979 resultados para MIXED ORGANIC SUBSTRATE
Intramolecular C–H insertion reactions of α-diazocarbonyl compounds typically proceed with preferential five-membered ring formation. However, the presence of a heteroatom such as nitrogen can activate an adjacent C–H site toward insertion resulting in regiocontrol issues. In the case of α-diazoacetamide derivatives, both β- and γ-lactam products are possible owing to this activating effect. Both β- and γ-lactam products are powerful synthetic building blocks in the area of organic synthesis, as well as a common scaffold in a range of natural and pharmaceutical products and therefore C–H insertion reactions to form such compounds are attractive processes.
We exploit TiO2 surface functionalization as a tool to induce the crystallization process of CH3NH3PbI3xClx perovskite thin films resulting in a reduction of the degree of orientation of the (110) crystallographic planes. Notably, the variation of the film crystalline orientational order does not affect the photovoltaic performances of the perovskite-based devices, whose efficiency remains mostly unchanged. Our findings suggest that other factors are more significant in determining the device efficiency, such as the non-homogenous coverage of the TiO2 surface causing charge recombination at the organic/TiO2 interface, defect distribution on the perovskite bulk and at the interfaces, and transport in the organic or TiO2 layer. This observation represents a step towards the comprehension of the perovskite film peculiarities influencing the photovoltaic efficiency for high performance devices.
Ubiquitylation or covalent attachment of ubiquitin (Ub) to a variety of substrate proteins in cells is a versatile post-translational modification involved in the regulation of numerous cellular processes. The distinct messages that polyubiquitylation encodes are attributed to the multitude of conformations possible through attachment of ubiquitin monomers within a polyubiquitin chain via a specific lysine residue. Thus the hypothesis is that linkage defines polyubiquitin conformation which in turn determines specific recognition by cellular receptors. Ubiquitylation of membrane surface receptor proteins plays a very important role in regulating receptor-mediated endocytosis as well as endosomal sorting for lysosomal degradation. Epsin1 is an endocytic adaptor protein with three tandem UIMs (Ubiquitin Interacting Motifs) which are responsible for the highly specific interaction between epsin and ubiquitylated receptors. Epsin1 is also an oncogenic protein and its expression is upregulated in some types of cancer. Recently it has been shown that novel K11 and K63 mixed-linkage polyubiquitin chains serve as internalization signal for MHC I (Major Histocompatibility Complex I) molecule through their association with the tUIMs of epsin1. However the molecular mode of action and structural details of the interaction between polyubiquitin chains on receptors and tUIMs of epsin1 is yet to be determined. This information is crucial for the development of anticancer therapeutics targeting epsin1. The molecular basis for the linkage-specific recognition of K11 and K63 mixed-linkage polyubiquitin chains by the tandem UIMs of the endocytic adaptor protein epsin1 is investigated using a combination of NMR methods.
Aplicações de microalgas tem tornado esses micro-organismos importantes em pesquisas com fins tanto comerciais como energéticos. A biofixação de CO2 por microalgas é vista como uma forma economicamente viável e ambientalmente sustentável para mitigar as emissões de CO2 e geração de biomassa para obtenção de bioprodutos de alto valor agregado como os biocombustíveis. Na digestão anaeróbia da biomassa de microalgas a adição de um cosubstrato rico em carbono pode facilitar o processo de produção de biogás. O glicerol possui alta concentração de carbono orgânico e é solúvel em água. Neste sentido, a combinação de ambos os substratos pode solucionar um dos principais problemas para o processo de digestão, que reside no equilíbrio da razão (C/N). Co-digestão anaeróbia consiste na digestão anaeróbia de uma mistura de dois ou mais substratos com composições complementares. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a geração de biogás através da co-digestão anaeróbia de biomassa de Spirulina sp. LEB 18 e glicerol bruto. Para a realização do estudo foram construídos e operados sete biorreatores com volume útil de 1,5 L, alimentados com 5, 6, 10, 15 e 20 g.L -1 da mistura de biomassa de Spirulina e glicerol. A adição de diferentes quantidades de glicerol (5 e 10 g.L -1 ) foi utilizada como um suplemento na digestão anaeróbia em sistema de batelada. A razão C/N variou de 3,3×103 a 23,7. Os ensaios foram realizados a 35 °C, em reatores equipados com sistema de coleta de gás, alimentação e retirada do efluente líquido, operados em batelada sequencial. O efluente líquido dos reatores foi analisado quanto ao pH, nitrogênio amoniacal e alcalinidade. O volume de biogás produzido diariamente foi medido em gasômetro de frasco invertido. Em todos os ensaios, os valores médios de pH variaram de 7,0 a 7,3 e nitrogênio amoniacal de 62,02 a 1100,99 mg.L-1 . A alcalinidade do efluente variou entre 1133,37 e 3578,98 mg.L-1 CaCO3. Em todos os ensaios com adição de glicerol houve incremento na produção específica de biogás (0,16 – 0,24 d -1 ) quando comparado ao ensaio em que somente biomassa microalgal era alimentada no processo (0,03 L.d-1 ), demonstrando ser esta uma alternativa interessante para a produção de biocombustível e concomitante agregação de valor ao glicerol residual da produção de biodiesel.
