964 resultados para Organic loading rate
The present work describes the photoelectrochemical hydrogen generation during a photodegradation of an organic compound. For this, it was chosen the reactive black 5 dye as a model of organic pollutant and its oxidation under TiO2 nanotube in a two compartment cell. The photoelectrocatalysis is conducted in 0.1 mol L-1 Na2SO4 pH 6 medium under photoanode biased at +1.0 V (SCE) and activated by UV and visible light using 150W Xe-Arc lamp (Oriel) and 125 W Hg lamp (Osram). The concomitant hydrogen production was monitored at cathodic compartment using a Pt cathode. Using optimized condition of Na2SO4 0.1 mol L-1 pH 6 as supporting electrolyte, applied potential of +1.0V it was verified 100% of discoloration and 72% of TOC removal of 1.0 x 10(-5) mol L-1 Reactive Black 5 dye after 120 min of treatment (rate constant of 10.6 x10(-2) min(-1)). The concomitant hydrogen generation was 44% in this condition.
The urban residues put in landfill of the city of Sa˜o Carlos-SP, Brazil, in 2004 represent 58.7 % of decomposed organic material. The aim of this research was to characterize samples of urban solid waste and its organic extracts targeting the use of this residue without damaging the environment. The curves were obtained in a nitrogen atmosphere, a heating rate of 20 C min-1 , the temperature of 30–600 C. In the original sample after humidity loss, an event occured concerning the water constitution in the TG curve with an endothermic peak in the DTA curve. There was a presence of inorganic residue in the ashes. The organic matter present in the USR sample disposed in the landfill is constituted by several polarity, organics compounds from the degradation of lignin, cellulose, lipids, and other materials which thermal stabilities are distinct. The hexane extract features in its constitution two fatty acids, stearic and triacontano´ic, which are nonpolar compounds originating from bacteria present in the residue. The acids groups in extract hexane also were evidenced by X-ray diffraction and FTIR.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical survival rate of osseointegrated implants placed in the atrophic maxilla that has been reconstructed by means of autogenous bone grafts harvested from a cranial calvarial site. Further, we sought to analyse the level of pen-implant bone after prosthetic rehabilitation and to determine subjective patient satisfaction with the treatment performed. This study conformed to the STROBE guidelines regarding retrospective studies. Twenty-five patients who had received osseointegrated implants with late loading in the reconstructed atrophic maxilla were included in the study. The survival rate and level of pen-implant bone loss were evaluated. A questionnaire related to the surgical and prosthetic procedures was completed. The observed implant survival rate was 92.35%. The mean bone loss recorded was 1.76 mm in the maxilla and 1.54 mm in the mandible. The results of the questionnaire indicated a high level of patient satisfaction, little surgical discomfort, and that the patients would recommend the procedure and would undergo the treatment again. From the results obtained, it is concluded that the cranial calvarial site is an excellent donor area; calvarial grafts provided stability and maintenance of bone volume over the course of up to 11 years.
Previous research has demonstrated that dehydration increases the threshold temperature for panting and decreases the thermal preference of lizards. Conversely, it is unknown whether thermoregulatory responses such as shuttling and gaping are similarly influenced. Shuttling, as an active behavioural response, is considered one of the most effective thermoregulatory behaviours, whereas gaping has been proposed to be involved in preventing brain over-heating in lizards. In this study we examined the effect of salt loading, a proxy for increased plasma osmolality, on shuttling and gaping in Pogona vitticeps. Then, we determined the upper and lower escape ambient temperatures (UETa and LETa), the percentage of time spent gaping, the metabolic rate ((V) over dot(O2)), the evaporative water loss (EWL) during gaping and non-gaping intervals and the evaporative effectiveness (EWL/(V) over dot(O2)) of gaping. All experiments were performed under isotonic (154 mmol l(-1)) and hypertonic saline injections (625, 1250 or 2500 mmol l(-1)). Only the highest concentration of hypertonic saline altered the UETa and LETa, but this effect appeared to be the result of diminishing the animal's propensity to move, instead of any direct reduction in thermoregulatory set-points. Nevertheless, the percentage of time spent gaping was proportionally reduced according to the saline concentration; (V) over dot(O2) was also decreased after salt loading. Thermographic images revealed lower head than body surface temperatures during gaping; however this difference was inhibited after salt loading. Our data suggest that EWL/(V) over dot(O2) is raised during gaping, possibly contributing to an increase in heat transfer away from the lizard, and playing a role in head or brain cooling.