679 resultados para Manager’s perceptions
Answering patients' evolving, more complex needs has been recognized as a main incentive for the development of interprofessional care. Thus, it is not surprising that patient-centered practice (PCP) has been adopted as a major outcome for interprofessional education. Nevertheless, little research has focused on how PCP is perceived across the professions. This study aimed to address this issue by adopting a phenomenological approach and interviewing three groups of professionals: social workers (n = 10), nurses (n = 10) and physicians (n = 8). All the participants worked in the same department (the General Internal Medicine department of a university affiliated hospital). Although the participants agreed on a core meaning of PCP as identifying, understanding and answering patients' needs, they used many dimensions to define PCP. Overall, the participants expressed value for PCP as a philosophy of care, but there was the sense of a hierarchy of patient-centeredness across the professions, in which both social work and nursing regarded themselves as more patient-centered than others. On their side, physicians seemed inclined to accept their lower position in this hierarchy. Gieryn's concept of boundary work is employed to help illuminate the nature of PCP within an interprofessional context.
HIV-positive adolescents face a number of challenges in dealing with their disease and its treatment. In this qualitative study, twenty-nine HIV-positive adolescents aged 13 to 20 years (22 girls), who live in Switzerland, were asked, in a semi-structured interview (duration of 40-110 minutes), to describe their perceptions and experiences with the disease itself and with therapeutic adherence. While younger adolescents most often thought of their disease as fate, older adolescents usually knew that they had received it through vertical transmission, although the topic appeared to be particularly difficult to discuss for those living with their HIV-positive mothers. Based on their attending physician's assessment, 18 subjects were judged highly adherent, 4 fairly and 7 poorly adherent. High adherence appeared linked with adequate psychological adjustment and effective coping mechanisms, as well as with the discussion and adoption of explicit medication-taking strategies. The setting and organisation of health care teams should allow for ongoing discussions with HIV-positive adolescents that focus on their perceptions of their disease, how they cope with it and with the treatment, and how they could improve their adherence.
The purpose of this study is to increase understanding of how the managers build their early career in information and communication technology industry (ICT business sector) and pulp- and paper industry (paper business sector). The focus of the study is to explore the importance differing a business sectors have in influencing managerial careers. Business sectors can affect careers in several ways.Sectors have different history and traditions. Also the age structure of ICT personnel differs from the age structure of personnel in the paper industry. Managers in the ICT and paper sector are technically educated but in different disciplines. Differences exist also in ways of recruiting and developing commitment inpersonnel. The target group of this research, middle management engineering personnel, work in Finnish ICT and paper companies. Research data were gathered in April-December 2002 in South-Karelia by interviewing 30 managers and six directors working in three Finnish ICT companies and in three paper companies. The research issue is approached on two levels: the individual level and the organizational level. The managers related their career stories in focused interviews. Directors, representing the organizations, described the generalities of the business sector and gave background information on company policies, human relationshippractices, as well as career and human resource development. Results of the study contribute to research discussions of career, life-span reasoning, socialization and commitment. Career is conceived as a series of positions including everykind of hierarchical mobility and all kinds of positions in work. A manager's career develops in interaction with the organization and it can be seen as involving a socializing process in an organization as a consequence of experiences andchanges in positions. This research contributes to the understanding of the nature of career in the context of two business sectors. Universal career theories,for the most part, do not perceive the importance of business sector in determining career experience. This study concentrates on describing and understanding early careers in two different business areas, elements committing managers to particular business sectors and the actions of companies in that particular sector. While career research began in the middle of 1950s, the theoretical basis of career research seems to be quite fragmented still. However, a dichotomy is consistently presented between traditional, hierarchical career research and boundaryless career thinking. In this research we examine how these old and new career concepts are evidence in the ICT and paper sectors. Careers are changing from formal, hierarchy-based structures to more fluid arrangements. The new boundaryless career concept captures territory from old career thinking. Mobility between employers, networks, and changing hierarchical structures in organizations, as well as personal and family reasons are theorized to bring changes to careers patterns in the future. However, the pace of this change in careers will vary between the ICT and paper business sectors. Findings of this research indicate that business sector has an effect on how managerial careers develop. The environment where career is developed differs between ICT and paper sectors. Careers begin differently in the two environments and the speed of career progression is distinct. ICT careers are built within the business sector whereas paper careers are made inside one company. Also recruiting and socialization practices differ from one sector to the other.
