496 resultados para NETTRA-E3


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OBJECTIVES To assess the feasibility of using volumetric capnography in spontaneously breathing small infants and its ability to discriminate between infants with and without bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD). STUDY DESIGN Lung function variables for 231 infants (102 term, 52 healthy preterm, 77 BPD), matched for post-conceptional age of 44 weeks, were collected. BPD was defined as supplemental oxygen requirement at 36 weeks post-menstrual age. Tidal breath-by-breath volume capnograms were obtained by mainstream capnography. The capnographic slope of phase II (SII) and slope of phase III (SIII) were calculated and compared between study groups. The effect of BPD, tidal volume (VT), respiratory rate (RR), and prematurity on the magnitude of the slopes was assessed. RESULTS SII was steeper in infants with BPD (100 ± 28/L) compared with healthy preterm (88 ± 22/L; P = .007) and term infants (79 ± 18/L; P < .001), but this finding was attributed to differences in VT, RR, and gestational age. SIII was steeper in the BPD group (26.8 ± 14.1/L) compared with healthy preterm (16.2 ± 6.2/L; P < .001) and term controls (14.8 ± 5.4/L; P < .001). BPD was a significant predictor of SIII independently of VT, RR, and gestational age. The ability of SIII to discriminate between BPD and controls was significantly higher compared with lung clearance index (area under the curve 0.83 vs 0.56; P < .001). CONCLUSIONS Volumetric capnography may provide valuable information regarding functional lung alterations related to BPD and might be considered as an alternative to more involved lung function techniques for monitoring chronic lung disease during early infancy.


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OBJECTIVE To provide a brief introduction into Critical Incident Reporting Systems (CIRS) as used in human medicine, and to report the discussion from a recent panel meeting discussion with 23 equine anaesthetists in preparation for a new CEPEF-4 (Confidential Enquiry into Perioperative Equine Fatalities) study. STUDY DESIGN Moderated group discussions, and review of literature. METHODS The first group discussion focused on the definition of 'preventable critical incidents' and/or 'near misses' in the context of equine anaesthesia. The second group discussion focused on categorizing critical incidents according to an established framework for analysing risk and safety in clinical medicine. RESULTS While critical incidents do occur in equine anaesthesia, no critical incident reporting system including systematic collection and analysis of critical incidents is in place. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Critical incident reporting systems could be used to improve safety in equine anaesthesia - in addition to other study types such as mortality studies.


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The length of time that integral membrane proteins reside on the plasma membrane is regulated by endocytosis, a process that can inactivate these proteins by removing them from the membrane and may ultimately result in their degradation. Proteins are internalized and pass through multiple distinct intracellular compartments where targeting decisions determine their fate. Membrane proteins initially enter early endosomes, and subsequently late endosomes/multivesicular bodies (MVBs), before being degraded in the lysosome. The MVB is a subset of late endosomes characterized by the appearance of small vesicles in its luminal compartment. These vesicles contain cargo proteins sorted from the limiting membrane of the MVB. Proteins not sorted into luminal vesicles remain on the MVB membrane, from where they may be recycled back to the plasma membrane. In the case of receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs), such as epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor, this important sorting step determines whether a protein returns to the surface to participate in signaling, or whether its signaling properties are inactivated through its degradation in the lysosome. Hrs is a protein that resides on endosomes and is known to recruit sorting complexes that are vital to this sorting step. These sorting complexes are believed to recognize ubiquitin as sorting signals. However, the link between MVB sorting machinery and the ubiquitination machinery is not known. Recently, Hrs was shown to recruit and bind an E3 ubiquitin ligase, UBE4B, to endosomes. In an assay that is able to measure cargo movement, the disruption of the Hrs-UBE4B interaction showed impaired sorting of EGF receptor into MVBs. My hypothesis is that UBE4B may be the connection between MVB sorting and ubiquitination. This study addresses the role of UBE4B in the trafficking and ubiquitination of EGF receptor. I created stable cell lines that either overexpresses UBE4B or expresses a UBE4B with no ligase activity. Levels of EGF receptor were analyzed after certain periods of ligand-induced receptor internalization. I observed that higher expression levels of UBE4B correspond to increased degradation of EGF receptor. In an in vitro ubiquitination assay, I also determined that UBE4B mediates the ubiquitination of EGF receptor. These data suggest that UBE4B is required for EGFR degradation specifically because it ubiquitinates the receptor allowing it to be sorted into the internal vesicles of MVBs and subsequently degraded in lysosomes.


