866 resultados para Package inserts of medicines
A asma é a doença crônica mais freqüente na infância e o stress é considerado um dos agentes desencadeantes e agravantes do broncoespasmo nesses pacientes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a influência do stress na expressão clínica da asma e sua associação com as crises em crianças. Para verificar a presença de stress, utilizou-se a Escala de Stress Infantil (LIPP E LUCARELLI, 1998) e por meio de um questionário aplicado aos pais, observou-se freqüência de sintomas e crises de asma, as alterações do sono, o absenteísmo escolar, as limitações à prática de atividade física, a freqüência de uso de broncodilatador, as condutas dos pais durante as crises de asma, os fatores associados ao desencadeamento das crises, o poder aquisitivo e o grau de instrução do chefe da família. Observou-se que as crianças com asma estavam mais estressadas que as crianças do grupo controle, principalmente aquelas com maior gravidade da doença. Os resultados indicam que a presença de stress pode intensificar a freqüência de sintomas da asma, a limitação à atividade física, o absenteísmo escolar e as interrupções do sono. O maior tempo de diagnóstico de asma implicou em menor ocorrência de stress, sugerindo a existência de um fator de adaptação à doença. Conclui-se que o stress é um fator importante no desencadeamento e agravamento das crises de asma nas crianças e observa-se a necessidade de maiores pesquisas na aérea para aprofundar os conhecimentos sobre esse assunto.
Objective: To measure changes in dispensing activity in a UK repeat dispensing pilot study and to estimate any associated cost savings. Method: Patients were provided with two successive three-monthly repeat prescriptions containing all of the items on their "repeat medicines list" and valid at a study pharmacy. Pharmacists consulted with patients at the time of supply and completed a patient-monitoring form. Prescriptions with pricing data were returned by the UK Prescription Pricing Authority. These data were used to calculate dispensing activity, the cost of dispensed items and an estimate of cost savings on non-dispensed items. A retrospective identification of items prescribed during the six months prior to the project was used to provide a comparison with those dispensed during the project and thus a more realistic estimate of changes. Setting: 350 patients from two medical practices in a large English City, with inner city and suburban locations, and served by seven pharmacies. Key findings: There were methodological challenges in establishing a robust framework for calculating changes. Based on all of the items that patients could have obtained from their repeat list, 23.8% were not dispensed during the intervention period. A correction was then made to allow for a comparison with usage in the six months prior to the study. Based on the corrected data, there was an estimated 11.3% savings in drug costs compared with the pre-intervention period. There was a marked difference in changes between the two practices, the pharmacies and individual patients. The capitation-based remuneration method was acceptable to all but one of the community pharmacists. Conclusion: The repeat dispensing system reduced dispensing volume in comparison with the control period. A repeat dispensing system with a focus on patients' needs and their use of medicines might be cost neutral.
