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A minor Hsp70 chaperone of the mitochondrial matrix of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Ssq1, is involved in the formation or repair of Fe/S clusters and/or mitochondrial iron metabolism. Here, we report evidence that Jac1, a J-type chaperone of the mitochondrial matrix, is the partner of Ssq1 in this process. Reduced activity of Jac1 results in a decrease in activity of Fe/S containing mitochondrial proteins and an accumulation of iron in mitochondria. Fe/S enzyme activities remain low in both jac1 and ssq1 mutant mitochondria even if normal mitochondrial iron levels are maintained. Therefore, the low activities observed are not solely due to oxidative damage caused by excess iron. Rather, these molecular chaperones likely play a direct role in the normal assembly process of Fe/S clusters.


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The OGG1 gene encodes a highly conserved DNA glycosylase that repairs oxidized guanines in DNA. We have investigated the in vivo function of the Ogg1 protein in yeast mitochondria. We demonstrate that inactivation of ogg1 leads to at least a 2-fold increase in production of spontaneous mitochondrial mutants compared with wild-type. Using green fluorescent protein (GFP) we show that a GFP–Ogg1 fusion protein is transported to mitochondria. However, deletion of the first 11 amino acids from the N-terminus abolishes the transport of the GFP–Ogg1 fusion protein into the mitochondria. This analysis indicates that the N-terminus of Ogg1 contains the mitochondrial localization signal. We provide evidence that both yeast and human Ogg1 proteins protect the mitochondrial genome from spontaneous, as well as induced, oxidative damage. Genetic analyses revealed that the combined inactivation of OGG1 and OGG2 [encoding an isoform of the Ogg1 protein, also known as endonuclease three-like glycosylase I (Ntg1)] leads to suppression of spontaneously arising mutations in the mitochondrial genome when compared with the ogg1 single mutant or the wild-type. Together, these studies provide in vivo evidence for the repair of oxidative lesions in the mitochondrial genome by human and yeast Ogg1 proteins. Our study also identifies Ogg2 as a suppressor of oxidative mutagenesis in mitochondria.


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Using the representation difference analysis technique, we have identified a novel gene, Ian4, which is preferentially expressed in hematopoietic precursor 32D cells transfected with wild-type versus mutant forms of the Bcr/Abl oncogene. Ian4 expression was undetectable in 32D cells transfected with v-src, oncogenic Ha-ras or v-Abl. Murine Ian4 maps to chromosome 6, 25 cM from the centromere. The Ian4 mRNA contains two open reading frames (ORFs) separated by 5 nt. The first ORF has the potential to encode for a polypeptide of 67 amino acids without apparent homology to known proteins. The second ORF encodes a protein of 301 amino acids with a GTP/ATP-binding site in the N-terminus and a hydrophobic domain in the extreme C-terminus. The IAN-4 protein resides in the mitochondrial outer membrane and the last 20 amino acids are necessary for this localization. The IAN-4 protein has GTP-binding activity and shares sequence homology with a novel family of putative GTP-binding proteins: the immuno-associated nucleotide (IAN) family.


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The Ribosomal Database Project (RDP-II), previously described by Maidak et al. [Nucleic Acids Res. (2000), 28, 173–174], continued during the past year to add new rRNA sequences to the aligned data and to improve the analysis commands. Release 8.0 (June 1, 2000) consisted of 16 277 aligned prokaryotic small subunit (SSU) rRNA sequences while the number of eukaryotic and mitochondrial SSU rRNA sequences in aligned form remained at 2055 and 1503, respectively. The number of prokaryotic SSU rRNA sequences more than doubled from the previous release 14 months earlier, and ~75% are longer than 899 bp. An RDP-II mirror site in Japan is now available (http://wdcm.nig.ac.jp/RDP/html/index.html). RDP-II provides aligned and annotated rRNA sequences, derived phylogenetic trees and taxonomic hierarchies, and analysis services through its WWW server (http://rdp.cme.msu.edu/). Analysis services include rRNA probe checking, approximate phylogenetic placement of user sequences, screening user sequences for possible chimeric rRNA sequences, automated alignment, production of similarity matrices and services to plan and analyze terminal restriction fragment polymorphism experiments. The RDP-II email address for questions and comments has been changed from curator@cme.msu.edu to rdpstaff@msu.edu.


