940 resultados para NONLINEAR SIGMA-MODELS
The accurate determination of non-linear shear behaviour and fracture toughness of continuous carbon-fibre/polymer composites remains a considerable challenge. These measurements are often necessary to generate material parameters for advanced computational damage models. In particular, there is a dearth of detailed shear fracture toughness characterisation for thermoplastic composites which are increasingly generating renewed interest within the aerospace and automotive sectors. In this work, carbon fibre (AS4)/ thermoplastic Polyetherketoneketone (PEKK) composite V-notched cross-ply specimens were manufactured to investigate their non-linear response under pure shear loading. Both monotonic and cyclic loading were applied to study the shear modulus degradation and progressive failure. For the first time in the reported literature, we use the essential work of fracture approach to measure the shear fracture toughness of continuous fibre reinforced composite laminates. Excellent geometric similarity in the load-displacement curves was observed for ligament-scaled specimens. The laminate fracture toughness was determined by linear regression, of the specific work of fracture values, to zero ligament thickness, and verified with computational models. The matrix intralaminar fracture toughness (ply level fracture toughness), associated with shear loading was determined by the area method. This paper also details the numerical implementation of a new three-dimensional phenomenological model for carbon fibre thermoplastic composites using the measured values, which is able to accurately represent the full non-linear mechanical response and fracture process. The constitutive model includes a new non-linear shear profile, shear modulus degradation and load reversal. It is combined with a smeared crack model for representing ply-level damage initiation and propagation. The model is shown to accurately predict the constitutive response in terms of permanent plastic strain, degraded modulus as well as load reversal. Predictions are also shown to compare favourably with the evolution of damage leading to final fracture.
A relação entre a epidemiologia, a modelação matemática e as ferramentas computacionais permite construir e testar teorias sobre o desenvolvimento e combate de uma doença. Esta tese tem como motivação o estudo de modelos epidemiológicos aplicados a doenças infeciosas numa perspetiva de Controlo Ótimo, dando particular relevância ao Dengue. Sendo uma doença tropical e subtropical transmitida por mosquitos, afecta cerca de 100 milhões de pessoas por ano, e é considerada pela Organização Mundial de Saúde como uma grande preocupação para a saúde pública. Os modelos matemáticos desenvolvidos e testados neste trabalho, baseiam-se em equações diferenciais ordinárias que descrevem a dinâmica subjacente à doença nomeadamente a interação entre humanos e mosquitos. É feito um estudo analítico dos mesmos relativamente aos pontos de equilíbrio, sua estabilidade e número básico de reprodução. A propagação do Dengue pode ser atenuada através de medidas de controlo do vetor transmissor, tais como o uso de inseticidas específicos e campanhas educacionais. Como o desenvolvimento de uma potencial vacina tem sido uma aposta mundial recente, são propostos modelos baseados na simulação de um hipotético processo de vacinação numa população. Tendo por base a teoria de Controlo Ótimo, são analisadas as estratégias ótimas para o uso destes controlos e respetivas repercussões na redução/erradicação da doença aquando de um surto na população, considerando uma abordagem bioeconómica. Os problemas formulados são resolvidos numericamente usando métodos diretos e indiretos. Os primeiros discretizam o problema reformulando-o num problema de optimização não linear. Os métodos indiretos usam o Princípio do Máximo de Pontryagin como condição necessária para encontrar a curva ótima para o respetivo controlo. Nestas duas estratégias utilizam-se vários pacotes de software numérico. Ao longo deste trabalho, houve sempre um compromisso entre o realismo dos modelos epidemiológicos e a sua tratabilidade em termos matemáticos.
