771 resultados para PLATELETS


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Le facteur de transcription Growth factor independent 1b (GFI1b) est impliqué à différents stades dans la régulation de l'hématopoïèse. Il est notamment fortement exprimé dans les cellules souches hématopoïétiques et au cours de la différenciation des cellules des lignées érythroïdes et mégacaryocytaires. Grâce à un modèle de délétion conditionnelle chez la souris par le système CreLox, nous avons montré que l'absence de GFI1b entraîne une prolifération de cellules mégacaryocytaires incapables de produire des plaquettes. Notre étude ne permet pas de confirmer formellement la prolifération des cellules souches dans la moelle osseuse précédemment observée par notre équipe dans un autre modèle murin. En revanche, les souris GFI1b "knockout" présentent une augmentation des cellules souches circulantes dans le sang périphérique. Une analyse moléculaire préliminaire montre que GFI1b pourrait influer sur la régulation par le cycle circadien de la mobilisation de ces cellules dans le sang. Finalement, notre étude des effets biologiques de la délétion de GFI1b dans le compartiment hématopoïétique des souris adultes nous a permis de définir de façon plus précise le rôle de GFI1b dans l'hématopoïèse et de confirmer son rôle majeur dans la régulation de la mégacaryopoïèse et la production de plaquettes matures.


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El sangrado posterior a cirugía cardiaca es una complicación importante dada la alta morbimortalidad asociada. La hemotransfusión es la terapia mandatoria, pero la administración masiva de hemoderivados también es un factor de riesgo independiente de morbimortalidad. El factor VIIr se ha propuesto para disminuir las trasfusiones y controlar sangrado. El propósito de este estudio fue determinar si el factor VIIr es una herramienta útil para disminuir el consumo de hemoderivados en sangrado postoperatorio durante cirugía cardiaca sin riesgo de complicaciones tromboembólicas o falla renal aguda. Es un estudio de cohorte retrospectivo realizado durante dos años, comparando el consumo de hemoderivados y las complicaciones postoperatorias en la cohorte que recibió factor VIIa y en la que no. Se realizó muestreo por comparación de medias emparejadas y se describieron variables cualitativas mediante distribuciones de frecuencias y porcentuales, variables cuantitativas con medidas de tendencia central como promedio y mediana, medidas de dispersión como la desviación estándar. Para determinar normalidad se utilizó prueba Kolgomorov Smirnov con nivel de significancia a=10%; de no cumplir normalidad se utilizaron pruebas t-student y U de Mann-Whitney con nivel de significancia a=5%. Se recolectaron 54 pacientes de los cuales a 14 se les aplicó factor VIIr. Un promedio cinco unidades de glóbulos rojos, nueve de plasma, seis de plaquetas y cuatro de crioprecipitados fueron transfundidas sin diferencias significativas en los grupos. Si se aprecia disminución del sangrado en 24 horas postoperatorias, corrección de los tiempos de coagulación, y menor mortalidad. Las complicaciones tromboembólicas y falla renal no fueron estadísticamente significativas.


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Se realizó un estudio costo beneficio para el tratamiento de trombocitopenias en pacientes con discrasias sanguíneas, comparando dos hemoderivados sanguíneos: las plaquetas estándar y plaquetas por aféresis. El estudio se realizó en el Banco de Sangre de la Clínica Colsanitas S.A, con información obtenida sobre pacientes que fueron transfundidos con dichos componentes durante los años 2009 al 2010. Ambos hemoderivados presentaron un nivel de respuesta terapéutica adecuado; se evidenció que los pacientes transfundidos con plaquetas por aféresis, requirieron ser transfundidos menos veces a comparación del grupo transfundido con plaquetas estándar, representando una ventaja respecto a la exposición antigénica de hemoderivados transfundidos, a la necesidad de requerir transfusiones próximas y en el costo del tratamiento para la Entidad hospitalaria. Surge la necesidad de continuar con estudios prospectivos en los Servicios Transfusionales y Bancos de Sangre, como la determinación por inmuno-genética de la aloinmunización HLA, desarrollo HPA, frente a la exposición antigénica que permita evidenciar el desenlace clínico, gestionar los riesgos inherentes a la transfusión y promover la producción de determinado hemoderivado.


