866 resultados para Micorriza vesicular-arbuscular
Incontinentia pigmenti (IP) is a rare multisystem disease, X linked dominant disorder. As all X linked dominant diseases, it is usually male-lethal. Female newborn admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit on the fi rst day of life was diagnosed as having probable herpetic infection with vesicular skin lesions distributed on upper right limb and inferior limbs. Family history showed that her 22-year-old mother had hypopigmented lesions on the lower limbs and her 13-month-old sister had hyperpigmented lesions on the trunk and limbs. In newborns, herpes infection emerges as the principal diagnosis of vesicular rash, due to the importance of precocious diagnosis and treatment. Other hypothesis must be considered in a newborn with vesicobullous rash, such as IP.
Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) deficiency is an inborn error of dopamine biosynthesis and a cause of early parkinsonism. Two clinical phenotypes have been described. Type “B”: early onset severe encephalopathy; type “A”: later onset, less severe and better response to L-dopa. We aimed to study the expression of several key dopaminergic and gabaergic synaptic proteins in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of a series of patients with TH deficiency and their possible relation with the clinical phenotype and response to L-DOPA. Dopamine transporter (DAT), D2-receptor and vesicularmonoamine transporter (VMAT2)weremeasured in the CSF of 10 subjectswith THdeficiency byWestern blot analysis. In 3 patients, data of pre- and post-treatmentwith L-DOPA were available, and in one of them, GABA vesicular transporter was determined. Results were compared to an age-matched control population. The concentration of D2-receptors in CSFwas significantly higher in patients with TH deficiency than in controls. Similarly, DAT and vesicular monoamine transporter type 2 were up-regulated. Studies performed before LDOPA, and on L-DOPA therapy showed a paradoxical response with D2 receptor expression increase as L-Dopa doses and homovanillic concentration gradually raised in a B phenotype patient. The opposite results were found in two patients with A phenotype. However, this is a very small sample, and further studies are needed to conclude robust differences between phenotypes. Synaptic proteins are detectable in the CSF and their quantification can be useful for understanding the pathophysiology of neurotransmitter defects and potentially to adjust and personalize treatments in the future.
Os autores relatam os resultados obtidos no diagnóstico laboratorial de varíola, durante o segundo ano de funcionamento de uma unidade montada no Instituto Presidente Castello Branco, da Fundação Instituto Oswaldo Crus, no Rio de Janeiro. O exame de 105 espécimens de crostas e de 76 de líquido vesicular /pustular, forneceu 39 e 34 amostras de vírus da varíola, respectivamente (Tabela 1). A demora em chegar ao laboratório influencia significativamente a taxa de isolamento de vírus (Tabela 2). Foi encontrada estreita relação entre os diagnósticos clínico e laboratorial (Tabela 3), quando possível compará-los. A inoculação em ovos embrionados após 1 a 2 horas do abaixamento da mebrana cório-alantóica, foi considerada como adequada às condições em que são realizados os exames. O laboratório continua a receber regularmente mais especimens para diagnóstico.
Os autores apresentam os resultados obtidos no terceiro ano de atividades do laboratório de Diagnóstico de Varíola, no Instituto Presidente Castello Bran-co, da Fundação Instituto Oswaldo Crus, no Rio de Janeiro. O exame de 82 espécimens de crosta e de 70 de liquido vesicular/pustular forneceu respectivamente 14 e 16 nmostras de vírus da varíola (Tabela 1). Oriundos do Estado da Guanabara, foram examinados 33 espécimens e iso-ladas 23 amostras de vírus variólico (Tabela 2). Foram comparadas as vacinas antivariólicas 'preparadas em ovos embriona- dos e as preparadas em pele de vitelos, tendo sido consideradas equivalentes nas condições descritas. O laboratório continua a receber regularmente mais espécimens para diagnóstico.
Dissertação apresentada para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Genética Molecular e Biomedicina, pela Universidade N ova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Durante o ano de 1996, foram atendidos no ambulatório de medicina de viajantes, quatro pacientes procedentes do sul da África com diagnóstico de rickettsiose. Todos eles apresentaram febre, dor de cabeça e presença de escara cutânea. Às 48 horas de iniciado o quadro, um dos pacientes evidenciou uma erupção máculo-papular, enquanto que os restantes desenvolveram um exantema vesicular e crostoso. A reação de Weil-Felix mostrou-se negativa e a sorologia para Rickettsia conorii por imunofluorescência foi positiva em todos os casos. Nenhum dos pacientes recordava haver sofrido picada de insetos ainda que tenham permanecido ou transitado por pastagens em regiões agrestes. Todos receberam tratamento com doxiciclina com evolução clínica satisfatória.
