883 resultados para Nonlinear correlation coefficients


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O macaco-prego, Cebus apella, é muito difundido no norte e sul da Amazônia Legal Brasileira e no Cerrado. Estes animais encontram-se rotineiramente submetidos à caça predatória, aumentando assim a necessidade de preservação desta espécie silvestre. Realizou-se um estudo ultra-sonográfico de 10 macacos-prego como forma de descrever a anatomia ultra-sonográfica normal de sua cavidade abdominal. A vesícula urinária apresentou parede com espessura média 0,2cm e em posição anatômica cuja topografia permitiu contato com as paredes do corpo do útero e cólon descendente. À varredura abdominal caudal foi visualizada a aorta, veia cava caudal e veia ilíaca direita. O fígado foi visto em varredura sagital e transversal, possibilitando a observação da vesícula biliar e vasos hepáticos. A varredura renal demonstrou com precisão a pelve, seio renal e relação cortico-medular. O comprimento médio de ambos os rins foi de 6,24±0,31cm, não existindo diferença estatística entre o rim direito e esquerdo (Teste t de Student e ANOVA). O volume renal foi 2,37±0,18cm³. Os coeficientes de Correlação de Pearson entre os comprimentos renais direito e esquerdo e entre volumes renais direito e esquerdo foram dispostos como r = 0,74 e 0,51. As espessuras médias para a região cortical e medular foram 0,75±0,11cm e 0,39±0,06cm, respectivamente. O coeficiente de correlação para a relação cortico-medular entre os rins direito e esquerdo foi de r = 0,19. O exame ultrasonográfico mostrou-se como uma técnica eficiente, nãoinvasiva, rápida e reprodutível, que provê dados importantes aos profissionais da área de clínica e cirurgia de animais silvestres.


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O peso do peito possui grande importância econômica na indústria de frangos, podendo estar associado a outras variáveis passíveis de seleção. Estimaram-se correlações fenotípicas entre características de desempenho (peso vivo aos 7, 28 dias e ao abate e profundidade de músculo peitoral por ultra-sonografia), carcaça (peso eviscerado e de pernas) e composição corporal (peso do coração, do fígado e da gordura abdominal), em uma linhagem de frangos, e quantificou-se a influência direta e indireta destas variáveis sobre o peso do peito. Para tanto, utilizou-se a análise de trilha, desdobrando-se a matriz de correlações parciais em coeficientes que forneceram a influência direta de uma variável sobre a outra, independentemente das demais. A manutenção das variáveis peso vivo ao abate e peso eviscerado na matriz de correlações pode ser prejudicial à análise estatística que envolve os sistemas de equações normais, como a análise de trilha, devido à multicolinearidade observada. O peso vivo ao abate e a profundidade do músculo peitoral por ultra-sonografia apresentaram efeitos diretos importantes sobre o peso de peito e foram identificadas como as principais responsáveis pela magnitude dos coeficientes de correlação obtidos. Assim, uma pré-seleção individual para estas características pode favorecer um aumento no peso de peito nesta linhagem, se mantidas as condições ambientais de criação dos frangos, uma vez que o peso vivo ao abate e a profundidade de músculo peitoral por ultra-sonografia afetam fenotipicamente e diretamente o peso de peito.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar, por meio de teste quantitativo, a força muscular em crianças e adolescentes com dores de crescimento, associada ou não com hipermobilidade articular e comparadas com controles saudáveis. MÉTODO: Quarenta e sete casos de crianças e adolescentes acompanhados por dores de crescimento, sendo 24 com hipermobilidade articular (DC-HA), 23 sem hipermobilidade articular (DC) e 47 controles saudáveis pareados por idade e gênero foram submetidos a dois testes quantitativos para a avaliação da força muscular, o Childhood Myositis Assessment Scale (CMAS) e o Manual Muscle Strength Test (MMT). Os dados antropométricos como altura, peso, índice de massa corporal, prega cutânea tricipital, circunferência média do braço e a área muscular do braço foram comparados entre os três grupos. RESULTADOS: Os três grupos não apresentaram diferença estatística entre as medidas antropométricas. Houve diferença significante entre a mediana da pontuação do CMAS, sendo menores no grupo DC (47, mínimo e máximo 39-52) e DC-HA (46, mínimo e máximo 40-51), comparados com controles (50, mínimo e máximo 45-52; p<0,0001). Dois dos exercícios cronometrados do CMAS, a elevação da cabeça e a duração da elevação das pernas, tiveram menor pontuação nos pacientes comparados aos controles (p<0.0001). A pontuação mediana do MMT no grupo DC (79, mínimo e máximo 73-80) e DC-HA (78, mínimo e máximo 32-80) também apresentou diferença significante, sendo menor nos pacientes que nos controles (80, mínimo e máximo 78-80; p<0,0001). A melhor correlação entre a pontuação do CMAS e MMT foi no grupo DC-HA (Spearman r=0,65; p=0,0007). A aplicação do CMAS e MMT em duas ocasiões apresentou boa concordância e coeficiente de correlação intraclasse de 0,87 (IC 95% 0,64-0,96; p<0,0001) e 0,92 (IC 95% 0,76-0,97; p<0,0001), respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: Os pacientes com dores de crescimento com ou sem hipermobilidade articular apresentaram fraqueza muscular de leve a moderada quando comparados com controles saudáveis.