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The LIM domain-binding protein Ldb1 is an essential cofactor of LIM-homeodomain (LIM-HD) and LIM-only (LMO) proteins in development. The stoichiometry of Ldb1, LIM-HD, and LMO proteins is tightly controlled in the cell and is likely a critical determinant of their biological actions. Single-stranded DNA-binding proteins (SSBPs) were recently shown to interact with Ldb1 and are also important in developmental programs. We establish here that two mammalian SSBPs, SSBP2 and SSBP3, contribute to an erythroid DNA-binding complex that contains the transcription factors Tal1 and GATA-1, the LIM domain protein Lmo2, and Ldb1 and binds a bipartite E-box-GATA DNA sequence motif. In addition, SSBP2 was found to augment transcription of the Protein 4.2 (P4.2) gene, a direct target of the E-box-GATA-binding complex, in an Ldb1-dependent manner and to increase endogenous Ldb1 and Lmo2 protein levels, E-box-GATA DNA-binding activity, and P4.2 and beta-globin expression in erythroid progenitors. Finally, SSBP2 was demonstrated to inhibit Ldb1 and Lmo2 interaction with the E3 ubiquitin ligase RLIM, prevent RLIM-mediated Ldb1 ubiquitination, and protect Ldb1 and Lmo2 from proteasomal degradation. These results define a novel biochemical function for SSBPs in regulating the abundance of LIM domain and LIM domain-binding proteins.


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Mammalian constitutive photomorphogenic 1 (COP1), a p53 E3 ubiquitin ligase, is a key negative regulator for p53. DNA damage leads to the translocation of COP1 to the cytoplasm, but the underlying mechanism remains unknown. We discovered that 14-3-3σ controlled COP1 subcellular localization and protein stability. Investigation of the underlying mechanism suggested that, upon DNA damage, 14-3-3σ bound to phosphorylated COP1 at S387, resulting in COP1 translocation to the cytoplasm and cytoplasmic COP1 ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation. 14-3-3σ targeted COP1 for degradation to prevent COP1-mediated p53 degradation, p53 ubiquitination, and p53 transcription repression. COP1 expression promoted cell proliferation, cell transformation, and tumor progression, attesting to its role in cancer promotion. 14-3-3σ negatively regulated COP1 function and prevented tumor growth in cancer xenografts. COP1 protein levels were inversely correlated with 14-3-3σ protein levels in human breast and pancreatic cancer specimens. Together, these results define a novel, detailed mechanism for the posttranslational regulation of COP1 upon DNA damage and provide a mechanistic explanation of the correlation of COP1 overexpression with 14-3-3σ downregulation during tumorigenesis.


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Previous studies have shown that Estrogen Receptor alpha (ERα) is an important indicator for diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of breast cancers. However, the question remains as to the role of ERα in the cell in the presence versus absence of 17-β estradiol In this dissertation the role of ERα in both its unliganded and liganded state, with respect to the cell cycle will be explored. The cell line models used in this project are ER-positive MCF-7 cells with and without siRNA to ERα and ER-positive MDA-MB-231 cells that have been engineered to express ERα. Cells were synchronized and the cell cycle progression was monitored by flow cytometric analysis. Using these methods, two specific questions were addressed: Does ERα modulate the cell cycle differently under liganded versus unliganded conditions? And, does the presence of ERα regulate cell cycle phase transitions? The results show for the first time that ERα is cell cycle regulated and modulates the progression of cells through S and G2/M phases of the cell cycle. Ligand bound ERα increases progression through S and G2/M phases, whereas unliganded ERα acts as an inhibitor of cell cycle progression. To further investigate the cell cycle regulated effects of liganded ERα, a luciferase assay was performed and showed that the transcription of target genes such as Progestrone Receptor (PgR) and Trefoil protein (pS2) increased duing S and G2/M phases when ERα is bound to ligand. Additionally, complex formation between cyclin B and ER α was shown by immunoprecipitation and led to the discovery that anaphase promoting complex (APC) is the E3 ligase for both cyclin B and ERα at the termination of M phase. Our findings suggest that unliganded ERα has an inhibitory effect on the progression of the cell cycle. Therefore, it is reasonable to speculate that the combination of drugs that lower estrogen level (such as aromatase inhibitors) and preserves ERα from degradation would provide better outcome for breast cancer treatment. We have shown that APC functions as the E3 ligase for ERα and thus might provide a target to design a specific inhibitor of ERα degradation.