The exponential growth of the world population has led to an increase of settlements often located in areas prone to natural disasters, including earthquakes. Consequently, despite the important advances in the field of natural catastrophes modelling and risk mitigation actions, the overall human losses have continued to increase and unprecedented economic losses have been registered. In the research work presented herein, various areas of earthquake engineering and seismology are thoroughly investigated, and a case study application for mainland Portugal is performed. Seismic risk assessment is a critical link in the reduction of casualties and damages due to earthquakes. Recognition of this relation has led to a rapid rise in demand for accurate, reliable and flexible numerical tools and software. In the present work, an open-source platform for seismic hazard and risk assessment is developed. This software is capable of computing the distribution of losses or damage for an earthquake scenario (deterministic event-based) or earthquake losses due to all the possible seismic events that might occur within a region for a given interval of time (probabilistic event-based). This effort has been developed following an open and transparent philosophy and therefore, it is available to any individual or institution. The estimation of the seismic risk depends mainly on three components: seismic hazard, exposure and vulnerability. The latter component assumes special importance, as by intervening with appropriate retrofitting solutions, it may be possible to decrease directly the seismic risk. The employment of analytical methodologies is fundamental in the assessment of structural vulnerability, particularly in regions where post-earthquake building damage might not be available. Several common methodologies are investigated, and conclusions are yielded regarding the method that can provide an optimal balance between accuracy and computational effort. In addition, a simplified approach based on the displacement-based earthquake loss assessment (DBELA) is proposed, which allows for the rapid estimation of fragility curves, considering a wide spectrum of uncertainties. A novel vulnerability model for the reinforced concrete building stock in Portugal is proposed in this work, using statistical information collected from hundreds of real buildings. An analytical approach based on nonlinear time history analysis is adopted and the impact of a set of key parameters investigated, including the damage state criteria and the chosen intensity measure type. A comprehensive review of previous studies that contributed to the understanding of the seismic hazard and risk for Portugal is presented. An existing seismic source model was employed with recently proposed attenuation models to calculate probabilistic seismic hazard throughout the territory. The latter results are combined with information from the 2011 Building Census and the aforementioned vulnerability model to estimate economic loss maps for a return period of 475 years. These losses are disaggregated across the different building typologies and conclusions are yielded regarding the type of construction more vulnerable to seismic activity.
Esta tese investiga a caracterização (e modelação) de dispositivos que realizam o interface entre os domínios digital e analógico, tal como os buffers de saída dos circuitos integrados (CI). Os terminais sem fios da atualidade estão a ser desenvolvidos tendo em vista o conceito de rádio-definido-por-software introduzido por Mitola. Idealmente esta arquitetura tira partido de poderosos processadores e estende a operação dos blocos digitais o mais próximo possível da antena. Neste sentido, não é de estranhar que haja uma crescente preocupação, no seio da comunidade científica, relativamente à caracterização dos blocos que fazem o interface entre os domínios analógico e digital, sendo os conversores digital-analógico e analógico-digital dois bons exemplos destes circuitos. Dentro dos circuitos digitais de alta velocidade, tais como as memórias Flash, um papel semelhante é desempenhado pelos buffers de saída. Estes realizam o interface entre o domínio digital (núcleo lógico) e o domínio analógico (encapsulamento dos CI e parasitas associados às linhas de transmissão), determinando a integridade do sinal transmitido. Por forma a acelerar a análise de integridade do sinal, aquando do projeto de um CI, é fundamental ter modelos que são simultaneamente eficientes (em termos computacionais) e precisos. Tipicamente a extração/validação dos modelos para buffers de saída é feita usando dados obtidos da simulação de um modelo detalhado (ao nível do transístor) ou a partir de resultados experimentais. A última abordagem não envolve problemas de propriedade intelectual; contudo é raramente mencionada na literatura referente à caracterização de buffers de saída. Neste sentido, esta tese de Doutoramento foca-se no desenvolvimento de uma nova configuração de medição para a caracterização e modelação de buffers de saída de alta velocidade, com a natural extensão aos dispositivos amplificadores comutados RF-CMOS. Tendo por base um procedimento experimental bem definido, um modelo estado-da-arte é extraído e validado. A configuração de medição desenvolvida aborda não apenas a integridade dos sinais de saída mas também do barramento de alimentação. Por forma a determinar a sensibilidade das quantias estimadas (tensão e corrente) aos erros presentes nas diversas variáveis associadas ao procedimento experimental, uma análise de incerteza é também apresentada.
