824 resultados para PANDEMIC INFLUENZA A (H1N1)


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Questo lavoro si è posto l’obiettivo di valutare l’effetto dei processi di combustione della biomassa sulla composizione chimica del particolato atmosferico. Sono state analizzate le polveri totali sospese (TSP) e le sotto-frazioni PM10 e PM2.5. Il sito di campionamento è collocato in un’area suburbana costiera nella provincia di Rimini. L’area di studio è soggetta all’apporto di contaminanti derivanti dalle emissioni del traffico autoveicolare (urbano e della vicina autostrada A14) e di piccole attività industriali, tra cui la più importante è l’inceneritore di rifiuti solidi urbani. Il campionamento è stato effettuato nei mesi marzo-aprile 2011. Durante questo periodo ricorre la tradizionale festa popolare delle “Focheracce” dove si bruciano enormi cataste di legna per salutare l’inverno ed accogliere la primavera. In corrispondenza proprio di questa giornata si registra in atmosfera un forte incremento della concentrazione di polveri accompagnato da una variazione nella loro composizione chimica. Il levoglucosano (LG), marker specifico dei processi di combustione della biomassa, mostra concentrazioni di un ordine più elevato rispetto a tutto il periodo di campionamento. Incrementi si registrano, più in generale, per tutti quei composti direttamente imputabili ai processi di combustione incompleta, come CO, CE ed IPA. Il campionamento in occasione dei fuochi ha inoltre evidenziato maggiori concentrazioni in atmosfera di potassio, magnesio, ammonio, nitrati e carbonati nella frazione TSP-PM10. In conclusione, dai risultati della caratterizzazione chimica nelle diverse frazioni granulometriche delle polveri è possibile affermare che i processi di combustione della biomassa, hanno nell’area di studio un ruolo importante nel determinare il carico complessivo delle PM. La correlazione inversa tra temperatura atmosferica e concentrazione di levoglucosano induce a pensare che il contributo dovuto alla combustione di biomassa sulle PM sia imputabile al riscaldamento domestico.


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The emergency of infection by highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAI) subtype H5N1 has focused the attention of the world scientific community, requiring the prompt provision of effective control systems for early detection of the circulation of low pathogenic influenza H5 viruses (LPAI) in populations of wild birds to prevent outbreaks of highly pathogenic (HPAI) in populations of domestic birds with possible transmission to humans. The project stems from the aim to provide, through a preliminary analysis of data obtained from surveillance in Italy and Europe, a preliminary study about the virus detection rates and the development of mathematical models, an objective assessment of the effectiveness of avian influenza surveillance systems in wild bird populations, and to point out guidelines to support the planning process of the sampling activities. The results obtained from the statistical processing quantify the sampling effort in terms of time and sample size required, and simulating different epidemiological scenarios identify active surveillance as the most suitable for endemic LPAI infection monitoring in wild waterfowl, and passive surveillance as the only really effective tool in early detecting HPAI H5N1 circulation in wild populations. Given the lack of relevant information on H5N1 epidemiology, and the actual finantial and logistic constraints, an approach that makes use of statistical tools to evaluate and predict monitoring activities effectiveness proves to be of primary importance to direct decision-making and make the best use of available resources.


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Il Lavoro é incentrato sull' influenza dell'insegnamento di G. I Gurdjieff sul teatro del novecento in particolare sul lavoro di Peter Brook, Declan Donnellan e Robert Lepage