Paediatric intensive care is an expanding specialty that has been shown to improve the quality of care provided to critically ill children. An important aspect of the management of critically ill children includes the provision of effective sedation to reduce stress and anxiety during their stay in intensive care. However, to achieve effective and safe sedation in these children, is recognised as a challenge that is not without risk. Often children receive too much or too little sedation resulting in over sedation or under sedation respectively. These problems have arisen owing to a lack of information regarding altered pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of medicines administered to critically ill children. In addition there are few validated sedation scoring systems in practice with which to monitor level of sedation and titrate medication appropriately. This study consisted of two stages. Stage 1 investigated the reproducibility and practicality of two observational sedation assessment scales for use in critically ill children. The two scales were different in design, the first being simple in design requiring a single assessment of the patient. The second was more complex in design requiring assessment of five patient parameters to obtain an overall sedation score. Both scales were found to achieve good reproducibility (kappa values 0.50 and 0.62 respectively). Practicality of each sedation scale was undertaken by obtaining nursing staff opinion about both scales using questionnaire and interview technique. It was established that nursing staff preferred the second, more complex sedation scale mainly because it was perceived to give a more accurate assessment of level of sedation and anxiety rather than merely level of sedation. Stage 2 investigated the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of midazolam in critically ill children. 52 children, aged between 0 and 18 years were recruited to the study and 303 blood samples taken to analyse midazolam and its metabolites, I-hydroxyrnidazolam (I-OR) and 4-hydroxymidazolam (4-0H). Analysis of plasma was undertaken using high performance liquid chromatography. A significant correlation was found between midazolam plasma concentration and sedative effect (r=0.598, p=O.OI). It was found that a midazolam plasma concentration of 223ng/ml (±31.9) achieved a satisfactory level of sedation. Only a poor correlation was found between dose of midazolam and plasma concentration of midazolam. Similarly only a poor correlation was found between sedative effect and dose of midazolam. Clearance of midazolam was found to be 6.3mllkglmin (±0.36), which is lower than that reported in healthy children (9.Il-13.3mllkg/min). Age related differences in midazolam clearance were observed in the study. Neonates produced the lowest clearance values (l.63mllkg/min), compared to children aged 1 to 12 months (8.52mllkg/min) who achieved the highest clearance values. Clearance was found to decrease after the age of 12 months to values of 5.34mllkglmin in children aged 7 years and above. Patients with renal (n=5) and liver impairment (n~4) were found to have reduced midazolam clearance (1.37 and 0.74ml/kg/min respectively). Plasma concentrations of I-OH and 4-0H ranged from 0-5 1 89nglml and 0-27 Inglml respectively. All children were found to be capable of producing both metabolites irrespective of age, although no trend was established between age and extent of production of either metabolite. Disease state was found to affect production of l-OH. Patients with renal impairment (n=5) produced the lowest I-OH midazolam plasma ratio (0.059) compared to patients with head injury (0.858). Patients with severe liver impairment were found to be capable of manufacturing both metabolites despite having a severely damaged liver.
Predicting future need for water resources has traditionally been, at best, a crude mixture of art and science. This has prevented the evaluation of water need from being carried out in either a consistent or comprehensive manner. This inconsistent and somewhat arbitrary approach to water resources planning led to well publicised premature developments in the 1970's and 1980's but privatisation of the Water Industry, including creation of the Office of Water Services and the National Rivers Authority in 1989, turned the tide of resource planning to the point where funding of schemes and their justification by the Regulators could no longer be assumed. Furthermore, considerable areas of uncertainty were beginning to enter the debate and complicate the assessment It was also no longer appropriate to consider that contingencies would continue to lie solely on the demand side of the equation. An inability to calculate the balance between supply and demand may mean an inability to meet standards of service or, arguably worse, an excessive provision of water resources and excessive costs to customers. United Kingdom Water Industry Research limited (UKWlR) Headroom project in 1998 provided a simple methodology for the calculation of planning margins. This methodology, although well received, was not, however, accepted by the Regulators as a tool sufficient to promote resource development. This thesis begins by considering the history of water resource planning in the UK, moving on to discuss events following privatisation of the water industry post·1985. The mid section of the research forms the bulk of original work and provides a scoping exercise which reveals a catalogue of uncertainties prevalent within the supply-demand balance. Each of these uncertainties is considered in terms of materiality, scope, and whether it can be quantified within a risk analysis package. Many of the areas of uncertainty identified would merit further research. A workable, yet robust, methodology for evaluating the balance between water resources and water demands by using a spreadsheet based risk analysis package is presented. The technique involves statistical sampling and simulation such that samples are taken from input distributions on both the supply and demand side of the equation and the imbalance between supply and demand is calculated in the form of an output distribution. The percentiles of the output distribution represent different standards of service to the customer. The model allows dependencies between distributions to be considered, for improved uncertainties to be assessed and for the impact of uncertain solutions to any imbalance to be calculated directly. The method is considered a Significant leap forward in the field of water resource planning.
