360 resultados para Nevus, Pigmented
The genus Methylobacterium comprises pink-pigmented facultative methylotrophic (PPFM) bacteria, known to be an important plant-associated bacterial group. Species of this group, described as plant-nodulating, have the dual capacity of producing cytokinin and enzymes, such as pectinase and cellulase, involved in systemic resistance induction and nitrogen fixation under specific plant environmental conditions. The aim hereby was to evaluate the phylogenetic distribution of Methylobacterium spp. isolates from different host plants. Thus, a comparative analysis between sequences from structural (16S rRNA) and functional mxaF (which codifies for a subunit of the enzyme methanol dehydrogenase) ubiquitous genes, was undertaken. Notably, some Methylobacterium spp. isolates are generalists through colonizing more than one host plant, whereas others are exclusively found in certain specific plant-species. Congruency between phylogeny and specific host inhabitance was higher in the mxaF gene than in the 16S rRNA, a possible indication of function-based selection in this niche. Therefore, in a first stage, plant colonization by Methylobacterium spp. could represent generalist behavior, possibly related to microbial competition and adaptation to a plant environment. Otherwise, niche-specific colonization is apparently impelled by the host plant.
Hisonotus bockmanni, new species, is described based on specimens collected in a sandbank in the Rio Cururu, a tributary to the Rio Teles Pires, one of the rivers forming the Rio Tapajos in the Amazon Basin. The new taxon is distinguished from its congeners by a unique color pattern, whose most striking features are: two elliptical white spots, anterior to nostrils; predorsal region darkly pigmented with five unpigmented spots arranged as anteriorly pointed chevron; and a rostrocaudally elongate cross along most of the caudal peduncle. The placement of the new species in Hisonotus as well as its possible affinities within that genus are discussed in light of the current knowledge of the phylogenetic relationships among the Hypoptopomatinae.
Anticancer activities of cinnamic acid derivatives include induction of apoptosis by irreversible DNA damage leading to cell death. The present work aimed to compare the cytotoxic and genotoxic potential of cinnamic acid in human melanoma cell line (HT-144) and human melanocyte cell line derived from blue nevus (NGM). Viability assay showed that the IC50 for HT-144 cells was 2.4 mM, while NGM cells were more resistant to the treatment. The growth inhibition was probably associated with DNA damage leading to DNA synthesis inhibition, as shown by BrdU incorporation assay, induction of nuclear aberrations and then apoptosis. The frequency of cell death caused by cinnamic acid was higher in HT-144 cells. Activated-caspase 3 staining showed apoptosis after 24 hours of treatment with cinnamic acid 3.2 mM in HT-144 cells, but not in NGM. We observed microtubules disorganization after cinnamic acid exposure, but this event and cell death seem to be independent according to M30 and tubulin labeling. The frequency of micronucleated HT-144 cells was higher after treatment with cinnamic acid (0.4 and 3.2 mM) when compared to the controls. Cinnamic acid 3.2 mM also increased the frequency of micronucleated NGM cells indicating genotoxic activity of the compound, but the effects were milder. Binucleation and multinucleation counting showed similar results. We conclude that cinnamic acid has effective antiproliferative activity against melanoma cells. However, the increased frequency of micronucleation in NGM cells warrants the possibility of genotoxicity and needs further investigation.
Os autores relatam um caso de nevo de Reed, lesão que apresenta aspecto histológico de malignidade, mas tem evolução benigna. Paciente de 48 anos, masculino, cor parda, apresentava pterígio nasal no olho direito, associado a uma lesão pequena e pouco pigmentada localizada na cabeça do mesmo. Realizou-se exérese de ambos, sem intercorrências, sem sinais de recidiva. O exame histopatológico revelou lesão com bordas definidas, restrita ao epitélio, constituída por células fusiformes perpendiculares à superfície, com pigmentação melânica esparsa. O diagnóstico inicial foi nevo de Spitz, mas, posteriormente, chegou-se à conclusão que se tratava do nevo de células fusiformes de Reed. O presente relato é o segundo na literatura mundial e o primeiro no Brasil.
