970 resultados para Navier-Stokes-Smoluchowski
According to experimental observations, the vortices generated by vortex generators have previously been observed to be self-similar for both the axial (u(z)) and azimuthal (u(circle minus)) velocity profiles. Further, the measured vortices have been observed to obey the criteria for helical symmetry. This is a powerful result, since it reduces the highly complex flow to merely four parameters. In the present work, corresponding computer simulations using Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equations have been carried out and compared to the experimental observations. The main objective of this study is to investigate how well the simulations can reproduce the physics of the flow and if the same analytical model can be applied. Using this model, parametric studies can be significantly reduced and, further, reliable simulations can substantially reduce the costs of the parametric studies themselves.
A Amazônia exibe uma variedade de cenários que se complementam. Parte desse ecossistema sofre anualmente severas alterações em seu ciclo hidrológico, fazendo com que vastos trechos de floresta sejam inundados. Esse fenômeno, entretanto, é extremamente importante para a manutenção de ciclos naturais. Neste contexto, compreender a dinâmica das áreas alagáveis amazônicas é importante para antecipar o efeito de ações não sustentáveis. Sob esta motivação, este trabalho estuda um modelo de escoamento em áreas alagáveis amazônicas, baseado nas equações de Navier-Stokes, além de ferramentas que possam ser aplicadas ao modelo, favorecendo uma nova abordagem do problema. Para a discretização das equações é utilizado o Método dos Volumes Finitos, sendo o Método do Gradiente Conjugado a técnica escolhida para resolver os sistemas lineares associados. Como técnica de resolução numérica das equações, empregou-se o Método Marker and Cell, procedimento explícito para solução das equações de Navier-Stokes. Por fim, as técnicas são aplicadas a simulações preliminares utilizando a estrutura de dados Autonomous Leaves Graph, que tem recursos adaptativos para manipulação da malha que representa o domínio do problema
[es]Podemos encontrar las ecuaciones de Boussinesq en la descripción de playas, rios y lagos. Estas ecuaciones estudian la dinámica de las aguas poco profundas como las ecuaciones “ Korteweg-deVries (KdV)". Sin embargo, a pesar de ser más conocidas, las ecuaciones de KdV, no son capaces de modelar olas solitarias propagándose en distintas direcciones. Entre muchas otras aplicaciones de las ecuaciones de Boussinesq destaca la de modelar olas de tsunamis. Estos tipos de olas ya son perfectamente descritos por las ecuaciones de Navier Stokes, pero todavía no existen técnicas que permitan resolverlas en un dominio tridimensional. Para ello se usan las ecuaciones de Boussinesq, pensadas como una simplificación de las ecuaciones de Navier Stokes. Los años 1871 y 1872 fueron muy importantes para el desarrollo de las ecuaciones de Boussinesq. Fue en 1871 cuando Valentin Joseph Boussinesq recibió el premio de la “Academy of Sciences”, por su trabajo dedicado a las aguas poco profundas. Ahí fue donde Boussinesq introdujo por primera vez los efectos dispersivos en las ecuaciones de Saint-Venant. Por ello, se puede decir que las ecuaciones de Boussinesq son más completas físicamente que las ecuaciones de Saint-Venant. Las ecuaciones de Boussinesq contienen una estructura hiperbólica (al igual que las ecuaciones no lineales de aguas poco profundas) combinada con derivadas de orden elevado para modelar la dispersión de la ola. Las ecuaciones de Boussinesq pueden aparecer de muchas formas distintas. Dependiendo de como hayamos escogido la variable de la velocidad podemos obtener un modelo u otro. El caso más usual es escoger la variable velocidad en un nivel del agua arbitrario. La efectividad de la ecuación de Boussinesq seleccionada variará dependiendo de la dispersión. Una buena elección de la variable velocidad puede mejorar significativamente la modelización de la propagación de ondas largas. Formalmente, como veremos en el capítulo 1, podemos transformar términos de orden elevado en términos de menor orden usando las relaciones asintóticas. Esto nos proporciona una forma elegante de mejorar las relaciones de dispersi\'on. Las ecuaciones de Boussinesq más conocidas son las que resolveremos en el capítulo 2. En dicho capítulo veremos la ecuación cúbica de Boussinesq, que sirve para describir el movimiento de ondas largas en aguas poco profundas; las ecuaciones de Boussinesq acopladas, que describen el movimiento de dos fluidos distintos en aguas poco profundas (como puede ser el caso de un barco que desprende accidentalmente aceite, el aceite va