Objectives - To explore the views and perspectives of children on the unlicensed/off-label use of medicines in children and on the participation of children in clinical trials. Methods - Focus-group discussions, involving school children, were carried out in a range of primary and secondary schools in Northern Ireland. A purposeful sample was chosen to facilitate representation of various socioeconomic groupings. Results - A total of 123 pupils, aged from 10 to 16 years, from six schools, participated in 16 focus groups. In general, pupils viewed the unlicensed/off-label use of medicines in children as unsafe and unethical and felt it is necessary to test medicines in children to improve the availability of licensed products. The majority felt that older children should be told, and that parents should be told, about the unlicensed/off-label use of medicines in children, yet they recognised some implications of this, such as potential medication non-adherence. Conclusions - This is the first study to explore the views of healthy children on unlicensed medicine use in children. Children were able to recognise potential risks associated with the unlicensed use of medicines and felt it is necessary to test and license more medicines in children. Practice implications - Health care professionals should consider the views of children in decisions that affect their health.
Background: Anticholinergic medications may be associated with adverse clinical outcomes, including acute impairments in cognition and anticholinergic side effects, the risk of adverse outcomes increasing with increasing anticholinergic exposure. Older people with intellectual disability may be at increased risk of exposure to anticholinergic medicines due to their higher prevalence of comorbidities. We sought to determine anticholinergic burden in ageing people with intellectual disability. Methods: Medication data (self-report/proxy-report) was drawn from Wave 1 of the Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (IDS-TILDA), a study on the ageing of 753nationally representative people with an IDC40 years randomly selected from the National Intellectual Disability Database. Each individual’s cumulative exposure to anticholinergic medications was calculated using the Anticholinergic Cognitive Burden Scale (ACB) amended by a multi-disciplinary group with independent advice to account for the range of medicines in use in this population. Results: Overall, 70.1 % (527) reported taking medications with possible or definite anticholinergic properties (ACBC1), with a mean (±SD) ACB score of 4.5 (±3.0) (maximum 16). Of those reporting anticholinergic exposure (n=527), 41.3 % (217) reported an ACB score o fC5. Antipsychotics accounted for 36.4 % of the total cumulative ACB score followed by anticholinergics (16 %) and antidepressants (10.8 %). The most frequently reported medicine with anticholinergic activity was carbamazepine 16.8 % (127). The most frequently reported medicine with high anticholinergic activity (ACB 3) was olanzapine13.4 % (101). There was a significant association between higher anti-cholinergic exposure and multimorbidity, particularly mental health morbidity, and some anticholinergic adverse effects such as constipation and day-time drowsiness but not self-rated health. Conclusion: Using simple cumulative measures proved an effective means to capture total burden and helped establish that anticholinergic exposure in the study population was high. The finding highlights the need for comprehensive reviews of medications.
Lors de l’attribution du prix Nobel de chimie aux docteurs Robert Leftkowitz et Brian Kobika pour leurs travaux essentiels sur les récepteurs couplés à des protéines G (RCPGs), Sven Lindin, membre du comité Nobel, a affirmé que « jusqu'à la moitié » des médicaments « reposent sur une action ciblant les RCPG ». En raison de leurs rôles importants, leurs mécanismes d'activation et l’action de leurs ligands, les RCPG demeurent les cibles potentielles de la majorité des recherches pour le développement de nouveaux médicaments et de leurs applications cliniques. Dans cette optique, nous avons concentré nos recherches à travers cette thèse pour élucider les rôles, les mécanismes d’action et les effets des ligands de trois RCPG : GPR55; GPR91 et GPR99 au cours du développement des axones des cellules ganglionnaires de la rétine (CGRs). Les résultats de nos études confirment l’expression des récepteurs lors du développement embryonnaire, postnatal et adulte des CGRs ainsi qu’au cours de l’établissement de la voie rétinothalamique. In vitro, la modulation pharmacologique et génétique de l’activité de ces RCPGs réorganise la morphologie du cône de croissance des CGRs, celle des neurones corticaux et elle modifie la croissance axonale globale. De plus, les effets de la stimulation avec des ligands des ces trois RCPGs sur le guidage axonal varient d’aucun effet (GPR91 et GPR99) à la répulsion ou l’attraction (GPR55). La voie de signalisation MAPK-ERK1/2 joue un rôle essentiel dans la médiation des effets des ligands de ces récepteurs avec une implication de la voie de RhoA à hautes concentrations pour l’agoniste endogène de GPR55. In vivo, cette recherche démontre également l’implication de GPR55 dans les processus de sélection des cibles thalamiques et de raffinement au cours du développement du système nerveux visuel.
