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This thesis Entitled Neuronal degeneration in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats: effect of aegle marmelose and pyridoxine in pancreatic B cell proliferation and neuronal survival. Diabetes mellitus, a chronic metabolic disorder results in neurological dysfunctions and structural changes in the CNS. Antioxidant therapy is a challenging but necessary dimension in the management of diabetes and neurodegenerative changes associated with it. Our results showed regional variation and imbalance in the expression pattern of dopaminergic receptor subtypes in diabetes and its role in imbalanced insulin signaling and glucose regulation. Disrupted dopaminergic signaling and increased hyperglycemic stress in diabetes contributed to the neuronal loss. Neuronal loss in diabetic rats mediated through the expression of pattern of GLUT-3, CREB, IGF-1, Akt-1, NF,B, second messengers- cAMP, cGMP, IP3 and activation of apoptotic factors factors- TNF-a,caspase-8. Disrupted dopaminergic receptor expressions and its signaling in pancreas contributed defective insulin secretion in diabetes. Activation of apoptotic factors- TNF- a,caspase-8 and defective functioning of neuronal survival factors, disrupted second messenger signaling modulated neuronal viability in diabetes. Hyperglycemic stress activated the expression of TNF-a,caspase-8, BAX and differential expression of anti oxidant enzymes- SOD and GPx in liver lead to apoptosis. Treatment of diabetic rats with insulin, Aegle marmelose and pyridoxine significantly reversed the altered dopaminergic neurotransmission, GLUT3, GLUT2, IGF-1 and second messenger signaling. Antihyperglycemic and antioxidant activity of Aegle marmelose and pyridoxine enhanced pancreatic B cell proliferation, increased insulin synthesis and secretion in diabetic rats. Thus our results conclude the neuroprotective and regenerating ability of Aegle marmelose and pyridoxine which in turn has a novel therapeutic role in the management of diabetes.


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In the present study, the initial phase was directed to confirm the effects of curcumin and vitamin D3 in preventing or delaying diabetes onset by studying the blood glucose and insulin levels in the pre-treated and diabetic groups. Behavioural studies were conducted to evaluate the cognitive and motor function in experimental rats. The major focus of the study was to understand the cellular and neuronal mechanisms that ensure the prophylactic capability of curcumin and vitamin D3. To elucidate the mechanisms involved in conferring the antidiabetogenesis effect, we examined the DNA and protein profiles using radioactive incorporation studies for DNA synthesis, DNA methylation and protein synthesis. Furthermore the gene expression studies of Akt-1, Pax, Pdx-1, Neuro D1, insulin like growth factor-1 and NF-κB were done to monitor pancreatic beta cell proliferation and differentiation. The antioxidant and antiapoptotic actions of curcumin and vitamin D3 were examined by studying the expression of antioxidant enzymes - SOD and GPx, and apoptotic mediators like Bax, caspase 3, caspase 8 and TNF-α. In order to understand the signalling pathways involved in curcumin and vitamin D3 action, the second messengers, cAMP, cGMP and IP3 were studied along with the expression of vitamin D receptor in the pancreas. The neuronal regulation of pancreatic beta cell maintenance, proliferation and insulin release was studied by assessing the adrenergic and muscarinic receptor functional regulation in the pancreas, brain stem, hippocampus and hypothalamus. The receptor number and binding affinity of total muscarinic, muscarinic M1, muscarinic M3, total adrenergic, α adrenergic and β adrenergic receptor subtypes were studied in pancreas, brain stem and hippocampus of experimental rats. The mRNA expression of muscarinic and adrenergic receptor subtypes were determined using Real Time PCR. Immunohistochemistry studies using confocal microscope were carried out to confirm receptor density and gene expression results. Cell signalling alterations in the pancreas and brain regions associated with diabetogenesis and antidiabetogenesis were assessed by examining the gene expression profiles of vitamin D receptor, CREB, phospholipase C, insulin receptor and GLUT. This study will establish the anti-diabetogenesis activity of curcumin and vitamin D3 pre-treatment and will attempt to understand the cellular, molecular and neuronal control mechanism in the onset of