creando una capa que flota encima de la superficie del agua); la ecuación de Boussinesq estándar, que describe un gran número de fenómenos de olas dispersivas no lineales como la propagaci\ón en ambas direcciones de olas largas en la superficie de aguas poco profundas. Pero en olas de longitud de onda corta presenta una inestabilidad y la ecuación es incorrecta para el problema de Cauchy, por ello Bogolubsky propuso la ecuación de Boussinesq mejorada. Esta ecuación es la última que estudiaremos en el capítulo 2 y es una ecuación físicamente estable, correcta para el problema de Cauchy y además como veremos en el capítulo 3, apropiada para las simulaciones numéricas. Como ya indicado, en el capi tulo 1 deduciremos las ecuaciones de Boussinesq a partir de las ecuaciones físicas del flujo potencial. El objetivo principal es deducir dos modelos de ecuaciones de Boussinesq acopladas y obtener su relación de dispersión. Para llegar a ello, se usa un método de la expansión asintótica de la velocidad potencial en términos de un pequeño parámetro. De esta manera conseguimos dos modelos distintos, cada uno asociado a uno de los dos modelo de disipación que hemos establecido. Por último dado que las ecuaciones siempre vienen dadas en variables dimensionales, volveremos a la notación dimensional para analizar la relación de dispersión de las ecuaciones de Boussinesq disipativas. En el capí tulo 2 pasaremos a su resolución analítica, buscando soluciones de tipo solitón. Introduciremos el método de la tangente hiperbólica, muy útil para encontrar soluciones exactas de ecuaciones no lineales. Usaremos este método para resolver la ecuación cúbica de Boussinesq, un sistema de ecuaciones acopladas de Boussinesq, la ecuación estandar de Boussinesq y la mejorada. Los sistemas que aparecen en la aplicación del método de la tangente hiperbólica estan resueltos usando el software Mathematica y uno de ellos irá incluido en el apéndice A. En el capíulo 3 se introduce un esquema en diferencias finitas, que sirve para convertir problemas de ecuaciones diferenciales en problemas algebraicos fácilmente resolubles numéricamente. Este método nos ayudaráa estudiar la estabilidad y a resolver la ecuación mejorada de Boussinesq numéricamente en dos ejemplos distintos. En el apéndice B incluiremos el programa para la resolución numérica del primer ejemplo con el Mathematica.
Uma simulação numérica que leva em conta os efeitos de estratificação e mistura escalar (como a temperatura, salinidade ou substância solúvel em água) é necessária para estudar e prever os impactos ambientais que um reservatório de usina hidrelétrica pode produzir. Este trabalho sugere uma metodologia para o estudo de escoamentos ambientais, principalmente aqueles em que o conhecimento da interação entre a estratificação e mistura pode dar noções importantes dos fenômenos que ocorrem. Por esta razão, ferramentas de simulação numérica 3D de escoamento ambiental são desenvolvidas. Um gerador de malha de tetraedros do reservatório e o modelo de turbulência algébrico baseado no número de Richardson são as principais ferramentas desenvolvidas. A principal dificuldade na geração de uma malha de tetraedros de um reservatório é a distribuição não uniforme dos pontos relacionada com a relação desproporcional entre as escalas horizontais e verticais do reservatório. Neste tipo de distribuição de pontos, o algoritmo convencional de geração de malha de tetraedros pode tornar-se instável. Por esta razão, um gerador de malha não estruturada de tetraedros é desenvolvido e a metodologia utilizada para obter elementos conformes é descrita. A geração de malha superficial de triângulos utilizando a triangulação Delaunay e a construção do tetraedros a partir da malha triangular são os principais passos para o gerador de malha. A simulação hidrodinâmica com o modelo de turbulência fornece uma ferramenta útil e computacionalmente viável para fins de engenharia. Além disso, o modelo de turbulência baseado no número de Richardson leva em conta os efeitos da interação entre turbulência e estratificação. O modelo algébrico é o mais simples entre os diversos modelos de turbulência. Mas, fornece resultados realistas com o ajuste de uma pequena quantidade de parâmetros. São incorporados os modelos de viscosidade/difusividade turbulenta para escoamento estratificado. Na aproximação das equações médias de Reynolds e transporte de escalar é utilizando o Método dos Elementos Finitos. Os termos convectivos são aproximados utilizando o método semi-Lagrangeano, e a aproximação espacial é baseada no método de Galerkin. Os resultados computacionais são comparados com os resultados disponíveis na literatura. E, finalmente, a simulação de escoamento em um braço de reservatório é apresentada.
