749 resultados para Oligo-microarrays
AIMS: c-Met is an emerging biomarker in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC); there is no consensus regarding the immunostaining scoring method for this marker. We aimed to assess the prognostic value of c-Met overexpression in resected PDAC, and to elaborate a robust and reproducible scoring method for c-Met immunostaining in this setting. METHODS AND RESULTS: c-Met immunostaining was graded according to the validated MetMab score, a classic visual scale combining surface and intensity (SI score), or a simplified score (high c-Met: ≥20% of tumour cells with strong membranous staining), in stage I-II PDAC. A computer-assisted classification method (Aperio software) was developed. Clinicopathological parameters were correlated with disease-free survival (DFS) and overall survival(OS). One hundred and forty-nine patients were analysed retrospectively in a two-step process. Thirty-seven samples (whole slides) were analysed as a pre-run test. Reproducibility values were optimal with the simplified score (kappa = 0.773); high c-Met expression (7/37) was associated with shorter DFS [hazard ratio (HR) 3.456, P = 0.0036] and OS (HR 4.257, P = 0.0004). c-Met expression was concordant on whole slides and tissue microarrays in 87.9% of samples, and quantifiable with a specific computer-assisted algorithm. In the whole cohort (n = 131), patients with c-Met(high) tumours (36/131) had significantly shorter DFS (9.3 versus 20.0 months, HR 2.165, P = 0.0005) and OS (18.2 versus 35.0 months, HR 1.832, P = 0.0098) in univariate and multivariate analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Simplified c-Met expression is an independent prognostic marker in stage I-II PDAC that may help to identify patients with a high risk of tumour relapse and poor survival.
Une des meilleures techniques pour décontaminer l'environnement d'éléments toxiques (comme par exemple le dibenzofuan, DBF et le 4-chlorophenol, 4CP) déposés par l'homme, à bas coûts et sans le perturber considérablement, est sans doute la biorémédiation, et particulièrement la bioaugmentation. Malheureusement, si plusieurs microorganismes ont démontré leur efficacité à dégrader les composés toxiques en conditions de laboratoire, plusieurs tentatives afin de les utiliser dans l'environnement n'ont pas abouti. Ces échecs sont probablement le résultat des pauvres connaissances des réactions de ces mêmes microorganismes dans l'environnement. L'objectif de mon travail a été de mieux comprendre les réponses de ces bactéries au niveau de leurs gènes lorsqu'elles sont introduites ou prospèrent dans des conditions plus proches de la réalité, mais encore suffisamment contrôlées pour pouvoir élucider leur comportement. Le fait de résister à des conditions de sécheresse a été considéré en tant que facteur clé dans la survie des bactéries amenées à être utilisées pour la biorémédiation; cela implique une série de mécanismes utilisés par la cellule pour faire face au stress hydrique. Le chapitre II, par une approche métagénomique, compare les réactions de trois souches prometteuses pour la biorémédiation (Arthrobacter chlorophenolicus A6, Sphingomonas wittichii RW1 and Pseudomonas veronii 1YdBTEX2) vis-à-vis du stress hydrique simulé en conditions de laboratoire. L'objectif ici est de découvrir et de décrire les stratégies de résistance au stress, communes ou spécifiques, employées par les bactéries. Mes résultats montrent que les trois souches ont des sensibilités différentes au stress hydrique. Entre les traits communs trouvés, il y a une diminution de l'expression des gènes flagellaires ainsi qu'une augmentation de l'expression de solutes compatibles, mais qui sont souche-spécifiques. J'ai étudié plus en détail la réponse génomique de RW1 par rapport aux inoculations ainsi que sa croissance dans le sable contaminé et non-stérile (chapitre III), et je les ai comparé à des cultures en milieu liquide. Mes résultats indiquent que RW1 peut résister efficacement et peut croître dans des conditions presque sèches et peut également dégrader le contaminant (DBF, dans le cas présent) si les pré-cultures sont réalisées dans le même type de contaminant. Par contre, notre hypothèse du chapitre II se révèle fausse car le comportement de RW1 est très diffèrent de celui observé dans des conditions avec stress hydrique induit par l'addition de sel ou de PEG. Plus intéressant, les réponses de RW1 en milieu liquide sont très différentes de celles observées dans le sable, révélant ainsi que cette souche peut reconnaître le milieu dans lequel elle se trouve. Les mêmes expériences en sable contaminé, cette fois-ci avec 4CP, ont été réalisées pour A6 (chapitre IV) dans l'espoir de compléter la comparaison entre le stress hydrique et l'adaptation dans le sol. Malheureusement, il n'a pas été possible d'obtenir d'échantillons de bonne qualité pour les hybridations des microarrays afin d'étudier la réponse transcriptionnelle dans les différentes phases de croissance dans le sable (contaminé ou non). Toutefois, j'ai appris qu'Arthrobacter ne peut pas croitre dans les sols hautement contaminés si les conditions du sol sont très sèches, elles ont en effet besoin de suffisamment d'eau pour dégrader des quantités importantes de 4CP. Ces observations dirigent l'attention sur le fait que les études sur l'efficacité de l'inoculation de bactéries doivent être testées dans des conditions le plus proche possible de l'environnement ciblé, tout comme les concentrations optimales pour l'inoculum. Finalement, nous avons étudié le comportement de A6 dans la phytosphère avec deux dégrés d'humidité (chapitre V). A6 ne montre pas de réaction particulière face aux changements d'humidité, et à nouveau, ces réponses ne peuvent être liées aux changements d'expression des gènes observées dans les conditions de stress hydrique simulées. Cette étude a permis d'identifier la présence de composés phénoliques dans les feuilles qui peuvent potentiellement améliorer les propriétés de dégradation ou qui permettent d'effectuer de façon plus rapide la réaction de dégradation des contaminants dans un processus de phytoremédiation par A. chlorophenolicus.
Diurnal oscillations of gene expression are a hallmark of rhythmic physiology across most living organisms. Such oscillations are controlled by the interplay between the circadian clock and feeding rhythms. Although rhythmic mRNA accumulation has been extensively studied, comparatively less is known about their transcription and translation. Here, we quantified simultaneously temporal transcription, accumulation, and translation of mouse liver mRNAs under physiological light-dark conditions and ad libitum or night-restricted feeding in WT and brain and muscle Arnt-like 1 (Bmal1)-deficient animals. We found that rhythmic transcription predominantly drives rhythmic mRNA accumulation and translation for a majority of genes. Comparison of wild-type and Bmal1 KO mice shows that circadian clock and feeding rhythms have broad impact on rhythmic gene expression, Bmal1 deletion affecting surprisingly both transcriptional and posttranscriptional levels. Translation efficiency is differentially regulated during the diurnal cycle for genes with 5'-Terminal Oligo Pyrimidine tract (5'-TOP) sequences and for genes involved in mitochondrial activity, many harboring a Translation Initiator of Short 5'-UTR (TISU) motif. The increased translation efficiency of 5'-TOP and TISU genes is mainly driven by feeding rhythms but Bmal1 deletion also affects amplitude and phase of translation, including TISU genes. Together this study emphasizes the complex interconnections between circadian and feeding rhythms at several steps ultimately determining rhythmic gene expression and translation.