Lors de l’attribution du prix Nobel de chimie aux docteurs Robert Leftkowitz et Brian Kobika pour leurs travaux essentiels sur les récepteurs couplés à des protéines G (RCPGs), Sven Lindin, membre du comité Nobel, a affirmé que « jusqu'à la moitié » des médicaments « reposent sur une action ciblant les RCPG ». En raison de leurs rôles importants, leurs mécanismes d'activation et l’action de leurs ligands, les RCPG demeurent les cibles potentielles de la majorité des recherches pour le développement de nouveaux médicaments et de leurs applications cliniques. Dans cette optique, nous avons concentré nos recherches à travers cette thèse pour élucider les rôles, les mécanismes d’action et les effets des ligands de trois RCPG : GPR55; GPR91 et GPR99 au cours du développement des axones des cellules ganglionnaires de la rétine (CGRs). Les résultats de nos études confirment l’expression des récepteurs lors du développement embryonnaire, postnatal et adulte des CGRs ainsi qu’au cours de l’établissement de la voie rétinothalamique. In vitro, la modulation pharmacologique et génétique de l’activité de ces RCPGs réorganise la morphologie du cône de croissance des CGRs, celle des neurones corticaux et elle modifie la croissance axonale globale. De plus, les effets de la stimulation avec des ligands des ces trois RCPGs sur le guidage axonal varient d’aucun effet (GPR91 et GPR99) à la répulsion ou l’attraction (GPR55). La voie de signalisation MAPK-ERK1/2 joue un rôle essentiel dans la médiation des effets des ligands de ces récepteurs avec une implication de la voie de RhoA à hautes concentrations pour l’agoniste endogène de GPR55. In vivo, cette recherche démontre également l’implication de GPR55 dans les processus de sélection des cibles thalamiques et de raffinement au cours du développement du système nerveux visuel.
Behaviour change interventions offer clinical pharmacists many opportunities to optimise the use of medicines. ‘MINDSPACE’ is a framework used by a Government-affiliated organisation in the United Kingdom to communicate an approach to changing behaviour through policy. The Theoretical Domains Framework (TDF) organises constructs of psychological theories that are most relevant to behaviour change into 14 domains. Both frameworks offer a way of identifying what drives a change in behaviour, providing a target for an intervention. This article aims to compare and contrast MINDSPACE and the TDF, and serves to inform pharmacy practitioners about the potential strengths and weaknesses of using either framework in a clinical pharmacy context. It appears that neither framework can deliver evidence-based interventions that can be developed and implemented with the pace demanded by policy and practice-based settings. A collaborative approach would ensure timely development of acceptable behaviour change interventions that are grounded in evidence.
As nanopartículas lipídicas foram desenvolvidas no início dos anos 90 e, atendendo às vantagens que apresentam comparativamente a outros sistemas coloidais, têm-se demonstrado muito promissoras, tanto para uso cosmético como farmacêutico. No entanto, atualmente apenas existem comercializados produtos cosméticos à base de nanopartículas lipídicas, o que pode ser justificado pelas restrições regulamentares relacionadas com a introdução de medicamentos no mercado. Existem dois tipos de nanopartículas lipídicas, as nanopartículas de lípidos sólidos (Solid Lipid Nanoparticles, SLN) e os vetores lipídicos nanoestruturados (Nanostructured Lipid Carriers, NLC), consistindo ambos em dispersões aquosas de nanopartículas sólidas. A baixa viscosidade destes sistemas dificulta a sua aplicação tópica. Neste contexto, têm sido desenvolvidas várias formulações semissólidas à base de nanopartículas lipídicas para aplicação tópica, nomeadamente cutânea, ocular, nasal e vaginal. A primeira parte desta dissertação consiste na revisão bibliográfica relativa ao estado da arte dos sistemas semissólidos à base de nanopartículas lipídicas, para uso farmacêutico e cosmético, baseada nos estudos realizados por diversos autores, entre 2012 e 2016. Na segunda parte, são apresentados resultados do trabalho experimental relativo ao desenvolvimento e caraterização de uma formulação semissólida à base de nanopartículas lipídicas.
