973 resultados para Nerve gases
This paper reports the development of an easy, fast and effective procedure for the verification of the ideal gas law in splitless injection systems in order to improve the response. Results of a group of pesticides were used to demonstrate the suitability of the approach. The procedure helps establish experimental parameters through theoretical aspects. The improved instrumental response allowed extraction with lower sample volumes, the minimization of time and costs and the simplification of sample preparation.
In this work one proposes a didactic experience to simulate atmospheric corrosion of copper and nickel, due to sulfur dioxide presence. This is an opportunity to understand some basic aspects of atmospheric corrosion, by using fundamental concepts in chemistry, reactions of extraction and characterization of pollutants, as well as their participation in corrosion process. This subject opens a space for discussion about necessity of pollutant gases emissions control for preservation of materials and the environment.
Este estudo determinou a viabilidade do uso de um gaseificador/combustor que utiliza tocos de eucalipto, resíduos de serraria, cavacos de lenha e sabugo de milho como combustível na secagem de produtos agrícolas. Utilizou-se o gaseificador desenvolvido por SILVA (1988) com modificações na câmara de gaseificação; área da grelha reduzida de 0,21 para 0,06 m²; adição de um revestimento envolvendo a parte superior do gaseificador, e foi colocado um registro tipo borboleta na saída da câmara de combustão. O ar aquecido no combustor foi enviado para um secador que possuía câmaras metálicas que eram removíveis, içadas por um sistema de roldanas, facilitando a homogeneização da secagem. Como teste do sistema, secou-se café com umidade inicial de 54,5% bu até 11,1 ± 1,6% bu, utilizando-se de cavacos de lenha. A temperatura do ar de secagem foi de 60 ºC, pressão estática do ar na saída do ventilador de 9 mmca e velocidade de 46,3 m³ min-1. Concluiu-se que o gaseificador, usando cavacos de eucalipto como combustível, consumiu entre 15,3 e18,8 kg h-1 de biomassa, que o equipamento é viável para a secagem de café despolpado e para outros produtos agrícolas, não o impregnando de fumaça ou outras partículas, geradas nas fornalhas de fogo direto, e que todos os combustíveis de biomassa testados são viáveis na utilização do sistema via gasificação com adjacente combustão dos gases gerados.
A produção de suínos representa importante setor da economia brasileira, e a possibilidade de crescimento na produção é iminente, principalmente se considerar o baixo consumo de carne suína comparado ao de outras carnes e com outros países. As transformações e exigências de mercado que vêm ocorrendo no cenário mundial mostram que, num futuro muito próximo, as barreiras serão baseadas no bem-estar dos animais, na proteção ao meio ambiente e na legislação trabalhista. Pouco conhecimento está disponível sobre as normas relacionadas ao trabalho com agentes ambientais nas atividades rurais, assim como as condições de qualidade do ar nas instalações brasileiras. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram aplicar as principais normas relacionadas a ruído e gases, e estimar os riscos de exposição ocupacional a partir de medidas de ruído, sulfeto de hidrogênio, metano e oxigênio em granjas de suínos nas fases de creche e terminação. Os resultados mostram que os níveis de ruídos contínuos ficaram abaixo do permitido pelas normas, entretanto foram observadas diferenças (P < 0,05) em relação ao ruído medido na creche com gaiolas e em piso semi-ripado; as concentrações de sulfeto de hidrogênio e metano foram inferiores a 1 ppm e 0,1% em volume, respectivamente, inferiores aos limites recomendados pelas normas NR-15, CIGR e ACGIH, e o nível de oxigênio ficou, em média, em 21%.
A qualidade do ar em ambientes de produção animal vem sendo referenciada como ponto de interesse em estudos de sistema de controle ambiental, focando tanto a saúde dos animais que vivem em total confinamento, quanto a dos trabalhadores. O objetivo do trabalho foi determinar a variação da qualidade da ambiência aérea em dois tipos de galpões criatórios de frangos de corte: convencional (Gc) e tipo túnel (Gt). Os valores de poeira total, em ambos os galpões, ofereceram condições adequadas às aves; entretanto, as concentrações de poeira respirável no ar estiveram acima do limite recomendado para humanos. A concentração de monóxido de carbono, na fase de aquecimento, esteve acima dos 10 ppm máximos recomendados, no período avaliado, sendo superior na época de frio no galpão Gt (30 ppm), comparada ao galpão Gc (18 ppm). Os picos de concentração de amônia no ar estiveram acima dos 20 ppm máximos recomendados às aves a partir do 20º dia de produção, em ambos os galpões, e na média diária, por período superior no galpão Gt (4h30), quando comparado ao Gc (2h45). Foram encontrados apenas traços de óxido nítrico e metano, enquanto a concentração de gás carbônico, avaliada em condições diurnas, atendeu aos limites máximos permitidos, tanto para aves quanto para o trabalhador.
