376 resultados para PRODUCCION DE PALTA


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Incorporar a las TIC en los procesos productivos de las empresas: un desafío pendiente Columna de opinión del coordinador temático para el sector productivo. Resultados de la Primera Reunión de Seguimiento del eLAC2010. Alfabetización digital permite a jóvenes brasileños salir de la pobreza. Columna de opinión de AHCIET, observador del sector privado del eLAC2010. Creando redes y capacitando a emprendedores en el uso de las TIC. El uso de las TIC en la agricultura y la ganadería. Avances de 4 Grupos de Trabajo del eLAC2010 hacia metas del sector productivo. Monitoreando el progreso hacia el eLAC2010 en las empresas y negocios del Caribe. Noticias breves del mundo de las TIC Últimas publicaciones sobre las TIC en el sector productivo.


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La dinámica del consumo energético industrial en América Latina y sus implicancias para un desarrollo sostenible / Hugo Altomonte, Nelson Correa, Diego Rivas y Giovanni Stumpo .-- La desigualdad del ingreso y los mercados de crédito / Adolfo Figueroa .-- Trinidad y Tabago: Desigualdades salariales intersectoriales / Allister Mounsey y Tracy Polius .-- México: Alza de precios de los alimentos y restricciones al crecimiento / Moritz Cruz, Armando Sánchez y Edmund Amann .-- Una mirada al auge exportador chileno / Raphael Bergoeing, Alejandro Micco y Andrea Repetto .-- Chile: Pensión anticipada, impaciencia y aversión al riesgo / Jaime Ruiz-Tagle y Pablo Tapia .-- Márgenes de ganancia, financiamiento e inversión del sector empresarial peruano (1998-2008) / Germán Alarco T. .-- ¿Se debe el mayor rendimiento de las escuelas de gestión privada en la Argentina al tipo de administración? / María Marta Formichella .-- Tecnología, comercio y calificación en el Brasil: Evidencias de datos microeconómicos / Bruno César Araújo, Francesco Bogliacino y Marco Vivarelli .-- Brasil: Cambio estructural y crecimiento con restricción de balanza de pagos / João Prates Romero, Fabrício Silveira y Frederico G. Jayme Jr. .-- Jueces de la Revista CEPAL año 2010 y enero-agosto 2011 .-- Orientaciones para los colaboradores de la Revista cepal.


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En este documento, producto del programa de trabajo conjunto de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) y los Ministerios de Agricultura de los países miembros del Consejo Agropecuario Centroamericano del Sistema de Integración Centroamericana (SICA), coordinado con su Secretaría Ejecutiva (SECAC) y su Grupo Técnico de Cambio Climático y Gestión Integral de Riesgo, se estudia la relación de la temperatura y la precipitación y otras variables con los rendimientos en 95 unidades geográficas subnacionales productores del café en los siete países de Centroamérica en la década del 2000. Valiéndose del método de funciones de producción, se estiman los impactos potenciales del cambio climático sobre estos rendimientos durante el presente siglo, utilizando dos escenarios del Panel Intergubernamental de Cambio Climático (IPCC), una con una trayectoria de alza de emisiones menor (B2) y otra de emisiones crecientes e inacción global cercana a la trayectoria endencial actual (A2).


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Por el alto nivel de demanda y la baja participación de los productores salvadoreños, el mercado del tomate y el chile verde dulce ofrece numerosas oportunidades para su explotación en el país. La producción de estos cultivos es susceptible de gestar una mayor rentabilidad económica que los granos tradicionales, al tiempo que se abrirían ventanas de oportunidad para una diversificación productiva en beneficio de los estratos de la población rural más desfavorecida. En la actualidad, la demanda interna de tomate y chile verde dulce en El Salvador se cubre principalmente mediante la importación. Si se aumentara la productividad y la competitividad de los productores salvadoreños, además de crear oportunidades de desarrollo para el mundo rural, se brindarían espacios para revertir el déficit comercial del país en ambos cultivos.