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The Crithidia fasciculata RNH1 gene encodes an RNase H, an enzyme that specifically degrades the RNA strand of RNA–DNA hybrids. The RNH1 gene is contained within an open reading frame (ORF) predicted to encode a protein of 53.7 kDa. Previous work has shown that RNH1 expresses two proteins: a 38 kDa protein and a 45 kDa protein which is enriched in kinetoplast extracts. Epitope tagging of the C-terminus of the RNH1 gene results in localization of the protein to both the kinetoplast and the nucleus. Translation of the ORF beginning at the second in-frame methionine codon predicts a protein of 38 kDa. Insertion of two tandem stop codons between the first ATG codon and the second in-frame ATG codon of the ORF results in expression of only the 38 kDa protein and the protein localizes specifically to the nucleus. Mutation of the second methionine codon to a valine codon prevents expression of the 38 kDa protein and results in exclusive production of the 45 kDa protein and localization of the protein only in the kinetoplast. These results suggest that the kinetoplast enzyme results from processing of the full-length 53.7 kDa protein. The nuclear enzyme appears to result from translation initiation at the second in-frame ATG codon. This is the first example in trypanosomatids of the production of nuclear and mitochondrial isoforms of a protein from a single gene and is the only eukaryotic gene in the RNase HI gene family shown to encode a mitochondrial RNase H.


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The human DNA ligase III gene encodes both nuclear and mitochondrial proteins. Abundant evidence supports the conclusion that the nuclear DNA ligase III protein plays an essential role in both base excision repair and homologous recombination. However, the role of DNA ligase III protein in mitochondrial genome dynamics has been obscure. Human tumor-derived HT1080 cells were transfected with an antisense DNA ligase III expression vector and clones with diminished levels of DNA ligase III activity identified. Mitochondrial protein extracts prepared from these clones had decreased levels of DNA ligase III relative to extracts from cells transfected with a control vector. Analysis of these clones revealed that the DNA ligase III antisense mRNA-expressing cells had reduced mtDNA content compared to control cells. In addition, the residual mtDNA present in these cells had numerous single-strand nicks that were not detected in mtDNA from control cells. Cells expressing antisense ligase III also had diminished capacity to restore their mtDNA to pre-irradiation levels following exposure to γ-irradiation. An antisense-mediated reduction in cellular DNA ligase IV had no effect on the copy number or integrity of mtDNA. This observaion, coupled with other evidence, suggests that DNA ligase IV is not present in the mitochondria and does not play a role in maintaining mtDNA integrity. We conclude that DNA ligase III is essential for the proper maintenance of mtDNA in cultured mammalian somatic cells.


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To visualize Ca2+-dependent protein–protein interactions in living cells by fluorescence readouts, we used a circularly permuted green fluorescent protein (cpGFP), in which the amino and carboxyl portions had been interchanged and reconnected by a short spacer between the original termini. The cpGFP was fused to calmodulin and its target peptide, M13. The chimeric protein, which we have named “pericam,” was fluorescent and its spectral properties changed reversibly with the amount of Ca2+, probably because of the interaction between calmodulin and M13 leading to an alteration of the environment surrounding the chromophore. Three types of pericam were obtained by mutating several amino acids adjacent to the chromophore. Of these, “flash-pericam” became brighter with Ca2+, whereas “inverse-pericam” dimmed. On the other hand, “ratiometric-pericam” had an excitation wavelength changing in a Ca2+-dependent manner. All of the pericams expressed in HeLa cells were able to monitor free Ca2+ dynamics, such as Ca2+ oscillations in the cytosol and the nucleus. Ca2+ imaging using high-speed confocal line-scanning microscopy and a flash-pericam allowed to detect the free propagation of Ca2+ ions across the nuclear envelope. Then, free Ca2+ concentrations in the nucleus and mitochondria were simultaneously measured by using ratiometric-pericams having appropriate localization signals, revealing that extra-mitochondrial Ca2+ transients caused rapid changes in the concentration of mitochondrial Ca2+. Finally, a “split-pericam” was made by deleting the linker in the flash-pericam. The Ca2+-dependent interaction between calmodulin and M13 in HeLa cells was monitored by the association of the two halves of GFP, neither of which was fluorescent by itself.


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Differential compartmentalization of signaling molecules in cells and tissues is being recognized as an important mechanism for regulating the specificity of signal transduction pathways. A kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs) direct the subcellular localization of protein kinase A (PKA) by binding to its regulatory (R) subunits. Dual specific AKAPs (D-AKAPs) interact with both RI and RII. A 372-residue fragment of mouse D-AKAP2 with a 40-residue C-terminal PKA binding region and a putative regulator of G protein signaling (RGS) domain was previously identified by means of a yeast two-hybrid screen. Here, we report the cloning of full-length human D-AKAP2 (662 residues) with an additional putative RGS domain, and the corresponding mouse protein less the first two exons (617 residues). Expression of D-AKAP2 was characterized by using mouse tissue extracts. Full-length D-AKAP2 from various tissues shows different molecular weights, possibly because of alternative splicing or posttranslational modifications. The cloned human gene product has a molecular weight similar to one of the prominent mouse proteins. In vivo association of D-AKAP2 with PKA in mouse brain was demonstrated by using cAMP agarose pull-down assay. Subcellular localization for endogenous mouse, rat, and human D-AKAP2 was determined by immunocytochemistry, immunohistochemistry, and tissue fractionation. D-AKAP2 from all three species is highly enriched in mitochondria. The mitochondrial localization and the presence of RGS domains in D-AKAP2 may have important implications for its function in PKA and G protein signal transduction.