All systems found in nature exhibit, with different degrees, a nonlinear behavior. To emulate this behavior, classical systems identification techniques use, typically, linear models, for mathematical simplicity. Models inspired by biological principles (artificial neural networks) and linguistically motivated (fuzzy systems), due to their universal approximation property, are becoming alternatives to classical mathematical models. In systems identification, the design of this type of models is an iterative process, requiring, among other steps, the need to identify the model structure, as well as the estimation of the model parameters. This thesis addresses the applicability of gradient-basis algorithms for the parameter estimation phase, and the use of evolutionary algorithms for model structure selection, for the design of neuro-fuzzy systems, i.e., models that offer the transparency property found in fuzzy systems, but use, for their design, algorithms introduced in the context of neural networks. A new methodology, based on the minimization of the integral of the error, and exploiting the parameter separability property typically found in neuro-fuzzy systems, is proposed for parameter estimation. A recent evolutionary technique (bacterial algorithms), based on the natural phenomenon of microbial evolution, is combined with genetic programming, and the resulting algorithm, bacterial programming, advocated for structure determination. Different versions of this evolutionary technique are combined with gradient-based algorithms, solving problems found in fuzzy and neuro-fuzzy design, namely incorporation of a-priori knowledge, gradient algorithms initialization and model complexity reduction.
In this paper, we present two Partial Least Squares Regression (PLSR) models for compressive and flexural strength responses of a concrete composite material reinforced with pultrusion wastes. The main objective is to characterize this cost-effective waste management solution for glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) pultrusion wastes and end-of-life products that will lead, thereby, to a more sustainable composite materials industry. The experiments took into account formulations with the incorporation of three different weight contents of GFRP waste materials into polyester based mortars, as sand aggregate and filler replacements, two waste particle size grades and the incorporation of silane adhesion promoter into the polyester resin matrix in order to improve binder aggregates interfaces. The regression models were achieved for these data and two latent variables were identified as suitable, with a 95% confidence level. This technological option, for improving the quality of GFRP filled polymer mortars, is viable thus opening a door to selective recycling of GFRP waste and its use in the production of concrete-polymer based products. However, further and complementary studies will be necessary to confirm the technical and economic viability of the process.
We propose finite sample tests and confidence sets for models with unobserved and generated regressors as well as various models estimated by instrumental variables methods. The validity of the procedures is unaffected by the presence of identification problems or \"weak instruments\", so no detection of such problems is required. We study two distinct approaches for various models considered by Pagan (1984). The first one is an instrument substitution method which generalizes an approach proposed by Anderson and Rubin (1949) and Fuller (1987) for different (although related) problems, while the second one is based on splitting the sample. The instrument substitution method uses the instruments directly, instead of generated regressors, in order to test hypotheses about the \"structural parameters\" of interest and build confidence sets. The second approach relies on \"generated regressors\", which allows a gain in degrees of freedom, and a sample split technique. For inference about general possibly nonlinear transformations of model parameters, projection techniques are proposed. A distributional theory is obtained under the assumptions of Gaussian errors and strictly exogenous regressors. We show that the various tests and confidence sets proposed are (locally) \"asymptotically valid\" under much weaker assumptions. The properties of the tests proposed are examined in simulation experiments. In general, they outperform the usual asymptotic inference methods in terms of both reliability and power. Finally, the techniques suggested are applied to a model of Tobin’s q and to a model of academic performance.
Nature is full of phenomena which we call "chaotic", the weather being a prime example. What we mean by this is that we cannot predict it to any significant accuracy, either because the system is inherently complex, or because some of the governing factors are not deterministic. However, during recent years it has become clear that random behaviour can occur even in very simple systems with very few number of degrees of freedom, without any need for complexity or indeterminacy. The discovery that chaos can be generated even with the help of systems having completely deterministic rules - often models of natural phenomena - has stimulated a lo; of research interest recently. Not that this chaos has no underlying order, but it is of a subtle kind, that has taken a great deal of ingenuity to unravel. In the present thesis, the author introduce a new nonlinear model, a ‘modulated’ logistic map, and analyse it from the view point of ‘deterministic chaos‘.
We extend the relativistic mean field theory model of Sugahara and Toki by adding new couplings suggested by modern effective field theories. An improved set of parameters is developed with the goal to test the ability of the models based on effective field theory to describe the properties of finite nuclei and, at the same time, to be consistent with the trends of Dirac-Brueckner-Hartree-Fock calculations at densities away from the saturation region. We compare our calculations with other relativistic nuclear force parameters for various nuclear phenomena.
Different theoretical models have tried to investigate the feasibility of recurrent neural mechanisms for achieving direction selectivity in the visual cortex. The mathematical analysis of such models has been restricted so far to the case of purely linear networks. We present an exact analytical solution of the nonlinear dynamics of a class of direction selective recurrent neural models with threshold nonlinearity. Our mathematical analysis shows that such networks have form-stable stimulus-locked traveling pulse solutions that are appropriate for modeling the responses of direction selective cortical neurons. Our analysis shows also that the stability of such solutions can break down giving raise to a different class of solutions ("lurching activity waves") that are characterized by a specific spatio-temporal periodicity. These solutions cannot arise in models for direction selectivity with purely linear spatio-temporal filtering.
