909 resultados para Mugil cephalus,NMR,HHP,Metaboloma


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O ácido canárico 1 foi isolado das folhas de Rudgea jasminoides. A substância isolada é um derivado triterpênico do tipo seco-lupano e teve sua estrutura elucidada com base nos dados espectrais, principalmente em experimentos de RMN a 1D e 2D. O sitosterol, o estigmasterol e os ácidos ursólico e oleanólico também foram isolados.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Os mecanismos que causam o amolecimento e a perda na textura post-mortem da carne de matrinxã foram determinados por meio das mudanças na microestrutura do músculo, imediatamente após a morte e depois de 12 horas de estocagem a -3°C. As observações na microestrutura, realizadas com microscópio eletrônico de transmissão, foram semelhantes aos resultados obtidos na força de ruptura do músculo medidos com o texturômetro. Os valores da força da ruptura foram menores para a carne após o resfriamento. Observou-se que as fibras do colágeno do tecido conectivo pericelular se desintegraram e que as do colágeno do tecido conectivo do miocommata conservaram sua arquitetura e integridade. Houve pouca degradação da linha Z. Isso sugere que o amolecimento post-mortem da carne de mantrinxã, durante a estocagem a -3°C, é causado pela degradação do tecido conectivo pericelular.


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Neste experimento, utilizaram-se cinco aquários cilíndricos com relevo no fundo (em forma de anel) e cinco retangulares com fundo liso para estudo da influência do formato do aquário na sobrevivência e no desenvolvimento de larvas de matrinxã Brycon cephalus. Observou-se melhor eficiência dos aquários retangulares, confirmada pela maior sobrevivência e biomassa. Os valores de temperatura, pH, condutividade e oxigênio dissolvido foram similares entre os tipos de aquários, sugerindo que esses parâmetros não influenciaram os resultados. O relevo no fundo dos aquários cilíndricos afetou negativamente o cultivo de larvas de matrinxã, pela criação de zonas com pequena capacidade da água em suspender partículas, o que resultou em acúmulo de dejetos, predadores, competidores e alimento. Aquários retangulares com fundo liso são mais adequados ao cultivo de larvas de matrinxã, por promover melhor circulação da água.


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A comparative cytogenetic and allozyme analysis of sympatric specimens of Mugil rubrioculus and M. curema from Venezuela is reported. Specimens of M. rubrioculus exhibit a 2n=48 karyotype with exclusively acrocentric (NF=48) chromosomes, one pair of NORs interstitially located on chromosome pair number 8 and constitutive heterochromatin distributed in pericentromeric position of all chromosomes. Specimens of M. curema show cytogenetic features significantly different in comparison to M. rubrioculus in terms of chromosome number and morphology (2n=24 biarmed chromosomes, NF=48) and NORs location (telomeric region of the largest metacentric pair). Starch gel electrophoresis analysis at 20 presumptive loci reveals a reduced genetic difterentiation between the two species. In fact, though a total of ten private alleles are identified; all loci share alleles between the two species and the obtained Nei's genetic distance (D= 0.060) is lower than the values obtained between other congeneric mullet species. Thus, the cytogenetic and allozyme data sets indicate quite different degrees of genetic divergence between M. rubrioculus and M. curema. This could either reflect an underestimate of molecular divergence owing to cryptic variation or different rates of molecular/chromosomal evolution. Whatever the explanation, this study confirms the power of karyological data in discriminating species of Mugilidae.