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Mitochondrial and chloroplast ATP synthases are key enzymes in plant metabolism, providing cells with ATP, the universal energy currency. ATP synthases use a transmembrane electrochemical proton gradient to drive synthesis of ATP. The enzyme complexes function as miniature rotary engines, ensuring energy coupling with very high efficiency. Although our understanding of the structure and functioning of the synthase has made enormous progress in recent years, our understanding of regulatory mechanisms is still rather preliminary. Here we report a role for 14-3-3 proteins in the regulation of ATP synthases. These 14-3-3 proteins are highly conserved phosphoserine/phosphothreonine-binding proteins that regulate a wide range of enzymes in plants, animals, and yeast. Recently, the presence of 14-3-3 proteins in chloroplasts was illustrated, and we show here that plant mitochondria harbor 14-3-3s within the inner mitochondrial-membrane compartment. There, the 14-3-3 proteins were found to be associated with the ATP synthases, in a phosphorylation-dependent manner, through direct interaction with the F1 β-subunit. The activity of the ATP synthases in both organelles is drastically reduced by recombinant 14-3-3. The rapid reduction in chloroplast ATPase activity during dark adaptation was prevented by a phosphopeptide containing the 14-3-3 interaction motif, demonstrating a role for endogenous 14-3-3 in the down-regulation of the CFoF1 activity. We conclude that regulation of the ATP synthases by 14-3-3 represents a mechanism for plant adaptation to environmental changes such as light/dark transitions, anoxia in roots, and fluctuations in nutrient supply.


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The Saccharomyces cerevisiae CDC9 gene encodes a DNA ligase protein that is targeted to both the nucleus and the mitochondria. While nuclear Cdc9p is known to play an essential role in nuclear DNA replication and repair, its role in mitochondrial DNA dynamics has not been defined. It is also unclear whether additional DNA ligase proteins are present in yeast mitochondria. To address these issues, mitochondrial DNA ligase function in S.cerevisiae was analyzed. Biochemical analysis of mitochondrial protein extracts supported the conclusion that Cdc9p was the sole DNA ligase protein present in this organelle. Inactivation of mitochondrial Cdc9p function led to a rapid decline in cellular mitochondrial DNA content in both dividing and stationary yeast cultures. In contrast, there was no apparent defect in mitochondrial DNA dynamics in a yeast strain deficient in Dnl4p (Δdnl4). The Escherichia coli EcoRI endonuclease was targeted to yeast mitochondria. Transient expression of this recombinant EcoRI endonuclease led to the formation of mitochondrial DNA double-strand breaks. While wild-type and Δdnl4 yeast were able to rapidly recover from this mitochondrial DNA damage, clones deficient in mitochondrial Cdc9p were not. These results support the conclusion that yeast rely upon a single DNA ligase, Cdc9p, to carry out mitochondrial DNA replication and recovery from both spontaneous and induced mitochondrial DNA damage.


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Four cDNAs, one encoding an α-subunit and three encoding β-subunits of the mitochondrial pyruvate dehydrogenase, were isolated from maize (Zea mays L.) libraries. The deduced amino acid sequences of both α- and β-subunits are approximately 80% identical with Arabidopsis and pea (Pisum sativum L.) homologs. The mature N terminus was determined for the β-subunit by microsequencing the protein purified from etiolated maize shoot mitochondria and was resolved by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. This single isoelectric species comprised multiple isoforms. Both α- and β-subunits are encoded by multigene families in maize, as determined by Southern-blot analyses. RNA transcripts for both α- and β-subunits were more abundant in roots than in young leaves or etiolated shoots. Pyruvate dehydrogenase activity was also higher in roots (5-fold) compared with etiolated shoots and leaves. Both subunits were present at similar levels in all tissues examined, indicating coordinated gene regulation. The protein levels were highest in heterotrophic organs and in pollen, which contained about 2-fold more protein than any other organ examined. The relative abundance of these proteins in nonphotosynthetic tissues may reflect a high cellular content of mitochondria, a high level of respiratory activity, or an extra plastidial requirement for acetate.


