970 resultados para New state records
Psocoptera. from Ilha de Marcica and Pacaraima, Roraima State, Brazil, representing 103 species are recorded. Sixty-two are new to science. and are described and figured, representing genera Echmepteryx(2), Tapinella(3), Musapsocus, (1), Seopsocus(3),Isth-mopsocis(3), Dolabellopsocus(6), Epipsocus(5), Neurostigma.(1), Nctiopscus(1), Cae-cilius (6) , Enderluinella (1), Xanthocarcilius(1) , Polypsocus(3) , Scytopsocus(1), ar-chipsocus(1), Lachesilla(4), Notolachesilla(1) , Perispsocus(4), Dactylopsocus (1) , Metylophorus(3), Blaste.(4), Lichenomiae(3), Myopsocus (3). Genus Notarchispsu. gen. is erected for Archipsocus macrurusNew and a new species. Genus MonocladellusEu-derlein in placed in synonymy of, PolypsocusHagen. South American species assigned to genus LophopterygllaEnderlein by New (1979) are. reassigned to Myopscus and represent a parallel development in the latter genus.
ABSTRACT The northern Brazilian state of Mato Grosso is considered an important biogeographical region, but has many sampling gaps. Apart from the well-documented non volant mammal community in the region, the bat fauna still poorly recorded. The aim of this study was to record the bat species of Juruena National Park, northern Mato Grosso, Brazil. Nineteen sites were sampled using mist-nets placed at ground level and near potential bat roosts. We collected 115 individuals belonging to 35 species and five families, which increased the number of species known for Mato Grosso´s Amazon from 86 to 91. The five new records were: Peropteryx kappleri, Peropteryx leucoptera, Lonchorhina inusitata, Tonatia saurophila, and Artibeus concolor. Our results pointed out the necessity of more studies in order to better estimate the bat diversity in northern Mato Grosso.
Bromeliad-associated mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in Atlantic Forest in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, southern Brazil, were studied, examining plants of Vriesea philippocoburgi Wawra and Aechmea lindenii (E. Morren) Baker var. lindenii at secondary Atlantic rain forest, and A. lindenii and Vriesea friburgensis Mez var. paludosa (L. B. Smith) at "restinga" per month, during 12 months. No immature forms of mosquitoes were collected from A. lindenii in the secondary forest. Collections obtained 368 immature mosquitoes, none of them from A. lindenii from rain forest. Culex (Microculex) spp. constituted 79.8% of the total, Wyeomyia (Phoniomyia) spp. 17.93%, and Anopheles (Kerteszia) cruzii (Dyar & Knab, 1908) only 1.36%. The study shows the great predominance of species of medical importance not yet proved, and the small number of immature stages of anopheline mosquitoes. The rainfall, but not the mean temperatures, significantly influenced the quantity of mosquitoes from V. philippocoburgi. Significant differences between the quantities of immature forms of all the bromeliad species were found, and the shape of the plants could be important to the abundance of mosquitoes. All six species of Cx. (Microculex) found are recorded for the first time in the State of Santa Catarina, and all six species of Wyeomyia (Phoniomyia) are recorded for the first time in bromeliads in this state.
Mansonella ozzardi infections are common in the riverside communities along the Solimões, Negro and Purus Rivers in the state of Amazonas (AM). However, little is known about the presence of this parasite in communities located in regions bordering AM and the state of Acre. The prevalence rate of M. ozzardi infections was determined in blood samples from volunteers according to the Knott method. A total of 355 volunteers from six riverine communities were enrolled in the study and 65 (18.3%) were found to be infected with M. ozzardi. As expected, most of the infections (25%) occurred in individuals involved in agriculture, cattle rearing and fishing and an age/sex group analysis revealed that the prevalence increased beginning in the 40-50-years-of-age group and reached 33% in both sexes in individuals over 50 years of age. Based on the described symptomatology, articular pain and headache were found to be significantly higher among infected individuals (56 and 65% prevalence, respectively, p < 0.05). Sera from volunteers were subjected to ELISA using a cocktail of recombinant proteins from Onchocerca volvulus to evaluate the specificity of the test in an endemic M. ozzardi region. No cross-reactions between M. ozzardi-infected individuals and recombinant O. volvulusproteins were detected, thus providing information on the secure use of this particular cocktail in areas where these parasites are sympatric.
Adult and immature Simuliidae were studied in 31 streams of 8 regions of the State of São Paulo. Among the 25 species collected, seven are new records for the State of São Paulo, and one of them, Simulium shewellianum Coscarón, 1985 for Brazil as well.
In this paper seven species of the genus Chironomus Meigen, 1803 are recorded for the first time in the State of São Paulo (Brazil). C. stigmaterus Say, 1823 and C. columbiensis Wülker et al., 1989 are new records for Brazil, while C. calligraphus Goeldi, 1905, C. strenzkei Fittkau, 1968, C. gigas Reiss, 1974, C. latistylus Reiss, 1974 and C. paragigas Reiss, 1974 had already been registered in aquatic systems in North and Northeast regions of Brazil.
New records for species of Theope (Lepidoptera, Riodinidae) for the state of Pernambuco and northeastern Brazil, with notes on their natural history. Five new records for the state of Pernambuco and one new record for NE-Brazil are reported in this paper for the genus Theope. Relationship between ants and T. terambus was observed for the first time which also consists on the first ever recorded myrmecophilous interaction between Pheidole ants and a Theope immature. Schoepfia guianensis is reported as a probable hostplant for T. terambus. Illustrations of seven species of Theope which occur in the northeastern Atlantic Rainforest are provided.