In the last decades, the effects of the air pollution have been increasing, especially in the case of the human health diseases. In order to overcome this problem, scientists have been studying the components of the air. As a part of water-soluble organic compounds, amino acids are present in the atmospheric environment as components of diverse living organisms which can be responsible for spreading diseases through the air. Liquid chromatography is one technique capable of distinguish the different amino acids from each other. In this work, aiming at separating the amino acids found in the aerosols samples collected in Aveiro, the ability of four columns (Mixed-Mode WAX-1, Mixed-Mode HILIC-1, Luna HILIC and Luna C18) to separate four amino acids (aspartic acid, lysine, glycine and tryptophan) and the way the interaction of the stationary phases of the columns with the analytes is influenced by organic solvent concentration and presence/concentration of the buffer, are being assessed. In the Mixed-Mode WAX-1 column, the chromatograms of the distinct amino acids revealed the separation was not efficient, since the retention times were very similar. In the case of lysine, in the elution with 80% (V/V) MeOH, the peaks appeared during the volume void. In the Mixed-Mode HILIC-1 column, the variation of the organic solvent concentration did not affect the elution of the four studied amino acids. Considering the Luna HILIC column, the retention times of the amino acids were too close to each other to ensure a separation among each other. Lastly, the Luna C18 column revealed to be useful to separate amino acids in a gradient mode, being the variation of the mobile phase composition in the organic solvent concentration (ACN). Luna C18 was the column used to separate the amino acids in the real samples and the mobile phase had acidified water and ACN. The gradient consisted in the following program: 0 – 2 min: 5% (V/V) ACN, 2 – 8 min: 5 – 2 % (V/V) ACN, 8 – 16 min: 2% (V/V) ACN, 16 – 20 min: 2 – 20 % (V/V) ACN, 20 – 35 min: 20 – 35 % (V/V) ACN. The aerosols samples were collected by using three passive samplers placed in two different locations in Aveiro and each sampler had two filters - one faced up and the other faced down. After the sampling, the water-soluble organic compounds was extracted by dissolution in ultra-pure water, sonication bath and filtration. The resulting filtered solutions were diluted in acidified water for the chromatographic separation. The results from liquid chromatography revealed the presence of the amino acids, although it was not possible to identify each one of them individually. The chromatograms and the fluorescence spectra showed the existence of some patterns: the samples that correspond to the up filters had more intense peaks and signals, revealing that the up filters collected more organic matter.
Trichoderma isolates were obtained from diseased leaves and fruit collected from plantations in the main banana production area in Northern Queensland. Phylogenetic analyses identified the Trichoderma isolates as T. harzianum and T. virens. The Trichoderma spp. were found to be antagonistic against the banana leaf pathogens Mycosphaerella musicola, Cordana musae, and Deight-oniella torulosa in vitro. Several products used by the banana industry to increase production, including molasses, Fishoil and Seasol, were tested as food source for the Trichoderma isolates. The optimal food substrate was found to be molasses at a concentration of 5 %, which when used in combination with a di-1-p-menthene spreader-sticker enhanced the survivability of Trichoderma populations under natural conditions. This formulation suppressed D. torulosa development under glasshouse conditions. Furthermore, high sensitivity was observed towards the protectant fungicide Mancozeb but Biopest oil (R), a paraffinic oil, only marginally suppressed the growth of Trichoderma isolates in vitro. Thus, this protocol represents a potential to manage banana leaf pathogens as a part of an integrated disease approach.