Benzodiazepines continue to be widely prescribed in primary care for longer than guidelines advise and can cause adverse consequences for those who have long-term prescriptions. The aim of this study was to explore the experience of nonmedical prescribers (NMPs) in relation to their role in improving benzodiazepine prescribing management in primary care. A qualitative study using a thematic analysis framework, in which face-to-face interviews with eight NMPs from the disciplines of nursing and pharmacy were conducted in their areas of practice in 2011 in rural localities in southern Scotland. The NMPs view their qualification as rigorous in its capacity to promote more focused and confident practice, and provide detailed knowledge about medications and the ability to question the appropriateness of medicines. As medication review is an integral part of the role of the NMP they are suited to contribute positively to benzodiazepine prescribing management. Although several obstacles to the successful integration and full utilization of non-medical prescribing currently exist, more training in the recognition of mild-to-moderate mental health problems, psychopharmacology and alternative interventions would allow this role to be assumed with confidence. NMPs may have a useful role to play in benzodiazepine prescribing. NMPs have regular contact with patients in the older age group and those with chronic illnesses, and are in a prime position to utilize opportunistic medication review to improve concordance in this area of prescribing.
As tecnologias de saúde, nomeadamente medicamentos, dispositivos médicos (DM), procedimentos médicos ou cirúrgicos, entre outros, têm ocupado uma posição de destaque no setor da saúde, e na vida dos seus utilizadores. A inovação e utilização de tecnologias de saúde, e consequente aumento das despesas fizeram emergir a necessidade de avaliação das tecnologias de saúde. Surge assim, a avaliação de tecnologias de saúde (ATS), que tem por objetivo abordar os impactos clínicos, económicos, organizacionais, sociais, legais e éticos de uma tecnologia de saúde, considerando o seu contexto médico específico, bem como as alternativas disponíveis. A ATS pretende que os processos sejam feitos de forma rigorosa, transparente, valorizando e garantindo a sustentabilidade do acesso aos cuidados em saúde. Seguindo a tendência europeia de implementação de políticas e modelos de ATS, Portugal criou o seu próprio sistema de avaliação de tecnologias. O Decreto-Lei nº 97/2015, de 1 de junho veio oficializar a criação do Sistema Nacional de Avaliação de Tecnologias de Saúde (SiNATS). O SiNATS vai permitir uma avaliação não só de medicamentos, mas também de DM e outras tecnologias tendo em consideração a avaliação técnica, terapêutica e económica das tecnologias de saúde com base em fatores sociais, políticos, éticos e a participação de entidades, como, a indústria, as instituições de ensino, as instituições de saúde, os investigadores, os profissionais de saúde, os doentes e as associações dos doentes. O SiNATS vai emitir recomendações e decisões sobre o uso das tecnologias de saúde e possibilitar o ganho em saúde e contribuir para a sustentabilidade do Serviço Nacional de Saúde (SNS). O SiNATS vem permitir a avaliação de DM. O sector dos DM é um sector caracterizado pela inovação, crescimento e também competitividade. A complexidade e especificidade deste sector devem por isso ser tidas em consideração aquando da sua análise. A implementação do SiNATS permitirá avaliar e reavaliar preços, comparticipações, recomendações, contratos ao longo do ciclo de vida de cada DM. No presente momento, ainda é difícil expor os processos através dos quais esta avaliação vai ser processada, uma vez que se aguarda a publicação de despachos e portarias referidos no Decreto-Lei nº 97/2015, de 1 de junho. Tendo em consideração a partilha de informação sobre políticas, métodos, procedimentos de ATS aplicada aos DM na Europa, foram analisados os