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
AimTo evaluate prospectively the clinical and radiographic outcomes after 5years of early loading of 6-mm implants with a moderately rough (SLActive((R))) surface supporting single crowns in the posterior regions.Material and methodsThirty-five consecutive patients received 40 SLActive((R)) (Straumann) 6-mm implants with a diameter of 4.1mm (n=19) or 4.8mm (n=21). Insertion torque and resonance frequency analysis (RFA) were measured at implant installation. RFA was also measured at abutment connection. SynOcta abutments were tightened with 35Ncm after 6weeks of healing, and single porcelain fuse to metal crowns was cemented within 1week. Implant survival rate and marginal bone loss were evaluated at various time intervals until 5years after loading. The clinical crown/implant ratio was calculated as well.ResultsTwo of 40 implants were lost before loading (incorporation rate 95%), and no further implant loss or technical complications were encountered during the 5-year follow-up period. A mean marginal bone loss of 0.70.6mm was found after 5years of function. The clinical crown/implant ratio increased with time from 1.6 at the delivery of the prosthesis to 2 after 5years of loading.ConclusionSix millimeter implants with a SLActive((R)) moderately rough surface supporting single crowns in the posterior region and loaded after 6-7weeks maintained full function for at least 5year with low marginal bone resorption.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the survival of single dental implants subjected to immediate function. Twelve patients with edentulous areas in the posterior mandible were included in the study. All received at least one regular platform dental implant (3.75mm×11mm or 3.75mm×13mm). Clinical and radiographic parameters were evaluated. The survival rate after 12 months was 83.3%. The implants showed no clinical mobility, had implant stability quotient values (ISQ; Osstell) around 70, bone loss of up to 2mm, and a probing depth of ≤3mm. Although the posterior mandible is an area in which the immediate loading of dental implants should be performed with caution, this treatment presented a good success rate in the present study sample.
As novas técnicas propostas para a agricultura na Amazônia incluem sistema de rotação de capoeira enriquecido com árvores leguminosas e transformando a queima da biomassa em cobertura morta sobre o solo. A decomposição e a liberação de nutrientes da cobertura morta foram estudadas usando sacos de liteira com malha fina que continham cinco tratamentos com diferentes espécies de leguminosas em comparação a um tratamento-controle com vegetação natural. As amostras para cada tratamento foram analisadas para conteúdos de C total, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, lignina, celulose e polifenóis solúveis em diferentes tempos de amostragem durante um ano. A razão constante de decomposição variou com a espécie e com o tempo. A perda de massa nos sacos de decomposição foi de 30,1 % para Acacia angustissima, de 32,7 % para Sclerolobium paniculatum, de 33,9 % para Inga edulis e para a vegetação secundária, de 45,2 % para Acacia mangium e de 63,6 % para Clitoria racemosa. Foi observada imobilização de N e P em todos os tratamentos, sendo a mineralização do N negativamente correlacionada com o fenol, razão C/N, razão (lignina + fenol)/N, razão fenol/P e o conteúdo de N nos sacos de liteira. Depois de 362 dias de incubação no campo, 3,3 % de K, 32,2 % de Ca e 22,4 % de Mg permaneceram no material em decomposição. Os resultados evidenciaram que a baixa qualidade mineral e a alta quantidade de carbono orgânico e aplicado como cobertura morta podem limitar a quantidade de energia disponível para os microrganismos resultando em uma competição por nutrientes com as plantas agrícolas.