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Pharmaceuticals are useful tools to prevent and treat human and animal diseases. Following administration, a significant fraction of pharmaceuticals is excreted unaltered into faeces and urine and may enter the aquatic ecosystem and agricultural soil through irrigation with recycled water, constituting a significant source of emerging contaminants into the environment. Understanding major factors influencing their environmental fate is consequently needed to value the risk, reduce contamination, and set up bioremediation technologies. The antiviral drug Tamiflu (oseltamivir carboxylate, OC) has received recent attention due to the potential use as a first line defence against H5N1 and H1N1 influenza viruses. Research has shown that OC is not removed during conventional wastewater treatments, thus having the potential to enter surface water bodies. A series of laboratory experiments investigated the fate and the removal of OC in surface water systems in Italy and Japan and in a municipal wastewater treatment plant. A preliminary laboratory study investigated the persistence of the active antiviral drug in water samples from an irrigation canal in northern Italy (Canale Emiliano Romagnolo). After an initial rapid decrease, OC concentration slowly decreased during the remaining incubation period. Approximately 65% of the initial OC amount remained in water at the end of the 36-day incubation period. A negligible amount of OC was lost both from sterilized water and from sterilized water/sediment samples, suggesting a significant role of microbial degradation. Stimulating microbial processes by the addition of sediments resulted in reduced OC persistence. Presence of OC (1.5 μg mL-1) did not significantly affect the metabolic potential of the water microbial population, that was estimated by glyphosate and metolachlor mineralization. In contrast, OC caused an initial transient decrease in the size of the indigenous microbial population of water samples. A second laboratory study focused on basic processes governing the environmental fate of OC in surface water from two contrasting aquatic ecosystems of northern Italy, the River Po and the Venice Lagoon. Results of this study confirmed the potential of OC to persist in surface water. However, the addition of 5% of sediments resulted in rapid OC degradation. The estimated half-life of OC in water/sediment of the River Po was 15 days. After three weeks of incubation at 20 °C, more than 8% of 14C-OC evolved as 14CO2 from water/sediment samples of the River Po and Venice Lagoon. OC was moderately retained onto coarse sediments from the two sites. In water/sediment samples of the River Po and Venice Lagoon treated with 14C-OC, more than 30% of the 14C-residues remained water-extractable after three weeks of incubation. The low affinity of OC to sediments suggests that the presence of sediments would not reduce its bioavailability to microbial degradation. Another series of laboratory experiments investigated the fate and the removal of OC in two surface water ecosystems of Japan and in the municipal wastewater treatment plant of the city of Bologna, in Northern Italy. The persistence of OC in surface water ranged from non-detectable degradation to a half-life of 53 days. After 40 days, less than 3% of radiolabeled OC evolved as 14CO2. The presence of sediments (5%) led to a significant increase of OC degradation and of mineralization rates. A more intense mineralization was observed in samples of the wastewater treatment plant when applying a long incubation period (40 days). More precisely, 76% and 37% of the initial radioactivity applied as 14C-OC was recovered as 14CO2 from samples of the biological tank and effluent water, respectively. Two bacterial strains growing on OC as sole carbon source were isolated and used for its removal from synthetic medium and environmental samples, including surface water and wastewater. Inoculation of water and wastewater samples with the two OC-degrading strains showed that mineralization of OC was significantly higher in both inoculated water and wastewater, than in uninoculated controls. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and quantitative PCR analysis showed that OC would not affect the microbial population of surface water and wastewater. The capacity of the ligninolytic fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium to degrade a wide variety of environmentally persistent xenobiotics has been largely reported in literature. In a series of laboratory experiments, the efficiency of a formulation using P. chrysosporium was evaluated for the removal of selected pharmaceuticals from wastewater samples. Addition of the fungus to samples of the wastewater treatment plant of Bologna significantly increased (P < 0.05) the removal of OC and three antibiotics, erythromycin, sulfamethoxazole, and ciprofloxacin. Similar effects were also observed in effluent water. OC was the most persistent of the four pharmaceuticals. After 30 days of incubation, approximately two times more OC was removed in bioremediated samples than in controls. The highest removal efficiency of the formulation was observed with the antibiotic ciprofloxacin. The studies included environmental aspects of soil contamination with two emerging veterinary contaminants, such as doramectin and oxibendazole, wich are common parasitic treatments in cattle farms.