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The importance of soil organic matter functions is well known, but structural information, chemical composition and changes induced by anthropogenic factors such as tillage practices are still being researched. In the present paper were characterized Brazilian humic acids (HAs) from an Oxisol under different treatments: conventional tillage/maize-bare fallow (CT1); conventional tillage/maize rotation with soybean-bare fallow (CT2)-, no-till/maize-bare fallow (NT1); no-till/maize rotation with soybean-bare fallow (NT2); no-till/maize-cajanus (NT3) and no cultivated soil under natural vegetation (NC). Soil HA samples were analyzed by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), solid-state C-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (C-13 NMR), Fourier transform intra-red (FTIR) and UV-Vis fluorescence spectroscopies and elemental analysis (CHNS). The FTIR spectra of the HAs were similar for all treatments. The level of semiquinone-type free radical determined from the EPR spectra was lower for treatments no-till/maize-cajanus (NT3) and noncultivated soil (1.74 X 10(17) and 1.02 x 10(17) spins g(-1) HA, respectively), compared with 2.3 X 10(17) spins g(-1) HA for other soils under cultivation. The percentage of aromatic carbons determined by C-13 NMR also decreases for noncultivated soil to 24%, being around 30% for samples of the other treatments. The solid-state C-13 NMR and EPR spectroscopies showed small differences in chemical composition of the HA from soils where incorporation of vegetal residues was higher, showing that organic matter (OM) formed in this cases is less aromatic. The fluorescence intensities were in agreement with the percentage of aromatic carbons, determined by NMR (r = 0.97 P < 0.01) and with semiquinone content, determined by EPR (r = 0.97 P < 0.01). No important effect due to tillage system was observed in these areas after 5 years of cultivation. Probably, the studied Oxisol has a high clay content that offers protection to the clay-Fe-OM complex against strong structural alterations. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The bottleneck for the complete understanding of the structure-function relationship of flexible membrane-acting peptides is its dynamics. At the same time, not only the structure but also the dynamics are the key points for their mechanism of action. Our model is PW2, a TRP-rich, cationic peptide selected from phage display libraries that shows anticoccidial activity against Eimeria acervulina. In this manuscript we used a combination of several NMR techniques to tackle these difficulties. The structural features of the membrane-acting peptide PW2 was studied in several membrane mimetic environments: we compared the structural features of PW2 in SDS and DPC micelles, that were reported earlier, with the structure properties in different lipid vesicles and the peptide free in water. We were able to unify the structural information obtained in each of these systems. The structural constraints of the peptide free in water were fundamental for the understanding of plasticity necessary for the membrane interaction. Our data suggested that the WWR sequence is the region responsible for anchoring the peptide to the interfaces, and that this same region displays some degree of conformational order in solution. For PW2, we found that affinity is related to the aromatic region, by anchoring the peptide to the membrane, and specificity is related to the N- and C-termini, which are able to accommodate in the membrane due to its plasticity. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Vitreous samples were prepared in the (100 2 x) NaPO3-x WO3 (0 <= x <= 70) glass forming system using conventional melting-quenching methods. The structural evolution of the vitreous network was monitored as a function of composition by thermal analysis, Raman spectroscopy and high resolution one- and two-dimensional P-31 solid state NMR. Addition of WO3 to the NaPO3 glass melt leads to a pronounced increase in the glass transition temperatures, suggesting a significant increase in network connectivity. At the same time Raman spectra indicate that up to about 30 mol% WO3 the tungsten atoms are linked to some non-bridging oxygen atoms (W-O- or W=O bonded species), suggesting that the network modifier sodium oxide is shared to some extent between both network formers. W-O- W bond formation occurs only at WO3 contents exceeding 30 mol%. P-31 magic angle spinning (MAS)-NMR spectra, supported by two-dimensional J-resolved spectroscopy, allow a clear distinction between species having two, one, and zero P-O-P linkages. The possible formation of some anionic tungsten sites suggested from the Raman data implies an average increase in the degree of polymerization for the phosphorus species, which would result in diminished P-31/Na-23 interactions. This prediction is indeed confirmed by P-31{Na-23} and Na-23{P-31} rotational echo double resonance (REDOR) NMR results, which indicate that successive addition of WO3 to NaPO3 glass significantly diminishes the strength of phosphorus-sodium dipole-dipole couplings.