casos de França e do Reino Unido com o objetivo de alargar o conhecimento acerca do que já é feito a nível Europeu e explorar se os mesmos poderiam ser adaptados à realidade portuguesa. Em França, a ATS está diretamente relacionada com a comparticipação de DM, já no Reino Unido, o National Institute and Centre of Excellence (NICE) tem a responsabilidade de avaliar os DM segundo procedimentos de ATS, mas não está diretamente relacionado com comparticipação. O NICE publica normas de orientação que auxiliam a decisão de aquisição ou não de um DM. Tendo em consideração a informação reunida e descrita, este trabalho também propõe um modelo hipotético sobre o sistema português de avaliação de DM. Este modelo aborda, ainda que não de forma exaustiva, os possíveis processos e procedimentos para a avaliação de DM. Este sistema caracteriza-se pela importância dada ao envolvimento dos stakeholders e partilha de informação com os mesmos, mas também na agilização dos processos, isto é, uma redução e simplificação dos processos de avaliação de DM. A reavaliação de DM durante a sua comercialização também ganha destaque, apontando que cada grupo genérico de dispositivos ou DM inovador dever ser reavaliado a cada cinco anos, ou sempre que informação emergente o justifique. Este modelo representa uma abordagem experimental sobre o futuro do SiNATS aplicado aos DM. A partilha de informação, os fóruns de discussão e o envolvimento da sociedade serão uma mais-valia para que a implementação do SiNATS aos DM seja feita de forma gradual e com a máxima transparência possível.
Objectivo: este estudo centrava-se na avaliação da eficácia da intervenção de um farmacêutico na Redução do Grau de Complexidade da Medicação num Lar de Idosos. Métodos: tratou-se de um estudo randomizado controlado. A instituição que serviu para a recolha de dados foi o Lar da Santa Casa da Misericórdia das Alcáçovas, localidade que pertence ao concelho de Viana do Alentejo, Distrito de Évora. Foram usados como amostra, os utentes institucionalizados (n=86), que por randomização foram divididos em grupo de intervenção e de controlo respectivamente. Em Março 2007, o Índice Çomplexidade da Medicação (MRCI), foi usado para estabelecer a linha de partida (baseline). Ocorreu uma sessão informativa com o médico acerca da importância e dos efeitos provocados pelo MRCI obtido. A fase de Intervenção teve início em Maio de 2007, e consistiu em reportar ao médico o MRCI para cada utente, o valor médio do MRCI para o Lar e algumas recomendações para o poder reduzir. Noventa dias após a intervenção, o MRCI voltou a ser avaliado para todos os utentes. Resultados: a média de idades para os 86 utentes era de 83,9 anos, com 66,3o/o de mulheres. Na linha de partida, os utentes usavam 7,8 medicamentos e apresentavam um MRCI de 22,9 (95% Cl 20,1: 25,7). Durante a fase de intervenção, 2 utentes do grupo de intervenção e 5 utentes do grupo de controlo faleceram. Após a intervenção, o número de medicamentos reduziu no grupo de intervenção (p = 0,035), mas não no grupo de controlo (p =0,079). O MACI do grupo de intervenção reduziu de 22,2 para 16,8 (p =0,015); enquanto o MRCI do grupo de controlo reduziu apenas de 23,6 para 20,0 (p =0,091). As três secções do MRCI reduziram significativamente no grupo de intervenção, mas nenhum deles reduziu no grupo de controlo. Conclusão: a intervenção de um farmacêutico pode contribuir para reduzir a complexidade da medicação nos idosos, com uma ligeira redução no número de medicamentos a tomar pelos utentes e sem focalizar a intervenção num aspecto específico do regime terapêutico. ABSTRACT; Methods: Randomized controlled study. Patients (n= 86) institutionalized in nursing home to Santa Casa da Misericórdia das Alcáçovas, Viana do Alentejo, Évora. The patients were randomly assigned to intervention and control groups. ln Mars 2007, Medication Regimen Complexity Index (MRCI) was used to establish a baseline... An informative session with the physician about the