diabetes.Administration of MLD-STZ to curcumin and vitamin D3 pre-treated rats induced only an incidental prediabetic condition. Curcumin and vitamin D3 pretreated groups injected with MLD-STZ exhibited improved circulating insulin levels and behavioural responses when compared to MLD-STZ induced diabetic group. Activation of beta cell compensatory response induces an increase in pancreatic insulin output and beta cell mass expansion in the pre-treated group. Cell signalling proteins that regulate pancreatic beta cell survival, insulin release, proliferation and differentiation showed a significant increase in curcumin and vitamin D3 pre-treated rats. Marked decline in α2 adrenergic receptor function in pancreas helps to relent sympathetic inhibition of insulin release. Neuronal stimulation of hyperglycemia induced beta cell compensatory response is mediated by escalated signalling through β adrenergic, muscarinic M1 and M3 receptors. Pre-treatment mediated functional regulation of adrenergic and cholinergic receptors, key cell signalling proteins and second messengers improves pancreatic glucose sensing, insulin gene expression, insulin secretion, cell survival and beta cell mass expansion in pancreas. Curcumin and vitamin D3 pre-treatment induced modulation of adrenergic and cholinergic signalling in brain stem, hippocampus and hypothalamus promotes insulin secretion, beta cell compensatory response, insulin sensitivity and energy balance to resist diabetogenesis. Pre-treatment improved second messenger levels and the gene expression of intracellular signalling molecules in brain stem, hippocampus and hypothalamus, to retain a functional neuronal response to hyperglycemia. Curcumin and vitamin D3 protect pancreas and brain regions from oxidative stress by their indigenous antioxidant properties and by their ability to stimulate cellular free radical defence system. The present study demonstrates the role of adrenergic and muscarinic receptor subtypes functional regulation in curcumin and vitamin D3 mediated anti-diabetogenesis. This will have immense clinical significance in developing effective strategies to delay or prevent the onset of diabetes.


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Diabetes mellitus is a heterogeneous metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia with disturbances in carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolism resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action or both. Currently there are 387 million people with diabetes worldwide and is expected to affect 592 million people by 2035. Insulin resistance in peripheral tissues and pancreatic beta cell dysfunction are the major challenges in the pathophysiology of diabetes. Diabetic secondary complications (like liver cirrhosis, retinopathy, microvascular and macrovascular complications) arise from persistent hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia can be disabling or even life threatening. Current medications are effective for control and management of hyperglycemia but undesirable effects, inefficiency against secondary complications and high cost are still serious issues in the present prognosis of this disorder. Hence the search for more effective and safer therapeutic agents of natural origin has been found to be highly demanding and attract attention in the present drug discovery research. The data available from Ayurveda on various medicinal plants for treatment of diabetes can efficiently yield potential new lead as antidiabetic agents. For wider acceptability and popularity of herbal remedies available in Ayurveda scientific validation by the elucidation of mechanism of action is very much essential. Modern biological techniques are available now to elucidate the biochemical basis of the effectiveness of these medicinal plants. Keeping this idea the research programme under this thesis has been planned to evaluate the molecular mechanism responsible for the antidiabetic property of Symplocos cochinchinensis, the main ingredient of Nishakathakadi Kashayam, a wellknown Ayurvedic antidiabetic preparation. A general introduction of diabetes, its pathophysiology, secondary complications and current treatment options, innovative solutions based on phytomedicine etc has been described in Chapter 1. The effect of Symplocos cochinchinensis (SC), on various in vitro biochemical targets relevant to diabetes is depicted in Chapter 2 including the preparation of plant extract. Since diabetes is a multifactorial disease, ethanolic extract of the bark of SC (SCE) and