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Introducción: La preeclampsia severa es una de las principales patologías que afectan a las mujeres embarazadas, sus complicaciones tienen un alto impacto en la salud del binomio madre-hijo. Materiales y métodos: Se realizo una serie de casos, durante un periodo de 1 año se revisaron las historias clínicas de las pacientes que ingresaron a la unidad de cuidado intensivo obstétrico de la Clínica Orquídeas, con diagnóstico de preeclampsia severa. Se describieron los datos demográficos y las complicaciones. Se realizó análisis univariado con las variables de interés y se calcularon diferencias significativas por medio del test exacto de Fisher. Resultados: Se registraron 196 pacientes con preeclampsia severa en el periodo de estudio. Las complicaciones mas frecuentes fueron síndrome HELLP (30,6%), insuficiencia renal aguda (16,3%) y edema pulmonar (10,2%); el ingreso de las pacientes con preeclampsia severa a la UCIO en embarazo aumenta el riesgo de sufrir complicaciones. El síndrome de HELLP se presento con mayor frecuencia en pacientes que realizaron 6 o mas controles prenatales (p=0.066). Discusión: Los resultados evidencian una prevalencia de preeclampsia severa mayor que la observada por otros autores, probablemente por ser una UCI exclusivamente obstétrica. Las complicaciones mas frecuentes son concordantes con otros estudios publicados. El mayor riesgo de complicaciones asociadas en pacientes que ingresan embarazadas a la UCIO podría estar en relación a la severidad de la patología. Se requieren estudios analíticos para establecer asociaciones entre cada una de las complicaciones y sus factores condicionantes.


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Introducción La preeclampsia hace parte del espectro de los trastornos hipertensivos asociados al embarazo y es causa de alta morbimortalidad materna. La edad gestacional ha sido relacionada con la presentación más severa de esta cuando ocurren lejanas al término. Hoy en día existe la posibilidad de proporcionar manejo expectante en estos casos en unidades de cuidado obstétrico especializadas, con el fin de disminuir el riesgo de morbimortalidad asociada a la prematurez extrema. Metodología Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal que incluyó pacientes con preeclampsia lejos del término entre las 24 y 34 semanas que recibieron manejo expectante entre 2009 y 2012 en la Unidad de Cuidado Intensivo Obstétrico de la Clínica Colsubsidio Orquídeas. Resultados Se incluyeron 121 pacientes con preeclampsia lejos del término, quienes recibieron manejo expectante. La edad promedio fue 29.8, el promedio de días de manejo expectante fue 4 días, con una mediana de tres días. La edad gestacional de ingreso fue 30 1/7 semanas y la edad promedio de terminación 30 5/7 semanas. El 88.4% recibieron esquema de maduración completo. El 81.6% presentaron preeclampsia severa. El desenlace materno más frecuente fue Síndrome Hellp (37%) y el desenlace fetal fue restricción de crecimiento intrauterino (29%). Discusión Se debe considerar el manejo expectante en toda paciente con preeclampsia previa a la semana 34 para manejo antenatal con corticoesteroides, el cual demostró ser un factor protector para muerte perinatal temprana. No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre la aparición de complicaciones y la cantidad de días de manejo expectante.


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El ejercicio físico de intensidad moderada a exhaustiva genera diferentes tipos de respuestas en un individuo, dichas repuestas dependen del tipo y la duración del ejercicio y de si son agudas o crónicas. A nivel funcional afecta los diferentes sistemas corporales, pero dentro de los relativamente menos tenidos en cuenta está el hematológico. De este último la literatura refiere cambios en el volumen sanguíneo, en la actividad y poblaciones de glóbulos blancos, así como modificaciones en la inmunidad celular y humoral, y en el conteo y forma de las plaquetas. Así mismo, y como resultado de estos cambios, también se ha podido determinar cómo el ejercicio modifica desfavorablemente el tiempo de vida de los eritrocitos generando una aparente anemia, que ha sido materia de amplia discusión y que puede, dentro de múltiples factores, estar asociada a hemólisis, la cual a su vez se relaciona con diferentes factores dentro de los que se destacan mecanismos como el osmótico o el estrés oxidativo; sin embargo, lo cierto es que todos estos eventos están fuertemente relacionadas entre sí y pueden determinar y redundar en un menor rendimiento en el practicante de una determinada actividad física, y por supuesto de un deportista.