The genus Methylobacterium comprises pink-pigmented facultative methylotrophic (PPFM) bacteria, known to be an important plant-associated bacterial group. Species of this group, described as plant-nodulating, have the dual capacity of producing cytokinin and enzymes, such as pectinase and cellulase, involved in systemic resistance induction and nitrogen fixation under specific plant environmental conditions. The aim hereby was to evaluate the phylogenetic distribution of Methylobacterium spp. isolates from different host plants. Thus, a comparative analysis between sequences from structural (16S rRNA) and functional mxaF (which codifies for a subunit of the enzyme methanol dehydrogenase) ubiquitous genes, was undertaken. Notably, some Methylobacterium spp. isolates are generalists through colonizing more than one host plant, whereas others are exclusively found in certain specific plant-species. Congruency between phylogeny and specific host inhabitance was higher in the mxaF gene than in the 16S rRNA, a possible indication of function-based selection in this niche. Therefore, in a first stage, plant colonization by Methylobacterium spp. could represent generalist behavior, possibly related to microbial competition and adaptation to a plant environment. Otherwise, niche-specific colonization is apparently impelled by the host plant.
La dermoscopia, metodica non invasiva, di pratico utilizzo e a basso costo si è affermata negli ultimi anni come valido strumento per la diagnosi e il follow up delle lesioni cutanee pigmentate e non pigmentate. La presente ricerca è stata incentrata sullo studio dermoscopico dei nevi melanocitici a localizzazione palmo-plantare, acquisiti e congeniti, in età pediatrica: a questo scopo sono state analizzate le immagini dei nevi melanocitici acrali nei pazienti visitati c/o l’ambulatorio di Dermatologia Pediatrica del Policlinico Sant’Orsola Malpighi dal 2004 al 2011 per definire i principali pattern dermoscopici rilevati ed i cambiamenti osservati durante il follow up videodermatoscopico. Nella nostra casistica di immagini dermoscopiche pediatriche abbiamo notato un cambiamento rilevante (inteso come ogni modificazione rilevata tra il pattern demoscopico osservato al baseline e i successivi follow up) nell’88,6% dei pazienti ed in particolare abbiamo osservato come in un’alta percentuale di pazienti (80%), si sia verificato un vero e proprio impallidimento del nevo melanocitico e in un paziente è stata evidenziata totale regressione dopo un periodo di tempo di 36 mesi. E’ stato interessante notare come l’impallidimento della lesione melanocitaria si sia verificata per lo più in sedi sottoposte ad una sollecitazione meccanica cronica, come la pianta del piede e le dita (di mani e piedi), facendoci ipotizzare un ruolo del traumatismo cronico nelle modificazioni che avvengono nelle neoformazioni melanocitarie dei bambini in questa sede.
Das WSCP (water-soluble chlorophyll protein) der Brassicaceen ist das einzig bekannte Chlorophyll-bindende Protein, welches keine Carotinoide bindet. Es ist ein wasserlösliches, ca. 80 kDa großes Homotetramer mit 1-4 gebundenen Chlorophyllen. Das Protein ist äußerst stabil und vermag die gebundenen Chlorophylle vor Photooxidation zu schützen. Seine Funktion in der Pflanze ist bis heute ein Rätsel und sollte in dieser Arbeit zusammen mit seinen biochemischen Eigenschaften weiter aufgeklärt werden. Es wurden Versuche durchgeführt mit nativem und rekombinantem WSCP aus Blumenkohl (BoWSCP bzw. BoWSCPhis) und aus Arabidopsis thaliana (AtWSCP bzw. AtWSCPhis). Die Expressionsausbeute von BoWSCPhis konnte verbessert werden und zusätzlich wurde die Rekonstitutionsmethode für das rekombinante WSCP optimiert, sodass das pigmentierte Protein mit hoher Ausbeute und großer Reinheit gewonnen werden konnte. Zudem wurde ein neuer WSCP-Klon hergestellt, mBoWSCPhis, der in seiner Sequenz dem maturen nativen BoWSCP entspricht und weitaus weniger Aggregationsprobleme zeigte als BoWSCPhis. Weiterführende Versuche zur Stabilität und dem Oligomerisierungsgrad von WSCP haben die neue Erkenntnis erbracht, dass die Phytolschwänze der von WSCP gebundenen Chlorophylle zwar essentiell sind für die Stabilität von WSCP-Oligomeren, nicht aber für die Oligomerisierung selbst, wie