944 resultados para Multiantenna arrays
The two internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of ribosomal DNA are often used as markers of populations of insects. We studied the ITS2 of the head lice and body lice of humans, to determine whether this gene is a suitable marker of populations of these insects. ITS2 sequences were amplified by PCR from lice from four different countries: Australia, China, Japan and the USA. Direct cycle-sequencing of some of these PCR products gave equivocal nucleotide chromatograms. This indicated that some lice had more than one ITS2 sequence, so we cloned PCR products from these lice. Temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE) revealed that 50 of the 67 clones we screened had different nucleotide sequences. All lice had several ITS2 types, including those with unequivocal chromatograms. A phylogenetic tree of 15 different ITS2 sequences showed that the sequences from individual lice were not monophyletic. We conclude that the ITS2 is not a useful marker of populations for Pediculus humanus.
We aimed to study patterns of variation and factors influencing the evolutionary dynamics of a satellite DNA, pBuM, in all seven Drosophila species from the buzzatii cluster (repleta group). We analyzed 117 alpha pBuM-1 (monomer length 190 bp) and 119 composite alpha/beta (370 bp) pBuM-2 repeats and determined the chromosome location and long-range organization on DNA fibers of major sequence variants. Such combined methodologies in the study of satDNAs have been used in very few organisms. In most species, concerted evolution is linked to high copy number of pBuM repeats. Species presenting low-abundance and scattered distributed pBuM repeats did not undergo concerted evolution and maintained part of the ancestral inter-repeat variability. The alpha and alpha/beta repeats colocalized in heterochromatic regions and were distributed on multiple chromosomes, with notable differences between species. High-resolution FISH revealed array sizes of a few kilobases to over 0.7 Mb and mutual arrangements of alpha and alpha/beta repeats along the same DNA fibers, but with considerable changes in the amount of each variant across species. From sequence, chromosomal and phylogenetic data, we could infer that homogenization and amplification events involved both new and ancestral pBuM variants. Altogether, the data on the structure and organization of the pBuM satDNA give insights into genome evolution including mechanisms that contribute to concerted evolution and diversification.
Drosophila antonietae is a cactophilic species that is found in the mesophilic forest of the Parana`-Paraguay river basin and in the dunes of the South Atlantic coast of Brazil. Although the genetic structure of the Parana`-Paraguay river basin populations has already been established, the relationship between these populations and those on the Atlantic coast is controversial. In this study, we compared 33 repetitive units of pBuM-2 satellite DNA isolated from individuals from 8 populations of D. antonietae in these geographic regions, including some populations found within a contact zone with the closely related D. serido. The pBuM-2 sequences showed low interpopulational variability. This result was interpreted as a consequence of both gene flow among the populations and unequal crossing over promoting homogenization of the tandem arrays. The results presented here, together with those of previous studies, highlight the use of pBuM-2 for solving taxonomic conflicts within the D. buzzatii species cluster.
Lentil is a self-pollinating diploid (2n = 14 chromosomes) annual cool season legume crop that is produced throughout the world and is highly valued as a high protein food. Several abiotic stresses are important to lentil yields world wide and include drought, heat, salt susceptibility and iron deficiency. The biotic stresses are numerous and include: susceptibility to Ascochyta blight, caused by Ascochyta lentis; Anthracnose, caused by Colletotrichum truncatum; Fusarium wilt, caused by Fusarium oxysporum; Sclerotinia white mold, caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum; rust, caused by Uromyces fabae; and numerous aphid transmitted viruses. Lentil is also highly susceptible to several species of Orabanche prevalent in the Mediterranean region, for which there does not appear to be much resistance in the germplasm. Plant breeders and geneticists have addressed these stresses by identifying resistant/tolerant germplasm, determining the genetics involved and the genetic map positions of the resistant genes. To this end progress has been made in mapping the lentil genome and several genetic maps are available that eventually will lead to the development of a consensus map for lentil. Marker density has been limited in the published genetic maps and there is a distinct lack of co-dominant markers that would facilitate comparisons of the available genetic maps and efficient identification of markers closely linked to genes of interest. Molecular breeding of lentil for disease resistance genes using marker assisted selection, particularly for resistance to Ascochyta blight and Anthracnose, is underway in Australia and Canada and promising results have been obtained. Comparative genomics and synteny analyses with closely related legumes promises to further advance the knowledge of the lentil genome and provide lentil breeders with additional genes and selectable markers for use in marker assisted selection. Genomic tools such as macro and micro arrays, reverse genetics and genetic transformation are emerging technologies that may eventually be available for use in lentil crop improvement.