its fractions (hexane, dichloromethane, ethyl acetate and 90 % ethanol) were evaluated by in vitro methods against multiple targets such as control of postprandial hyperglycemia, insulin resistance, oxidative stress, pancreatic beta cell proliferation, inhibition of protein glycation, protein tyrosine phosphatase-1B (PTP-1B) and dipeptidyl peptidase-IV (DPPxxi IV). Among the extracts, SCE exhibited comparatively better activity like alpha glucosidase inhibition, insulin dependent glucose uptake (3 fold increase) in L6 myotubes, pancreatic beta cell regeneration in RIN-m5F and reduced triglyceride accumulation in 3T3-L1 cells, protection from hyperglycemia induced generation of reactive oxygen species in HepG2 cells with moderate antiglycation and PTP-1B inhibition. Chemical characterization by HPLC revealed the superiority of SCE over other extracts due to presence of bioactives (beta-sitosterol, phloretin 2’glucoside, oleanolic acid) in addition to minerals like magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium, zinc and manganese. So SCE has been subjected to oral sucrose tolerance test (OGTT) to evaluate its antihyperglycemic property in mild diabetic and diabetic animal models. SCE showed significant antihyperglycemic activity in in vivo diabetic models. Chapter 3 highlights the beneficial effects of hydroethanol extract of Symplocos cochinchinensis (SCE) against hyperglycemia associated secondary complications in streptozotocin (60 mg/kg body weight) induced diabetic rat model. Proper sanction had been obtained for all the animal experiments from CSIR-CDRI institutional animal ethics committee. The experimental groups consist of normal control (NC), N + SCE 500 mg/kg bwd, diabetic control (DC), D + metformin 100 mg/kg bwd, D + SCE 250 and D + SCE 500. SCEs and metformin were administered daily for 21 days and sacrificed on day 22. Oral glucose tolerance test, plasma insulin, % HbA1c, urea, creatinine, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), albumin, total protein etc. were analysed. Aldose reductase (AR) activity in the eye lens was also checked. On day 21, DC rats showed significantly abnormal glucose response, HOMA-IR, % HbA1c, decreased activity of antioxidant enzymes and GSH, elevated AR activity, hepatic and renal oxidative stress markers compared to NC. DC rats also exhibited increased level of plasma urea and creatinine. Treatment with SCE protected from the deleterious alterations of biochemical parameters in a dose dependent manner including histopathological alterations in pancreas. SCE 500 exhibited significant glucose lowering effect and decreased HOMA-IR, % HbA1c, lens AR activity, and hepatic, renal oxidative stress and function markers compared to DC group. Considerable amount of liver and muscle glycogen was replenished by SCE treatment in diabetic animals. Although metformin showed better effect, the activity of SCE was very much comparable with this drug. xxii The possible molecular mechanism behind the protective property of S. cochinchinensis against the insulin resistance in peripheral tissue as well as dyslipidemia in in vivo high fructose saturated fat diet model is described in Chapter 4. Initially animal were fed a high fructose saturated fat (HFS) diet for a period of 8 weeks to develop insulin resistance and dyslipidemia. The normal diet control (ND), ND + SCE 500 mg/kg bwd, high fructose saturated fat diet control (HFS), HFS + metformin 100 mg/kg bwd, HFS + SCE 250 and HFS + SCE 500 were the experimental groups. SCEs and metformin were administered daily for the next 3 weeks and sacrificed at the end of 11th week. At the end of week 11, HFS rats showed significantly abnormal glucose and insulin tolerance, HOMA-IR, % HbA1c, adiponectin, lipid profile, liver glycolytic and gluconeogenic enzyme activities, liver and muscle triglyceride accumulation compared to ND. HFS rats also exhibited increased level of plasma inflammatory cytokines, upregulated mRNA level of gluconeogenic and lipogenic genes in liver. HFS exhibited the increased expression of GLUT-2 in liver and decreased expression of GLUT-4 in muscle and adipose. SCE treatment also preserved the architecture of pancreas, liver, and kidney tissues. Treatment with SCE reversed the alterations of biochemical parameters, improved insulin sensitivity by modifying gene expression in liver, muscle and adipose tissues. Overall results suggest that SC mediates the antidiabetic activity mainly via alpha glucosidase inhibition, improved insulin sensitivity, with antiglycation and antioxidant activities.