BACKGROUND: An inverse correlation between expression of the aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 subfamily A2 (ALDH1A2) and gene promoter methylation has been identified as a common feature of oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC). Moreover, low ALDH1A2 expression was associated with an unfavorable prognosis of OPSCC patients, however the causal link between reduced ALDH1A2 function and treatment failure has not been addressed so far. METHODS: Serial sections from tissue microarrays of patients with primary OPSCC (n = 101) were stained by immunohistochemistry for key regulators of retinoic acid (RA) signaling, including ALDH1A2. Survival with respect to these regulators was investigated by univariate Kaplan-Meier analysis and multivariate Cox regression proportional hazard models. The impact of ALDH1A2-RAR signaling on tumor-relevant processes was addressed in established tumor cell lines and in an orthotopic mouse xenograft model. RESULTS: Immunohistochemical analysis showed an improved prognosis of ALDH1A2(high) OPSCC only in the presence of CRABP2, an intracellular RA transporter. Moreover, an ALDH1A2(high)CRABP2(high) staining pattern served as an independent predictor for progression-free (HR: 0.395, p = 0.007) and overall survival (HR: 0.303, p = 0.002), suggesting a critical impact of RA metabolism and signaling on clinical outcome. Functionally, ALDH1A2 expression and activity in tumor cell lines were related to RA levels. While administration of retinoids inhibited clonogenic growth and proliferation, the pharmacological inhibition of ALDH1A2-RAR signaling resulted in loss of cell-cell adhesion and a mesenchymal-like phenotype. Xenograft tumors derived from FaDu cells with stable silencing of ALDH1A2 and primary tumors from OPSCC patients with low ALDH1A2 expression exhibited a mesenchymal-like phenotype characterized by vimentin expression. CONCLUSIONS: This study has unraveled a critical role of ALDH1A2-RAR signaling in the pathogenesis of head and neck cancer and our data implicate that patients with ALDH1A2(low) tumors might benefit from adjuvant treatment with retinoids.
PURPOSE: Prospective-retrospective assessment of theTOP1gene copy number andTOP1mRNA expression as predictive biomarkers for adjuvant irinotecan in stage II/III colon cancer. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue microarrays were obtained from an adjuvant colon cancer trial (PETACC3) where patients were randomized to 5-fluorouracil/folinic acid with or without additional irinotecan.TOP1copy number status was analyzed by fluorescencein situhybridization (FISH) using aTOP1/CEN20 dual-probe combination.TOP1mRNA data were available from previous analyses. RESULTS: TOP1FISH and follow-up data were obtained from 534 patients.TOP1gain was identified in 27% using a single-probe enumeration strategy (≥4TOP1signals per cell) and in 31% when defined by aTOP1/CEN20 ratio ≥ 1.5. The effect of additional irinotecan was not dependent onTOP1FISH status.TOP1mRNA data were available from 580 patients with stage III disease. Benefit of irinotecan was restricted to patients characterized byTOP1mRNA expression ≥ third quartile (RFS: HRadjusted, 0.59;P= 0.09; OS: HRadjusted, 0.44;P= 0.03). The treatment byTOP1mRNA interaction was not statistically significant, but in exploratory multivariable fractional polynomial interaction analysis, increasingTOP1mRNA values appeared to be associated with increasing benefit of irinotecan. CONCLUSIONS: In contrast to theTOP1copy number, a trend was demonstrated for a predictive property ofTOP1mRNA expression. On the basis ofTOP1mRNA, it might be possible to identify a subgroup of patients where an irinotecan doublet is a clinically relevant option in the adjuvant setting of colon cancer.Clin Cancer Res; 22(7); 1621-31. ©2015 AACR.