O presente estudo teve como objetivos avaliar a prevalência de cisticercose, classificar as etapas evolutivas dos cisticercos encontrados nos encéfalos e corações humanos, diferenciá-las de acordo com os aspectos macro e microscópicos dos processos patológicos gerais e comparar os processos encontrados nos encéfalos e corações. Foram revisados protocolos de autópsias realizadas no Hospital Escola da Faculdade de Medicina do Triângulo Mineiro, Uberaba, MG, Brasil, no período de 1970 a 2000. Verificou-se a prevalência da cisticercose em 71 casos, sendo 18 (25,4%) de cisticercose cardíaca e 53 (74,6%) de encefálica. Foram analisados 19 cisticercos, sendo 9 de encéfalos e 10 de corações. Os cisticercos foram classificados, de acordo com sua fase evolutiva, em etapas: vesicular, vesicular coloidal, granular nodular e nodular calcificada, com similaridade entre os diagnósticos macro e microscópico. Entre os processos patológicos destacaram-se a beta-fibrilose e a fibroelastose endocárdica. Adicionalmente, demonstrou-se que a classificação pode ser aplicada tanto na cisticercose encefálica como na cardíaca.
The efficacy of whole parasite and vesicular fluid antigen extracts from Taenia solium and Taenia crassiceps cysticerci for immunodiagnosis of neurocysticercosis was evaluated using ELISA on cerebrospinal fluid samples. Anticysticercal IgG antibodies were assayed in cerebrospinal fluid samples from 23 patients with neurocysticercosis and 35 patients with other neurological disorders. The ELISA reaction for the whole Taenia solium cysticercal extract showed 91.3% sensitivity and 94.3% specificity, whereas the sensitivity and specificity of the ELISA for the whole Taenia crassiceps cysticercal extract were 87% and 94.3%, respectively. The ELISA reactions for vesicular fluid from Taenia solium or Taenia crassiceps showed 91.3% sensitivity and 97.1% specificity. Considering the results obtained from the four antigen preparations, vesicular fluid from Taenia solium and Taenia crassiceps cysticerci may be useful as a source of antigens for immunological reactions that are used for detecting specific antibodies in cerebrospinal fluid samples from patients with neurocysticercosis.
INTRODUCTION: Human serofrequency of antibodies against Taenia solium antigens was determined and risk factors for cysticercosis transmission were identified. METHODS: Individuals (n=878) from periurban and rural locations of Lages, SC, were interviewed to gather demographic, sanitary and health information. Interviews and blood sample collections by finger prick on Whatman filter paper were performed from August 2004 to May 2005. Observation determined that 850 samples were suitable for analysis and were tested by ELISA using vesicular fluid of Taenia crassiceps heterologous antigen. To ensure the reliability of the results, 77 samples of the dried blood were matched with sera. The reactive samples were submitted to a serum confirmatory immunoblot (IB) test using purified Taenia crassiceps glycoproteins. RESULTS: The ELISA results for the dried blood and serum samples were statistically consistent. ELISA was positive in 186 (21.9%) out of 850 individuals. A group of 213 individuals were asked to collect vein blood for IB (186 with positive result in ELISA and 27 with inappropriate whole blood samples) and 130 attended the request. The IB was positive in 29 (3.4%) out of 850 individuals. A significant correlation (p = 0.0364) was determined among individuals who tested positive in the IB assay who practiced both pig rearing and kitchen gardening. CONCLUSIONS: ELISA with dried blood eluted from filter paper was suitable for cysticercosis population surveys. In Lages, human infection was associated with pig rearing and kitchen gardening. The prevalence index was compatible with other Latin American endemic areas.
Sistemas em aléias podem consistir numa solução para o uso da terra em regiões do Trópico Úmido. A relação dessa forma de manejo com a dinâmica dos fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (FMA) ainda é pouco compreendida. O objetivo desse estudo foi verificar a influência de leguminosas arbóreas em um sistema em aléias na capacidade infectiva e diversidade de FMA nativos em São Luís, Maranhão. Amostras de solo coletadas do sistema em aléias no campus experimental da Universidade Estadual do Maranhão (UEMA) - São Luís, em duas épocas do ano (Julho/2006 e Abril/2007), a duas distâncias (0 m e 0,5 m) do tronco de três leguminosas (Leucaena leucocephala, Clitoria fairchildiana e Acacia mangium) e em área testemunha (sem leguminosas) na profundidade de 0 - 20 cm. O solo coletado foi utilizado para avaliar a capacidade infectiva dos FMA nativos, densidade e identificação de glomerosporos. O sistema em aléias aumenta o potencial de infectividade dos FMA nativos dependendo da espécie de leguminosa arbórea associada, estação de coleta e proximidades das árvores. Dezesseis espécies de FMA foram encontradas na área distribuídas em cinco gêneros, sendo Scutellospora o mais representativo.