Os escoamentos altamente convectivos representam um desafio na simulação pelo método de elementos finitos. Com a solução de elementos finitos de Galerkin para escoamentos incompressíveis, a matriz associada ao termo convectivo é não simétrica, e portanto, a propiedade de aproximação ótima é perdida. Na prática as soluções apresentam oscilações espúrias. Muitos métodos foram desenvolvidos com o fim de resolver esse problema. Neste trabalho apresentamos um método semi- Lagrangeano, o qual é implicitamente um método do tipo upwind, que portanto resolve o problema anterior, e comparamos o desempenho do método na solução das equações de convecção-difusão e Navier-Stokes incompressível com o Streamline Upwind Petrov Galerkin (SUPG), um método estabilizador de reconhecido desempenho. No SUPG, as funções de forma e de teste são tomadas em espaços diferentes, criando um efeito tal que as oscilações espúrias são drasticamente atenuadas. O método semi-Lagrangeano é um método de fator de integração, no qual o fator é um operador de convecção que se desloca para um sistema de coordenadas móveis no fluido, mas restabelece o sistema de coordenadas Lagrangeanas depois de cada passo de tempo. Isto prevê estabilidade e a possibilidade de utilizar passos de tempo maiores.Existem muitos trabalhos na literatura analisando métodos estabilizadores, mas não assim com o método semi-Lagrangeano, o que representa a contribuição principal deste trabalho: reconhecer as virtudes e as fraquezas do método semi-Lagrangeano em escoamentos dominados pelo fenômeno de convecção.
For a typical transonic turbine rotor blade, designed for use with coolant ejection, the trailing edge, or base loss is three to four times the profile boundary layer loss. The base region of such a profile is dominated by viscous effects and it seems essential to attack the problem of loss prediction by solving the compressible Navier-Stokes equations. However, such an approach is inevitably compromised by both numerical accuracy and turbulence modelling constraints. This paper describes a Navier-Stokes solver written for 2D blade-blade flows and employing a simple two-layer mixing length eddy viscosity model. Then, measured and predicted losses and base pressures are presented for two transonic rotor blades and attempts are made to assess the capabilities of the Navier-Stokes solver and to outline areas for future work.
This paper presents a numerical method for the simulation of flow in turbomachinery blade rows using a solution-adaptive mesh methodology. The fully three-dimensional, compressible, Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations with k-ε turbulence modeling (and low Reynolds number damping terms) are solved on an unstructured mesh formed from tetrahedral finite volumes. At stages in the solution, mesh refinement is carried out based on flagging cell faces with either a fractional variation of a chosen variable (like Mach number) greater than a given threshold or with a mean value of the chosen variable within a given range. Several solutions are presented, including that for the highly three-dimensional flow associated with the corner stall and secondary flow in a transonic compressor cascade, to demonstrate the potential of the new method.
This paper presents a study of the three-dimensional flow field within the blade rows of a high-pressure axial flow steam turbine stage. Compound lean angles have been employed to achieve relatively low blade loading for hub and tip section and so reduce the secondary losses. The flow field is investigated in a Low-Speed Research Turbine using pneumatic and hot-wire probes downstream of the blade row. Steady and unsteady numerical simulations were performed using structured 3D Navier-Stokes solver to further understand the flow field. Agreement between the simulations and the measurements has been found. The unsteady measurements indicate that there is a significant effect of the stator flow interaction in the downstream rotor blade. The transport of the stator viscous flow through the rotor blade row is described. Unsteady numerical simulations were found to be successful in predicting accurately the flow near the secondary flow interaction regions compared to steady simulations. A method to calculate the unsteady loss generated inside the blade row was developed from the steady numerical simulations. The contribution of various regions in the blade to the unsteady loss generation was evaluated. This method can assist the designer in identifying and optimizing the features of the flow that are responsible for the majority of the unsteady loss production. An analytical model was developed to quantify this effect for the vortex transport inside the downstream blade.
This paper describes both the migration and dissipation of flow phenomena downstream of a transonic high-pressure turbine stage. The geometry of the HP stage exit duct considered is a swan-necked diffuser similar to those likely to be used in future engine designs. The paper contains results both from an experimental programme in a turbine test facility and from numerical predictions. Experimental data was acquired using three fast-response aerodynamic probes capable of measuring Mach number, whirl angle, pitch angle, total pressure and static pressure. The probes were used to make time-resolved area traverses at two axial locations downstream of the rotor trailing edge. A 3D time-unsteady viscous Navier-Stokes solver was used for the numerical predictions. The unsteady exit flow from a turbine stage is formed from rotordependent phenomena (such as the rotor wake, the rotor trailing edge recompression shock, the tip-leakage flow and the hub secondary flow) and vane-rotor interaction dependant phenomena. This paper describes the time-resolved behaviour and three-dimensional migration paths of both of these phenomena as they convect downstream. It is shown that the inlet flow to a downstream vane is dominated by two corotating vortices, the first caused by the rotor tip-leakage flow and the second by the rotor hub secondary flow. At the inlet plane of the downstream vane the wake is extremely weak and the radial pressure gradient is shown to have caused the majority of the high loss wake fluid to be located between the mid-height of the passage and the casing wall. The structure of the flow indicates that between a high pressure stage and a downstream vane simple two-dimensional blade row interaction does not occur. The results presented in this paper indicate that the presence of an upstream stage is likely to significantly alter the structure of the secondary flow within a downstream vane. The paper also shows that vane-rotor interaction within the upstream stage causes a 10° circumferential variation in the inlet flow angle of the 2nd stage vane.