Soil N availability is constrained by the breakdown of N-containing polymers such as proteins to oligopeptides and amino acids that can be taken up by plants and microorganisms. Excess N is released from microbial cells as ammonium (N mineralization), which in turn can serve as substrate for nitrification. According to stoichiometric theory, N mineralization and nitrification are expected to increase in relation to protein depolymerization with decreasing N limitation, and thus from higher to lower latitudes and from topsoils to subsoils. To test these hypotheses, we compared gross rates of protein depolymerization, N mineralization and nitrification (determined using N-15 pool dilution assays) in organic topsoil, mineral topsoil, and mineral subsoil of seven ecosystems along a latitudinal transect in western Siberia, from tundra (67 degrees N) to steppe (54 degrees N). The investigated ecosystems differed strongly in N transformation rates, with highest protein depolymerization and N mineralization rates in middle and southern taiga. All N transformation rates decreased with soil depth following the decrease in organic matter content. Related to protein depolymerization, N mineralization and nitrification were significantly higher in mineral than in organic horizons, supporting a decrease in microbial N limitation with depth. In contrast, we did not find indications for a decrease in microbial N limitation from arctic to temperate ecosystems along the transect. Our findings thus challenge the perception of ubiquitous N limitation at high latitudes, but suggest a transition from N to C limitation of microorganisms with soil depth, even in high-latitude systems such as tundra and boreal forest.
How can we control the experimental conditions towards the isolation of specific structures? Why do particular architectures form? These are some challenging questions that synthetic chemists try to answer, specifically within polyoxometalate (POM) chemistry, where there is still much unknown regarding the synthesis of novel molecular structures in a controlled and predictive manner. This work covers a wide range of POM chemistry, exploring the redox self-assembly of polyoxometalate clusters, using both “one-pot”, flow and hydrothermal conditions. For this purpose, different vanadium, molybdenum and tungsten reagents, heteroatoms, inorganic salts and reducing agents have been used. The template effect of lone-pair containing pyramidal heteroatoms has been investigated. Efforts to synthesize new POM clusters displaying pyramidal heteroanions (XO32-, where X= S, Se, Te, P) are reported. The reaction of molybdenum with vanadium in the presence of XO32- heteroatoms is explored, showing how via the cation and experimental control it is possible to direct the self-assembly process and to isolate isostructural compounds. A series of four isostructural (two new, namely {Mo11V7P} and {Mo11V7Te} and two already known, namely {Mo11V7Se} and {Mo11V7S} disordered egg-shaped Polyoxometalates have been reported. The compounds were characterized by X-ray structural analysis, TGA, UV-Vis, FT-IR, Elemental and Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (FAAS) analysis and Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES). Cyclic Voltammetry measurements have been carried out in all four compounds showing the effect of the ionic density of the heteroatom on the potential. High-Resolution ESI-MS studies have revealed that the structures retain their integrity in solution. Efforts to synthesize new mixed-metal compounds led to isolation, structural, and electronic characterization of the theoretically predicted, but experimentally elusive δ-isomer of the Keggin polyoxometalate cluster anion, {H2W4V9O33(C6H13NO3)}, by the reaction of tungstate(VI) and vanadium(V) with triethanolammonium ions (TEAH), acting as a tripodal ligand grafted to the surface of the cluster. Control experiments (in the absence of the organic compound) have proven that the tripodal ligand plays