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No presente estudo, foram vacinados 150 frangos de corte de um dia de idade com sorotipo H120, e, após 28 dias desafiados à vacinação com o sorotipo M 41 do vírus da bronquite infecciosa das aves. da mesma forma, foram obtidos 150 soros de aves não vacinadas para a análise. Os respectivos soros foram analisados 28, 34 e 46 dias após o desafio, examinados através das técnicas de ELISA indireto (ELISA-I), Sandwich ELISA (S-ELISA) e ELISA com bloqueio de fase líquida (ELISA-BFL) e comparados com a técnica padrão de soroneutralização (SN) para efeito de cálculo da especificidade e sensibilidade relativas, bem como os valores predictivos positivos e negativos. O cálculo do coeficiente de correlação também foi empregado para a análise de concordância. Assim, os valores da correlação encontrados foram r = 0.98 entre ELISA-BFL x SNT, r = 0.79 entre S-ELISA x SNT e r = 0.74 ELISA-I x SNT. No entanto, quando comparamos as técnicas de ELISA entre si, ELISA-BFL x S-ELISA, ELISA-BFL x ELISA-I e S-ELISA x ELISA-I os valores encontrados foram r = 0.75, r = 0.69 e r = 0.79. A técnica de ELISA-BFL demonstrou melhor sensibilidade relativa que as técnicas de S-ELISA e ELISA-I, mesmo 46 dias após o desafio com a estirpe heteróloga. Entretanto, apesar das técnicas de S-ELISA e ELISA-I apresentarem especificidade realtiva superiores, a melhor correlação observada foi entre as técnicas de ELISA-BFL e a SN.


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Horizontal and vertical frequency distribution of larvae in three species of Calliphoridae were studied. Correlation between horizontal and vertical dispersion and larval size was also assessed. The experiment was monitored depositing vials with larvae at one end of a cardboard box covered with wood shavings. Chrysomya megacephala and C., putoria reached 2.9 m from the starting portion of the box. Co. macellaria reached only 2.0 m from the starting portion of the box. The majority of pupae of the three species were found at 4 and 5 cm depth from the surface of the box. Correlation coefficients between pupal size and horizontal and vertical migration were usually very low, and apparently no clear pattern emerges from this data set. This study revealed variation in the dispersion patterns although the two Chrysomya species are more similar in their postfeeding larval behaviour compared to Co. macellaria.


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Objective-To develop and apply the liquid-phase blocking sandwich ELISA (BLOCKING-ELISA) for the quantification of antibodies against foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) strains O-1 Campos, A(24) Cruzeiro, and C-3 Indaial.Design-Antibody quantification.Sample Population-158 water buffalo from various premises of São Paulo Stale-Brazil. The sera were collected either from systemically vaccinated or nonvaccinated animals.Procedure-The basic reagents of BLOCKING-ELISA (capture and detector antibodies, virus antigens, and conjugate) were prepared and the reaction was optimized and standardized to quantify water buffalo antibodies against FMDV. An alternative procedure based on mathematical interpolation was adopted to estimate more precisely the antibody 50% competition liters in the BLOCKING-ELISA. These titers were compared with the virus-neutralization test (VNT) titers to determine the correlation between these techniques. The percentages of agreement, cutoff points, and reproducibility also were determined.Results-The antibody liters obtained in the BLOCKING-ELISA had high positive correlation coefficients with VNT, reaching values of 0.90 for O-1 Campos and C-3 Indaial, and 0.82 for the A(24) Cruzeiro (P < 0.0005). The cutoff points obtained by use of the copositivity and conegativity curves allowed determination of high levels of agreement between BLOCKLNG-ELISA and VNT antibody titers against the 3 FMDV strains analyzed.Conclusions-The results characterized by high cor relation coefficients, levels of agreement, and reproducibility indicate that the BLOCKING-ELISA may replace the conventional VNT for detection and quantification of antibodies from water buffalo sera to FMDV.