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Using a focused ion beam (FIB) instrument, electron-transparent samples (termed foils) have been cut from the naturally weathered surfaces of perthitic alkali feldspars recovered from soils overlying the Shap granite, northwest England. Characterization of these foils by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has enabled determination of the crystallinity and chemical composition of near-surface regions of the feldspar and an assessment of the influence of intragranular microtextures on the microtopography of grain surfaces and development of etch pits. Damage accompanying implantation of the 30 kV Ga+ ions used for imaging and deposition of protective platinum prior to ion milling creates amorphous layers beneath outer grain surfaces, but can be overcome by coating grains with > 85 nm of gold before FIB work. The sidewalls of the foil and feldspar surrounding original voids are also partially amorphized during later stages of ion milling. No evidence was found for the presence of amorphous or crystalline weathering products or amorphous "leached layers" immediately beneath outer grain surfaces. The absence of a leached layer indicates that chemical weathering of feldspar in the Shap soils is stoichiometric, or if non-stoichiometric, either the layer is too thin to resolve by the TEM techniques used (i.e., <=similar to 2.5 nm) or an insufficient proportion of ions have been leached from near-surface regions so that feldspar crystallinity is maintained. No evidence was found for any difference in the mechanisms of weathering where a microbial filament rests on the feldspar surface. Sub-micrometer-sized steps on the grain surface have formed where subgrains and exsolution lamellae have influenced the propagation of fractures during physical weathering, whereas finer scale corrugations form due to compositional or strain-related differences in dissolution rates of albite platelets and enclosing tweed orthoclase. With progressive weathering, etch pits that initiated at the grain surface extend into grain interiors as etch tubes by exploiting preexisting networks of nanopores that formed during the igneous history of the grain. The combination of FIB and TEM techniques is an especially powerful way of exploring mechanisms of weathering within the "internal zone" beneath outer grain surfaces, but results must be interpreted with caution owing to the ease with which artifacts can be created by the high-energy ion and electron beams used in the preparation and characterization of the foils.


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BACKGROUND: Flavonoid metabolites remain in blood for periods of time potentially long enough to allow interactions with cellular components of this tissue. It is well-established that flavonoids are metabolised within the intestine and liver into methylated, sulphated and glucuronidated counterparts, which inhibit platelet function. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We demonstrate evidence suggesting platelets which contain metabolic enzymes, as an alternative location for flavonoid metabolism. Quercetin and a plasma metabolite of this compound, 4'-O-methyl quercetin (tamarixetin) were shown to gain access to the cytosolic compartment of platelets, using confocal microscopy. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and mass spectrometry (MS) showed that quercetin was transformed into a compound with a mass identical to tamarixetin, suggesting that the flavonoid was methylated by catechol-O-methyl transferase (COMT) within platelets. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Platelets potentially mediate a third phase of flavonoid metabolism, which may impact on the regulation of the function of these cells by metabolites of these dietary compounds.


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Soluble factors such as ADP and thromboxane (TX) A(2) that are secreted or released by platelets at sites of tissue injury, mediate autocrine and paracrine regulation of platelet function, resulting in rapid localised thrombus formation. The suppression of platelet function, particularly through targeting such secondary regulatory mechanisms, that serve to 'fine-tune' the platelet response, has proven effective in the prevention of inappropriate platelet activation that results in thrombosis. The most commonly used anti-platelet approaches (ADP receptor antagonism or inhibition of TXA(2) synthesis), however, lack efficacy in many patients, suggesting the existence of additional uncharacterised mechanisms for the regulation of platelet function. Recent data, which form a focus of this review, have identified peripheral tachykinin peptide family members, such as substance P and the newly identified endokinins, as physiologically important positive feedback regulators of platelet function. The actions of tachykinins that are released from platelets during activation are mediated by the neurokinin-1 receptor. Initial analysis of the role of this receptor in platelet thrombus formation, and thrombosis in the mouse, indicate this to be a promising new target for the development of anti-thrombotic drugs. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Platelet response to activation varies widely between individuals but shows interindividual consistency and strong heritability. The genetic basis of this variation has not been properly explored. We therefore systematically measured the effect on function of sequence variation in 97 candidate genes in the collagen and adenosine-diphosphate (ADP) signaling pathways. Resequencing of the genes in 48 European DNA samples nearly doubled the number of known single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and informed the selection of 1327 SNPs for genotyping in 500 healthy Northern European subjects with known platelet responses to collagen-related peptide (CRP-XL) and ADP. This identified 17 novel associations with platelet function (P < .005) accounting for approximately 46% of the variation in response. Further investigations with platelets of known genotype explored the mechanisms behind some of the associations. SNPs in PEAR1 associated with increased platelet response to CRP-XL and increased PEAR1 protein expression after platelet degranulation. The minor allele of a 3' untranslated region (UTR) SNP (rs2769668) in VAV3 was associated with higher protein expression (P = .03) and increased P-selectin exposure after ADP activation (P = .004). Furthermore the minor allele of the intronic SNP rs17786144 in ITPR1 modified Ca2+ levels after activation with ADP (P < .004). These data provide novel insights into key hubs within platelet signaling networks.