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Kidney transplantation is the best treatment option for the restoration of excretory and endocrine kidney function in patients with end-stage renal disease. The success of the transplant is linked to the genetic compatibility between donor and recipient, and upon progress in surgery and immunosuppressive therapy. Numerous studies have established the importance of innate immunity in transplantation tolerance, in particular natural killer (NK) cells represent a population of cells involved in defense against infectious agents and tumor cells. NK cells express on their surface the Killer-cell Immunoglobulin-like Receptors (KIR) which, by recognizing and binding to MHC class I antigens, prevent the killing of autologous cells. In solid organ transplantation context, and in particular the kidney, recent studies show some correlation between the incompatibility KIR / HLA and outcome of transplantation so as to represent an interesting perspective, especially as regards setting of immunosuppressive therapy. The purpose of this study was therefore to assess whether the incompatibility between recipient KIR receptors and HLA class I ligands of the donor could be a useful predictor in order to improve the survival of the transplanted kidney and also to select patients who might benefit of a reduced regimen. One hundred and thirteen renal transplant patients from 1999 to 2005 were enrolled. Genomic DNA was extracted for each of them and their donors and genotyping of HLA A, B, C and 14 KIR genes was carried out. Data analysis was conducted on two case-control studies: one aimed at assessing the outcome of acute rejection and the other to assess the long term transplant outcome. The results showed that two genes, KIR2DS1 and KIR3DS1, are associated with the development of acute rejection (p = 0.02 and p = 0.05, respectively). The presence of the KIR2DS3 gene is associated with a better performance of serum creatinine and glomerular filtration rate (MDRD) over time (4 and 5 years after transplantation, p <0.05), while in the presence of ligand, the serum creatinine and MDRD trend seems to get worse in the long term. The analysis performed on the population, according to whether there was deterioration of renal function or not in the long term, showed that the absence of the KIR2DL1 gene is strongly associated with an increase of 20% of the creatinine value at 5 years, with a relative risk to having a greater creatinine level than the median 5-year equal to 2.7 95% (95% CI: 1.7788 - 2.6631). Finally, the presence of a kidney resulting negative for HLA-A3 / A11, compared to a positive result, in patients with KIR3DL2, showed a relative risk of having a serum creatinine above the median at 5 years after transplantation of 0.6609 (95% CI: 0.4529 -0.9643), suggesting a protective effect given to the absence of this ligand.


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The arguments of the thesis is the relationship between the Norman domination and the Greek-speaking people living in Sicily and Southern Italy. Particularly the ascendancy of the greek culture on the norman architecture and his role in the construction of the Norman Kingdom.


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Con gli strumenti informatici disponibili oggi per le industrie, in particolar modo coi software CAE, le possibile simulare in maniera più che soddisfacente i fenomeni fisici presenti in natura. Anche il raffreddamento di un manufatto in polimero può venire simulato, a patto che si conoscano tutti i dati dei materiali e delle condizioni al contorno. Per quanto riguarda i dati dei materiali, i produttori di polimeri sono molto spesso in grado di fornirli, mentre le condizioni al contorno devono essere padroneggiate dal detentore della tecnologia. Nella pratica, tale conoscenza è al più incompleta, quindi si fanno ipotesi per colmare le lacune. Una tra le ipotesi più forti fatte è quella di una perfetta conduzione all'interfaccia tra due corpi. Questo è un vincolo troppo forte, se paragonato alla precisione di tutti gli altri dati necessari alla simulazione, e quindi si è deciso di eseguire una campagna sperimentale per stimare la resistenza al passaggio flusso termico all'interfaccia polimero-stampo ovvero determinare la conduttanza termica di contatto. L'attività svolta in questa tesi di dottorato ha come scopo quello di fornire un contributo significativo allo sviluppo e al miglioramento dell'efficienza termica degli stampi di formatura dei polimeri termoplastici con tecnologia a compressione.