A 38-year-old male underwent coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). A saphenous vein graft was attached to the left marginal branch. The left internal thoracic artery was anastomosed to the left anterior descending artery (LAD). The early recovery was uneventful and the patient was discharged on the 5th postoperative day. After three months, he came back to the hospital complaining of weight loss, weakness, and dyspnea on mild exertion. Chest X-rays showed left pleural effusion. On physical examination, a decreased vesicular murmur was detected. After six days, the diagnosis of chylothorax was made after a milky fluid was detected in the plural cavity and total pulmonary expansion did not occur. On the next day, both anterior and posterior pleural drainage were performed by videothoracoscopy, and prolonged parenteral nutrition (PPN) was instituted for ten days. After seven days the patient was put on a low-fat diet for 8 days. The fluid accumulation ceased, the drains were removed and the patient was discharged with normal pulmonary expansion.
MSM, homem, 69 anos, procurou atendimento médico por dor em dorso esquerdo e membro inferior direito. A radiografia de tórax revelou alargamento do mediastino. Estava em observação quando apresentou rebaixamento da consciência e choque. Foi observado enfisema subcutâneo em hemitórax esquerdo e abolição do murmúrio vesicular em base do mesmo pulmão. Foi feita a intubação orotraqueal e realizada drenagem de hemitórax esquerdo, com saída de líquido serossanguinolento. O ecocardiograma revelou ventrículo esquerdo (D/S): 44/29 mm; septo 12 mm; parede posterior 13 mm; discreta dilatação em raiz da aorta, presença de lâmina de dissecção e hematoma periaórtico. As valvas e pericárdio eram normais. O paciente foi transferido para o InCor. O exame físico (21 out 2004: 10h45) revelou paciente sedado, com intubação orotraqueal, com palidez cutânea, frequência cardíaca 90 bpm, pressão arterial 130 x 80 mmHg, drenagem torácica sanguinolenta do dreno tórax. Eletrocardiograma - frequência 90 bpm, ritmo sinusal, baixa voltagem no plano frontal e diminuição de voltagem em derivações esquerdas (fig. 1). A tomografia revelou enfisema subcutâneo bilateral, aorta torácica com contornos imprecisos na sua porção descendente (da artéria subclávia até porção média), colapso do pulmão esquerdo e grande coleção de características hemáticas em mesmo hemitórax e no mediastino médio e posterior. Pequeno pneumotórax à direita; pequeno derrame pleural à direita com alterações do parênquima subjacente. A análise do coração foi prejudicada pela presença do hemotórax. Durante a realização de tomografia apresentou ausência de pulsos, midríase, com assistolia, sem resposta às manobras de ressuscitação e faleceu (21 out 2011; 15h).
Com o objetivo de avaliar a interação micorrízica X Al tóxico no substrato efetuou-se um experimento fatorial 2x2x2, em casa de vegetação, no Departamento de Genética da ESALQ/USP, em Piracicaba. Foram empregadas duas cultivares de Leucaena leucocephala, uma Al - tolerante (Planta 49 - Estrada do Bongue) e outra Al-intolerante (NO749), cultivadas em areia lavada e esterilizada, com adição de solução nutritiva. A micorriza foi estabelecida com a inoculação de Glomus teptotichum Shenck e Smith no substrato, mantendo-se como testemunha a ausência do fungo. Dois níveis de Al foram avaliados, 0 e 9 ppm, adicionados à solução nutritiva. Aos 65 dias após o transplante das plântulas procedeu-se à colheita e foram determinados o peso da metária seca da parte aérea, altura de planta, porcentagem de colonização radicular, teor e quantidade acumulada de N, P, K, Ca, Mg e Al na parte aérea. Observou-se um acentuado efeito promotor da micorriza em Leucaena, o que geroulhe incrementos tanto no desenvolvimento da planta como na absorção de nutrientes. A cultivar intolerante ao Al tóxico mostrou-se mais dependente da micorriza e inclusive mais beneficiada,apresentando os maiores acréscimos na produção de matéria seca e acúmulo de nutrientes na parte aérea. Nas condições do experimento não houve acentuada diferença entre as doses de Al empregadas e, apesar do maior acúmulo do elemento em plantas micorrizadas, não foi observado interferência no desenvolvimento das cultivares.