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Objectives The administration of unfractionated heparin (UFH) prior to carotid clamping during carotid endarterectomy (CEA) transiently increases the platelet aggregation response to arachidonic acid (AA) despite the use of aspirin. We hypothesized that this phenomenon might be reduced by using low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) resulting in fewer emboli in the early post-operative period. Methods 183 aspirinated patients undergoing CEA were randomised to 5000 IU UFH (n = 91) or 2500 IU LMWH (dalteparin, n = 92) prior to carotid clamping. End-points were: transcranial Doppler (TCD) measurement of embolisation, effect on bleeding and platelet aggregation to AA and adenosine 5′-diphosphate (ADP). Results Patients randomised to UFH had twice the odds of experiencing a higher number of emboli in the first 3 h after CEA, than those randomised to LMWH (p = 0.04). This was not associated with increased bleeding (mean time from flow restoration to operation end: 23 min (UFH) vs. 24 min (LMWH), p = 0.18). Platelet aggregation to AA increased significantly following heparinisation, but was unaffected by heparin type (p = 0.90). The platelets of patients randomised to LMWH exhibited significantly lower aggregation to ADP compared to UFH (p < 0.0001). Conclusions Intravenous LMWH is associated with a significant reduction in post-operative embolisation without increased bleeding. The higher rate of embolisation seen with UFH may be mediated by increased platelet aggregation to ADP, rather than to AA.


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In this study, we demonstrate the suitability of the vertebrate Danio rerio (zebrafish) for functional screening of novel platelet genes in vivo by reverse genetics. Comparative transcript analysis of platelets and their precursor cell, the megakaryocyte, together with nucleated blood cell elements, endothelial cells, and erythroblasts, identified novel platelet membrane proteins with hitherto unknown roles in thrombus formation. We determined the phenotype induced by antisense morpholino oligonucleotide (MO)–based knockdown of 5 of these genes in a laser-induced arterial thrombosis model. To validate the model, the genes for platelet glycoprotein (GP) IIb and the coagulation protein factor VIII were targeted. MO-injected fish showed normal thrombus initiation but severely impaired thrombus growth, consistent with the mouse knockout phenotypes, and concomitant knockdown of both resulted in spontaneous bleeding. Knockdown of 4 of the 5 novel platelet proteins altered arterial thrombosis, as demonstrated by modified kinetics of thrombus initiation and/or development. We identified a putative role for BAMBI and LRRC32 in promotion and DCBLD2 and ESAM in inhibition of thrombus formation. We conclude that phenotypic analysis of MO-injected zebrafish is a fast and powerful method for initial screening of novel platelet proteins for function in thrombosis.


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Mean platelet volume (MPV) and platelet count (PLT) are highly heritable and tightly regulated traits. We performed a genome-wide association study for MPV and identified one SNP, rs342293, as having highly significant and reproducible association with MPV (per-G allele effect 0.016 +/- 0.001 log fL; P < 1.08 x 10(-24)) and PLT (per-G effect -4.55 +/- 0.80 10(9)/L; P < 7.19 x 10(-8)) in 8586 healthy subjects. Whole-genome expression analysis in the 1-MB region showed a significant association with platelet transcript levels for PIK3CG (n = 35; P = .047). The G allele at rs342293 was also associated with decreased binding of annexin V to platelets activated with collagen-related peptide (n = 84; P = .003). The region 7q22.3 identifies the first QTL influencing platelet volume, counts, and function in healthy subjects. Notably, the association signal maps to a chromosome region implicated in myeloid malignancies, indicating this site as an important regulatory site for hematopoiesis. The identification of loci regulating MPV by this and other studies will increase our insight in the processes of megakaryopoiesis and proplatelet formation, and it may aid the identification of genes that are somatically mutated in essential thrombocytosis. (Blood. 2009; 113: 3831-3837)


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Platelets have long been recognized to be of central importance in haemostasis, but their participation in pathological conditions such as thrombosis, atherosclerosis and inflammation is now also well established. The platelet has therefore become a key target in therapies to combat cardiovascular disease. Anti-platelet therapies are used widely, but current approaches lack efficacy in a proportion of patients, and are associated with side effects including problem bleeding. In the last decade, substantial progress has been made in understanding the regulation of platelet function, including the characterization of new ligands, platelet-specific receptors and cell signalling pathways. It is anticipated this progress will impact positively on the future innovations towards more effective and safer anti-platelet agents. In this review, the mechanisms of platelet regulation and current anti-platelet therapies are introduced, and strong, and some more speculative, potential candidate target molecules for future anti-platelet drug development are discussed.


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The important role of platelets in the development of arterial thrombosis and cardiovascular disease is well established. Current treatments for arterial thrombosis include anti-platelet agents such as aspirin, thienopyridines and glycoprotein IIb-IIIa inhibitors. Despite these drugs being effective there remains a substantial unmet clinical demand for more effective therapeutic approaches, which may reflect the existence of alternative underlying regulatory mechanisms to those already targeted. Recent publications have demonstrated a key role for tachykinins in the positive feedback regulation of platelet aggregation and thrombus formation. The pro-thrombotic effects of tachykinins on platelets are mediated through the neurokinin 1 receptor, which may therefore offer a novel therapeutic drug target in the prevention and the treatment of arterial thrombosis.