crucial role on the formation of the isomer. The six vanadium metal centres, which consist the upper part of the cluster, are bonded to the “capping” TEA tripodal ligand. This metal-ligand bonding directs and stabilises the formation of the final product. The δ-Keggin species was characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, FT-IR, UV-vis, NMR and ESI-MS spectrometry. Electronic structure and structure-stability correlations were evaluated by means of DFT calculations. The compounds exhibited photochromic properties by undergoing single-crystal-to-single-crystal (SC-SC) transformations and changing colour under light. Non-conventional synthetic approaches are also used for the synthesis of the POM clusters comparing the classical “one-pot” reaction conditions and exploring the synthetic parameters of the synthesis of POM compounds. Reactions under hydrothermal and flow conditions, where single crystals that depend on the solubility of the minerals under hot water and high pressure can be synthesized, resulted in the isolation of two isostructural compounds, namely, {Mo12V3Te5}. The compound isolated from a continuous processing method, crystallizes in a hexagonal crystal system, forming a 2D porous plane net, while the compound isolated using hard experimental conditions (high temperature and pressure) crystallizes in monoclinic system, resulting in a different packing configuration. Utilizing these alternative synthetic approaches, the most kinetically and thermodynamically compounds would possibly be isolated. These compounds were characterised by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, FT-IR and UV-vis spectroscopy. Finally, the redox-controlled driven oscillatory template exchange between phosphate (P) and vanadate (V) anions enclosed in an {M18O54(XO4)2} cluster is further investigated using UV-vis spectroscopy as a function of reaction time, showed that more than six complete oscillations interconverting the capsule species present in solution from {P2M18} to {V2M18} were possible, provided that a sufficient concentration of the TEA reducing agent was present in solution. In an effort to investigate the periodicity of the exchange of the phosphate and vanadate anions, time dependent Uv-vis measurements were performed for a period at a range of 170-550 hours. Different experimental conditions were also applied in order to investigate the role of the reducing agent, as well as the effect of other experimental variables on the oscillatory system.
In this study, the effect of anti-corrosion inhibitor addition to epoxy coating, on the disbanding rate was evaluated. First to determination of mechanism, the bare steel substrates were immersed in the 3.5% NaCl solution and the solution containing 1 mM anti corrosion. The Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy was performed after 5 and 24 hour. The results indicated a lower corrosion rate in the presence of inhibitor. During the time, charge transfer resistance, was decreased for the substrates immersed in NaCl solution, and increased for the substrates immersed in NaCl solution containing 1 mM anti corrosion. This result can be related to more stability of corrosion products in presence of anti-corrosion and film formation. The coated substrates, with four different concentration of anticorrosion in coating, were protected under -1.2 voltage in the 3.5% NaCl solution. After 12 and 24 hour, the EIS test and disbanding area measurement, were evaluate. The lower disbanding rate, more charge transfer resistance and less double layer capacitance for the coating containing 0.75w% inhibitor, were observed. The result of Pull-off test after 1 day immersion in 3.5% NaCl solution, showed more wet adhesion for the coating containing 0.75w% inhibitor. The images of FE-SEM electron microscope and surface analyses EDX on the coated substrate after disbanding and the bare substrate immersed in 3.5w% NaCl containing 1 mM inhibitor, were proved the formation of stabilized film.