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The decay rate of six insecticides (azinphos methyl, diazinon, dimethoate, methidathion, parathion methyl, and quinalphos) used to control Dacus oleae was studied. Degradation of pesticides showed pseudo-first-order kinetics with correlation coefficients ranging between -0.936 and -0.998 and half-lives between 4.3 days for dimethoate and 10.5 days for methidathion. Residues in olive oil were greater than on olives, with a maximum concentration factor of 7. Dimethoate was the only pesticide with lower residues in the oil than on the fruits. Olive washing affects pesticide residues ranging from no reduction to a 45% decrease. During 8 months of storage of the olive oil, diazinon, dimethoate, parathion methyl, and quinalphos did not show any remarkable difference, while methidathion and azinphos methyl showed a moderate decrease.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate methods for predicting availability of Zn in soils. Surface soil samples representing Podzolized soils from Lins and Marilia var. Marilia and var. Lins, medium texture Dark-Red Latosol, Dusky-Red Latosol and Terra Roxa Estruturada, were gathered from fields in Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil. Com was used as indicator plant in a greenhouse experiment. Availability of Zn was determined with: 0.5 M CaCl2, 2.0 N MgCl2, N CH3COONH4 (pH 6.0 and 4.8), 0.05 and 0.1 N HCl, 0.05 N H2SO4, 0.005 M DTPA (pH 7.3 and 6.0), 1.0% Na2-EDTA, 0.01 M EDTA + 1.0 M (NH4)2CO3 (pH 8.6) and 0.02 M EDTA + 0.5 M CH3COOH + 0.5 M CH3COONH4. By using the simple correlation coefficients (Zn extracted from soils x absorbed by plants it can be concluded that the complexant agents and acid solutions showed to be efficient. The salt solutions showed low extraction capacity, low correlation coefficients and less accuracy. By considering aspects as accuracy and easy management DTPA pH 7,3 and Na2-EDTA can be indicated as the most apropriates (r values, respectively, 0.873** and 0.868** and V.C. 7.52% and 7.98%).


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The objective of this work was to estimate the correlations among measurements taken in vivo with ultrasound equipment with some carcass traits measured after slaughter. Twenty eight Mediterranean bulls, with average shrunk body weight of 330 kg and 14 months of age, were fed by 120 days with high concentrate diets. The shrunk body weight, the ribeye area (REAU), the back fat thickness (FTU) over the Longissimus dorsi muscle between 12(a) and 13(a) ribs and rump fat (EGP8U), were measured at 28 days intervals. Real-time ultrasound equipment Piemedical Scanner 200 VET, with 18 cm linear array transducer was utilized. After the slaughter, the hot carcass weight (PCQ) and the kidney, pelvic and inguinal fat (GRPI) were weighted and the dressing percentage (DP) calculated. After 24 hours of cooling the ribeye area (REAC), backfat thickness (FTC) and rump fat (EGP8C) were measured. Both the REAC, FTC and EGP8C were underestimated by ultrasound measurements. The Pearson correlation coefficients for ribeye area, backfat thickness and rump fat measured in the carcass and with ultrasound, were 0.96, 0.99 and 0.91, respectively. The coefficient between DP and REAU was 0.47; 0.45 between DP and REAC, 0.56 between DP and FTU and 0.58 between DP and FTC. DP presented a 0.59 correlation coefficient with EGP8U. The Spearman correlation was estimated between REAU and REAC, FTU and FTC, EGP8U and EGP8C, and the values were 0.96, 0.99 and 0.91,respectively. The ultrasound measures could be used to estimate carcass traits in buffaloes with good accuracy.