We report on the experimental observation of both basic frequency locking synchronization and chaos synchronization between two mutually coupled chaotic subsystems. We show that these two kinds of synchronization are two stages of interaction between coupled chaotic systems. in particular the chaos synchronization could be understood as a state of phase locking between coupled chaotic oscillations.
Glioblastoma multiforme ( GBM) is the most common and lethal type of brain cancer. To identify the genetic alterations in GBMs, we sequenced 20,661 protein coding genes, determined the presence of amplifications and deletions using high- density oligonucleotide arrays, and performed gene expression analyses using next- generation sequencing technologies in 22 human tumor samples. This comprehensive analysis led to the discovery of a variety of genes that were not known to be altered in GBMs. Most notably, we found recurrent mutations in the active site of isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 ( IDH1) in 12% of GBM patients. Mutations in IDH1 occurred in a large fraction of young patients and in most patients with secondary GBMs and were associated with an increase in overall survival. These studies demonstrate the value of unbiased genomic analyses in the characterization of human brain cancer and identify a potentially useful genetic alteration for the classification and targeted therapy of GBMs.
Stimulating neural electrodes are required to deliver charge to an environment that presents itself as hostile. The electrodes need to maintain their electrical characteristics (charge and impedance) in vivo for a proper functioning of neural prostheses. Here we design implantable multi-walled carbon nanotubes coating for stainless steel substrate electrodes, targeted at wide frequency stimulation of deep brain structures. In well-controlled, low-frequency stimulation acute experiments, we show that multi-walled carbon nanotube electrodes maintain their charge storage capacity (CSC) and impedance in vivo. The difference in average CSCs (n = 4) between the in vivo (1.111 mC cm(-2)) and in vitro (1.008 mC cm(-2)) model was statistically insignificant (p > 0.05 or P-value = 0.715, two tailed). We also report on the transcription levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1 beta and TLR2 receptor as an immediate response to low-frequency stimulation using RT-PCR. We show here that the IL-1 beta is part of the inflammatory response to low-frequency stimulation, but TLR2 is not significantly increased in stimulated tissue when compared to controls. The early stages of neuroinflammation due to mechanical and electrical trauma induced by implants can be better understood by detection of pro-inflammatory molecules rather than by histological studies. Tracking of such quantitative response profits from better analysis methods over several temporal and spatial scales. Our results concerning the evaluation of such inflammatory molecules revealed that transcripts for the cytokine IL-1 beta are upregulated in response to low-frequency stimulation, whereas no modulation was observed for TLR2. This result indicates that the early response of the brain to mechanical trauma and low-frequency stimulation activates the IL-1 beta signaling cascade but not that of TLR2.
Calponins are proteins present in vertebrate smooth musculature where they occur in association with thin myofilaments. Calponins are not present in vertebrate or invertebrate striated muscles. The blood fluke Schistosoma japonicum expresses a 38.3-kDa protein that bears substantial homology with vertebrate calponin and occurs entirely within smooth musculature of adults. Calponin-like immunoreactivity has been demonstrated in smooth muscles of many invertebrate phyla. The Schistosoma japonicum calponin has been localised in smooth myofibrils of adults where it is associated with myofilaments and sarcoplasmic reticulum. In this study, the ultrastructural localisation of the protein in muscles of S. japonicum cercariae is described. The protein is present in smooth muscles of the forebody and the stratified muscle of the tail. Within the stratified layer, the protein occurs predominantly in transverse arrays of sarcoplasmic reticulum. The localisation data suggest that the calponin-like protein of S. japonicum is involved in contraction of the stratified tail muscle. Furthermore, the presence of a calponin system in the stratified muscle suggests that this muscle is simply a superior form of muscle, closely related to smooth muscles that use a caldesmin-calponin system in contraction. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
We report biogenic magnetite whiskers, with axial ratios of 6: 1, elongated in the [1 1 1]. [1 1 2] and [1 0 0] directions, resembling the magnetite whiskers detected in the Martian meteorite ALH84001 by Bradley ct nl., and interpreted by those authors as evidence of vapour-phase (abiogenic) growth. Magnetosomal whiskers with extended defects consistent with screw dislocations and magnetosomes resembling flattened twinned platelets, as well as other twinning phenomena and other structural defects, are also reported here. Magnetosomes with teardrop-shaped. cuboidal. irregular and jagged structures similar to those detected in ALH84001 by McKay et al.. coprecipitation of magnetite possibly with amorphous calcium carbonate, coprecipitation of magnetite possibly with amorphous silica, the incorporation of titanium in volutin inclusions and disoriented arrays of magnetosomes are also described. These observations demonstrate that the structures of the magnetite particles in ALH84001. their spatial arrange ment and coprecipitation with carbonates and proximity to silicates are consistent with being biogenic. Electron-beam-induced flash-melting of magnetosomes produced numerous screw dislocations in the (1 1 1). (1 0 0) and (1 1 0) lattice planes and induced fusion of platelets. From this, the lack of screw dislocations reported in the magnetite particles in ALH84001 (McKay et al.. and Bradley et al.) indicates that they have a low-temperature origin.
