859 resultados para Nicotine Addiction
Using data from an evaluation of methadone maintenance treatment, this study investigated factors associated with continued involvement irt crime during treatment, and in particular whether there appeared to be differences in effectiveness of treatment between different methadone clinics. The methodology was an observational study, in which 304 patients attending three low-intervention, private methadone clinics in Sydney were interviewed on three occasions over a twelve month period. Outcome measures were self-reported criminal activity and police department records of convictions. By self-report, crime dropped, promptly and substantially on entry to treatment, to a level of acquisitive crime about one-eighth that reported during the last addiction period. Analysis of official records indicated that rates of acquisitive convictions were significantly lower in the in-treatment period compared to prior to entry to treatment, corroborating the changes suggested by self-report. Persisting involvement in crime in treatment was predicted by two factors: the cost of persisting use of illicit drugs, particularly cannabis, and ASPD symptom count. Treatment factors also were independently predictive of continued involvement in crime. By both self-report and official records, and adjusting for subject factors, treatment at one clinic teas associated with greater involvement in crime. This clinic operated in a chaotic and poorly organized way. it is concluded that crime during methadone treatment is substantially lower than during street addiction, although the extent of reduction depends on the quality of treatment being delivered.
alpha-Conotoxin MII, a 16-residue polypeptide from the venom of the piscivorous cone snail Conus magus, is a potent and highly specific blocker of mammalian neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors composed of alpha 3 beta 2 subunits. The role of this receptor type in the modulation of neurotransmitter release and its relevance to the problems of addiction and psychosis emphasize the importance of a structural understanding of the mode of interaction of MII with the alpha 3 beta 2 interface. Here we describe the three-dimensional solution structure of MIT determined using 2D H-1 NMR spectroscopy. Structural restraints consisting of 376 interproton distances inferred from NOEs and 12 dihedral restraints derived from spin-spin coupling constants were used as input for simulated annealing calculations and energy minimization in the program X-PLOR. The final set of 20 structures is exceptionally well-defined with mean pairwise rms differences over the whole molecule of 0.07 Angstrom for the backbone atoms and 0.34 Angstrom for all heavy atoms. MII adopts a compact structure incorporating a central segment of alpha-helix and beta-turns at the N- and C-termini. The molecule is stabilized by two disulfide bonds, which provide cross-links between the N-terminus and both the middle and C-terminus of the structure. The susceptibility of the structure to conformational change was examined using several different solvent conditions. While the global fold of MII remains the same, the structure is stabilized in a more hydrophobic environment provided by the addition of acetonitrile or trifluoroethanol to the aqueous solution. The distribution of amino acid side chains in MII creates distinct hydrophobic and polar patches on its surface that may be important for the specific interaction with the alpha 3 beta 2 neuronal nAChR. A comparison of the structure of MII with other neuronal-specific alpha-conotoxins provides insights into their mode of interaction with these receptors.
Methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) involves the daily administration of the oral opioid agonist methadone as a treatment for opioid dependence-a persistent disorder with a substantial risk of premature death. MMT improves health and reduces illicit heroin use, infectious-disease transmission, and overdose death. However, its effectiveness is compromised if low maintenance doses of methadone (
The activity of alpha-conotoxin (alpha-CTX) lml, from the vermivorous marine snail Conus imperialis, has been studied on mammalian nicotinic receptors on bovine chromaffin cells and at the rat neuromuscular junction. Synthetic alpha-CTX lml was a potent inhibitor of the neuronal[ nicotinic response in bovine adrenal chromaffin cells (IC50 = 2.5 mu M, log IC50 = 0.4 +/- 0.07), showing competitive inhibition of nicotine-evoked catecholamine secretion. (alpha-CTX lml also inhibited nicotine-evoked Ca-45(2+) uptake but not Ca-45(2+) uptake stimulated by 56 mM Kr. In contrast, alpha-CTX lml had no effect at the neuromuscular junction over the concentration range 1-20 mu M. Bovine chromaffin cells are known to contain the alpha 3 beta 4, alpha 7, and (possibly) alpha 3 beta 4 alpha 5 subtypes. However, the secretory response of bovine chromaffin cells is not inhibited by alpha-bungarotoxin, indicating that alpha 7 nicotinic receptors are not involved. We propose that alpha-CTX lml interacts selectively with the functional (alpha 3 beta 4 or alpha 3 beta 4 alpha 5) nicotinic acetylcholine receptor to inhibit the neuronal-type nicotinic response in bovine chromaffin cells.