Récemment encore, la neuro-genèse chez le primate adulte était supposée limitée aux régions précises que sont le bulbe olfactif, la zone sous-granulaire de l'hippocampe et la région sous- ventriculaire. Depuis lors, des cellules neurales progénitrices distribuées dans l'ensemble du cortex du primate adulte furent mises en évidence. Cultivées in vitro, ces cellules forment des écosystèmes cellulaires nerveux constitués de progéniteurs neuronaux, d'astrocytes et d'oligo- dendrocytes. Transplantés sur un modèle de primate parkinsonien, certains progéniteurs complètent leur différentiation en neurones matures et développent des propriétés neuro- trophiques et neuro-protectrices. Injectées aux environs d'une lésion cérébrale, ces cellules offrent un bénéfice fonctionnel et comportemental significatif. Le présent projet mesure l'activité électro-physiologique du tissu nerveux obtenu par culture de biopsies corticales humaines adultes, de sorte à déterminer son aptitude à intégrer l'information. Des biopsies corticales humaines adultes furent cultivées in vitro avec succès sur un support Micro-Electrode-Array. Cette technologie permet l'acquisition d'enregistrements électro- physiologiques à l'échelle des circuits, au sein d'un tissu maintenu en culture. En parallèle, une mesure de l'activité à l'échelle cellulaire fut obtenue par l'application du Patch Clamp à des cellules cultivées sur un support de verre. Malgré une culture prolongée et l'induction d'une différentiation neuronale, aucune activité électro-physiologique significative ne put être démontrée. Une analyse phénotypique à un stade intermédiaire de culture montra l'expression prometteuse du marqueur neuronal précoce β-Tubulin-III. Cependant, après l'induction d'une différenciation neuronale, la surprenante co-expression de marqueurs astroglial (GFAP) et neuronal (MAP2) fut constatée. Le silence électro-physiologique issu des enregistrements sur MEA peut être l'oeuvre d'un isolement des cellules électriquement actives, et d'un défaut d'organisation en réseau. Une interposition de tissu glial entre neurones et électrodes peut également absorber le signal. Par ailleurs, les cellules enregistrées par Patch Clamp furent déterminées selon le seul critère morphologique ; leur nature exacte demeure inconnue. Les analyses phénotypiques laissent supposer l'entrée dans une voie de maturation neuronale par l'expression du marqueur β- Tubulin-III. Toutefois le phénotype exprimé au terme du processus de culture reste incertain. Des facteurs de maturation ou environnementaux semblent faire défaut à la complétion d'une différentiation neuronale. La culture de neurones bien différenciés et électriquement actifs appelle de nouvelles études in vivo, ainsi qu'une analyse fine des voies intracellulaires de maturation.
Molecular Characteristics of Neuroblastoma with Special Reference to Novel Prognostic Factors and Diagnostic Applications Department of Medical Biochemistry and Genetics Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Medica-Odontologica, 2009, Turku, Finland Painosalama Oy, Turku, Finland 2009 Background: Neuroblastoma, which is the most common and extensively studied childhood solid cancer, shows a great clinical and biological heterogeneity. Most of the neuroblastoma patients older than one year have poor prognosis despite intensive therapies. The hallmark of neuroblastoma, biological heterogeneity, has hindered the discovery of prognostic tumour markers. At present, few molecular markers, such as MYCN oncogene status, have been adopted into clinical practice. Aims: The aim of the study was to improve the current prognostic methodology of neuroblastoma, especially by taking cognizance of the biological heterogeneity of neuroblastoma. Furthermore, unravelling novel molecular characteristics which associate with neuroblastoma tumour progression and cell differentiation was an additional objective. Results: A new strictly defined selection of neuroblastoma tumour spots of highest proliferation activity, hotspots, appeared to be representative and reliable in an analysis of MYCN amplification status using a chromogenic in situ hybridization technique (CISH). Based on the hotspot tumour tissue microarray immunohistochemistry and high-resolution oligo-array-based comparative genomic hybridization, which was integrated with gene expression and in silico analysis of existing transcriptomics, a polysialylated neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) and poorly characterized amplicon at 12q24.31 were discovered to associate with outcome. In addition, we found that a previously considered new neuroblastoma treatment target, the mutated c-kit receptor, was not mutated in neuroblastoma samples. Conclusions: Our studies indicate polysialylated NCAM and 12q24.31 amplicon to be new molecular markers with important value in prognostic evaluation of neuroblastoma. Moreover, the presented hotspot tumour tissue microarray method together with the CISH technique of the MYCN oncogene copy number is directly applicable to clinical use. Key words: neuroblastoma, polysialic acid, neural cell adhesion molecule, MYCN, c-kit, chromogenic in situ hybridization, hotspot
Garlic viruses often occur in complex infections in nature. In this study, a garlic virus complex, collected in fields in Brazil, was purified. RT-PCR was performed using specific primers designed from the consensus regions of the coat protein genes of Onion yellow dwarf virus, a garlic strain (OYDV-G) and Leek yellow stripe virus (LYSV). cDNA of Garlic common latent virus (GCLV) was synthesized using oligo-dT and random primers. By these procedures individual garlic virus genomes were isolated and sequenced. The nucleotide sequence analysis associated with serological data reveals the presence of two Potyvirus OYDV-G and LYSV, and GCLV, a Carlavirus, simultaneously infecting garlic plants. Deduced amino acid sequences of the Brazilian isolates were compared with related viruses reported in different geographical regions of the world. The analysis showed closed relations considering the Brazilian isolates of OYDV-G and GCLV, and large divergence considering LYSV isolate. The detection of these virus species was confirmed by specific reactions observed when coat protein genes of the Brazilian isolates were used as probes in dot-blot and Southern blot hybridization assays. In field natural viral re-infection of virus-free garlic was evaluated.