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We summarize our recent studies showing that angiosperm mitochondrial (mt) genomes have experienced remarkably high rates of gene loss and concomitant transfer to the nucleus and of intron acquisition by horizontal transfer. Moreover, we find substantial lineage-specific variation in rates of these structural mutations and also point mutations. These findings mostly arise from a Southern blot survey of gene and intron distribution in 281 diverse angiosperms. These blots reveal numerous losses of mt ribosomal protein genes but, with one exception, only rare loss of respiratory genes. Some lineages of angiosperms have kept all of their mt ribosomal protein genes whereas others have lost most of them. These many losses appear to reflect remarkably high (and variable) rates of functional transfer of mt ribosomal protein genes to the nucleus in angiosperms. The recent transfer of cox2 to the nucleus in legumes provides both an example of interorganellar gene transfer in action and a starting point for discussion of the roles of mechanistic and selective forces in determining the distribution of genetic labor between organellar and nuclear genomes. Plant mt genomes also acquire sequences by horizontal transfer. A striking example of this is a homing group I intron in the mt cox1 gene. This extraordinarily invasive mobile element has probably been acquired over 1,000 times separately during angiosperm evolution via a recent wave of cross-species horizontal transfers. Finally, whereas all previously examined angiosperm mtDNAs have low rates of synonymous substitutions, mtDNAs of two distantly related angiosperms have highly accelerated substitution rates.


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3-Methylcrotonyl-coenzyme A carboxylase (MCCase) is a mitochondrial biotin-containing enzyme whose metabolic function is not well understood in plants. In soybean (Glycine max) seedlings the organ-specific and developmentally induced changes in MCCase expression are regulated by mechanisms that control the accumulation of MCCase mRNA and the activity of the enzyme. During soybean cotyledon development, when seed-storage proteins are degraded, leucine (Leu) accumulation peaks transiently at 8 d after planting. The coincidence between peak MCCase expression and the decline in Leu content provides correlative evidence that MCCase is involved in the mitochondrial catabolism of Leu. Direct evidence for this conclusion was obtained from radiotracer metabolic studies using extracts from isolated mitochondria. These experiments traced the metabolic fate of [U-14C]Leu and NaH14CO3, the latter of which was incorporated into methylglutaconyl-coenzyme A (CoA) via MCCase. These studies directly demonstrate that plant mitochondria can catabolize Leu via the following scheme: Leu → α-ketoisocaproate → isovaleryl-CoA → 3-methylcrotonyl-CoA → 3-methylglutaconyl-CoA → 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA → acetoacetate + acetyl-CoA. These findings demonstrate for the first time, to our knowledge, that the enzymes responsible for Leu catabolism are present in plant mitochondria. We conclude that a primary metabolic role of MCCase in plants is the catabolism of Leu.


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The natural developmental gradient of light-grown primary leaves of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) was used to analyze the biogenesis of mitochondrial proteins in relation to the age and physiological changes within the leaf. The data indicate that the protein composition of mitochondria changes markedly during leaf development. Three distinct patterns of protein development were noted: group A proteins, consisting of the E1 β-subunit of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, ORF156, ORF577, alternative oxidase, RPS12, cytochrome oxidase subunits II and III, malic enzyme, and the α- and β-subunits of F1-ATPase; group B proteins, consisting of the E1 α-subunit of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, isocitrate dehydrogenase, HSP70A, cpn60C, and cpn60B; and group C proteins, consisting of the four subunits of the glycine decarboxylase complex (P, H, T, and L proteins), fumarase, and formate dehydrogenase. All of the proteins increased in concentration from the basal meristem to the end of the elongation zone (20.0 mm from the leaf base), whereupon group A proteins decreased, group B proteins increased to a maximum at 50 mm from the leaf base, and group C proteins increased to a maximum at the leaf tip. This study provides evidence of a marked heterogeneity of mitochondrial protein composition, reflecting a changing function as leaf cells develop photosynthetic and photorespiratory capacity.


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The pyruvate dehydrogenase complex was partially purified and characterized from etiolated maize (Zea mays L.) shoot mitochondria. Analysis by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed proteins of 40, 43, 52 to 53, and 62 to 63 kD. Immunoblot analyses identified these proteins as the E1β-, E1α-, E2-, and E3-subunits, respectively. The molecular mass of maize E2 is considerably smaller than that of other plant E2 subunits (76 kD). The activity of the maize mitochondrial complex has a pH optimum of 7.5 and a divalent cation requirement best satisfied by Mg2+. Michaelis constants for the substrates were 47, 3, 77, and 1 μm for pyruvate, coenzyme A (CoA), NAD+, and thiamine pyrophosphate, respectively. The products NADH and acetyl-CoA were competitive inhibitors with respect to NAD+ and CoA, and the inhibition constants were 15 and 47 μm, respectively. The complex was inactivated by phosphorylation and was reactivated after the removal of ATP and the addition of Mg2+.