Esta pesquisa teve o objetivo de determinar os índices de conforto térmico e a concentração de gases no interior de galpões avícolas e suas influencias sobre o desempenho de frangos de corte comercias, em condições de verão, na região semiárida paraibana. Utilizaram-se dois aviários, um coberto com telha de cerâmica e outro coberto com telha de fibrocimento. Observou-se que não houve diferença significativa (p > 0,05) entre a temperatura ambiente (TA), umidade relativa do ar (UR), temperatura da água de bebida (Tágua) e da cama entre os galpões, sendo que os valores médios de TA (das 8h às 17h) e UR (das 10h às 16h) podem ser considerados fora do limite da zona de termoneutralidade recomendada para frangos de corte, como também a Tágua, no período diurno, ficou acima dos limites recomendados, que é de 24 ºC. Nenhum dos aviários apresentou concentrações de gases que oferecesse insalubridade para as aves e para os trabalhadores. Apesar de a Tágua e de os índices de conforto térmico, nos horários mais quentes do dia, estarem elevados, os índices produtivos ficaram dentro do estabelecido pela indústria avícola brasileira.
The study was conducted in a facility for pigs during the nursery and finishing in the town of 'Montadas', in the semiarid of the state of Paraiba, Brazil, in the rainy and dry season, aiming to evaluate the concentration of oxygen, methane, carbon monoxide and ammonia, and the bioclimatic indexes: ambient temperature (AT), relative humidity (RH) and the index of black globe temperature and humidity (IBGTH). These indexes differed significantly (P>0.05) between the periods and times. The AT in the rainy season was in the thermal comfort zone(TCZ) in most of the times in the nursery; for the finishing phase, thermal discomfort occurred; during the dry season, there was thermal comfort in the nursery phase; in the finishing phase the thermal discomfort occurred at all times. In the rainy season, the IBGTH was in TCZ; in the dry season, it was above the TCZ. The RH in the rainy period was in the TCZ; in the dry season, in most of the times, below the range of the TCZ. The concentration of gases showed no differences (P > 0.05) between periods and between the times, and the carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide and methane were below 1.0 ppm, and the ammonia showed a mean of 5.2 ppm. None of the analyzed gases exceeded the limits established by Brazilian and international standards for animals and workers.
OBJETIVO: Criar um modelo experimental in vitro para estudar isolada e controladamente o efeito direto de alguns gases utilizados em vídeo-laparoscopia sobre o crescimento bacteriano, além de compará-los ao efeito do ozônio, um gás sabidamente bactericida. MÉTODO: Exposição de grupos de quinze laminocultivos do tipo URIBAC (Probac do Brasil, São Paulo/Brasil), semeados com uma de três cepas das seguintes bactérias: Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, e Staphylococcus aureus. A concentração utilizada de bactéria foi de 10(4) ufc/ml, o tempo de exposição foi de uma hora, o fluxo dos gases e a pressão foram mantidos constantes em 2L/m e 11 mmHg, respectivamente. Os gases utilizados foram o dióxido de carbono e o hélio na concentração de 99,99% para ambos, o ozônio a 0,4% e ar comprimido como controle. Foram também deixados um grupo de quatro placas de cada bactéria sem exposição aos gases como um controle da técnica de diluição. A leitura foi realizada após vinte e quatro horas em estufa. RESULTADOS: O ozônio promoveu esterilização de 100% dos laminocultivos; os demais gases não alteraram significativamente nenhuma das culturas em relação aos controles. CONCLUSÕES: O modelo de exposição criado é prático e eficiente. Os gases atualmente utilizados para a realização do pneumoperitônio não apresentam efeito bactericida significativo sobre as bactérias testadas. O Ozônio têm efeito bactericida superior aos demais gases estudados.