A spindle-cell sarcoma (fig. 5) apparently originating from the dura (fig. 4) was found at the autopsy of a male, mulato, 17 years of age. The bones of the skull (occipital and both parietals) were penetrated and destroyed (fig. 1 and 2). The nervous tissue was not penetrated, the only change in the brain being a depressed area where the tumor was included. Metastatic nodules were found in the liver (fig. 3),hepatic lymphnodes (fig. 14), spleen (fig. 12) and suprarenal bodies (fig. 15). The structure, however, in all those different locations was that of a typical endothelioma (figs. 8, 11 and 13). The cells are of large and moderate size, of polyhedral form, with vesicular nuclei, diminutive nucleoli and clear cytoplasm. (Figs. 6 and 8). They are arranged about a central lumen which represents a rudimentary vessel (figs. 9 and 13). Other areas are composed of cells without concentric arrangement (figs. 4 and 10). In small areas, the colums of liver cells are marginated in one side by typical sinusoids, while in the other side tumor cells arranged about a narrow lumen are seen suggesting a pathological (neoplastic) sinusoid (figs. 7 and 9). The case is considered as a multiple diffuse endothelioma. The origin of the tumor is referred to the reticulo-endothelial apparatus of the liver, the spleen, the suprarenal bodies and the lymph nodes, the structure being rather uniform in those organs. In the dura, the endothelioma reproduces the structure and presents the general character of a fibroblastic sarcoma; in some places, however, the structure of endothelioma could be found (fig.6). It corresponds to the reticulo-endotheliomatosis maligna according to Puhr's grouping of progressive changes in the reticulo-endothelial apparatus which is a follows: 1. HYPERPLASTIC - 1. Mnnocytic leukemia. 2. a) Aleukemic reticulosis (Goldschmid and Isaac). b) Idiopathic sarcoma of skin (Kaposi). c) Cutaneous sarcoid (Spiegler). 3. Secretory reticulosis. a) Gaucher's disease. b) Generalized xanthomatosis. c) Spleno-hepatomegaly with lipoidic cells (Pick). II. BLASTOMATOSUS OR NEOPLASTIC - 1. Benign - a) Circumscribed tumors. a) Epulis sarcomatosa; b) Benign giant-cells sarcoma of the bone - marrow of long bones. b) Generalized brown tumors of osteitis fibrosa. 2. Malignant - a) Circumscribed haemangio - endothelioma (reticulo- endothelioma (maligum). of {liver, spleen, bone-marrow. b) Generalized haemangio-endotheliomatosis (reticulo-endotheliomatosis maligna) (Grabowski).
RESUME GRAND PUBLICLe cerveau est composé de différents types cellulaires, dont les neurones et les astrocytes. Faute de moyens pour les observer, les astrocytes sont très longtemps restés dans l'ombre alors que les neurones, bénéficiant des outils ad hoc pour être stimulés et étudiés, ont fait l'objet de toutes les attentions. Le développement de l'imagerie cellulaire et des outils fluorescents ont permis d'observer ces cellules non électriquement excitables et d'obtenir des informations qui laissent penser que ces cellules sont loin d'être passives et participent activement au fonctionnement cérébral. Cette participation au fonctionnement cérébral se fait en partie par le biais de la libération de substances neuro-actives (appellées gliotransmetteurs) que les astrocytes libèrent à proximité des synapses permettant ainsi de moduler le fonctionnement neuronal. Cette libération de gliotransmetteurs est principalement causée par l'activité neuronale que les astrocytes sont capables de sentir. Néanmoins, nous savons encore peu de chose sur les propriétés précises de la libération des gliotransmetteurs. Comprendre les propriétés spatio-temporelles de cette libération est essentiel pour comprendre le mode de communication de ces cellules et leur implication dans la transmission de l'information cérébrale. En utilisant des outils fluorescents récemment développés et en combinant différentes techniques d'imagerie cellulaire, nous avons pu obtenir des informations très précises sur la libération de ces gliotransmetteurs par les astrocytes. Nous avons ainsi confirmé que cette libération était un processus très rapide et qu'elle était contrôlée par des augmentations de calcium locales et rapides. Nous avons également décrit une organisation complexe de la machinerie supportant la libération des gliotransmetteurs. Cette organisation complexe semble être à la base de la libération extrêmement rapide des gliotransmetteurs. Cette rapidité de libération et cette complexité structurelle semblent indiquer que les astrocytes sont des cellules particulièrement adaptées à une communication rapide et qu'elles peuvent, au même titre que les neurones dont elles seraient les partenaires légitimes, participer à la transmission et à l'intégration de l'information cérébrale.RESUMEDe petites vésicules, les « SLMVs » ou « Synaptic Like MicroVesicles », exprimant des transporteurs vésiculaires du glutamate (VGluTs) et libérant du glutamate par exocytose régulée, ont récemment