importance and effects of regime complexity occurred. lntervention started in May 2007, and consisted in reporting to the physician the complexity of each patient medication regime, with references to the average complexity and some recommendations to reduce it. Ninety days after the intervention, MRCI were evaluated in all the patients. Results: average age of the 86 patients was 83,9 years, with 66,3°/o of females. At the baseline, patients were using 7, 8 medicines, and presented a MRCI = 22,9 (95%CI 20,1 : 25,7). During the intervention phase, 2 intervention patients and 5 control patients dead. After the intervention, the number of medicines reduced in intervention group (p=0,035), but not in the control group (p = 0,079).1ntervention MRCI reduced from 22,2 to 16,8 (p =0,015), while control MRCI reduced only from 23,6 to 20,0 (p =0,091). The three section of the MRCI significantly reduced in the intervention, but none of them in the control group. Conclusions: clinical pharmacist interventions can contribute to reducing the medication regime complexity in elderly, with a slight reduction of the number of medicines taken by the patient, and without focusing the intervention in one specific aspect of the medication regime.
ANTECEDENTES: La práctica de las profesionales de enfermería en el manejo de medicamentos, se considera un reto, puesto que deben tener conocimientos y aplicar técnicas relacionadas con la seguridad farmacoterapéutica necesarios para la prevención de efectos adversos que prolongan los días de estadía del paciente, en el área hospitalaria. OBJETIVO GENERAL: Determinar los conocimientos de las enfermeras en la seguridad farmacoterapéutica de los antibióticos en las áreas de clínica, cirugía y emergencia del hospital Homero Castanier Crespo. METODOLOGÍA Y TÉCNICA: Se trata de un estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo que valora la aplicación de los conocimientos que tienen las enfermeras en la seguridad farmacoterapéutica de los antibióticos. El universo lo conformaron 25 profesionales de enfermería que laboran en los turnos de la mañana, tarde y noche en las áreas de clínica, cirugía y emergencia, no se realizó cálculo muestral por considerar que el universo es pequeño. La técnica de investigación aplicada fue la observación y el instrumento es un formulario de encuesta para la recolección de datos, el procesamiento de la información se realizó en el programa Excel y SPSS, los resultados son representados en tablas con frecuencias y porcentajes. RESULTADOS: En las áreas de clínica, cirugía y emergencia del Hospital Homero Castanier Crespo reportan que un 66.7% de enfermeras tienen un nivel medio de conocimientos y el 33.3% no dispone de conocimientos, evidenciándose una rutinización en la práctica de administración de medicamentos. CONCLUSIONES._ Los resultados de la investigación muestran que en la administración de antibióticos predomina la rutina en el personal
"Ao longo das nossas vidas, percorremos itinerários de saúde e doença ,encontramos fenómenos de medicalização, farmacologização do quotidiano das sociedades, que coexistem com práticas de auto-medicação crescente, em contextos de cada vez maior comorbilidade, e iatrogenia. O consumo de medicamentos está presente em toda esta fenomenologia e não tem parado de crescer nas nossas sociedades, que se orientam para um envelhecimento cada vez mais tardio dos seus elementos, levando ao aparecimento cada vez mais importante de velhas e novas doenças crónicas: todos os anos na Europa morrem á volta de 197000 pessoas devido aos efeitos secundários dos medicamentos, em França representam a primeira causa de hospitalização, sendo os que actuam no sistema nervoso central os mais frequentemente implicados. Para melhor compreender as práticas de saúde dos jovens universitários, foram inquiridos 502 alunos de cursos da área da saúde que surpreendentemente revelam bom senso,espirito crítico e mesmo práticas concordantes com a prevenção quaternária."