In this thesis the dynamics of cold gaseous atoms is studied. Two different atomic species and two different experimental techniques have been used. In the first part of the thesis experiments with Bose-Einstein condensates of Rb-87 are presented. In these experiments the methods of laser cooling and magnetic trapping of atoms were utilized. An atom chip was used as the experimental technique for implementation of magnetic trapping. The atom chip is a small integrated instrument allowing accurate and detailed manipulation of the atoms. The experiments with Rb-87 probed the behaviour of a falling beam of atoms outcoupled from the Bose-Einstein condensate by electromagnetic field induced spin flips. In the experiments a correspondence between the phases of the outcoupling radio frequency field and the falling beam of atoms was found. In the second part of the thesis experiments of spin dynamics in cold atomic hydrogen gas are discussed. The experiments with atomic hydrogen are conducted in a cryostat using a dilution refrigerator as the cooling method. These experiments concentrated on explaining and quantifying modulations in the electron spin resonance spectra of doubly polarized atomic hydrogen. The modifications to the previous experimental setup are described and the observation of electron spin waves is presented. The observed spin wave modes were caused by the identical spin rotation effect. These modes have a strong dependence on the spatial profile of the polarizing magnetic field. We also demonstrated confinement of these modes in regions of strong magnetic field and manipulated their spatial distribution by changing the position of the field maximum.
Objective: To evaluate the anatomic topographic relation between the sciatic nerve in relation to the piriform muscle and the posterior portal for the establishment of hip arthroscopy.Methods: We dissected 40 hips of 20 corpses of adult Brazilians, 17 male and three female, six black, six brown and eight white. We studied the anatomical relationship between the sciatic nerve and the piriform muscle with their variations and the distance between the lateral edge of the sciatic nerve and the posterior portal used in hip arthroscopy. We then classified the anatomical alterations found in the path of the sciatic nerve on the piriform muscle.Results: Seventeen corpses had bilateral relationship between the sciatic nerve and the piriform muscle, i.e., type A. We found the following anatomical variations: 12.5% of variant type B; and an average distance between the sciatic nerve and the portal for arthroscopy of 2.98cm. One body had type B anatomical variation on the left hip and type A on the right.Conclusion: the making of the posterior arthroscopic portal to the hip joint must be done with careful marking of the trochanter massive; should there be difficult to find it, a small surgical access is recommended. The access point to the portal should not exceed two centimeters towards the posterior superior aspect of the greater trochanter, and must be made with the limb in internal rotation of 15 degrees.
Energy efficiency is one of the major objectives which should be achieved in order to implement the limited energy resources of the world in a sustainable way. Since radiative heat transfer is the dominant heat transfer mechanism in most of fossil fuel combustion systems, more accurate insight and models may cause improvement in the energy efficiency of the new designed combustion systems. The radiative properties of combustion gases are highly wavelength dependent. Better models for calculating the radiative properties of combustion gases are highly required in the modeling of large scale industrial combustion systems. With detailed knowledge of spectral radiative properties of gases, the modeling of combustion processes in the different applications can be more accurate. In order to propose a new method for effective non gray modeling of radiative heat transfer in combustion systems, different models for the spectral properties of gases including SNBM, EWBM, and WSGGM have been studied in this research. Using this detailed analysis of different approaches, the thesis presents new methods for gray and non gray radiative heat transfer modeling in homogeneous and inhomogeneous H2O–CO2 mixtures at atmospheric pressure. The proposed method is able to support the modeling of a wide range of combustion systems including the oxy-fired combustion scenario. The new methods are based on implementing some pre-obtained correlations for the total emissivity and band absorption coefficient of H2O–CO2 mixtures in different temperatures, gas compositions, and optical path lengths. They can be easily used within any commercial CFD software for radiative heat transfer modeling resulting in more accurate, simple, and fast calculations. The new methods were successfully used in CFD modeling by applying them to industrial scale backpass channel under oxy-fired conditions. The developed approaches are more accurate compared with other methods; moreover, they can provide complete explanation and detailed analysis of the radiation heat transfer in different systems under different combustion conditions. The methods were verified by applying them to some benchmarks, and they showed a good level of accuracy and computational speed compared to other methods. Furthermore, the implementation of the suggested banded approach in CFD software is very easy and straightforward.
To assess the effect of N-Acetylmuramyl-L-Alanyl-D-Isoglutamine MDP topically administrated on the regenerating peripheral neurons, twelve male C57BL/6J adult mice were equally distributed into three groups. Four mice underwent unilateral sciatic nerve transection and polyethylene tubulization, with a 4mm gap between the proximal and distal nerve stumps and were implanted with collagen + PBS (COL). Other four animals underwent the same surgical procedure but received collagen + MDP (COL/MDP) inside the prosthesis. Four animals were not operated and served as control group (NOR). After 4 weeks, the regenerated nerve cables were processed for total myelinated axon counting and myelinated fiber diameter measurement. The L5 dorsal root ganglion (DRG) was also removed and sectioned for sensory neurons counting and measurement. The results revealed significant difference (p<0.05) in axonal counting among the groups NOR (4,355±32), COL (1,869±289) and COL/MDP (2,430±223). There was a significant reduction in the axonal diameter in the operated groups (COL=3.38µm±1.16 and COL/MDP=3.54µm±1.16) compared to NOR (6.19µm±2.45). No difference was found in the number of DRG neurons between the experimental groups (COL=564±51; COL/MDP=514±56), which presented fewer sensory neurons compared to NOR (1,097±142). Data obtained indicate that locally applied MDP stimulates peripheral nerve regeneration in mice.