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Introducción: La disminución de flujo en los vasos coronarios sin presencia de oclusión, es conocido como fenómeno de no reflujo, se observa después de la reperfusión, su presentación oscila entre el 5% y el 50% dependiendo de la población y de los criterios diagnósticos, dicho suceso es de mal pronóstico, aumenta el riesgo de morir en los primeros 30 días posterior a la angioplastia (RR 2,1 p 0,038), y se relaciona con falla cardiaca y arritmias, por eso al identificar los factores a los cuales se asocia, se podrán implementar terapias preventivas. Metodología: Estudio de casos y controles pareado por médico que valoró el evento, para garantizar que no existieron variaciones inter observador, con una razón 1:4 (18:72), realizado para identificar factores asociados a la presencia de no reflujo en pacientes llevados a angioplastia, entre noviembre de 2010 y mayo de 2014, en la Clínica San Rafael de Bogotá, D.C. Resultados: La frecuencia del no reflujo fue del 2.89%. El Infarto Agudo de Miocardio con elevación del ST (IAMCEST) fue la única variable que mostró una asociación estadísticamente significativa con este suceso, valor de p 0,002, OR 8,7, IC 95% (2,0 – 36,7). Discusión: El fenómeno de no reflujo en esta población se comportó de manera similar a lo descrito en la literatura, siendo el IAMCEST un factor fuertemente asociado.


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Introducción: La hidrolipoclasia es una técnica de moldeamiento corporal consistente en la infiltración de una solución en el tejido adiposo con la consiguiente aplicación de ultrasonido para producir lisis en los adipocitos y reducción del tejido adiposo en el área de tratamiento. Sin embargo, existen múltiples variaciones a la técnica, entre ellas el tipo de solución utilizada. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar los resultados con la técnica de hidrolipoclasia en cuanto a reducción de medidas con el uso de solución salina hipotónica versus isotónica. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, se analizaron historias clínicas de pacientes a los que se les realizó hidrolipoclasia entre enero de 2013 y febrero 2014 en dos centros médicos estéticos de Bogotá. Se compararon dos técnicas (utilizando solución salina isotónica versus hipotónica) en cuanto a la disminución de medidas antropométricas tomadas antes y después del tratamiento. Los datos fueron analizados mediante la comparación de medias utilizando la prueba t de Student. Resultados: Se analizaron 37 historias clínicas, 19 pacientes sometidos a hidrolipoclasia con solución salina hipotónica y 18 con isotónica. Después de la realización de un procedimiento hubo una disminución estadísticamente significativa (p: 0,000) en todas las medidas antropométricas evaluadas, siendo mayor comparativamente en los pacientes tratados con solución hipotónica en cintura, perímetro abdominal y perímetro a nivel de crestas iliacas. Los efectos secundarios incluyeron equimosis y hematomas. No se presentaron complicaciones. Conclusión: La hidrolipoclasia es segura y eficaz en el manejo de adiposidad localizada, teniendo una mayor efectividad cuando se utiliza solución salina hipotónica.


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La diabetes mellitus es una de las patologías frecuentes durante el embarazo, existe literatura que la ha relacionado con un mayor riesgo de aparición de incontinencia urinaria en el postparto patología que de manera clara afecta la calidad de vida de las mujeres, pero a la fecha la literatura no es concluyente. Con la presente revisión sistemática se pretendió evaluar la evidencia relacionada con la diabetes gestacional como causa de incontinencia urinaria en el postparto.


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Interest in the effects of insulin on the heart came with the recognition that hyperglycemia in the context of myocardial infarction is associated with increased risks of mortality, congestive heart failure, or cardiogenic shock. More recently, instigated by research findings on stress hyperglycemia in critical illness, this interest has been extended to the influence of insulin on clinical outcome after cardiac surgery. Even in nondiabetic individuals, stress hyperglycemia commonly occurs as a key metabolic response to critical illness, eg, after surgical trauma. It is recognized as a major pathophysiological feature of organ dysfunction in the critically ill. The condition stems from insulin resistance brought about by dysregulation of key homeostatic processes, which implicates immune/inflammatory, endocrine, and metabolic pathways. It has been associated with adverse clinical outcomes, including increased mortality, increased duration of mechanical ventilation, increased intensive care unit (ICU) and hospital stay, and increased risk of infection. Hyperglycemia in critical illness is managed with exogenous insulin as standard treatment; however, there is considerable disagreement among experts in the field as to what target blood glucose level is optimal for the critically ill patient. Conventionally, the aim of insulin therapy has been to maintain blood glucose levels below the renal threshold, typically 220 mg/dL (12.2 mmol/L). In recent years, some have advocated tight glycemic control (TGC) with intensive insulin therapy (IIT) to normalize blood glucose levels to within the euglycemic range, typically 80 to 110 mg/dL (4.4–6.1 mmol/L).