Organic matter quality, expressed as the proportion of chlorophyll a (Chl a) to degraded organic material (i.e. phaeopigments), is known to influence the structure of benthic associations and plays an important role in the functioning of the ecosystem. This study investigates the vertical distribution of microbial biomass, meiofauna and macrofauna with respect to organic matter variation in Ubatuba, Brazil, a southeastern, subtropical coastal area. On three occasions, samples were collected in exposed and sheltered stations, at high and low hydrodynamic conditions. We hypothesize that benthic assemblages will have high meio- and macrofaunal densities and high microbial biomass at the sediment surface at the sheltered site, and lower and vertically homogeneous microbial biomass and densities of meio- and macrofauna are expected at the exposed site. The accumulation of fresh organic matter at the sediment surface was observed at both stations over the three sampling dates, which contributed to the higher densities of meiofauna in the first layers of the sediment column. Macrofauna followed the same trend only at the exposed station, but changes in the number of species, biodiversity and feeding groups were registered for both stations. Microbial biomass increased at the sheltered station over the three sampling dates, whereas at the exposed station, microbial biomass was nearly constant. Physical exposure did not influence organic matter loading at the sites and therefore did not affect overall structure of benthic assemblages, which negates our original hypothesis. Most of the benthic system components reacted to organic matter quality and quantity, but relationships between different-sized organisms (i.e. competition and/or predation) may explain the unchanged microbial profiles at the exposed site and homogeneous vertical distribution of macrofauna at the sheltered site. In conclusion, the high quality of organic matter was a crucial factor in sustaining and regulating the benthic system, but coupled results showed that interactions between micro-, meio- and macrofauna can be highly complex.
Heterotrophic bacterial and phytoplankton biomass, production, specific growth rates, and growth efficiencies were studied in the Northern region of the Cananeia-Iguape estuarine system, which has recently experienced an intense eutrophication due to anthropogenic causes. Two surveys were carried out during spring and neap tide periods of the dry season of 2005 and the rainy season of 2006. This region receives large freshwater inputs with organic seston and phosphate concentrations that reach as high as 1.0 mg l(-1) and 20.0 mu M, respectively. Strong decreasing gradients of seston and dissolved inorganic nutrients were observed from the river/estuary boundary to the estuary/coastal interface. Gradients were also observed in phytoplankton and bacterial production rates. The production rates of phytoplankton were 5.6-fold higher (mean 8.5 mu g Cl(-1) h(-1)) during the dry season. Primary production rates (PP) positively correlated with salinity and euphoric depth, indicating that phytoplankton productivity was light-limited. On the other hand, bacterial biomass (BB) and production rates (BP) were 1.9- and 3.7-fold higher, respectively, during the rainy season, with mean values of up to 40.4 mu g Cl(-1) and 7.9 mu g Cl(-1) h-1, respectively. Despite such a high BP, bacterial abundance remained <2 x 106 cells ml(-1), indicating that bacterial production and removal were coupled. Mean specific growth rates ranged between 0.9 and 5.5 d(-1). BP was inversely correlated with salinity and positively correlated with temperature, organic matter, exopolymer particles, and particulate-attached bacteria; this last accounted for as much as 89.6% of the total abundance. During the rainy season, BP was generally much higher than PP, and values of BP/PP > 20 were registered during high freshwater input, suggesting that under these conditions, bacterial activity was predominantly supported by allochthonous inputs of organic carbon. In addition, BB probably represented the main pathway for the synthesis of high-quality (low C:N) biomass that may have been available to the heterotrophic components of the plankton food web, particularly nanoheterotrophs. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Sediments of the Lagoa Vermelha (Red Lake), situated in the Ribeira Valley, southeastern Brazil, are made of a homogeneous, organic-rich, black clay with no visible sedimentary structures. The inorganic geochemical record (Al, As, Ba, Br, Co,Cs, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni, Rb, Sc, Sb, V, Zn, Hg and Pb) of the lake sediments was analyzed in a core spanning 2430 years. The largest temporal changes in trace metal contents occurred approximately within the last 180 years. Recent sediments were found to be enriched in Pb, Zn, Hg, Ni, Mn, Br and Sb (more than 2-fold increase with respect to the "natural background level"). The enhanced accumulation of Br, Sb, and Mn was attributed to biogeochemical processes and diagenesis. On the other hand, the anomalous concentrations of Pb, Zn, Hg and Ni were attributed to pollution. As Lagoa Vermelha is located in a relatively pristine area, far removed from direct contamination sources, the increased metal contents of surface sediments most likely resulted from atmospheric fallout. Stable Pb isotopes provided additional evidence for anthropogenic contamination. The shift of Pb-206/Pb-207 ratios toward decreasing values in the increasingly younger sediments is consistent with an increasing contribution of airborne anthropogenic lead. In the uppermost sediments (0-10 cm), the lowest values of the Pb-206/Pb-207 ratios may reflect the influence of the less radiogenic Pb from the Ribeira Valley District ores (Pb-206/Pb-207 between 1.04 and 1.10), emitted during the last 50 years. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (magnetite) (MNPs) were prepared using different organic and inorganic bases. Strong inorganic base (KOH) and organic bases (NH4OH and 1,4-diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane (DABCO)) were used in the syntheses of the MNPs. The MNPs were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM). Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and magnetization measurements. MNPs prepared with strong inorganic base yielded an average size of 100 nm, whereas the average size of the MNPs prepared with the organic bases was 150 nm. The main competitive phase for MNPs prepared with the strong inorganic and organic bases was maghemite; however, syntheses with KOH yielded a pure magnetite phase. The transfection study performed with the MNPs revealed that the highest transfection rate was obtained with the MNPs prepared with KOH (74%). The correlation between the magnetic parameters and the transfection ratio without transfection agents indicated that MNPs prepared with KOH were a better vector for possible applications of these MNPs in biomedicine. HeLa cells incubated with MNP-KOH at 10 mu g/mL for 24 and 48 h exhibited a decrease in population in comparison with the control cells and it was presumably related to the toxicity of the MNPs. However, the cells incubated with MNP-KOH at 50 and 100 mu g/mL presented a very small difference in the viability between the cell populations studied at 24 and 48 h. These data illustrate the viability of HeLa cells treated with MNP-KOH and suggest the potential use of these MNPs in biomedical applications. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Development of dairy organic probiotic fermented products is of great interest as they associate ecological practices and benefits of probiotic bacteria. As organic management practices of cow milk production allow modification of the fatty acid composition of milk (as compared to conventional milk), we studied the influence of the type of milk on some characteristics of fermented milks, such as acidification kinetics. bacterial counts and fatty acid content. Conventional and organic probiotic fermented milks were produced using Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis HN019 in co-culture with Streptococcus thermophilus TA040 and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus LB340. The use of organic milk led to a higher acidification rate and cultivability of Lactobacillus bulgaricus. Fatty acids profile of organic fermented milks showed higher amounts of trans-octadecenoic acid (C18:1, 1.6 times) and polyunsaturated fatty acids, including cis-9 trans-11. C18:2 conjugated linoleic (CLA-1.4 times), and alpha-linolenic acids (ALA-1.6 times), as compared to conventional fermented milks. These higher levels were the result of both initial percentage in the milk and increase during acidification, with no further modification during storage. Finally, use of bifidobacteria slightly increased CLA relative content in the conventional fermented milks, after 7 days of storage at 4 degrees C, whereas no difference was seen in organic fermented milks. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A high-performance liquid chromatographic method using polar organic mode was developed to analyze albendazole (ABZ), albendazole sulfone (ABZSO(2)) and the chiral and active metabolite albendazole sulfoxide (ABZSOX, ricobendazole) that was further applied in stereoselective fungal biotransformation studies. The chromatographic separation was performed on a Chiralpak AS column using acetonitrile:ethanol (97:3, v/v) plus 0.2% triethylamine and 0.2% acetic acid as the mobile phase at a flow rate of 0.5 mL min(-1). The present study employed hollow fiber liquid-phase microextraction as sample preparation. The method showed to be linear over the concentration range of 25-5000 ng mL(-1) for each ABZSOX enantiomer, 200-10,000 ng mL(-1) for ABZ and 50-1000 ng mL(-1) for ABZSO(2) metabolite with correlation coefficient (r)> 0.9934. The mean recoveries for ABZ, rac-ABZSOX and ABZSO(2) were, respectively, 9%, 33% and 20% with relative standard deviation below 10%. Within-day and between-day precision and accuracy assays for these analytes were studied at three concentration levels and were lower than 15%. This study opens the door regarding the possibility of using fungi in obtaining of the active metabolite ricobendazole. Nigrospora sphaerica (Sacc.) E. W. Mason (5567), Pestalotiopsis foedans (VR8), Papulaspora immersa Hotson (SS13) and Mucor rouxii were able to stereoselectively metabolize ABZ into its chiral metabolite. Among them, the fungus Mucor rouxii was the most efficient in the production of (+)-ABZSOX. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.