été décrites dans les astrocytes en culture et in situ. Néanmoins, nous savons peu de chose sur les propriétés précises de la sécrétion de ces SLMVs. Contrairement aux neurones, le couplage stimulussécrétion des astrocytes n'est pas basé sur l'ouverture des canaux calciques membranaires mais nécessite l'intervention de seconds messagers et la libération du calcium par le reticulum endoplasmique (RE). Comprendre les propriétés spatio-temporelles de la sécrétion astrocytaire est essentiel pour comprendre le mode de communication de ces cellules et leur implication dans la transmission de l'information cérébrale. Nous avons utilisé des outils fluorescents récemment développés pour étudier le recyclage des vésicules synaptiques glutamatergiques comme les colorants styryles et la pHluorin afin de pouvoir suivre la sécrétion des SLMVs à l'échelle de la cellule mais également à l'échelle des évènements. L'utilisation combinée de l'épifluorescence et de la fluorescence à onde évanescente nous a permis d'obtenir une résolution temporelle et spatiale sans précédent. Ainsi avons-nous confirmé que la sécrétion régulée des astrocytes était un processus très rapide (de l'ordre de quelques centaines de millisecondes). Nous avons découvert que cette sécrétion est contrôlée par des augmentations de calcium locales et rapides. Nous avons également décrit des compartiments cytosoliques délimités par le RE à proximité de la membrane plasmique et contenant les SLMVs. Cette organisation semble être à la base du couplage rapide entre l'activation des GPCRs et la sécrétion. L'existence de compartiments subcellulaires indépendants permettant de contenir les messagers intracellulaires et de limiter leur diffusion semble compenser de manière efficace la nonexcitabilité électrique des astrocytes. Par ailleurs, l'existence des différents pools de vésicules recrutés séquentiellement et fusionnant selon des modalités distinctes ainsi que l'existence de mécanismes permettant le renouvellement de ces pools lors de la stimulation suggèrent que les astrocytes peuvent faire face à une stimulation soutenue de leur sécrétion. Ces données suggèrent que la libération de gliotransmetteurs par exocytose régulée n'est pas seulement une propriété des astrocytes en culture mais bien le résultat d'une forte spécialisation de ces cellules pour la sécrétion. La rapidité de cette sécrétion donne aux astrocytes toutes les compétences pour pouvoir intervenir de manière active dans la transmission et l'intégration de l'information.ABSTRACTRecently, astrocytic synaptic like microvesicles (SLMVs), that express vesicular glutamate transporters (VGluTs) and are able to release glutamate by Ca2+-dependent regulated exocytosis, have been described both in tissue and in cultured astrocytes. Nevertheless, little is known about the specific properties of regulated secretion in astrocytes. Important differences may exist between astrocytic and neuronal exocytosis, starting from the fact that stimulus-secretion coupling in astrocytes is voltage independent, mediated by G-protein-coupled receptors and the release of Ca2+ from internal stores. Elucidating the spatiotemporal properties of astrocytic exo-endocytosis is, therefore, of primary importance for understanding the mode of communication of these cells and their role in brain signaling. We took advantage of fluorescent tools recently developed for studying recycling of glutamatergic vesicles at synapses like styryl dyes and pHluorin in order to follow exocytosis and endocytosis of SLMVs at the level of the entire cell or at the level of single event. We combined epifluorescence and total internal reflection fluorescence imaging to investigate, with unprecedented temporal and spatial resolution, the events underlying the stimulus-secretion in astrocytes. We confirmed that exo-endocytosis process in astrocytes proceeds with a time course on the millisecond time scale. We discovered that SLMVs exocytosis is controlled by local and fast Ca2+ elevations; indeed submicrometer cytosolic compartments delimited by endoplasmic reticulum (ER) tubuli reaching beneath the plasma membrane and containing SLMVs. Such complex organization seems to support the fast stimulus-secretion coupling reported here. Independent subcellular compartments formed by ER, SLMVs and plasma membrane containing intracellular messengers and limiting their diffusion seem to compensate efficiently the non-electrical excitability of astrocytes. Moreover, the existence of two pools of SLMVs which are sequentially recruited suggests a compensatory mechanisms allowing the refill of SLMVs and supporting exocytosis process over a wide range of multiple stimuli. These data suggest that regulated secretion is not only a feature of cultured astrocytes but results from a strong specialization of these cells. The rapidity of secretion demonstrates that astrocytes are able to actively participate in brain information transmission and processing.