Objective: To examine trends in rates of opioid overdose deaths from 1964 to 1997 in different birth cohorts. Design: Age-period-cohort analysis of national data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Main outcome measures: Annual population rates of death attributed to opioid dependence or accidental opioid poisoning in people aged 15-44 years, by sex and birth cohort tin five-year intervals, 1940-1944 to 1975-1979). Results: The rate of opioid overdose deaths increased 55-fold between 1964 and 1997, from 1.3 to 71.5 per million population aged 15-44 years. The rate of opioid overdose deaths also increased substantially over the eight birth cohorts, with an incidence rate ratio of 20.70 (95% confidence interval, 13.60-31.46) in the 1975-1979 cohort compared with the 1940-1944 cohort. The age at which the cumulative rate of opioid overdose deaths reached 300 per million fell in successive cohorts (for men, from 28 years among those born 1955-1959 to 22 years among those born 1965-1974; for women, from 33 years among those born 1955-1959 to 27 years among those born 1965-1969). Conclusions: Heroin use in Australia largely began in the early 1970s and rates of heroin use have markedly increased in birth cohorts born since 1950.
Two alpha-conotoxins PnIA and PnIB (previously reported as being mollusc specific) which differ in only two amino acid residues (AN versus LS at residues 10 and 11, respectively), show markedly different inhibition of the neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor response in bovine chromaffin cells, a mammalian preparation. Whereas alpha-conotoxin PnIB completely inhibits the nicotine-evoked catecholamine release at 10 mu M, with IC50 = 0.7 mu M, alpha-conotoxin PnIA is some 30-40 times less potent. Two peptide analogues, [A10L]PnIA and [N11S]PnIA were synthesized to investigate the extent to which each residue contributes to activity. [A10L]PnIA (IC50 = 2.0 mu M) completely inhibits catecholamine release at 10 mu M whereas [N11S]PnIA shows Little inhibition. In contrast, none of the peptides inhibit muscle-type nicotinic responses in the rat hemi-diaphragm preparation. We conclude that the enhanced potency of alpha-conotoxin PnIB over alpha-conotoxin PnIA in the neuronal-type nicotinic response is principally determined by the larger, more hydrophobic leucine residue at position 10 in alpha-conotoxin PnIB. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Ultra-rapid opioid detoxification (UROD) involves the acceleration of opioid withdrawal hv administering thp opioid receptor antagonist naltrexone under general anaesthesia. There is evidence from uncontrolled and a few controlled studies that UROD accelerates opioid withdrawal and that it achieves high rates of completion of acute opioid withdrawal. However, there is clear evidence that the use of a general anaesthetic is not required to accelerate withdrawal or to achieve high rates of completion of acute opioid withdrawal. These goals can be achieved by using naltrexone or naloxone to accelerate withdrawal under light sedation, a procedure known as rapid opioid detoxification under sedation (ROD). There is also evidence that use of an opioid antagonist is not required to achieve a high rate of completion of acute opioid withdrawal. The mixed agonist-antagonist buprenorphine has achieved comparable rates of completion in similarly selected patients with fewer withdrawal symptoms. There is no evidence from controlled trials that either UROD or ROD increases the rate of abstinence from opioids 6 or 12 months after withdrawal. UROD and ROD may increase the number of patients who are inducted onto naltrexone maintenance (NM) therapy but extensive experience with NM therapy suggests that it only has a limited role in selected patients. Given the lack of evidence of substantially increased rates of abstinence, and the need for anaesthetists and high dependency beds, UROD has at best a very minor role in the treatment of a handful of opioid dependent patients who are unable to complete withdraw in any other way. ROD may have more of a role as one option for opioid withdrawal in well motivated patients who want to be rapidly inducted onto NM therapy or who want to enter other types of abstinence-oriented treatment.
This study examined if (1) there is an association in the general population between cannabis use, DSM-IV abuse and dependence, and other substance use and DSM-IV substance abuse/dependence; (2) if so, is it explained by demographic characteristics or levels of neuroticism? It used data from the Australian National Survey of Mental Health and Well-Being (NSMHWB), a stratified, multistage probability sample of 10641 adults, representative of the general population. DSM-IV diagnoses of substance abuse and dependence were derived using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI). There was a strong bivariate association between involvement with cannabis use in the past 12 months and other substance use, abuse and dependence. In particular, cannabis abuse and dependence were highly associated with increased risks of other substance dependence. These associations remained after including other variables in multiple regression. Cannabis use without disorder was strongly related to other drug use, an association that was not explained by other variables considered here. The high likelihood of other substance use and substance use disorders needs to be considered among persons seeking treatment for cannabis use problems. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The present study describes patterns of co-morbidity between alcohol use and other substance use problems in the Australian population using data from the 1997 National Survey of Mental Health and Well-Being. Multiple regression analyses examined whether the observed associations between alcohol and other drug use disorders were explained by other variables, including demographic characteristics and neuroticism. We also assessed whether the presence of co-morbid substance use disorders affected treatment seeking for a mental health problem. Alcohol use was related strongly to the use of other substances. Those who did not report alcohol use within the past 12 months were less likely to report using tobacco, cannabis, sedatives, stimulants or opiates. Higher rates again were observed among those with alcohol use disorders: half (51%) of those who were alcohol-dependent were regular tobacco smokers, one-third had used cannabis (32%); 15% reported other drug use; 15% met criteria for a cannabis use disorder and 7% met criteria for another drug use disorder. These associations were not accounted for by the demographic and other variables considered here. Co-morbid substance use disorders (sedatives, stimulants or opioids) predicted a high likelihood of seeking treatment for a mental health problem among alcohol-dependent people.