This paper presents a study of the three-dimensional flow field within the blade rows of a high-pressure axial flow steam turbine stage. Half-delta wings were fixed to a rotating hub to simulate an upstream rotor passage vortex. The flow field is investigated in a Low-Speed Research Turbine using pneumatic and hot-wire probes downstream of the blade row. The paper examines the impact of the delta wing vortex transport on the performance of the downstream blade row. Steady and unsteady numerical simulations were performed using structured 3D Navier-Stokes solver to further understand the flow field. The loss measurements at the exit of the stator blade showed an increase in stagnation pressure loss due to the delta wing vortex transport. The increase in loss was 21% of the datum stator loss, demonstrating the importance of this vortex interaction. The transport of the stator viscous flow through the rotor blade row is also described. The rotor exit flow was affected by the interaction between the enhanced stator passage vortex and the rotor blade row. Flow underturning near the hub and overturning towards the mid-span was observed, contrary to the classical model of overturning near the hub and underturning towards the mid-span. The unsteady numerical simulation results were further analysed to identify the entropy producing regions in the unsteady flow field.
Accurate predictions of combustor hot streak migration enable the turbine designer to identify high-temperature regions that can limit component life. It is therefore important that these predictions are achieved within the short time scales of a design process. This article compares temperature measurements of a circular hot streak through a turning duct and a research turbine with predictions using a three-dimensional Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes solver. It was found that the mixing length turbulence model did not predict the hot streak dissipation accurately. However, implementation of a very simple model of the free stream turbulence (FST) significantly improved the exit temperature predictions on both the duct and research turbine. One advantage of the simple FST model described over more complex alternatives is that no additional equations are solved. This makes the method attractive for design purposes, as it is not associated with any increase in computational time.
Hydrodynamic properties of the surface vortex have been investigated. Based on the Navier-Stokes equations, three sets of the new formulations for the tangential velocity distributions are derived, and verified against the experimental measurements in the literature. It is shown that one modification greatly improves the agreement with the experimental data. Physical model experiments were carried out to study the intake vortex related to the Xiluodu hydropower project. The velocity fields were measured using the Particle Tracking Velocimetry (PTV) technique. The proposed equation for tangential velocity distribution is applied to the Xiluodu project with the solid boundary being considered by the method of images. Good agreement has been observed between the formula prediction and the experimental observation. © 2010 Publishing House for Journal of Hydrodynamics.
The ability to separate acoustically radiating and non-radiating components in fluid flow is desirable to identify the true sources of aerodynamic sound, which can be expressed in terms of the non-radiating flow dynamics. These non-radiating components are obtained by filtering the flow field. Two linear filtering strategies are investigated: one is based on a differential operator, the other employs convolution operations. Convolution filters are found to be superior at separating radiating and non-radiating components. Their ability to decompose the flow into non-radiating and radiating components is demonstrated on two different flows: one satisfying the linearized Euler and the other the Navier-Stokes equations. In the latter case, the corresponding sound sources are computed. These sources provide good insight into the sound generation process. For source localization, they are found to be superior to the commonly used sound sources computed using the steady part of the flow. Copyright © 2009 by S. Sinayoko, A. Agarwal, Z. Hu.
We derive a closed system of equations that relates the acoustically radiating flow variables to the sources of sound for homentropic flows. We use radiating density, momentum density and modified pressure as the dependent variables which leads to simple source terms for the momentum equations. The source terms involve the non-radiating parts of the density and momentum density fields. These non-radiating components are obtained by removing the radiating wavenumbers in the Fourier domain. We demonstrate the usefulness of this new technique on an axi-symmetric jet solution of the Navier-Stokes equations, obtained by direct numerical simulation (DNS). The dominant source term is proportional to the square of the non-radiating part of the axial momentum density. We compare the sound sources to that obtained by an acoustic analogy and find that they have more realistic physical properties. Their frequency content and amplitudes are consistent with. We validate the sources by computing the radiating sound field and comparing it to the DNS solution. © 2010 by S. Sinayoko, A. Agarwal.
A workshop on the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) prediction of shock boundary-layer interactions (SBLIs) was held at the 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting. As part of the workshop numerous CFD analysts submitted solutions to four experimentally measured SBLIs. This paper describes the assessment of the CFD predictions. The assessment includes an uncertainty analysis of the experimental data, the definition of an error metric and the application of that metric to the CFD solutions. The CFD solutions provided very similar levels of error and in general it was difficult to discern clear trends in the data. For the Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes methods the choice of turbulence model appeared to be the largest factor in solution accuracy. Large-eddy simulation methods produced error levels similar to RANS methods but provided superior predictions of normal stresses.