O objectivo principal deste trabalho foi estudar as propriedades e comportamento de polioxotungstatos (POM) do tipo Keggin com interesse em catálise oxidativa. Os estudos efectuados centraram-se no comportamento electroquímico dos aniões em meio não aquoso, na estabilidade das suas estruturas em diferentes meios, na sua capacidade de catalisar a oxidação de diferentes substratos orgânicos e na sua eficácia em oxidar, de forma selectiva, um modelo não fenólico da lenhina. Efectuou-se, igualmente, o estudo estrutural de diversos aniões pela técnica de EXAFS. Neste trabalho, prepararam-se e caracterizaram-se alguns dos sais de tetra-n-butilamónio (TBA) dos polioxotungstatos estudados: compostos de Keggin, TBAx[XW12O40], lacunares, TBAxHy[XW11O39], mono-substituídos, TBAxHy[XW11M(H2O)O39]·nH2O, com X= P e Si e M = CoII, NiII, ZnII, CuIl, RuIII, MnIII e FeIII e os compostos com mistura de átomos adenda TBAx[XW11VO40]·nH2O (X = P e Si). Seleccionou-se este conjunto de polioxotungstatos de forma a efectuar-se um estudo comparativo da influência da natureza do heteroátomo central (P e Si) e dos metais de transição M nas propriedades estudadas. O conjunto de sais de TBA dos silicotungstatos estudados mostraram ser isoestruturais, apresentando a mesma estrutura dos fosfotungstatos análogos. O comportamento electroquímico dos polioxotungstatos foi estudado em soluções de acetonitrilo por voltametria cíclica e electrólise a potencial controlado. Verificou-se a ocorrência de vários processos mono-electrónicos de oxi-redução, reversíveis ou quasi-reversíveis, associados aos átomos de WVI/V e a alguns dos metais de transição. Os metais em estado de oxidação +3 reduziram-se mais facilmente do que os átomos de WVI. O metal CuII apresentou um comportamento diferente dos outros metais de transição. Este metal, na estrutura do POM, reduziu-se a CuI, proporcionando a observação do anião [PW11CuIO39]6- pela primeira vez. A redução posterior do CuI conduziu à formação de Cu0, que se depositou na superfície do eléctrodo. A re-oxidação do cobre a CuII conduziu à reconstituição da estrutura do POM, nas condições estudadas. Constatou-se que a ocorrência de protões na fórmula molecular dos POMs influenciou o seu comportamento electroquímico. Para os compostos que apresentam protões, a redução dos átomos de tungsténio ocorreu a potenciais menos negativos do que para aqueles que não apresentam protões na sua fórmula. Para os primeiros observou-se a transferência global de um maior número de electrões no mesmo intervalo de potencial, originando soluções fortemente azuladas. Quando os catiões tetra-n-butilamónio foram substituídos por catiões de menor dimensão, como Li+ e Na+, ocorreu a formação de pares iónicos com os polianiões [PW12O40]3- e [SiW11VO40]5-, originando um aumento do potencial de redução. Não houve evidência da formação de pares iónicos com os catiões TBA+. Este foi o primeiro estudo sistemático do comportamento electroquímico dos aniões lacunares e mono-substituídos em meio não aquoso. Estudou-se a estrutura dos polioxotungstatos em sais de TBA e em soluções de acetonitrilo. A aplicação da técnica de EXAFS ao estudo deste tipo de compostos em solução foi realizada pela primeira vez. Pela análise estrutural nos sólidos verificou-se que, a natureza do metal de transição M e do átomo central X, na estrutura do POM, influenciam o tamanho dos vários octaedros que o constituem. Não se observaram diferenças significativas nas estruturas dos polianiões em solução. A estabilidade da estrutura dos polioxometalatos na presença de um excesso de H2O2, em soluções de acetonitrilo/H2O foi analisada por espectroscopia de absorção de EXAFS, RMN de 31P, IV e espectrofotometria de absorção no UV-Vis. De uma forma geral, os POMs em que o átomo central da estrutura é o Si apresentaram maior estabilidade do que os POMs correspondentes com átomo de P no centro. Em solução de acetonitrilo, na ausência de H2O2, todos os aniões mostraram ser estáveis durante vários dias. Em solução, na presença de H2O2 em excesso (H2O2/POM = 1300), o anião lacunar [PW11O39]7- não é estável, transformando-se no anião de Venturello, {PO4[W(O)(O2)2]4}3-, após a formação de [PW12O40]3-, como produto intermediário. Em relação aos aniões substituídos [PW11M(H2O)O39]p-, M = MnIII, RuIII, FeIII, CoII e ZnII, verificou-se o seguinte na presença de H2O2: os aniões com MnIII e CoII transformaram-se no anião de Keggin, [PW12O40]3-. Os aniões de RuIII e FeIII mantiveram as suas estruturas e o anião de ZnII decompôs-se em {HPO4[W(O)(O2)2]2}2- e fosfato. Para estes casos de não estabilidade estrutural, o processo de decomposição foi mais rápido na presença de maiores conteúdos de água. Pela análise de EXAFS, na presença de um menor excesso de H2O2 (H2O2/POM = 70) e apenas 8% de parte aquosa, verificou-se que os aniões