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This communication proposes the use of neural networks in the prediction of residual concentrations of hydrogen peroxide from the treatment of effluents through Advanced Oxidative Processes (AOP's), in particular, the photo-Fenton process. To verify the efficiency of the oxidative process, the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) parameter, the values of which may be modified by the presence of oxidizing agents such as residual hydrogen peroxide, is frequently taken in account. The analysis of the H2O2 interference was performed by spectrophotometry at 450 nm wavelength, via the monitoring of the reaction of ammonia with metavanadate. The results of the hydrogen peroxide residual concentration were modeled via a feedforward neural network, with the correlation coefficients between actual and predicted values above 0.96, indicating good prediction capacity.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This in vitro study evaluated the performance of visual (International Caries Detection and Assessment System [ICDAS]) and radiographic (bitewing [BW]) examinations for occlusal caries detection and their associations with treatment decision (TD). Permanent teeth (n=104) with occlusal surfaces varying from sound to cavitated were selected. Sites were identified from 10x occlusal surface photographs. Standardized bitewing (BW) radiographs were taken. Four dentists with at least five years of experience scored all teeth twice (one-week interval) for ICDAS (0-6), BW (0=sound, 1=caries restricted to enamel, 2=caries in outer third dentin, 3=caries in inner third dentin), and TD (0=no treatment, 1=sealant, 2=microabrasion and sealant, 3=round bur sealant, 4a=resin, 4b=amalgam). Histological validation was performed by observation under a light microscope, with lesions classified on a five-point scale. Intraexaminer and inter-examiner repeatability were assessed using two-way tables and intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs). Comparisons between percentage correct, specificity, sensitivity, and area under the receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curve were performed using bootstrap analyses. ICCs for intraexaminer and interexaminer repeatability indicated good repeatability for each examiner, ranging from 0.78 to 0.88, and among examiners, ranging from 0.74 to 0.81. Correlation between ICDAS and TD was 0.85 and between BW and TD was 0.78. Correlation between the methods and histological scores was moderate (0.63 for ICDAS and 0.61 for BW). The area under the ROC curve was significantly greater for ICDAS than for BW (p<0.0001). ICDAS had significantly lower specificity than BW did (p=0.0269, 79% vs 94%); however, sensitivity was much higher for ICDAS than for BW (p<0.0001, 83% vs 44%). Data from this investigation suggested that the visual examination (ICDAS) showed better performance than radiographic examination for occlusal caries detection. The ICDAS was strongly associated with TD. Although the correlation between the ICDAS and BW was lower, it is still valuable in the clinical decision-making process.


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Different kinds of modifiers and coatings on the integrated platform of transversely heated graphite atomizer (THGA) have been tested for the simultaneous determination of two group of elements: the first, the more volatile, formed by arsenic, bismuth, lead, antimony and selenium; the second, the less volatile, formed by cobalt, chromium, cupper, iron and manganese in milk by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. Different Rh-modifiers were studied, such as Rh-coated platforms (Rh), carbide plus rhodium coated platforms (W-Rh, Zr-Rh), carbide-coated platforms (W and Zr) with co-injection of RhCl3, solutions and uncoated platforms with injection of solutions of Pd(NO3)(2), Mg(NO3)(2), and RhCl3. Milk samples were diluted 1:10 in 1.0% HNO3 and injected into the tube. The mass of modifier deposited and co-injected in the tube and the use of end capped tubes were also evaluated in order to improve the electrothermal behavior of analytes. Integrated platform pretreated with W plus co-injection RhCl3 for first group and pretreated with W-Rh for second group were elected. For 20 mu L injected samples the analytical curves in the 5.0-20.0 mu g L-1 concentration range have good linear correlation coefficients (r > 0.998). Relative standard deviations (n = 12) are < 6% and the calculated characteristic masses are between 5 pg and 62 pg.


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With the objective of identifying predictors of fertility in bulls, the correlation coefficients of the midpiece length of bovine spermatozoa with semen traits and fertility were estimated. Data were obtained from semen samples of 50 crossbred bulls submitted to a progeny test. The midpiece length was determined in 40 midpieces of each bull through a image analysis system (Videoplan). Besides the physical traits before and after semen freezing, the oxygen consumption rate and the cytochemical activity index were observed. The correlation coefficients were low and non-significant (P> 0.05), indicating that the midpiece length is not a good predictor of fertility.