palm microplants raises the question of whether these stable endosymbionts were acquired in the process of evolution and how could they benefit the process of plants micropropagation.


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A comparative study between microsatellite and allozyme markers was conducted on the genetic structure and mating system in natural populations of Euterpe edulis Mart. Three cohorts, including seedlings, saplings, and adults, were examined in 4 populations using 10 allozyme loci and 10 microsatellite loci. As expected, microsatellite markers had a much higher degree of polymorphism than allozymes, but estimates of multilocus outcrossing rate ((t) over cap (m) = 1.00), as well as estimates of genetic structure (F(IS), G(ST)), were similar for the 2 sets of markers. Estimates of R(ST), for microsatellites, were higher than those of GST, but results of both statistics revealed a close agreement for the genetic structure of the species. This study provides support for the important conclusion that allozymes are still useful and reliable markers to estimate population genetic parameters. Effects of sample size on estimates from hypervariable loci are also discussed in this paper.


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The inadvertent inclusion of weevil-infested seeds when evaluating seed predation by vertebrates, and particularly rodents, may lead to an overestimation of predation rates, thereby confusing the roles of rodents and invertebrates as ecological filters. A study of weevils, rodents and Syagrus romanzoffiana palm seeds indicates the usefulness of X-rays to improve evaluation of invertebrate seed predation.


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Conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) are potent anticarcinogens in animal and in vitro models as well as inhibitors of fatty acid synthesis in mammary gland, liver, and adipose tissue. Our objective was to evaluate long-term CLA supplementation of lactating dairy cows in tropical pasture on milk production and composition and residual effects posttreatment. Thirty crossbred cows grazing stargrass (Cynodon nlemfuensis Vanderyst var. nlemfuensis) were blocked by parity and received 150 g/d of a dietary fat supplement of either Ca-salts of palm oil fatty acids (control) or a mixture of Ca-salts of CLA (CLA treatment). Supplements of fatty acids were mixed with 4 kg/d of concentrate. Grazing plus supplements were estimated to provide 115% of the estimated metabolizable protein requirements from 28 to 84 d in milk (treatment period). The CLA supplement provided 15 g/d of cis-9, trans-11 and 22 g of cis-10, trans-12. Residual effects were evaluated from 85 to 112 d in milk (residual period) when cows were fed an 18% crude protein concentrate without added fat. The CLA treatment increased milk production but reduced milk fat concentration from 2.90 to 2.14% and fat production from 437 to 348 g/d. Milk protein concentration increased by 11.5% (2.79 to 3.11%) and production by 19% (422 to 504 g/d) in the cows fed CLA. The CLA treatment decreased milk energy concentration and increased milk volume, resulting in unchanged energy output. Milk production and protein concentration and production were also greater during the residual period for the CLA-treated cows. The CLA treatment reduced production of fatty acids (FA) of all chain lengths, but the larger effect was on short-chain FA, causing a shift toward a greater content of longer chain FA. The CLA treatment increased total milk CLA content by 30% and content of the trans-10, cis-12 CLA isomer by 88%. The CLA treatment tended to decrease the number of days open, suggesting a possible effect on reproduction. Under tropical grazing conditions, in a nutritionally challenging environment, CLA-treated cows decreased milk fat content and secreted the same amount of milk energy by increasing milk volume and milk protein production.


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Samples of fruit from the jussara palm plant (Euterpe edulis), collected in different regions of the state of Santa Catarina. Brazil, were analyzed for chemical composition. phenolic acids. anthocyanins, flavonoids and fatty acids profile. Results indicated that the jussara fruit has a high lipid content (18.45-44.08%), oleic acid (44.17-55.61%) and linoleic acid (18.19-25.36%) are the fatty acids found in the highest proportion, and other components were proteins (5.13-8.21%). ash (1.55-3.32%) and moisture (34.95-42.47%). Significant differences were found in the total phenolic, total monomeric anthocyanins and other flavonoids for the samples from the five cultivation regions. The fruit from region E harvested in summer, with high temperatures and medium altitudes, had the highest contents of total phenolics (2610.86 +/- 3.89 mg 100 g(-1) GAE) and monomeric anthocyanins (1080.54 +/- 2.33 mg 100g(-1) cy-3-glu). The phenolic compound included ferulic, gallic, hydroxybenzoic and p-coumaric acids, as well as catechin, epicatechin and quercetin. The results show promising perspectives for the exploitation of this tropical fruit with a chemical composition comprising considerable phenolic acids and flavonoids compounds and showing activity antioxidant. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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This work evaluated chemical interesterification of canola oil (CaO) and fully hydrogenated cottonseed oil (FHCSO) blends, with 20%, 25%, 30%, 35% and 40%(w/w) FHCSO content. Interesterification produced reduction of trisaturated and increase in monounsaturated and diunsaturated triacylglycerols contents, which caused important changes in temperatures and enthalpies associated with the crystallization and melting thermograms. It was verified reduction in medium crystal diameter in all blends, in addition crystal morphology modification. Crystallization kinetics revealed that crystal formation induction period and maximum solid fat content were altered according to FHCSO content in original blends and as a result of random rearrangement. Changes in Avrami constant (k) and exponent (n) indicated, respectively, that interesterification decreased crystallization rates and altered crystalline morphology. However, X-ray diffraction analyses showed randomization did not change the original crystalline polymorphism. The original and interesterified blends had significant predominance of beta` polymorph, which is interesting for several food applications. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Blends of soybean oil (SO) and fully hydrogenated soybean oil (FHSBO), with 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50% (w/w) FHSBO content were interesterified under the following conditions: 20 min reaction time, 0.4% sodium methoxide catalyst, and 500 rpm stirring speed, at 100 A degrees C. The original and interesterified blends were examined for triacylglycerol composition, thermal behavior, microstructure, crystallization kinetics, and polymorphism. Interesterification produced substantial rearrangement of the triacylglycerol species in all the blends, reduction of trisaturated triacylglycerol content and increase in monounsaturated-disaturated and diunsaturated-monosaturated triacylglycerols. Evaluation of thermal behavior parameters showed linear relations with FHSBO content in the original blends. Blend melting and crystallization thermograms were significantly modified by the randomization. Interesterification caused significant reductions in maximum crystal diameter in all blends, in addition to modifying crystal morphology. Characterization of crystallization kinetics revealed that crystal formation induction period (tau (SFC)) and maximum solid fat content (SFC(max)) were altered according to FHSBO content in the original blends and as a result of the random rearrangement. Changes in Avrami constant (k) and exponent (n) indicated, respectively, that-as compared with the original blends-interesterification decreased crystallization velocities and modified crystallization processes, altering crystalline morphology and nucleation mechanism. X-ray diffraction analyses revealed that interesterification altered crystalline polymorphism. The interesterified blends showed a predominance of the beta` polymorph, which is of more interest for food applications.