903 resultados para Maximum pseudo-likelihood


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This Letter presents a search at the LHC for s-channel single top-quark production in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV. The analyzed data set was recorded by the ATLAS detector and corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 20.3 fb−1. Selected events contain one charged lepton, large missing transverse momentum and exactly two b-tagged jets. A multivariate event classifier based on boosted decision trees is developed to discriminate s-channel single top-quark events from the main background contributions. The signal extraction is based on a binned maximum-likelihood fit of the output classifier distribution. The analysis leads to an upper limit on the s-channel single top-quark production cross-section of 14.6 pb at the 95% confidence level. The fit gives a cross-section of σs=5.0±4.3 pb, consistent with the Standard Model expectation.


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Extreme value models are widely used in different areas. The Birnbaum–Saunders distribution is receiving considerable attention due to its physical arguments and its good properties. We propose a methodology based on extreme value Birnbaum–Saunders regression models, which includes model formulation, estimation, inference and checking. We further conduct a simulation study for evaluating its performance. A statistical analysis with real-world extreme value environmental data using the methodology is provided as illustration.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Economia Industrial e da Empresa


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Pressures on the Brazilian Amazon forest have been accentuated by agricultural activities practiced by families encouraged to settle in this region in the 1970s by the colonization program of the government. The aims of this study were to analyze the temporal and spatial evolution of land cover and land use (LCLU) in the lower Tapajós region, in the state of Pará. We contrast 11 watersheds that are generally representative of the colonization dynamics in the region. For this purpose, Landsat satellite images from three different years, 1986, 2001, and 2009, were analyzed with Geographic Information Systems. Individual images were subject to an unsupervised classification using the Maximum Likelihood Classification algorithm available on GRASS. The classes retained for the representation of LCLU in this study were: (1) slightly altered old-growth forest, (2) succession forest, (3) crop land and pasture, and (4) bare soil. The analysis and observation of general trends in eleven watersheds shows that LCLU is changing very rapidly. The average deforestation of old-growth forest in all the watersheds was estimated at more than 30% for the period of 1986 to 2009. The local-scale analysis of watersheds reveals the complexity of LCLU, notably in relation to large changes in the temporal and spatial evolution of watersheds. Proximity to the sprawling city of Itaituba is related to the highest rate of deforestation in two watersheds. The opening of roads such as the Transamazonian highway is associated to the second highest rate of deforestation in three watersheds.


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Here we focus on factor analysis from a best practices point of view, by investigating the factor structure of neuropsychological tests and using the results obtained to illustrate on choosing a reasonable solution. The sample (n=1051 individuals) was randomly divided into two groups: one for exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and principal component analysis (PCA), to investigate the number of factors underlying the neurocognitive variables; the second to test the "best fit" model via confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). For the exploratory step, three extraction (maximum likelihood, principal axis factoring and principal components) and two rotation (orthogonal and oblique) methods were used. The analysis methodology allowed exploring how different cognitive/psychological tests correlated/discriminated between dimensions, indicating that to capture latent structures in similar sample sizes and measures, with approximately normal data distribution, reflective models with oblimin rotation might prove the most adequate.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the behavior of blood pressure during exercise in patients with hypertension controlled by frontline antihypertension drugs. METHODS: From 979ergometric tests we retrospectively selected 49 hipertensive patients (19 males). The age was 53±12 years old and normal range rest arterial pressure (<=140/90 mmHg) all on pharmacological monotherapy. There were 12 on beta blockers; 14 on calcium antagonists, 13 on diuretics and 10 on angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor. Abnormal exercise behhavior of blood pressure was diagnosed if anyone of the following criteria was detected: peak systolic pressure above 220 mmHg, raising of systolic pressure > or = 10 mmHg/MET; or increase of diastolic pressure greater than 15 mmHg. RESULTS: Physiologic response of arterial blood pressure occurred in 50% of patients on beta blockers, the best one (p<0.05), in 36% and 31% on calcium antagonists and on diuretics, respectively, and in 20% on angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, the later the leastr one (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: Beta-blockers were more effective than calcium antagonists, diuretics and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors in controlling blood pressure during exercise, and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors the least effective drugs.


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The patient arrived at the emergency unit with a history of acute myocardial infarction, for which she was treated. Without improvement in the pain, the patient developed heart failure and underwent a hemodynamic study, which showed normal coronary arteries and extensive ventricular impairment. During evolution, the clinical findings improved and herpes zoster appeared on the right shoulder. In a few months the clinical findings subsided, and the findings of the electrocardiogram, chest X-ray, and ventricular function were normal. The patient is currently asymptomatic.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the influence of systolic or diastolic dysfunction, or both on congestive heart failure functional class. METHODS: Thirty-six consecutive patients with a clinical diagnosis of congestive heart failure with sinus rhythm, who were seen between September and November of 1998 answered an adapted questionnaire about tolerance to physical activity for the determination of NYHA functional class. The patients were studied with transthoracic Doppler echocardiography. Two groups were compared: group 1 (19 patients in functional classes I and II) and group 2 (17 patients in functional classes III and IV). RESULTS: The average ejection fraction was significantly higher in group 1 (44.84%±8.04% vs. 32.59%±11.48% with p=0.0007). The mean ratio of the initial/final maximum diastolic filling velocity (E/A) of the left ventricle was significantly smaller in group 1 (1.07±0.72 vs. 1.98±1.49 with p=0.03). The average maximum systolic pulmonary venous velocity (S) was significantly higher in group 1 (53.53cm/s ± 12.02cm/s vs. 43.41cm/s ± 13.55cm/s with p=0.02). The mean ratio of maximum systolic/diastolic pulmonary venous velocity was significantly higher in group 1 (1.52±0.48 vs. 1.08±0.48 with p=0.01). A predominance of pseudo-normal and restrictive diastolic patterns existed in group 2 (58.83% in group 2 vs. 21.06% in group 1 with p=0.03). CONCLUSION: Both the systolic dysfunction index and the patterns of diastolic dysfunction evaluated by Doppler echocardiography worsened with the evolution of congestive heart failure.