Tracking the reaction history is the means of choice to identify bioactive compounds in large combinatorial libraries. The authors describe two approaches to synthesis on silica beads: a) addition of a reporter dye tag during each synthesis step (see Figure), which attaches itself to the bead by colloidal forces, and b) encapsulating arrays of fluorescent dyes into the beads to encode them uniquely, for recognition with a flow cytometer after each reaction step.
Rapid access to genetic information is central to the revolution presently occurring in the pharmaceutical industry, particularly In relation to novel drug target identification and drug development. Genetic variation, gene expression, gene function and gene structure are just some of the important research areas requiring efficient methods of DNA screening. Here, we highlight state-of-the-art techniques and devices for gene screening that promise cheaper and higher-throughput yields than currently achieved with DNA microarrays. We include an overview of existing and proposed bead-based strategies designed to dramatically increase the number of probes that can be interrogated in one assay. We focus, in particular, on the issue of encoding and/or decoding (bar-coding) large bead-based libraries for HTS.
When the data consist of certain attributes measured on the same set of items in different situations, they would be described as a three-mode three-way array. A mixture likelihood approach can be implemented to cluster the items (i.e., one of the modes) on the basis of both of the other modes simultaneously (i.e,, the attributes measured in different situations). In this paper, it is shown that this approach can be extended to handle three-mode three-way arrays where some of the data values are missing at random in the sense of Little and Rubin (1987). The methodology is illustrated by clustering the genotypes in a three-way soybean data set where various attributes were measured on genotypes grown in several environments.
The intracellular assembly site for flaviviruses in currently not known but is presumed to be located within the lumen of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), Building on previous studies involving immunofluorescence (IF) and cryoimmunoelectron microscopy of Kunjin virus (KUN)-infected cells, we sought to identify the steps involved in the assembly and maturation of KUN. Thus, using antibodies directed against envelope protein E in IF analysis, we found the accumulation of E within regions coincident with the RER and endosomal compartments. Immunogold labeling of cryosections of infected cells indicated that E and minor envelope protein prM were localized to reticulum membranes continuous with KUN-induced convoluted membranes (CM) or paracrystalline arrays (PC) and that sometimes the RER contained immunogold-labeled virus particles. Both proteins were also observed to be labeled in membranes at the periphery of the induced CIM or PC structures, but the latter were very seldom labeled internally. Utilizing drugs that inhibit protein and/or membrane traffic throughout the cell, we found that the secretion of KUN particles late in infection was significantly affected in the presence of brefeldin A and that the infectivity of secreted particles was severely affected in the presence of monensin and N-nonyl-deoxynojirimycin. Nocodazole did not appear to affect maturation, suggesting that microtubules play no role in assembly or maturation processes. Subsequently, we showed that the exit of intact virions from the RER involves the transport of individual virions within individual vesicles en route to the Golgi apparatus. The results suggest that the assembly of virions occurs within the lumen of the RER and that subsequent maturation occurs via the secretory pathway.
This paper reports on the design and development of a dividing/phasing network for a compact switched-beam array antenna for Land-vehicle mobile satellite communications, The device is formed by a switched radial divider/combiner and 1-bit phase shifters and generates a sufficient number of beams for the proper satellite tracking.
In this paper, a small transmit array of transistor amplifiers illuminated by a passive array of microstrip patches in the reactive near-field region is investigated as a power-combining structure. The two cases considered are when the transmit array radiates in a free space and when a passive array similar to the one used for illumination collects the radiated power. A comparison of the performance of the proposed structure against the alternative one, which uses a conventional horn antenna as a power-launching/receiving device, is also presented.