Foi estudado o controle genético da resistência do genótipo não-comercial de melancia, PI 595201, ao vírus do mosaico da melancia (Watermelon mosaic virus, WMV). Avaliaram-se os genitores, a cultivar Crimson Sweet (P1 - suscetível) e a introdução PI 595201 (P2 - resistente), bem como as populações F1, F2, e os retrocruzamentos para ambos os parentais, RC11 (F1 x P1) e RC12 (F1 x P2). A severidade dos sintomas, depois da inoculação mecânica com WMV, foi avaliada de acordo com uma escala de notas de 1 (folhas sem sintomas) a 5 (mosaico intenso e deformações foliares). A cultivar Crimson Sweet apresentou média geral acima de 4,0, enquanto a introdução PI 595201 apresentou média 1,0, confirmando a reação contrastante das linhagens parentais. A hipótese de herança monogênica foi rejeitada, mostrando ser a resistência da introdução PI 595201 de controle oligo ou poligênico, com indicativo de dominância completa no sentido de maior resistência ao vírus. A estimativa de herdabilidade no sentido amplo foi acima de 0,8. A estimativa do número de genes, controlando o caráter, foi 4,16. O modelo aditivo-dominante é sugerido para explicar o controle genético da resistência.
Currently, numerous high-throughput technologies are available for the study of human carcinomas. In literature, many variations of these techniques have been described. The common denominator for these methodologies is the high amount of data obtained in a single experiment, in a short time period, and at a fairly low cost. However, these methods have also been described with several problems and limitations. The purpose of this study was to test the applicability of two selected high-throughput methods, cDNA and tissue microarrays (TMA), in cancer research. Two common human malignancies, breast and colorectal cancer, were used as examples. This thesis aims to present some practical considerations that need to be addressed when applying these techniques. cDNA microarrays were applied to screen aberrant gene expression in breast and colon cancers. Immunohistochemistry was used to validate the results and to evaluate the association of selected novel tumour markers with the outcome of the patients. The type of histological material used in immunohistochemistry was evaluated especially considering the applicability of whole tissue sections and different types of TMAs. Special attention was put on the methodological details in the cDNA microarray and TMA experiments. In conclusion, many potential tumour markers were identified in the cDNA microarray analyses. Immunohistochemistry could be applied to validate the observed gene expression changes of selected markers and to associate their expression change with patient outcome. In the current experiments, both TMAs and whole tissue sections could be used for this purpose. This study showed for the first time that securin and p120 catenin protein expression predict breast cancer outcome and the immunopositivity of carbonic anhydrase IX associates with the outcome of rectal cancer. The predictive value of these proteins was statistically evident also in multivariate analyses with up to a 13.1- fold risk for cancer specific death in a specific subgroup of patients.