A variational approach for reliably calculating vibrational linear and nonlinear optical properties of molecules with large electrical and/or mechanical anharmonicity is introduced. This approach utilizes a self-consistent solution of the vibrational Schrödinger equation for the complete field-dependent potential-energy surface and, then, adds higher-level vibrational correlation corrections as desired. An initial application is made to static properties for three molecules of widely varying anharmonicity using the lowest-level vibrational correlation treatment (i.e., vibrational Møller-Plesset perturbation theory). Our results indicate when the conventional Bishop-Kirtman perturbation method can be expected to break down and when high-level vibrational correlation methods are likely to be required. Future improvements and extensions are discussed
We report on a numerical study of the impact of short, fast inertia-gravity waves on the large-scale, slowly-evolving flow with which they co-exist. A nonlinear quasi-geostrophic numerical model of a stratified shear flow is used to simulate, at reasonably high resolution, the evolution of a large-scale mode which grows due to baroclinic instability and equilibrates at finite amplitude. Ageostrophic inertia-gravity modes are filtered out of the model by construction, but their effects on the balanced flow are incorporated using a simple stochastic parameterization of the potential vorticity anomalies which they induce. The model simulates a rotating, two-layer annulus laboratory experiment, in which we recently observed systematic inertia-gravity wave generation by an evolving, large-scale flow. We find that the impact of the small-amplitude stochastic contribution to the potential vorticity tendency, on the model balanced flow, is generally small, as expected. In certain circumstances, however, the parameterized fast waves can exert a dominant influence. In a flow which is baroclinically-unstable to a range of zonal wavenumbers, and in which there is a close match between the growth rates of the multiple modes, the stochastic waves can strongly affect wavenumber selection. This is illustrated by a flow in which the parameterized fast modes dramatically re-partition the probability-density function for equilibrated large-scale zonal wavenumber. In a second case study, the stochastic perturbations are shown to force spontaneous wavenumber transitions in the large-scale flow, which do not occur in their absence. These phenomena are due to a stochastic resonance effect. They add to the evidence that deterministic parameterizations in general circulation models, of subgrid-scale processes such as gravity wave drag, cannot always adequately capture the full details of the nonlinear interaction.
This chapter introduces ABMs, their construction, and the pros and cons of their use. Although relatively new, agent-basedmodels (ABMs) have great potential for use in ecotoxicological research – their primary advantage being the realistic simulations that can be constructed and particularly their explicit handling of space and time in simulations. Examples are provided of their use in ecotoxicology primarily exemplified by different implementations of the ALMaSS system. These examples presented demonstrate how multiple stressors, landscape structure, details regarding toxicology, animal behavior, and socioeconomic effects can and should be taken into account when constructing simulations for risk assessment. Like ecological systems, in ABMs the behavior at the system level is not simply the mean of the component responses, but the sum of the often nonlinear interactions between components in the system; hence this modeling approach opens the door to implementing and testing much more realistic and holistic ecotoxicological models than are currently used.
In this paper new robust nonlinear model construction algorithms for a large class of linear-in-the-parameters models are introduced to enhance model robustness, including three algorithms using combined A- or D-optimality or PRESS statistic (Predicted REsidual Sum of Squares) with regularised orthogonal least squares algorithm respectively. A common characteristic of these algorithms is that the inherent computation efficiency associated with the orthogonalisation scheme in orthogonal least squares or regularised orthogonal least squares has been extended such that the new algorithms are computationally efficient. A numerical example is included to demonstrate effectiveness of the algorithms. Copyright (C) 2003 IFAC.
This paper presents a hybrid control strategy integrating dynamic neural networks and feedback linearization into a predictive control scheme. Feedback linearization is an important nonlinear control technique which transforms a nonlinear system into a linear system using nonlinear transformations and a model of the plant. In this work, empirical models based on dynamic neural networks have been employed. Dynamic neural networks are mathematical structures described by differential equations, which can be trained to approximate general nonlinear systems. A case study based on a mixing process is presented.