es in der Literatur bislang postuliert wurde. Zusätzlich zu ihrer außerordentlichen Hitzestabilität erwiesen sich die Chl-WSCP-Komplexe als stabil in einem breiten pH-Spektrum. AtWSCPhis besaß eine vergleichbare Stabilität, und auch das Oligomerisierungsverhalten zeigte Ähnlichkeiten zu BoWSCPhis. Im Rahmen einer Forschungskooperation mit dem Institut für Optik und Atomare Physik der TU Berlin wurden zeitaufgelöste Absorptionsspektren sowie Tieftemperatur-Fluoreszenzspektren an Chl-WSCP-Komplexen gemessen. Die Ergebnisse zeigten deutlich, dass die WSCP-gebundenen Chlorophylle excitonisch gekoppelt sind und wiesen zudem auf unterschiedliche Chl-Bindungsmodi hin. Aufgrund seines einfachen Aufbaus und seines geringen Chlorophyllgehalts hat sich WSCP bei diesen Versuchen als sehr geeignetes Modellsystem erwiesen, um Messungen zur Chlorophyllbindung mit Vorhersagen aus theoretischen Modellen zu vergleichen. Bei den Experimenten zur biologischen Funktion wurden einerseits Arabidopsis thaliana WSCP-„knock-out“-Pflanzen unter verschiedenen Bedingungen charakterisiert, andererseits wurden Experimente mit rekombinantem WSCP durchgeführt, um eine mögliche Interaktion mit anderen Proteinen zu detektieren. Die vegetativen Stadien der Mutante zeigten keinen Phänotyp; das native Arabidopsis-WSCP konnte später bei der Wildtyp-Pflanze ausschließlich in jungen Schoten lokalisiert werden, was eine Erklärung hierfür lieferte. Rekombinantes WSCP konnte Chlorophylle aus nativem LHCII entfernen, eine Interaktion mit Chlorophyllase konnte jedoch nicht nachgewiesen werden; daher konnte auch die Hypothese, WSCP sei ein Chl-Carrier beim Chl-Abbau, nicht untermauert werden. Bei den durchgeführten Enzym-Assays wurde eine geringfügige Inhibition der Cysteinprotease Papain beobachtet, aber keine Inhibition der Serinprotease Trypsin, obwohl Blumenkohl-WSCP N-proximal das Motiv der Künitz-Proteaseinhibitoren besitzt. Die Frage nach der biologischen Funktion von WSCP bleibt also weiterhin offen.
Nail melanoma in children is rarely reported in the literature, and all of the published cases were diagnosed in dark-skinned phototypes or in Asians. We report two cases of in situ nail matrix melanoma presenting as longitudinal melanonychia (LM) in fair-skinned children of Italian origin. Nail plate dermatoscopy revealed a brown background with lines of irregular color, spacing, and thickness in both cases. Histopathology of the excised lesions showed melanoma in situ. Clinical, dermatoscopic, and pathological criteria that permit clear differentiation of benign melanocytic activation or proliferation from nail matrix melanoma are not established for children. The presence of a pigmented band of a single nail in a child usually represents a problem for clinicians, because the clinical and dermatoscopic features that are considered possible indicators of nail unit melanoma in adults are frequently observed in benign melanocytic hyperplasia and nevi in children. There is therefore the need to find parameters useful for clinical and dermatoscopic diagnosis in childhood nail pigmentation and to reach a consensus on management of children with a band of LM.
The management of expanding melanonychia in childhood is controversial. Here, we present three cases and discuss their operating indications and reconstruction. Between January 1, 1995 and December 31, 2007, one boy and two girls, were operated for expanding melanonychia, involving the thumb, index finger or the middle finger. They were 2, 4, and 7 years at the time of surgery. A complete resection of the nail plate was performed followed by a direct finger reconstruction using a free short-pedicle vascularized nail flap of the toe. Histology showed a junctional nevus in all cases. The follow-ups were after 2, 3, and 5 years and without any complications or recurrence. Regarding reconstruction, the mean Foucher and Leclère score were, respectively, 17 and 16 points. It is concluded that for expanding melanonychia, in case of doubt, an examination of the entire lesion is necessary. Reconstruction of the nail unit after wide excision with nail plate ablation can be performed using microsurgery as discussed below. However, new guidelines on shave biopsy can make this microsurgical procedure obsolete.