Impulsivity is now widely viewed as a multidimensional construct consisting of a number of related dimensions. Although many measures of impulsivity are correlated, most recent factor analyses support at least a two-factor model. In the current paper, these two factors have been labelled reward sensitivity, reflecting one of the primary dimensions of Gray's personality theory, and rash-spontaneous impulsiveness. The evidence supporting the existence of two dimensions of impulsivity is reviewed in relation to substance misuse and binge eating. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
One of the primary personality dimensions or traits that has consistently been linked to substance abuse is impulsivity. However, impulsivity is not a homogenous construct and although many of the measures of impulsivity are correlated, the most recent review of published factor analytic studies has proposed two independent dimensions of impulsivity: reward sensitivity, reflecting one of the primary dimension of J. A. Gray's personality theory, and rash impulsiveness. These two facets of impulsivity derived from the field of personality research parallel recent developments in the neurosciences where changes in the incentive value of rewarding substances has been linked to alterations in neural substrates involved in reward seeking and with a diminished capacity to inhibit behavior due to chronic drug exposure. In this paper, we propose a model that integrates the findings from research into individual differences with recent models of neural substrates implicated in the development of substance misuse. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Introduction: Smoking is a serious worldwide public health problem. Animal models act as a bridge between laboratory and human studies. The models applied are difficult to reproduce because of the use of different types of inhalation chambers and mainly because of the lack of continuous monitoring of smoke concentration. Objective: To develop an inhalation chamber for rats (with only the nose exposed) in which the amount of carbon monoxide (CO) can be maintained and monitored constantly. Material and methods: Male Wistar rats weighing 250 g were exposed to 50 ppm CO produced by the smoke from a filter-free cigarette. The animals were submitted to a single 2-h exposure and then sacrificed at 0, 4, 24 and 48 h. The control group was left restrained inside the small perpendicular chambers, receiving only 5 L/min of compressed air. Results: The model was able to increase HbCO levels immediately after the end of exposure (p < 0.001). with a decrease being observed from 2 h onwards when compared to the levels of the control group. Plasma cotinine increased immediately after exposure, and showed still detectable levels at 2 and 4 h (p < 0.05). Conclusion: We conclude that the presented inhalation chamber system is able to maintain a controlled CO concentration in a model in which small animals are exposed to the inhalation of cigarette smoke, permitting well-controlled studies, as well as investigations involving other toxic gases and air pollutants. (C) 2008 SEPAR. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L. All rights reserved.
Objective The objective of the study was to investigate whether depression is a predictor of postdischarge smoking relapse among patients hospitalized for myocardial infarction (MI) or unstable angina (ILIA), in a smoke-free hospital. Methods Current smokers with MI or UA were interviewed while hospitalized; patients classified with major depression (MD) or no humor disorder were reinterviewed 6 months post discharge to ascertain smoking status. Potential predictors of relapse (depression; stress; anxiety; heart disease risk perception; coffee and alcohol consumption; sociodemographic, clinical, and smoking habit characteristics) were compared between those with MD (n = 268) and no humor disorder (n = 135). Results Relapsers (40.4%) were more frequently and more severely depressed, had higher anxiety and lower self-efficacy scale scores, diagnosis of UA, shorter hospitalizations, started smoking younger, made fewer attempts to quit, had a consort less often, and were more frequently at the `precontemplation` stage of change. Multivariate analysis showed relapse-positive predictors to be MD [odds ratio (OR): 2.549; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.519-4.275] (P<0.001); `precontemplation` stage of change (OR: 7.798; 95% CI: 2.442-24.898) (P<0.001); previous coronary bypass graft surgery (OR: 4.062; 95% CI: 1.356-12.169) (P=0.012); and previous anxiolytic use (OR: 2.365; 95% CI: 1.095-5.107) (P=0.028). Negative predictors were diagnosis of MI (OR: 0.575; 95% CI: 0.361-0.916) (P=0.019); duration of hospitalization (OR: 0.935; 95% CI: 0.898-0.973) (P=0.001); smoking onset age (OR: 0.952; 95% CI: 0.910-0.994) (P=0.028); number of attempts to quit smoking (OR: 0.808; 95% CI: 0.678-0.964) (P=0.018); and `action` stage of change (OR: 0.065; 95% CI: 0.008-0.532) (P= 0.010). Conclusion Depression, no motivation, shorter hospitalization, and severity of illness contributed to postdischarge resumption of smoking by patients with acute coronary syndrome, who underwent hospital-initiated smoking cessation.