Introduction La précarité définit ce dont l'avenir, la durée ou la solidité ne sont pas assurés. Elle se développe notamment lorsque le niveau socio-économique est défavorable. Elle se définit par rapport à la communauté et peut être matérielle ou relationnelle. Le rapport entre précarité et santé peut se comprendre sous l'angle des déterminants sociaux de la santé, énoncés en 2004 par l'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS) : les conditions et les habitudes de vie influencent l'état de santé. Ayant un large accès à la population, les médecins de premier recours (MPR) sont des témoins privilégiés de la précarité et des inégalités sociales. La littérature définit la mission des MPR, mais il est essentiel de connaître leurs points de vue sur la question de la précarité, dans la réalité pratique. Méthode Ce travail de recherche a débuté par une revue approfondie de la littérature concernant les problématiques psychosociales en médecine. Une approche qualitative était ensuite nécessaire, sous forme d'entrevues semidirigées avec cinq différents médecins de la région lausannoise, afin de réaliser un questionnaire à soumettre à 47 autres médecins de premier recours, dans l'ensemble de la Suisse Romande, après validation par la commission cantonale vaudoise d'éthique. Résultats Cette enquête met en évidence l'existence et l'importance de la problématique de la précarité au sein du système de santé en Suisse Romande. Difficile à cerner, complexe et multifactorielle, certains ont tenté de la définir mais chacun l'apprécie différemment selon son vécu et sa sensibilité. Hormis ceux qui renoncent aux soins ou qui recourent aux urgences en dernier recours, la population qui consulte les MPR comporte entre 10 et 20% de patients précaires, proportion en augmentation ces dernières années et dépendant de la localisation. Les MPR détectent la précarité grâce à l'anamnèse psychosociale et certains marqueurs extérieurs. Leurs points de vue sont au coeur de notre question initiale. Pour eux, c'est leur rôle de détecter et prendre en charge, du moins partiellement, la précarité. Ils réfèrent ensuite souvent les patients vers d'autres structures ou corps de métiers mieux spécialisés. Ils ressentent, selon les situations, de la frustration, du surmenage, de l'impuissance mais aussi de la satisfaction personnelle dans ce type de prise en charge. La précarité complique souvent la prise en charge médicale : elle influence la survenue ou l'évolution du problème de santé, augmente le temps de consultation pour les patients précaires, induit une tendance chez les MPR à adapter le traitement ou réaliser moins d'investigations complémentaires en raison des difficultés économiques des patients et entraîne souvent des factures impayées. Les pathologies ou problèmes de santé les plus fréquemment rencontrés dans ces populations sont les troubles dépressifs, les addictions, les douleurs chroniques et le syndrome métabolique. Enfin, au delà du simple constat, les MPR expriment certains besoins pour mieux faire face à la précarité : ils souhaiteraient entre autres un carnet d'adresses utiles, un score mesurant la précarité et une formation continue à ce sujet. Conclusion La précarité est un sujet d'actualité et peut notamment influencer l'état de santé des populations, et inversement. Les MPR sont des témoins essentiels de cette problématique et la clé de sa détection, de par leur accès à une large population. Connaître leurs points de vue paraît donc essentiel si l'on souhaite imaginer des interventions visant à réduire les inégalités en matière de santé, pour une meilleure équité des soins. Entre ce qu'ils ressentent et les problèmes concrets d'organisation des consultations de patients précaires, le risque est un certain renoncement aux soins de la part des médecins, qui accentuerait celui des patients déjà existant. Finalement, la pénurie grandissante des MPR nécessite également de mieux comprendre leur mission et leurs conditions de travail, afin d'aider à redéfinir l'avenir du métier, pour continuer à exister et détecter ces situations à prendre en charge, visant à restaurer une santé solide et équilibrée, physique, mentale et sociale.
BACKGROUND: Twelve-step mutual-help groups (TMGs) are among the most available forms of support for homeless individuals with alcohol problems. Qualitative research, however, has suggested that this population often has negative perceptions of these groups, which has been shown to be associated with low TMG attendance. It is important to understand this population's perceptions of TMGs and their association with alcohol outcomes to provide more appropriate and better tailored programming for this multiply affected population. The aims of this cross-sectional study were to (a) qualitatively examine perception of TMGs in this population and (b) quantitatively evaluate its association with motivation, treatment attendance and alcohol outcomes. METHODS: Participants (N=62) were chronically homeless individuals with alcohol problems who received single-site Housing First within a larger evaluation study. Perceptions of TMGs were captured using an open-ended item. Quantitative outcome variables were created from assessments of motivation, treatment attendance and alcohol outcomes. RESULTS: Findings indicated that perceptions of TMGs were primarily negative followed by positive and neutral perceptions, respectively. There were significant, positive associations between perceptions of TMGs and motivation and treatment attendance, whereas no association was found for alcohol outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: Although some individuals view TMGs positively, alternative forms of help are needed to engage the majority of chronically homeless individuals with alcohol problems.