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The activities of glycogen phosphorylase and synthase during infusions of glucagon, isoproterenol, or cyanide in isolated liver of fed rats submitted to short-term insulin-induced hypoglycemia (IIH) was investigated. A condition of hyperinsulinemia/hypoglycemia was obtained with an intraperitoneal injection of regular insulin (1.0 U kg(-1)). The control group received ip saline. The experiments were carried out 60 min after insulin (IIH group) or saline (COG group) injection. The rats were anesthetized and after laparotomy, blood was collected from the vena cava for glucose and insulin measurements. The liver was their infused with glucagon (1 nM), isoproterenot (2 mu M), or cyanide (0.5 mM) during 20 min and a sample of the organ was collected for determination of the activities of glycogen phosphorylase and synthase 5 min after starting and 10 min after stopping the infusions. The infusions of cyanide, glucagons, and isoproterenol did not change the activities of glycogen synthase and glycogen phosphorylase. However, glycogen catabolism was decreased during the infusions of glucagon and isoproterenol in IIH rats, being more intense with isoproterenol (p < 0.05), than glucagon. It was concluded that short-term IIH promoted changes in the liver responsiveness of glycogen degradation induced by glucagon and isoproterenol without a change in the activities of glycogen phosphorylase and synthase. Copyright (c) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Obesity and insulin resistance are highly correlated with metabolic disturbances. Both the excess and lack of adipose tissue can lead to severe insulin resistance and diabetes. Adipose tissue plays an active role in energy homeostasis, hormone secretion, and other proteins that affect insulin sensitivity, appetite, energy balance, and lipid metabolism. Rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes during the neonatal period develop the classic diabetic picture of hyperglycemia, hypoinsulinemia, and insulin resistance in adulthood. Low body weight and reduced epididymal (EP) fit mass were also seen in this model. The am) of this study was to investigate the glucose homeostasis and metabolic repercussions on the adipose tissue following chronic treatment with antidiabetic drugs in these animals. In the 4th week post birth, diabetic animals started an 8-week treatment with pioglitazone, metformin, or insulin.


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Insulin replacement is the only effective therapy to manage hyperglycemia in type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). Nevertheless, intensive insulin therapy has inadvertently led to insulin resistance. This study investigates mechanisms involved in the insulin resistance induced by hyperinsulinization. Wistar rats were rendered diabetic by alloxan injection, and 2 weeks later received saline or different doses of neutral protamine Hagedorn insulin (1.5, 3, 6, and 9 U/day) over 7 days. Insulinopenic-untreated rats and 6U- and 9U-treated rats developed insulin resistance, whereas 3U-treated rats revealed the highest grade of insulin sensitivity, but did not achieve good glycemic control as 6U- and 9U-treated rats did. This insulin sensitivity profile was in agreement with glucose transporter 4 expression and translocation in skeletal muscle, and insulin signaling, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase/glucose-6-phosphatase expression and glycogen storage in the liver. Under the expectation that insulin resistance develops in hyperinsulinized diabetic patients, we believe insulin sensitizer approaches should be considered in treating T1DM. Journal of Endocrinology (2011) 211, 55-64


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OBJECTIVE The aim of the study was to elucidate the cellular mechanism underlying the suppression of glucose-induced insulin secretion in mice fed a high-fat diet (HFD) for 15 weeks. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS-C57BL6J mice were fed a HFD or a normal diet (ND) for 3 or 15 weeks. Plasma insulin and glucose levels in vivo were assessed by intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test. Insulin secretion in vitro was studied using static incubations and a perfused pancreas preparation. Membrane currents, electrical activity, and exocytosis were examined by patch-clamp technique measurements. Intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) was measured by microfluorimetry. Total internal reflection fluorescence microscope (TIRFM) was used for optical imaging of exocytosis and submembrane depolarization-evoked [Ca(2+)](i). The functional data were complemented by analyses of histology and gene transcription. RESULTS After 15 weeks, but not 3 weeks, mice on HFD exhibited hyperglycemia and hypoinsulinemia. Pancreatic islet content and beta-cell area increased 2- and 1.5-fold, respectively. These changes correlated with a 20-50% reduction of glucose-induced insulin secretion (normalized to insulin content). The latter effect was not associated with impaired electrical activity or [Ca(2+)](i) signaling. Single-cell capacitance and TIRFM measurements of exocytosis revealed a selective suppression (>70%) of exocytosis elicited by short (50 ms) depolarization, whereas the responses to longer depolarizations were (500 ms) less affected. The loss of rapid exocytosis correlated with dispersion of Ca(2+) entry in HFD beta-cells. No changes in gene transcription of key exocytotic protein were observed. CONCLUSIONS HFD results in reduced insulin secretion by causing the functional dissociation of voltage-gated Ca(2+) entry from exocytosis. These observations suggest a novel explanation to the well-established link between obesity and diabetes. Diabetes 59:1192-1201, 2010