Four Large Münsterländer cross-bred dogs affected with black hair follicular dysplasia (BHFD) and one unaffected control littermate were observed, and skin was sampled weekly over the first 19 weeks of life. Affected dogs were born with silvery grey hair, a consequence of melanin clumping in the hair shafts. Hair bulb melanocytes were densely pigmented, and contained abundant stage IV melanosomes but adjacent matrix keratinocytes lacked melanosomes. Melanin clumping was not prominent in epidermal melanocytes in the haired skin but occurred in the foot pads. Follicular changes progressed from bulbar clumping, clumping in the isthmus/infundibulum and finally to dysplastic hair shafts. Alopecia developed progressively in pigmented areas. Silver-grey hair, melanin clumping, accumulation of stage IV melanosomes within melanocytes and insufficient melanin transfer to adjacent keratinocytes are also classic features of human Griscelli syndrome. The underlying cause in Griscelli syndrome is a defect of melanocytic intracellular transport proteins leading to inadequate and disorganized melanosome transfer to keratinocytes with resultant melanin clumping. In view of the correlation in the phenotype, histology and ultrastructure between both disorders, a defect in intracellular melanosome transport is postulated as the pathogenic mechanism in BHFD.
Four male Pomeranians that showed alopecia with an age of onset between five months and eight years were investigated.The aim of the investigation was to clarify whether the affected dogs had alopecia X and whether their symptoms might be due to a hereditary defect.The four affected dogs showed hairless patches at the root of the tail, at the back, at the limbs from the thigh to the tarsus and at the abdomen. Within the hairless patches some islets with sparse hair were present. In hairless patches the skin was dark pigmented. Besides the alopecia and hyperpigmentation no other symptoms were found according to anamnestic and clinical examination. History, clinical examinations, laboratory diagnostics, and histopathology of skin biopsies allowed the diagnosis of alopecia X in three affected male dogs.The last one of the affected dogs additionally had slightly reduced thyroid hormone levels. Based on identical symptoms and the close relatedness of all four animals, it was assumed that the fourth affected dog also had alopecia X.The available data possibly indicate a monogenic autosomal dominant inheritance, however a recessive inheritance can not be excluded at this time.
The time-course of dark adaptation provides valuable insights into the function and interactions between the rod and cone pathways in the retina. Here we describe a technique that uses the flash electroretinogram (ERG) response to probe the functional integrity of the cone and rod pathways during the dynamic process of dark adaptation in the mouse. Retinal sensitivity was estimated from the stimulus intensity required to maintain a 30 microV criterion b-wave response during a 40 min period of dark adaptation. When tracked in this manner, dark adaptation functions in WT mice depended upon the bleaching effects of initial background adaptation conditions. Altered dark adaptation functions, commensurate with the functional deficit were recorded in pigmented mice that lacked cone function (Gnat2 ( cplf3 )) and in WT mice injected with a toxin, sodium iodate (NaIO(3)), which targets the retinal pigment epithelium and also has downstream effects on photoreceptors. These data demonstrate that this adaptive tracking procedure measures retinal sensitivity and the contributions of the rod and/or cone pathways during dark adaptation in both WT control and mutant mice.
PURPOSE: To report a large, consanguineous Algerian family affected with Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA) or early-onset retinal degeneration (EORD). METHODS: All accessible family members underwent a complete ophthalmic examination, and blood was obtained for DNA extraction. Homozygosity mapping was performed with markers flanking 12 loci associated with LCA. The 15 exons of TULP1 were sequenced. RESULTS: Seven of 30 examined family members were affected, including five with EORD and two with LCA. All patients had nystagmus, hemeralopia, mild myopia, and low visual acuity without photophobia. Fundus features were variable among EORD patients: typical spicular retinitis pigmentosa or clumped pigmented retinopathy with age-dependent macular involvement. A salt-and-pepper retinopathy with midperipheral retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) atrophy was present in the older patients with LCA, whereas the retina appeared virtually normal in the younger ones. Both scotopic and photopic electroretinograms were nondetectable. Fundus imaging revealed a perifoveal ring of increased fundus autofluorescence (FAF) in the proband, and optical coherence tomography disclosed a thinned retina, mainly due to photoreceptor loss. Linkage analysis identified a region of homozygosity on chromosome 6, region p21.3, and mutation screening revealed a novel 6-base in-frame duplication, in the TULP1 gene. CONCLUSIONS: Mutation in the TULP1 gene is a rare cause of LCA/EORD, with only 14 mutations reported so far. The observed intrafamilial phenotypic variability could be attributed to disease progression or possibly modifier alleles. This study provides the first description of FAF and quantitative reflectivity profiles in TULP1-related retinopathy.