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En este trabajo se procura evaluar la producción, el uso y la difusión de tecnología en la estructura productiva de los países emergentes, en particular del Brasil, China, la Federación de Rusia y Sudáfrica, mediante el análisis de: i) usuarios y productores de tecnología; ii) contenido de investigación y desarrollo (i+d) en cada grupo de sectores, y iii) flujos de conocimientos técnicos entre esos grupos. Para alcanzar los objetivos fijados se utilizan matrices de insumo-producto combinadas con estadísticas de i+d sectoriales. Los principales resultados revelan considerables diferencias entre los países emergentes y también entre países en desarrollo y desarrollados, incluso en la jerarquía sectorial en cuanto a la producción y utilización de conocimientos tecnológicos, y en la dirección de los principales flujos de tecnología entre sectores. PALABRAS


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Biogeography has been difficult to apply as a methodological approach because organismic biology is incomplete at levels where the process of formulating comparisons and analogies is complex. The study of insect biogeography became necessary because insects possess numerous evolutionary traits and play an important role as pollinators. Among insects, the euglossine bees, or orchid bees, attract interest because the study of their biology allows us to explain important steps in the evolution of social behavior and many other adaptive tradeoffs. We analyzed the distribution of morphological characteristics in Colombian orchid bees from an ecological perspective. The aim of this study was to observe the distribution of these attributes on a regional basis. Data corresponding to Colombian euglossine species were ordered with a correspondence analysis and with subsequent hierarchical clustering. Later, and based on community proprieties, we compared the resulting hierarchical model with the collection localities to seek to identify a biogeographic classification pattern. From this analysis, we derived a model that classifies the territory of Colombia into 11 biogeographic units or natural clusters. Ecological assumptions in concordance with the derived classification levels suggest that species characteristics associated with flight performance, nectar uptake, and social behavior are the factors that served to produce the current geographical structure.


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There are clear signs that the agro-pastoralists in the Himalayan and Hindu-Kush mountain ranges will have less cropping opportunities due to reduced possibilities for irrigated agriculture as a result of climate change. The importance of extensive livestock production based on well adapted livestock species may once again increase. This calls for a better documentation and understanding of the adaptation capabilities of indigenous breeds considering a changing environment. The current study investigates the adaptive traits of the Azikheli buffalo to mountain environments through calculating mean, standard error and percentages for different variables. Results from this study suggest that the brown coat color, the small body size and the high fertility are adaptive traits of the Azikheli buffalo that may well suit harsh mountainous environment conditions with greater climate variability. Local farmers find it hard to sustain the Azikheli buffalo’s key adaptive traits because of a low bull to buffalo ratio, possibility of insemination with semen from imported breeds and a lack of institutional support to conserve the Azikheli breed. The breed is crucial for sustaining custodian communities in these mountains and thus needs to be conserved.


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The study that aimed at understanding the dynamics of forced livestock movements and pastoral livelihood and development options was conducted in Lindi and Ruvuma regions, using both formal and informal approaches. Data were collected from 60 randomly selected Agro-pastoralists/Pastoralists and native farmers using a structured questionnaire. Four villages were involved; two in Lindi region (Matandu and Mkwajuni) and the other two in Ruvuma region (Gumbiro and Muhuwesi). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics of SPSS to generate means and frequencies. The results indicate that a large number of animals moved into the study area following the eviction order of the government in Ihefu wetlands in 2006/2007. Lindi region was earmarked by the government to receive all the evicted pastoralists. However, by 2008 only 30% of the total cattle that were expected to move into the region had been received. Deaths of many animals on transit, selling of the animals to pay for transportation and other costs while on transit and many pastoralists settling in Coastal and Ruvuma regions before reaching their destinations were reported to be the reasons for the discrepancy observed. To mitigate anticipated conflicts between farmers and pastoralists, Participatory Land Use Management (PLUM) plans were developed in all the study villages in order to demarcate village land area into different uses, including grazing, cropping, settlement and forests. Land units for grazing were supposed to be provided with all necessary livestock infrastructures (dips, charcoal dams, livestock markets and stock routes). However, the land use plans were not able to prevent the anticipated conflicts because most of the livestock infrastructures were lacking, the land use boundaries were not clearly demarcated and there was limited enforcement of village by-laws, since most had not been enacted by the respective district councils. Similarly, the areas allocated for grazing were inadequate for the number of livestock available and thus the carrying capacity exceeded. Thus, land resource-based conflicts between farmers and pastoralists were emerging in the study areas for the reason that most of the important components in the PLUM plans were not in place. Nevertheless, the arrival of pastoralists in the study areas had positive effects on food security and growth of social interactions between pastoralists and farmers including marriages between them. Environmental degradations due to the arrival of livestock were also not evident. Thus, there is a need for the government to purposely set aside enough grazing land with all necessary infrastructures in place for the agro-pastoral/pastoral communities in the country.