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Hyperglycemia occurs in a variety of conditions such as overt diabetes, gestational diabetes and mild hyperglycemia, all of which are generally defined based on the oral glucose tolerance test and glucose profiles. Whereas diabetes has received considerable attention in recent decades, few studies have examined the mechanisms of mild hyperglycemia and its associated disturbances. Mild gestational hyperglycemia is associated with macrosomia and a high risk of perinatal mortality. Morphologically, the placenta of these women is characterized by an increase in the number of terminal villi and capillaries, presumably as part of a compensatory mechanism to maintain homeostasis at the maternal-fetal interface. In this study, we analised the expression of VEGF and its receptors VEGFR-1 (Flt-1) and VEGFR-2 (KDR) in placentas from mildly hyperglycemic women. This expression was compared with that of normoglycemic women and women with gestational and overt diabetes. Immunohistochemistry revealed strong staining for VEGF and VEGFR-2 in vascular and trophoblastic cells of mildly hyperglycemic women, whereas the staining for VEGFR-1 was discrete and limited to the trophoblast. The pattern of VEGF and VEGF-receptor reactivity in placentas from women with overt diabetes was similar to that of normoglycemic women. In women with gestational diabetes, strong staining for VEGFR-1 was observed in vascular and trophoblastic cells whereas VEGF and VEGFR-2 were detected only in the trophoblast. The expression of these proteins was confirmed by western blotting, which revealed the presence of an additional band of 75 kDa. In the decidual compartment, only extravillous trophoblast reacted with all antibodies. Morphological analysis revealed collagen deposition around large arteries in all groups with altered glycemia. These findings indicate a placental response to altered glycemia that could have important consequences for the fetus. The change in the placental VEGF/VEGFR expression ratio in mild hyperglycemia may favor angiogenesis in placental tissue and could explain the hypercapillarization of villi seen in this gestational disturbance. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Hyperglycemia, which increases O-linked beta-N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) proteins, leads to changes in vascular reactivity. Because vascular dysfunction is a key feature of arterial hypertension, we hypothesized that vessels from deoxycorticosterone acetate and salt (DOCA-salt) rats exhibit increased O-GlcNAc proteins, which is associated with increased reactivity to constrictor stimuli. Aortas from DOCA rats exhibited increased contraction to phenylephrine (E(max) [mN] = 17.6 +/- 4 versus 10.7 +/- 2 control; n = 6) and decreased relaxation to acetylcholine (47.6 +/- 6% versus 73.2 +/- 10% control; n = 8) versus arteries from uninephrectomized rats. O- GlcNAc protein content was increased in aortas from DOCA rats (arbitrary units = 3.8 +/- 0.3 versus 2.3 +/- 0.3 control; n = 5). PugNAc (O- GlcNAcase inhibitor; 100 mu mol/L; 24 hours) increased vascular O- GlcNAc proteins, augmented phenylephrine vascular reactivity (18.2 +/- 2 versus 10.7 +/- 3 vehicle; n = 6), and decreased acetylcholine dilation in uninephrectomized (41.4 +/- 6 versus 73.2 +/- 3 vehicle; n = 6) but not in DOCA rats (phenylephrine, 16.5 +/- 3 versus 18.6 +/- 3 vehicle, n = 6; acetylcholine, 44.7 +/- 8 versus 47.6 +/- 7 vehicle, n = 6). PugNAc did not change total vascular endothelial nitric oxide synthase levels, but reduced endothelial nitric oxide synthase(Ser-1177) and Akt(Ser-473) phosphorylation (P < 0.05). Aortas from DOCA rats also exhibited decreased levels of endothelial nitric oxide synthase(Ser-1177) and Akt(Ser-473) (P < 0.05) but no changes in total endothelial nitric oxide synthase or Akt. Vascular O-GlcNAc-modified endothelial nitric oxide synthase was increased in DOCA rats. Blood glucose was similar in DOCA and uninephrectomized rats. Expression of O- GlcNAc transferase, glutamine: fructose-6-phosphate amidotransferase, and O- GlcNAcase, enzymes that directly modulate O-GlcNAcylation, was decreased in arteries from DOCA rats (P < 0.05). This is the first study showing that O-GlcNAcylation modulates vascular reactivity in normoglycemic conditions and that vascular O- GlcNAc proteins are increased in DOCA-salt hypertension. Modulation of increased vascular O-GlcNAcylation may represent a novel therapeutic approach in mineralocorticoid hypertension. (Hypertension. 2009; 53: 166-174.)