substituídos por MnIII mantiveram a sua estrutura, embora o ligando H2O, coordenado ao Mn, tivesse sido substituído por um grupo oxo no polianião [SiW11Mn(H2O)O39]5-, e por um grupo peroxo no polianião [PW11Mn(H2O)O39]4-. O anião com RuIII, nestas condições, também mostrou substituir o seu ligando H2O por um grupo peroxo ou hidrogenoperoxo. Os polioxotungstatos mono-substituídos e lacunares mostraram ser catalisadores eficientes para a oxidação de cis-cicloocteno, geraniol e ciclooctano com H2O2. A maior novidade deste trabalho residiu na actividade catalítica apresentada pelos silicotungstatos estudados, contrariando o que é referido na literatura. Outro aspecto inovador foi o elevado valor de conversão obtido para a oxidação de ciclooctano. Este substrato foi oxidado com 74% de conversão, após 2h de reacção e com 80% de selectividade para o hidroperóxido de ciclooctilo, na presença do anião [PW11Fe(H2O)O39]4-. Os restantes produtos de reacção foram o ciclooctanol e a ciclooctanona. Os silicotungstatos apresentaram maior selectividade para o hidroperóxido de ciclooctilo do que os fosfotungstatos. O geraniol foi completamente oxidado após 3h de reacção, com 82% de selectividade para o 2,3-epoxigeraniol, na presença do anião [PW11Mn(H2O)O39]4-. O cis-cicloocteno foi oxidado ao seu epóxido, com 92% de conversão ao fim de 5h de reacção, na presença do anião lacunar [PW11O39]7-. O estudo da capacidade oxidativa do anião [SiW11VO40]5- foi analisada utilizando-se um modelo não fenólico da lenhina, a anisoína. Estudaram-se as condições favoráveis à obtenção de uma reacção selectiva para o anisilo, de forma a poder estudar-se a cinética da reacção. A estequiometria da reacção mostrou ser de 1:2 anisoína/POM. As ordens de reacção foram determinadas pelo método das velocidades iniciais e, a partir destes resultados, conheceu-se que o POM não estava envolvido no passo que limita a velocidade da reacção, sendo esta limitada pela transformação da anisoína. O estudo realizado sobre o efeito isotópico sugeriu que o passo que limitou a velocidade de reacção correspondeu à enolação da anisoína. Desta forma, observou-se pela primeira vez, que o POM oxida um modelo não fenólico da lenhina por via de enolação.
Restoring the native vegetation is the most effective way to regenerate soil health. Under these conditions, vegetation cover in areas having degraded soils may be better sustained if the soil is amended with an external source of organic matter. The addition of organic materials to soils also increases infiltration rates and reduces erosion rates; these factors contribute to an available water increment and a successful and sustainable land management. The goal of this study was to analyze the effect of various organic amendments on the aggregate stability of soils in afforested plots. An experimental paired-plot layout was established in southern of Spain (homogeneous slope gradient: 7.5%; aspect: N170). Five amendments were applied in an experimental set of plots: straw mulching; mulch with chipped branches of Aleppo Pine (Pinus halepensis L.); TerraCotten hydroabsobent polymers; sewage sludge; sheep manure and control. Plots were afforested following the same spatial pattern, and amendments were mixed with the soil at the rate 10 Mg ha-1. The vegetation was planted in a grid pattern with 0.5 m between plants in each plot. During the afforestation process the soil was tilled to 25 cm depth from the surface. Soil from the afforested plots was sampled in: i) 6 months post-afforestation; ii) 12 months post-afforestation; iii) 18 months post-afforestation; and iv) 24 months post-afforestation. The sampling strategy for each plot involved collection of 4 disturbed soil samples taken from the surface (0–10 cm depth). The stability of aggregates was measured by wet-sieving. Regarding to soil aggregate stability, the percentage of stable aggregates has increased slightly in all the treatments in relation to control. Specifically, the differences were recorded in the fraction of macroaggregates (≥ 0.250 mm). The largest increases have been associated with straw mulch, pinus mulch and sludge. Similar results have been registered for the soil organic carbon content. Independent of the soil management, after six months, no significant differences in microaggregates were found regarding to the control plots. These results showed an increase in the stability of the macroaggregates when soil is amended with sludge, pinus mulch and straw much. This fact has been due to an increase in the number cementing agents due to: (i) the application of pinus, straw and sludge had resulted in the release of carbohydrates to the soil; and thus (ii) it has favored the development of a protective vegetation cover, which has increased the number of roots in the soil and the organic contribution to it.