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Relatamos o caso incomum de um alpinista de 52 anos que apresentava dor e edema em sua coxa direita, o que revelou ser um pseudoaneurisma micótico roto, sem histórico de trauma recente ou outra causa aparente. O paciente relatou uma história de infarto do miocárdio onze anos antes, com a realização de dois cateterismos femorais para cineangiocoronariografia. Ele negou qualquer episódio de febre ou diagnóstico de bacteremia naquele momento ou mais tarde, como também outra queixa durante esses onze anos. A raridade do caso, a aparência dessa complicação extremamente tardia, juntamente com o tipo de atividade esportiva do paciente sugeriram-nos publicar o caso.


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A ruptura da parede livre do ventrículo esquerdo é uma dramática, porém nem sempre fatal complicação do infarto agudo do miocárdio. No entanto, se o diagnóstico correto for retardado, o tratamento cirúrgico pode ser comprometido. Os autores relatam um caso de volumoso pseudo-aneurisma de parede inferior de ventrículo esquerdo diagnosticado ao estudo angiográfico.


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El proyecto tiene como propósito caracterizar la variabilidad de la paleocirculación atmosférica en las latitudes medias de Sudamérica, su efecto sobre la fluctuación hidroclimática regional y la vulnerabilidad humana frente a los cambios ocurridos desde el Ultimo Máximo Glacial/Holoceno. El enfoque inter y multidisciplinaro aquí planteado para analizar la varibiliad hidroclimática pasada, sus causas y consecuencias, es inédito para esta región del país. El mismo contempla: a) análisis de archivos climáticos sedimentarios con una aproximación de multi-indicadores (sedimentología, geoquímica, isótopos estables y radiogénicos, mineralogía, ostrácodos y moluscos); b) determinación de la dinámica actual y pasada del polvo atmosférico (PA) combinando mediciones in situ y en registros sedimentarios y c) análisis de restos óseos humanos y malacológicos en sitios arqueológicos.Se contempla: a) Efectuar análisis de multi-indicadores de registros climáticos naturales almacenados en sistemas lacustres de la región Pampeana (S. Ambargasta, Mar Chiquita, Pocho, Melincué, Lagunas Encadenadas del Oeste de Buenos Aires) y en secuencias loessicas para inferir la variabilidad de la circulación atmosférica desde el UMG; b) Ampliar la resolución temporal de las reconstrucciones climáticas para ventanas de tiempo seleccionadas; c) Analizar la señal geoquímica del registro sedimentario de fases climáticas contrastantes; d) Identificar la variabilidad temporal de la procedencia y de los procesos actuantes mediante análisis mineralógicos y geoquímicos; e) Analizar el ambiente actual para calibrar indicadores ambientales o proxies (isótopos, flujo de sedimentos, geoquímica, moluscos y ostrácodos) con el escenario climático contemporáneo; f) Analizar en conjunto los archivos climáticos para inferir patrones de paleocirculación atmosférica regional y g) Dilucidar estrategias adaptativas y la historia biológica de poblaciones humanas en la región central de Argentina durante fases climáticas diversas.Este proyecto aborda uno de los aspectos menos conocidos de las reconstrucciones paleoambientales, que está relacionado con rol del material eólico derivado del Hemisferio Sur y el impacto que genera sobre el ciclo regional del Carbono. A pesar que el sur de Sudamérica es una de las áreas claves para entender este aspecto, no se conoce de forma acabada la incidencia de los cambios ambientales sobre el flujo de PA o el efecto de futuros cambios climáticos y/o uso de la tierra.La actividad planteada tiene implicancias directas sobre múltiples disciplinas como las ciencias atmosféricas, geoquímica, sedimentología, paleoclimatologia y bioarqueología. Nuestros resultados permitirán mejorar el entendimiento del cambio climático regional, la dinámica del polvo y su rol como forzante del sistema climático, la variabilidad hidrológica presente y pasada y la respuesta por parte de las poblaciones humanas. Profundizar el estudio de los cambios paleoclimáticos y bioarqueológicos en la región permitirá analizar la variabilidad hidroclimática y determinar su relación con las situaciones de crisis y vulnerabilidad del pobamiento humano. Asimismo, la inferencia de cambios para períodos con mínima o sin influencia humana es una herramienta clave para mejorar el conocimiento de las fluctuaciones climáticas del área extratropical Sudamericana. Estos resultados permitirán analizar no sólo los mecanismos operados en el sistema climático pasado sino también aquellos factores que explicarían el gran cambio hidroclimático registrado desde 1970 cuyos efectos han impactado claramente sobre las actividades socio-económicos en la región central Argentina.


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ჩატარდა ელექტროტელურული ველის ცვალებადობის შესაძლო კავშირის კვლევა სეისმოტექტონიკური პროცესების აქტიურობასთან მიმართებაში მაქსიმალური დასაჯერებლობის პრინციპის გამოყენებით. 1982 წელს ელექტროტელურული ველის ურთიერთმართობული მდგენელების ინტენსივობის წლიურ-ყოველსაათიან ცვალებადობას და დუშეთიდან ასორმოცდაათი კილომეტრის რადიუსით შემოსაზღვრულ არეში მომხდარი არასუსტი მიწისძვრების მაგნიტუდების ცვალებადობას შორის არსებობს შესაძლო კავშირი.


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Mathematik, kumulative Habil.-Schr., 2011