Our understanding of the pathogenesis of organ‐specific autoinflammation has been restricted by limited access to the target organs. Peripheral blood, however, as a preferred transportation route for immune cells, provides a window to assess the entire immune system throughout the body. Transcriptional profiling with RNA stabilizing blood collection tubes reflects in vivo expression profiles at the time the blood is drawn, allowing detection of the disease activity in different samples or within the same sample over time. The main objective of this Ph.D. study was to apply gene‐expression microarrays in the characterization of peripheral blood transcriptional profiles in patients with autoimmune diseases. To achieve this goal a custom cDNA microarray targeted for gene‐expression profiling of human immune system was designed and produced. Sample collection and preparation was then optimized to allow gene‐expression profiling from whole‐blood samples. To overcome challenges resulting from minute amounts of sample material, RNA amplification was successfully applied to study pregnancy related immunosuppression in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). Furthermore, similar sample preparation was applied to characterize longitudinal genome‐wide expression profiles in children with type 1 diabetes (T1D) associated autoantibodies and eventually clinical T1D. Blood transcriptome analyses, using both the ImmunoChip cDNA microarray with targeted probe selection and genome‐wide Affymetrix U133 Plus 2.0 oligonucleotide array, enabled monitoring of autoimmune activity. Novel disease related genes and general autoimmune signatures were identified. Notably, down‐regulation of the HLA class Ib molecules in peripheral blood was associated with disease activity in both MS and T1D. Taken together, these studies demonstrate the potential of peripheral blood transcriptional profiling in biomedical research and diagnostics. Imbalances in peripheral blood transcriptional activity may reveal dynamic changes that are relevant for the disease but might be completely missed in conventional cross‐sectional studies.
Objective: Io evaluate the expression of p16INK4a and p53 biomarkers in conization specimens from patients with high grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (HG-CIN), correlating them with the ability to predict the recurrence. Methods : we conducted a retrospective study of patients with HG-CIN in cervical biopsy treated with conization between January 1999 and January 2006 who had a minimum follow-up of 18 months. The expression of the p16 and p53 was assessed by tissue microarrays and correlated with disease recurrence. For analysis, we used the test of proportions (chi-square), considering value p<0.05, 95% CI and calculations of sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of these immunomarkers in predicting recurrence. Results : the series comprised 83 patients aged between 16 and 86 years (35±11.7), divided into two groups: 30 with HG-CIN recurrence (study group) and 53 without recurrence (control group). Mean age, parity, smoking and conization technique were similar in both groups. The p53 expression was present in 43% of the study group and 57% of the control group, and the p16 was present in 43% of the study group and in 57% of the control group (p>0.05). p53 had a positive predictive value (PPV) of 42% and negative predictive value (NPV) of 73%, sensitivity 70%, specificity of 47% and accuracy of 59%. The p16, PPV 42%, NPV 72%, sensitivity 66%, specificity of 49% and accuracy of 56%. Conclusion : immunohistochemistry expression of p53 and p16 showed low sensitivity and low specificity as predictors of HG-CIN recurrence after conization treatment.