Sand flies from Central Amazonia and four new records for the Amazonas state, Brazil. A survey was conducted in May and June 2008 to study the fauna of insects in Central Amazonia, Brazil. As part of the survey, we report here that sixty species of phlebotomine were identified, totaling 13,712 specimens from 13 genera. The collection sites were located at the border between the states of Pará and Amazonas, comprising three municipalities from the Amazonas state (Borba, Maués, and Nhamundá). Malaise, CDC and Shannon traps were used to collect the insects. Most of the sand flies were collected by CDC traps (89.5%), while Malaise and Shannon traps collected 7% and 3.5%, respectively. The most abundant genera, representing 97.1% of the total sand flies identified were: Trichopygomyia Barretto, 1962 (47.6%), Psathyromyia Barretto, 1962 (17.9%), Psychodopygus Mangabeira, 1941 (17.5%) and Trichophoromyia Barretto, 1962 (14.3%). The genera with the largest number of species identified were: Psychodopygus (14), Psathyromyia (10), Evandromyia Mangabeira, 1941 (7), Trichophoromyia (5) and Trichopygomyia (5). The most abundant species was Trichopygomyia trichopyga (Floch & Abonnenc, 1945), which represented 29% of the total sand flies identified. Here we also report new records for four species in the Amazonas state: Ps. complexus (Mangabeira, 1941), Ps. llanosmartinsi Fraiha & Ward, 1980, Ty. pinna (Feliciangeli, Ramirez-Pérez & Ramirez, 1989), and Th. readyi (Ryan, 1986). The results of this study provide new, additional information on the distribution of sand flies in the Amazon and increase the number of species in the Amazonas state from 127 to 131.
A taxonomic key for the genera of Elmidae (Coleoptera, Byrrhoidea) occurring in Goiás State, Brazil, including new records and distributional notes. Despite their great diversity and high abundance in Neotropical aquatic environments, the fauna of Elmidae remains practically unknown in some areas and even entire biomes in this region. In this work we bring, for the first time, faunistic data for the Elmidae of central Brazil. The aim of this work was to inventory the Elmidae fauna in central, southwestern and southeastern Goiás State, Brazil and to produce a taxonomic key, at genus level, for adults from the studied region. The taxonomic key presented herein offers means for the identification of all the 13 genera known to occur in Goiás, 11 of them being new records for the State. Moreover, the number of named species registered for Goiás increased from one to nine.
Twenty species of Tephritidae (Diptera) are recorded in association with capitula of plants in the family Asteraceae. The Tephritidae genus Tetreuarestais registered for Rio Grande do Sul for the first time. Five species of Tephritidae are newly recorded for Rio Grande do Sul, and new hosts are recorded for the following fly species: Dioxyna chilensis (Macquart), Plaumannimyia dolores (Hering), Plaumannimyia imitatrix (Hering), Plaumannimyia miseta(Hering), Plaumannimyia pallensHering, Tomoplagia incompleta (Williston), Tomoplagia matzenbacheriPrado, Norrbom & Lewinsohn, Tomoplagia reimoseriHendel, Xanthaciura biocellata(Thomson) and Xanthaciura chrysura(Thomson).
The objective of this work was to undertake a qualitative assessment of earthworm diversity in areas under human influence, in a region of Cerrado-Pantanal-Amazon rainforest transition, in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. The earthworms were collected in the municipalities of Barra do Bugres and Arenápolis, and were studied together with species previously identified from other municipalities. Seventeen municipalities, at 29 sampling points of Mato Grosso State, have been sampled. Seven species of earthworms were collected and identified in Barra do Bugres: Goiascolex vanzolinii, Pontoscolex (Pontoscolex) corethrurus, Opisthodrillus borellii borellii, Opisthodrillus sp., Dichogaster (Diplothecodrilus) gracilis, Dichogaster sp. and a species of the Criodrilidae family. Four species of earthworms were identified in Arenápolis: Pontoscolex (Pontoscolex) corethrurus, Dichogaster (Diplothecodrilus) gracilis, Dichogaster (Diplothecodrilus) affinis and Dichogaster sp. In total, 32 earthworm species/subspecies are known from Mato Grosso, 22 native and 10 exotic.
We report six new records of M. surinamensis and present the map of distribution with known records for this species of semiaquatic coral snake in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil.
This work aimed to evaluate the gastrointestinal helminthfauna composition of six-banded armadillos from the Brazilian semi-arid region. Gastrointestinal contents of six road-killed adult animals from Patos County, Paraiba State, were analyzed. Six species of nematodes, comprising five genera and four families, were recovered from the analyzed animals. New morphological data on Trichohelix tuberculata is given, along with a new taxonomical proposal for Hadrostrongylus ransomi (Travassos, 1935) n. comb. This is the first record for parasitic helminths in this host from the Brazilian semi-arid.
The present study provides the distribution map and reports new records of the gymnophthalmid lizard Leposoma osvaldoi Avila-Pires, 1995, from Mato Grosso state, Brazil, extending the known geographical distribution of the species ca. 42 km northeastern in straight line from the nearest record in the state. © 2011 Check List and Authors.
Distribution patterns of most of the 20 Neotropical freshwater turtles belonging to the family Chelidae are usually based on few locality records. We here report on vouchered records of three species of the chelid genus Mesoclemmys in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso. Presence of M. vanderhaegei is confirmed for the Amazon River Basin, and M. gibba and M. raniceps are recorded in Mato Grosso for the first time. © 2012 Check List and Authors.