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Our recent studies have shown that the FoxM1B transcription factor is overexpressed in human glioma tissues and that the level of its expression correlates directly with glioma grade. However, whether FoxM1B plays a role in the early development of glioma (i.e., in transformation) is unknown. In this study, we found that the FoxM1B molecule causes cellular transformation and tumor formation in normal human astrocytes (NHA) immortalized by p53 and pRB inhibition. Moreover, brain tumors that arose from intracranial injection of FoxM1B-expressing immortalized NHAs displayed glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) phenotypes, suggesting that FoxM1B overexpression in immortalized NHAs not only transforms the cells but also leads to GBM formation. Mechanistically, our results showed that overexpression of FoxM1B upregulated NEDD4-1, an E3 ligase that mediates the degradation and downregulation of phosphatase and tensin homologue (PTEN) in multiple cell lines. Decreased PTEN in turn resulted in the hyperactivation of Akt, which led to phosphorylation and cytoplasmic retention of FoxO3a. Blocking Akt activation with phosphoinositide 3-kinase/Akt inhibitors inhibited the FoxM1B-induced transformation of immortalized NHAs. Furthermore, overexpression of FoxM1B in immortalized NHAs increased the expression of survivin, cyclin D1, and cyclin E, which are important molecules for tumor growth. Collectively, these results indicate that overexpression of FoxM1B, in cooperation with p53 and pRB inhibition in NHA cells, promotes astrocyte transformation and GBM formation through multiple mechanisms.


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Eukaryotic genomes exist within a dynamic structure named chromatin in which DNA is wrapped around an octamer of histones forming the nucleosome. Histones are modified by a range of posttranslational modifications including methylation, phosphorylation, and ubiquitination, which are integral to a range of DNA-templated processes including transcriptional regulation. A hallmark for transcriptional activity is methylation of histone H3 on lysine (K) 4 within active gene promoters. In S. cerevisiae, H3K4 methylation is mediated by Set1 within the COMPASS complex. Methylation requires prior ubiquitination of histone H2BK123 by the E2-E3 ligases Rad6 and Bre1, as well as the Paf1 transcriptional elongation complex. This regulatory pathway exemplifies cross-talk in trans between posttranslational modifications on distinct histone molecules. Set1 has an additional substrate in the kinetochore protein Dam1, which is methylated on K233. This methylation antagonizes phosphorylation of adjacent serines by the Ipl1 Aurora kinase. The discovery of a second Set1 substrate raised the question of how Set1 function is regulated at the kinetochore. I hypothesized that transcriptional regulatory factors essential for H3K4 methylation at gene promoters might also regulate Set1-mediated methylation of Dam1K233. Here I show that the regulatory factors essential for COMPASS activity at gene promoters is also indispensable for the methylation of Dam1K233. Deletion of members of the COMPASS complex leads to loss of Dam1K233 methylation. In addition, deletion of Rad6, Bre1, or members of the Paf1 complex abolishes Dam1 methylation. The role of Rad6 and Bre1 in Dam1 methylation is dependent on H2BK123 ubiquitination, as mutation of K123 within H2B results in complete loss of Dam1 methylation. Importantly, methylation of Dam1K233 is independent of transcription and occurs at the kinetochore. My results demonstrate that Set1-mediated methylation is regulated by a general pathway regardless of substrate that is composed of transcriptional regulatory factors functioning independently of transcription at the kinetochore. My data provide the first example of cross-talk in trans between modifications on a histone and a non-histone protein. Additionally, my results indicate that several factors previously thought to be required for Set1 function at gene promoters are more generally required for the catalytic activity of the COMPASS complex regardless of substrate or cellular process.


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Dissecting the Interaction of p53 and TRIM24 Aundrietta DeVan Duncan Supervisory Professor, Michelle Barton, Ph.D. p53, the “guardian of the genome”, plays an important role in multiple biological processes including cell cycle, angiogenesis, DNA repair and apoptosis. Because it is mutated in over 50% of cancers, p53 has been widely studied in established cancer cell lines. However, little is known about the function of p53 in a normal cell. We focused on characterizing p53 in normal cells and during differentiation. Our lab recently identified a novel binding partner of p53, Tripartite Motif 24 protein (TRIM24). TRIM24 is a member of the TRIM family of proteins, defined by their conserved RING, B-box, and coiled coil domains. Specifically, TRIM24 is a member of the TIF1 subfamily, which is characterized by PHD and Bromo domains in the C-terminus. Between the Coiled-coil and PHD domain is a linker region, 437 amino acids in length. This linker region houses important functions of TRIM24 including it’s site of interaction with nuclear receptors. TRIM24 is an E3-ubiquitin ligase, recently discovered to negatively regulate p53 by targeting it for degradation. Though it is known that Trim24 and p53 interact, it is not known if the interaction is direct and what effect this interaction has on the function of TRIM24 and p53. My study aims to elucidate the specific interaction domains of p53 and TRIM24. To determine the specific domains of p53 required for interaction with TRIM24, we performed co-immuoprecipitation (Co-IP) with recombinant full-length Flag-tagged TRIM24 protein and various deletion constructs of in vitro translated GST-p53, as well as the reverse. I found that TRIM24 binds both the carboxy terminus and DNA binding domain of p53. Furthermore, my results show that binding is altered when post-translational modifications of p53 are present, suggesting that the interaction between p53 and TRIM24 may be affected by these post-translational modifications. To determine the specific domains of TRIM24 required for p53 interaction, we performed GST pull-downs with in vitro translated, Flag-TRIM24 protein constructs and recombinant GST-p53 protein purified from E. coli. We found that the Linker region is sufficient for interaction of p53 and TRIM24. Taken together, these data indicate that the interaction between p53 and TRIM24 does occur in vitro and that interaction may be influenced by post-translational modifications of the proteins.