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Glucose transport to the fetus across the placenta takes place via glucose transporters in the opposing faces of the barrier layer, the microvillous and basal membranes of the syncytiotrophoblast. While basal membrane content of the GLUT1 glucose transporter appears to be the rate-limiting step in transplacental transport, the factors regulating transporter expression and activity are largely unknown. In view of the many studies showing an association between IGF-I and fetal growth, we investigated the effects of IGF-I on placental glucose transport and GLUT1 transporter expression. Treatment of BeWo choriocarcinoma cells with IGF-I increased cellular GLUT1 protein. There was increased basolateral (but not microvillous) uptake of glucose and increased transepithelial transport of glucose across the BeWo monolayer. Primary syncytial cells treated with IGF-I also demonstrated an increase in GLUT1 protein. Term placental explants treated with IGF-I showed an increase in syncytial basal membrane GLUT1 but microvillous membrane GLUT1 was not affected. The placental dual perfusion model was used to assess the effects of fetally perfused IGF-I on transplacental glucose transport and syncytial GLUT1 content. In control perfusions there was a decrease in transplacental glucose transport over the course of the perfusion, whereas in tissues perfused with IGF-I through the fetal circulation there was no change. Syncytial basal membranes from IGF-I perfused tissues showed an increase in GLUT1 content. These results demonstrate that IGF-I, whether acting via microvillous or basal membrane receptors, increases the basal membrane content of GLUT1 and up-regulates basal membrane transport of glucose, leading to increased transepithelial glucose transport. These observations provide a partial explanation for the mechanism by which IGF-I controls nutrient supply in the regulation of fetal growth.


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A survey was conducted to generate holistic information on the production and utilization of local white lupin in two lupin growing districts, namely, Mecha and Sekela, representing mid and high altitude areas, respectively in North-western Ethiopia. During the survey, two types of participatory rural appraisal (PRA) techniques, namely, individual farmer interview (61 farmers from Mecha and 51 from Sekela) and group discussion (with 20 farmers from each district) were employed. There are significant differences (P<0.05) between the two study districts for the variables like total land holding, frequency of ploughing during lupin planting, days to maturity, lupin productivity, and number of days of soaking lupin in running water. However, there are no significant differences (P>0.05) between the two study districts for the variables like land allocated for lupin cultivation, lupin seed rate, lupin soaking at home, lupin consumption per family per week and proportion of lupin used for household consumption. The use of the crop as livestock feed is negligible due to its high alkaloid content. It is concluded that the local white lupin in Ethiopia is a valuable multipurpose crop which is being cultivated in the midst of very serious shortage of cropland. Its ability to maintain soil fertility and serve as a source of food in seasons of food scarcity makes it an important crop. However, its bitter taste due to its high alkaloid content remains to be a big challenge and any lupin improvement strategy has to focus on minimizing the alkaloid content of the crop.


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Independencia Bay can be considered as one of the most productive invertebratc fishing grounds worldwide. One of the most important exploited species is the scallop (Argopecten purpuratus) with strong catching fluctuations related to El Nino and La Nina events and to inadequate Management strategies. During strong warming periods annual landings reach up to 50000 t in an area of about 150 km**2 and during cold years they remain around 500 to 1000 t. This study analyses the changes in scallop landings at Independencia Bay observed during the last two decades and discusses the main factors affecting the scallop proliferations during the EI Nino events. In this way data on landings, sea surface temperature and those related to growth, reproduction, predation, mean density and oxygen concentration from published and unpublished Papers are used. The relationship between annual catches and average water temperature over the preceding reproductive period of the scallop over the past 20 year's period, showed that scallop production is affected positively only with strong EI Nino such as those of 1983 and 1998. Our review showed that the scallop stock proliferation can be traced to the combined effect of (1) an increase in reproductive output through an acceleration of gonad maturation and a higher spawning frequency; (2) a shortening of the larval period and an increase in larval survival; (3) an increase in the individual growth performance; (4) an increase in the juvenile and adult survival through reduction of predator biomass; (5) an increase in carrying capacity of the scallop banks due to elevated oxygen levels.


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En el presente trabajo se intenta reconstruir aspectos de la historia de un proceso organizativo de productores de la localidad de El Maitén e interpretar críticamente el proceso de intervención que lo acompañó. Durante el año 2004 fue creada la Agencia de Extensión Cooperativa integrada por el Municipio local, CORFO, INTA y la Subsecretaria de Agricultura Familiar, y fue en este marco institucional que se gestionó un proyecto de un parque de maquinarias de uso conjunto para los productores. Esta iniciativa demandó un proceso organizacional que hoy se sigue desarrollando. Para el análisis se realizo un recorte temporal que reconstruye, mediante metodología cualitativa y una perspectiva holística, la trayectoria organizativa del consorcio de maquinarias. A través de la voz de los protagonistas se desentrañan las idas y vueltas de la organización y de los modos de intervención institucional en el proceso.