Vegetation plays a fundamental role in soil conservation, so it is common to consider an increase in vegetation cover as one of the techniques to mitigate the effects of desertification in Mediterranean forest environments. There are two factors limiting the establishment and growth of seedlings in dry environments: (i) an excessive radiation and, (ii) the limited availability of water during the summer drought. During an afforestation plan, soil preparation is always necessary to reduce sapling mortality. The goal of this study was to analyze the effect of various organic amendments on soil according to chemical and hydrological properties, and to assess the effects of these parameters on an afforestal proposal under Mediterranean climate conditions. Five amendments were applied in an experimental set of plots: straw mulching (SM); mulch with chipped branches of Aleppo Pine (PM); TerraCotten hydroabsobent polymers (HP); sewage sludge (RU); sheep manure (SH) and control (C). Plots were afforested following the same spatial pattern, and amendments were mixed with the soil at the rate 10 Mg ha -1 . Under bare soil conditions (C), most of mortalities occurred during the summer period of the first year. A substantial positive effect of SM, PM and HP on the survival rates have been clearly observed. Conversely, when the soil was amended with SH, the survival rate quickly decreased or remained more or less constant regarding to C. In this study, the lack of differences on chemical properties indicates that there may exist other reasons to justify the differences that were found in the pattern of vegetation. However, regarding to the hydrological properties some differences have been found. In C, soils were registered below the wilting point during 4 months a year, and therefore, in the area of water unusable by plants. These months were coinciding with the summer Mediterranean drought and can justify the high mortality found on plants. Conversely, in SM, PM and HP, soil moisture remained below the wilting point less period than C and, the plant available water was also higher. In these treatments, the survival sapling rates measured were the highest. SH showed water holding capacity slightly more limited than C. For this treatment, the survival sapling rates measured were the lowest. In conclusion, from a land management standpoint, the PM, SM and HP have been proved as a significant method to reduce sapling mortality rates during the Mediterranean summer drought.
Les anthracyclines tels que la doxorubicin et la daunorubicin sont une famille de médicaments anticancéreux hydrophiles qui doivent être transportés dans les cellules afin d’exercer leur action par intercalation à l’ADN dans le noyau cellulaire. Ceci mène à la perturbation du métabolisme de l’ADN et entraine la mort cellulaire. Les anthracyclines sont utilisés pour le traitement d’une variété de cancers incluant la leucémie, les lymphomes, le cancer du sein, le cancer des poumons et le cancer des ovaires. Étant donné que le transport actif des anthracyclines dans les cellules a partiellement été démontré, le transporteur spécifique impliqué dans ce processus n’est pas encore connu. En utilisant un modèle de cancer des ovaires, la lignée cellulaire TOV2223G, nous avons démontré que des substrats spécifiques au transporteur de cations organiques 1 (OCT1), notamment la ergothionéine, la thiamine et la phenformin, ont partiellement inhibé l’absorption de la daunorubicin en différence de la carnitine qui est un substrat de haute affinité des transporteurs CT2 et OCTN2. Ces résultats suggèrent que les transporteurs organiques spécifiques au transport de la carnitine ne sont pas impliqués dans le transport des anthracyclines. Ainsi, nos résultats ont démontré que l’absorption de la daunorubicin est orchestrée par le transporteur OCT1 dans les cellules TOV2223G (Km ~ 5 μM) et des concentrations micromolaires de choline ont complètement abolies l’absorption de la drogue. De plus, un ARN sh dirigé contre OCT1 a réprimé son expression protéique, ce qui a été confirmé par la technique d’immuno-buvardage en utilisant un anti-OCT1 anticorps. Les cellules déficientes en OCT1 n’ont pas été capables d’absorber la daunorubicin et ont été plus résistantes à l’action de la drogue par rapport aux cellules contrôle. La transfection des cellules HEK293T avec un plasmide construit de façon à faire exprimer OCT1 comme protéine de fusion avec la protéine fluorescente EYFP a montré que celle-ci est localisée dans la membrane plasmique. Les cellules transfectées ont été capables d’absorber cinq fois plus de daunorubicin comparé aux cellules contrôles. Cette étude est, selon nous, la première à démontrer que OCT1 est un transporteur de haute affinité des anthracyclines. Ainsi, nous avons émis l’hypothèse que des défauts de OCT1 peuvent contribuer à l’efficacité de la réponse des cellules cancéreuses à la chimiothérapie avec les anthracyclines.