OBJETIVO: Determinar os desfechos maternos e perinatais em gestantes com o líquido amniótico diminuído segundo o índice de líquido amniótico (ILA). MÉTODOS: Realizou-se estudo de coorte com 176 pacientes admitidas na enfermaria de alto risco do Instituto de Medicina Integral Prof. Fernando Figueira (IMIP. O líquido amniótico foi mensurado pelo índice de líquido amniótico , sendo classificado como diminuído, quando entre 5,1 e 7,9 cm; oligohidrâmnio moderado, entre 3,1 e 5,0 cm; e grave, quando menor ou igual a 3,0 cm. Para se determinar a diferença entre os três grupos das variáveis categóricas estudadas, foram utilizados o teste de chi-quadrado e exato de Fisher, quando pertinentes, e, para as variáveis numéricas, utilizou-se o teste de Mann Whitney, em um nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: As malformações fetais ocorreram mais frequentes quando o oligohidrâmnio foi grave, enquanto as síndromes hipertensivas foram associadas ao oligohidrâmnio moderado. Observou-se semelhança entre os três grupos em relação à rotura prematura das membranas e outras causas. O líquido amniótico reduzido foi encontrado com maior frequência quando a idade gestacional do diagnóstico foi ≥32ª semana. Em relação aos desfechos perinatais, a incidência de índice de Apgar <7 no 1ºe 5ºminuto do óbito perinatal, da icterícia neonatal e da hipoplasia pulmonar foi mais elevada na presença do oligohidrâmnio moderado a grave. CONCLUSÕES: As causas e os desfechos maternos e perinatais em gestantes com líquido amniótico reduzido varia em relação a sua classificação pelo ILA, estando o oligohidrâmnio grave associado aos desfechos perinatais adversos e às malformações fetais.
PURPOSE: To examine the expression of AKT and PTEN in a series of HER2-positive primary invasive breast tumors using immunohistochemistry, and to associate these expression profiles with classic pathologic features such as tumor grade, hormone receptor expression, lymphatic vascular invasion, and proliferation.METHODS: A total of 104 HER2-positive breast carcinoma specimens were prepared in tissue microarrays blocks for immunohistochemical detection of PTEN and phosphorylated AKT (pAKT). Original histologic sections were reviewed to assess pathological features, including HER2 status and Ki-67 index values. The associations between categorical and numeric variables were identified using Pearson's chi-square test and the Mann-Whitney, respectively.RESULTS: Co-expression of pAKT and PTEN was presented in 59 (56.7%) cases. Reduced levels of PTEN expression were detected in 20 (19.2%) cases, and these 20 tumors had a lower Ki-67 index value. In contrast, tumors positive for pAKT expression [71 (68.3%)] were associated with a higher Ki-67 index value.CONCLUSION: A role for AKT in the proliferation of HER2-positive breast cancers was confirmed. However, immunohistochemical detection of PTEN expression did not correlate with an inhibition of cellular proliferation or control of AKT phosphorylation, suggesting other pathways in these mechanisms of control.
Cells communicate, or signal, with each other constantly to ensure proper functioning of tissues and organs. Cell signaling is often performed by interplay of receptors and ligands that bind these receptors. ErbB receptors (epidermal growth factor receptors, EGFR, HER) bind extracellular growth factors and transduce these signals inside of cells. ErbB dysfunction promotes carcinogenesis, and also results in numerous defects during normal development. This study focused on the functions of one member of the ErbB receptor family, ErbB4, and growth factor, neuregulin-1 (NRG-1), that can bind and activate ErbB4. This study aimed to find novel functions of ErbB4 and NRG-1. Hypoxia, or deficiency of oxygen, is common in cancer and ischemic conditions. One of the key findings of the work was the identification and characterization of a cross-talk between ErbB4 and Hypoxia-inducible factor 1α (HIF-1α), the central mediator of hypoxia signaling. ErbB4 activation by NRG-1 was found to increase HIF-1α activity. Interestingly, this regulation occurred in reciprocal manner as HIF-1α was also able to increase protein levels of NRG-1 and ErbB4. Moreover, expression of NRG-1 and ErbB4 was associated with HIF activity in vivo in human clinical samples and in mice. Reduction of functional ErbB4 in developing zebrafish embryos resulted in defects in development of the skeletal muscles. To study ErbB4 functions in pathological situation in humans, clinical samples of serous ovarian carcinoma were analyzed using tissue microarrays and real-time RT-PCR. A specific isoform of ErbB4, CYT-1, was associated with poor survival in serous ovarian cancer and increased anchorage independent growth of ovarian cancer cells in vitro. These observations demonstrate that ErbB4 and NRG-1 are essential regulators of cellular response to hypoxia, of development, and of ovarian carcinogenesis.