997 resultados para Neutrino masses


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The production rate of right-handed neutrinos from a Standard Model plasma at a temperature above a hundred GeV is evaluated up to NLO in Standard Model couplings. The results apply in the so-called relativistic regime, referring parametrically to a mass M ~ πT, generalizing thereby previous NLO results which only apply in the non-relativistic regime M ≫ πT. The non-relativistic expansion is observed to converge for M ≳ 15T, but the smallness of any loop corrections allows it to be used in practice already for M ≳ 4T. In the latter regime any non-covariant dependence of the differential rate on the spatial momentum is shown to be mild. The loop expansion breaks down in the ultrarelativistic regime M ≪ πT, but after a simple mass resummation it nevertheless extrapolates reasonably well towards a result obtained previously through complete LPM resummation, apparently confirming a strong enhancement of the rate at high temperatures (which facilitates chemical equilibration). When combined with other ingredients the results may help to improve upon the accuracy of leptogenesis computations operating above the electroweak scale.


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The T2K collaboration reports a precision measurement of muon neutrino disappearance with an off-axis neutrino beam with a peak energy of 0.6 GeV. Near detector measurements are used to constrain the neutrino flux and cross section parameters. The Super-Kamiokande far detector, which is 295 km downstream of the neutrino production target, collected data corresponding to 3.01×1020 protons on target. In the absence of neutrino oscillations, 205±17 (syst.) events are expected to be detected and only 58 muon neutrino event candidates are observed. A fit to the neutrino rate and energy spectrum assuming three neutrino flavors, normal mass hierarchy and θ23≤π/4 yields a best-fit mixing angle sin2(2θ23)=1.000 and mass splitting |Δm232|=2.44×10−3 eV2/c4. If θ23≥π/4 is assumed, the best-fit mixing angle changes to sin2(2θ23)=0.999 and the mass splitting remains unchanged.


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The T2K experiment has observed electron neutrino appearance in a muon neutrino beam produced 295 km from the Super-Kamiokande detector with a peak energy of 0.6 GeV. A total of 28 electron neutrino events were detected with an energy distribution consistent with an appearance signal, corresponding to a significance of 7.3σ when compared to 4.92 ± 0.55 expected background events. In the PMNS mixing model, the electron neutrino appearance signal depends on several parameters including three mixing angles θ12, θ23, θ13, a mass difference Δm232 and a CP violating phase δCP. In this neutrino oscillation scenario, assuming |Δm232|=2.4×10−3 eV2, sin2θ23=0.5, δCP=0, and Δm232>0 (Δm232<0), a best-fit value of sin22θ13 = 0.140+0.038−0.032 (0.170+0.045−0.037) is obtained.


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In spring 2012 CERN provided two weeks of a short bunch proton beam dedicated to the neutrino velocity measurement over a distance of 730 km. The OPERA neutrino experiment at the underground Gran Sasso Laboratory used an upgraded setup compared to the 2011 measurements, improving the measurement time accuracy. An independent timing system based on the Resistive Plate Chambers was exploited providing a time accuracy of ∼1 ns. Neutrino and anti-neutrino contributions were separated using the information provided by the OPERA magnetic spectrometers. The new analysis profited from the precision geodesy measurements of the neutrino baseline and of the CNGS/LNGS clock synchronization. The neutrino arrival time with respect to the one computed assuming the speed of light in vacuum is found to be δtν≡TOFc−TOFν=(0.6±0.4 (stat.)±3.0 (syst.)) ns and δtν¯≡TOFc−TOFν¯=(1.7±1.4 (stat.)±3.1 (syst.)) ns for νμ and ν¯μ, respectively. This corresponds to a limit on the muon neutrino velocity with respect to the speed of light of −1.8×10−6<(vν−c)/c<2.3×10−6 at 90% C.L. This new measurement confirms with higher accuracy the revised OPERA result.


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A search for a charged Higgs boson (H+) in t (t) over bar decays is presented, where one of the top quarks decays via t -> H(+)b, followed by H+ -> two jets (c (s) over bar). The other top quark decays to Wb, where the W boson then decays into a lepton (e/mu) and a neutrino. The data were recorded in pp collisions at root s = 7 TeV by the ATLAS detector at the LHC in 2011, and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 4.7 fb(-1). With no observation of a signal, 95 % confidence level (CL) upper limits are set on the decay branching ratio of top quarks to charged Higgs bosons varying between 5 % and 1 % for H+ masses between 90 GeV and 150 GeV, assuming B(H+ -> c (s) over bar) = 100 %.


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The T2K Collaboration reports evidence for electron neutrino appearance at the atmospheric mass splitting, vertical bar Delta m(32)(2)vertical bar approximate to 2.4 X 10(-3) eV(2). An excess of electron neutrino interactions over background is observed from a muon neutrino beam with a peak energy of 0.6 GeV at the Super-Kamiokande (SK) detector 295 km from the beam's origin. Signal and background predictions are constrained by data from near detectors located 280 m from the neutrino production target. We observe 11 electron neutrino candidate events at the SK detector when a background of 3.3 +/- 0.4(syst) events is expected. The background-only hypothesis is rejected with a p value of 0.0009 (3.1 sigma), and a fit assuming nu(mu) -> nu(e) oscillations with sin (2)2 theta(23) = 1, delta(CP) = 0 and vertical bar Delta m(32)(2)vertical bar = 2.4 X 10(-3) eV(2) yields sin (2)2 theta(13) = 0.088(-0.039)(+0.049)(stat + syst).