Les anthracyclines tels que la doxorubicin et la daunorubicin sont une famille de médicaments anticancéreux hydrophiles qui doivent être transportés dans les cellules afin d’exercer leur action par intercalation à l’ADN dans le noyau cellulaire. Ceci mène à la perturbation du métabolisme de l’ADN et entraine la mort cellulaire. Les anthracyclines sont utilisés pour le traitement d’une variété de cancers incluant la leucémie, les lymphomes, le cancer du sein, le cancer des poumons et le cancer des ovaires. Étant donné que le transport actif des anthracyclines dans les cellules a partiellement été démontré, le transporteur spécifique impliqué dans ce processus n’est pas encore connu. En utilisant un modèle de cancer des ovaires, la lignée cellulaire TOV2223G, nous avons démontré que des substrats spécifiques au transporteur de cations organiques 1 (OCT1), notamment la ergothionéine, la thiamine et la phenformin, ont partiellement inhibé l’absorption de la daunorubicin en différence de la carnitine qui est un substrat de haute affinité des transporteurs CT2 et OCTN2. Ces résultats suggèrent que les transporteurs organiques spécifiques au transport de la carnitine ne sont pas impliqués dans le transport des anthracyclines. Ainsi, nos résultats ont démontré que l’absorption de la daunorubicin est orchestrée par le transporteur OCT1 dans les cellules TOV2223G (Km ~ 5 μM) et des concentrations micromolaires de choline ont complètement abolies l’absorption de la drogue. De plus, un ARN sh dirigé contre OCT1 a réprimé son expression protéique, ce qui a été confirmé par la technique d’immuno-buvardage en utilisant un anti-OCT1 anticorps. Les cellules déficientes en OCT1 n’ont pas été capables d’absorber la daunorubicin et ont été plus résistantes à l’action de la drogue par rapport aux cellules contrôle. La transfection des cellules HEK293T avec un plasmide construit de façon à faire exprimer OCT1 comme protéine de fusion avec la protéine fluorescente EYFP a montré que celle-ci est localisée dans la membrane plasmique. Les cellules transfectées ont été capables d’absorber cinq fois plus de daunorubicin comparé aux cellules contrôles. Cette étude est, selon nous, la première à démontrer que OCT1 est un transporteur de haute affinité des anthracyclines. Ainsi, nous avons émis l’hypothèse que des défauts de OCT1 peuvent contribuer à l’efficacité de la réponse des cellules cancéreuses à la chimiothérapie avec les anthracyclines.
Abstract The effects of three commercial substrates (a mixture of forest residues, composted grape husks, and white peat, black peat and coir) on plant growth and nitrogen (N) and nitrate (NO3) concentration and content were evaluated in spinach (Spinacia oleracea L. cv. Tapir). Spinach seedlings were transplanted at 45 days after emergence into Styrofoam boxes filled with the substrates and were grown during winter and early spring in an unheated greenhouse with no supplemental lighting. Each planting box was irrigated daily by drip and fertilized with a complete nutrient solution. The NO3 content of the drainage water was lower in coir than in the other substrates. However, shoot NO3 concentration was not affected by substrate type, while yield and total shoot N and NO3 content were greater when plants were grown in peat than in the mixed substrate or the coir. Leaf chlorophyll meter readings provided a good indication of the amount of N in the plants and increased linearly with total shoot N. Keywords Spinacia oleracea; chlorophyll meter; coir; peat; soilless culture systems