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Laminin self-assembles into a basement membrane polymer through specific low-affinity interactions. Recently, it was shown that the terminal short-arm domain (domains VI and V) of the B1 chain (fragment E4) possesses one of the laminin self-interaction sites [Schittny, J.C. & Yurchenco, P.D. (1990) J. Cell Biol. 110, 825-832], but that the binding partner(s) of this domain is unknown. Using affinity retardation chromatography we now investigate the domain(s) fragment E4 binds to. The elution of E4 was clearly retarded on immobilized laminin and fragment E1' (three-chain short-arm complex excluding the distal part of the B1 chain), but not on immobilized E4 in calcium containing buffer and at 37 degrees C. Under the same conditions, E1' strongly interacts with immobilized E4. In addition, E1' is able to non-covalently cross-link soluble E4 to immobilized E4. No further interaction of laminin and E4 with additional fragments (P1', A, B2 and B1 chain short-arm complex without B1-domains VI-IV and without globules; E8, distal long arm and G1-3; E3, long-arm G subdomains 4 and 5) could be demonstrated. These data are interpreted as evidence that (a) the primary laminin-laminin bonds are formed between the short arms of laminin, that (b) the terminal B1 short-arm domain (E4) can interact with the short arm(s) of the A and/or B2 chain(s) (domain E1'), but does not self-interact, and that (c) due to at least three self-binding sites, laminin polymerization behaves co-operatively.


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Previously, it has been shown that laminin will self-assemble by a two-step calcium-dependent process using end-domain interactions (Yurchenco, P. D., Tsi-library, E. C., Charonis, A. S., and Furthmayr, H. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 7636-7644). We now find that heparin, at low concentrations, modifies this polymerization by driving the equilibrium further toward aggregation, by producing a denser polymer, and by inducing aggregation in the absence of calcium. This effect on self-assembly is specific in that it is observed with heparin but not with several heparan sulfates or other glycosaminoglycans: it correlates with affinity and depends on the degree of polysaccharide sulfation. Heparin binds to laminin in a calcium-dependent manner with a single class of interaction (KD = 118 +/- 18 nM) and with a binding capacity of one heparin for two laminins. We find the long arm globule (E3) is the only laminin domain which exhibits substantial heparin binding: heparin binds E3 with an affinity (KD = 94 +/- 12 nM) and calcium dependence similar to that for intact laminin. These data strongly suggest that heparin modifies laminin assembly by binding to pairs of long arm globular domains. As a result the polymer may be stabilized at domain E3 and laminin interdomain interactions induced or modified. We further postulate that heparins may act in vivo as specific regulators of the structure and functions of basement membranes by both altering the laminin matrix and by displacing weakly binding heparan sulfates.


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Objectives- We investigated whether apoE genotypes correlate with cognitive functions in clinically healthy persons. Methods - In 1993 and 1995, we measured information processing speed, delayed free recall and semantic aspects of long-term memory in 227 men and 105 women aged 65 and over, a randomly selected subsample of the prospective Basel Study. Cardiovascular risk factors and education were assessed. Results -E2 were more prevalent in old-old (>75 years, 23.5% vs 15%) compared to E4 than in young-old (<75 years, 19.3% vs 23.5%). Taking into account age and education, subjects with ɛ3/ɛ4 or ɛ4/ɛ4 alleles (E4) performed lowest in all 3 tests compared to those homozygous for ɛ3 (E3) or carriers of one or two ɛ2 alleles (E2) (reaction time P=0.009, free recall P=0.05, WAIS-R vocabulary P<0.05). In old-old there was a significant difference between E2 and E4 for reaction time (P=0.02) and free recall (P<0.02) but not for vocabulary (P=0.086). In all 3 groups there were no significant changes after 2 years. The subgroup with the genotype ɛ2/ɛ4 performed consistently best in the cognitive tests. Cholesterol was significantly increased in the E4 and E3 group compared to the E2 group. Conclusion - ApoE genotype correlates with cognitive performance. The increased prevalence of E2 in the old-old and the significantly lower plasma cholesterol levels suggest differential morbidity and mortality as important factors influencing the prevalence of cognitive disorders in late life.