BACKGROUND: We observed a remarkable increase in the number of young patients who presented with lung emphysema and secondary spontaneous pneumothorax (SSP) at our institution for over a period of 30 months; most of them have a common history of marijuana abuse. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective case series. METHODS: Seventeen young patients presented with spontaneous pneumothorax with bullous lung emphysema were systematically evaluated over a period of 30 months. All were regular marijuana smokers. Clinical history, chest X-ray, CT-scan, lung function test, and laboratory and histological examinations were assessed. We compared the findings of this group (group I) with the findings of non-marijuana smoking patients (group II) in the same period. The findings of this series were also compared with the findings of 75 patients presented with pneumothorax in a previous period from January 2000 till March 2002 (group III). RESULTS: In group I, there were 17 patients: the median age of the patients was 27 years (range 19-43 years), 16 males and 1 female. All were living in Switzerland. All but one smoked marijuana daily for a mean of 8.8 years and tobacco for 11.8 years. CT-scan showed multiple bullae at the apex or significant bullous emphysema with predominance in the upper lobes only in two patients. Only two patients had reduced forced first second expiratory volume (FEV1) and one reduced vital capacity (VC) below the predicted 50%. This correlated with the subjectively asymptomatic condition of the patients. All but two patients were treated by video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) for prevention of relapsing pneumothorax. Histology showed severe lung emphysema, inflammation, and heavily pigmented macrophages. In group II, there were 85 patients: there were 78 males, the median age was 24 years (range 17-40 years), 74 patients smoked tobacco for 13.4 years but no marijuana. CT-scan in 72 patients showed only small bullae at the apex but no significant emphysema; other clinical, laboratory, and histopathological findings showed no significant difference in group I. In group III, there were 75 patients: there were 71 males and 4 females. Mean age was 25 years (range 16-46 years). Six smoked marijuana daily for a mean of 3.2 years, and 62 smoked tobacco for 14 years. CT-scan done in 59 patients showed few small bullae at the apex but no significant lung emphysema. The presence of lung emphysema on CT-scan in group I was significantly different than in groups II and III (p=0.14). No significant difference was found among all groups in the form of clinical, laboratory, and histopathological findings. CONCLUSIONS: In case of emphysema in young individuals, marijuana abuse has to be considered in the differential diagnosis. The period of marijuana smoking seems to play an important role in the development of lung emphysema. This obviously quite frequent condition in young and so far asymptomatic patients will have medical, financial, and ethical impact, as some of these patients may be severely handicapped or even become lung transplant candidates in the future.
Equine pastern vasculitis is clinically challenging and the underlying aetiopathogenesis is unclear. The aims of this retrospective study were to establish histopathological criteria for pastern vasculitis, to look for an underlying cause, to investigate whether the histopathological lesions are associated with a distinct clinical picture, to assess if and how the clinical picture varies, and to determine the treatment response. Skin biopsies and clinical data from 20 horses with a diagnosis of vasculitis of the distal extremities were investigated and histology was compared to biopsies from healthy horses. It was concluded that intramural inflammatory cells, leukocytoclasia with nuclear dust, thickening and oedema of the vessel walls, and microhaemorrhages are highly specific histological findings in equine pastern vasculitis. Based on the feedback from the clinicians, the lesions were mostly seen on the lateral and medial aspects of un-pigmented legs. Lesions in white skin were characterised by exudation and crusts, whereas those in pigmented skin were alopecic and characterised by scaling. The response to treatment was poor and the prognosis guarded. No association was found between any of the histopathological findings and a distinct clinical picture. An underlying cause of equine pastern vasculitis could not be identified. Considering the large number of confounding factors, the causative agents are difficult to identify, but may involve drugs or a hypersensitivity reactions to yet unknown antigens.