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Objective and design: Knowing that hyperglycemia is a hallmark of vascular dysfunction in diabetes and that neonatal streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats (n-STZ) present reduced inflammatory response, we decided to evaluate the effect of chlorpropamide-lowered blood glucose levels on carrageenan-induced rat paw edema and pleural exudate in n-STZ. Materials: Diabetes was induced by STZ injection (160 mg/kg, ip) in neonates (2-day-old) Wistar rats. Treatment: n-STZ diabetic rats were treated with chlorpropamide (200 mg/kg, 15 d, by gavage) 8 weeks after STZ injection. Methods: Carrageenan-induced paw edema and pleural exudate volumes were assessed concomitantly with peripheral and exudate leukocyte count. We also evaluated the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in lungs of all experimental groups. Results: Chlorpropamide treatment improved glucose tolerance, beta-cell function (assessed by HOMA-beta), corrected paw edema, and pleural exudate volume in n-STZ. Neither leukocyte count nor iNOS expression were affected by diabetes or by chlorpropamide treatment. Conclusion: Chlorpropamide treatment by restoring beta-cell function, reducing blood sugar levels, and improving glucose tolerance might be contributing to the correction of the reduced inflammatory response tested as paw edema and pleural exudate in n-STZ diabetic rats.


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Background. Microencapsulation of pancreatic islets with polymeric compounds constitutes an attractive alternative therapy for type 1 diabetes mellitus. The major limiting factor is the availability of a biocompatible and mechanically stable polymer. We investigated the potential of Biodritin, a novel polymer constituted of alginate and chondroitin sulfate, for islet microencapsulation. Methods. Biodritin microcapsules were obtained using an air jet droplet generator and gelated with barium or calcium chloride. Microencapsulated rat insulinoma RINm5F cells were tested for viability using the [3-(4,5-dimetyl-thiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-tetrazoliumbromide] [MTT] colorimetric assay. Microencapsulated rat pancreatic islets were coincubated with macrophages derived from mouse peritoneal liquid to assess the immunomodulatory potential of the microcapsules, using quantitative real time-PCR (qPCR). Biodritin biocompatibility was demonstrated by subcutaneous injection of empty microcapsules into immunocompetent Wistar rats. Insulin secretion by microencapsulated human pancreatic islets was evaluated using an electrochemoluminescent assay. Microencapsulated human islets transplanted into chemically induced diabetic mice were monitored for reversal of hyperglycemia. Results. The metabolic activity of microencapsulated RINm5F cells persisted for at least 15 days. Interleukin-1 beta expression by macrophages was observed during coculture with islets microencapsulated with Biodritin-CaCl2, but not with Biodritin-BaCl2. No statistical difference in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion was observed between nonencapsulated and microencapsulated islets. Upon microencapsulated islet transplantation, the blood glucose level of diabetic mice normalized; they remained euglycemic for at least 60 days, displaying normal oral glucose tolerance tests. Conclusion. This study demonstrated that Biodritin can be used for islet microencapsulation and reversal of diabetes; however, further investigations are required to assess its potential for long-term transplantation.