The neurohistologic observations were performed using the specimens prepared by Winkelmann and Schmitt silver impregnation method. The tissues were fixed in 10% formalin solution and sections of 40µm thickness were obtained by Leica Cryostat at -30ºC. The sections of dorsal mucosa of White-lipped peccary tongue showed numerous filliform and fungiform papillae, and two vallate papillae on the caudal part. The epithelial layer revealed queratinized epithelial cells and the connective tissue papillae of different sizes and shapes. Thick nerve fiber bundles are noted into the subepithelial connective tissue of the papillae. The connective tissue of fungiform and vallate papillae contained numerous sensitive nerves fibers bundles forming a complex nerve plexus.
Abstract: In this retrospective study was determined the frequency of canine skin peripheral nerve sheath tumors (PNST) in cases diagnosed by the Setor de Patologia Veterinária of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (SPV-UFRGS), Brazil, between the years 2000 and 2012. The canine profiles, as well as histological, immunohistochemical and prognostic aspects of the tumors were based on 70 samples, comprising 40 females, 29 males and one unspecified sample. Between 2000 and 2012, 2,984 skin tumors of dogs were diagnosed in the SPV-UFRGS, totaling 2.34% of skin neoplasms in dogs. Animals that comprised the largest amount of samples (43%) were those with no breed (SRD), followed by German Shepherds (10%). Females were more affected than males (40/70 - 57% and 29/70 - 41% respectively). Skin PNST of this research showed predominant localization on the limbs (40% in the forelimbs and 29% in the hindlimbs); affecting adult dogs, mostly aged between 8 and 11 years (54%). The samples were routinely processed for hematoxylin and eosin, and were also evaluated by toluidine blue and Masson's trichrome staining, and immunohistochemistry (IHC) anti-vimentin, -S-100, -GFAP, -actin, von Willebrand factor and neurofilament. Anisocytosis and anisokaryosis, mitotic index, intratumoral necrosis, invasion of adjacent tissues, tumor location, local recurrence and metastasis were related to the diagnosis of benign (49/70) or malignant tumor (21/70). The Antoni A histological pattern was observed more frequently in benign tumors. The immunohistochemistry helped to diagnose PNST, and anti-vimentin and anti-protein S-100 showed the highest rates of immunostaining. Throughout statistical analysis of animals with tumor recurrence, it was found that the chance of an animal with a malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor to develop recurrence is 4.61 times higher than in an animal that had a benign tumor.
The presence of inhibitory nonadrenergic noncholinergic (NANC) intrinsic innervation of the circular muscle of the gastrointestinal sphincters of the South American (SA) opossum was investigated in vitro. Isolated circular muscle strips from the esophagogastric and ileocolonic junctions but not from the gastroduodenal (pylorus) region developed spontaneous tension. Tetrodotoxin (TTX, 1 µM) augmented the spontaneous tension only in the ileocolonic junction strips. Electrical field stimulation of esophagogastric and ileocolonic junction strips caused frequency-dependent responses consisting of a relaxation at lower frequencies (<1 Hz) and a biphasic response or contraction at higher frequencies. In the strips from the pyloric region electrical field stimulation abolished the spontaneous activity at lower frequencies and induced contractions at higher frequencies. The responses elicited by electrical field stimulation in the three sphincters were abolished by TTX (1 µM). Electrical field-induced contractions were reduced while relaxations were enhanced by atropine (1 µM). In the presence of atropine (1 µM) and guanethidine (3 µM), electrical field stimulation, nicotine and ATP induced frequency- or concentration-dependent relaxations of the three sphincters that were abolished by TTX (1 µM). Isoproterenol and sodium nitroprusside caused concentration-dependent relaxations which were TTX-resistant. These findings indicate that the sphincteric circular muscle of the SA opossum gastrointestinal tract is relaxed by the activation of intrinsic NANC nerves and therefore can be used as a model for the study of the mechanisms involved in these responses