988 resultados para MEMBRANE ATTACK COMPLEX
The vacuolar proton-ATPase (V-ATPase) is a multisubunit enzyme complex that is able to transfer protons over membranes against an electrochemical potential under ATP hydrolysis. The enzyme consists of two subcomplexes: V0, which is membrane embedded; and V1, which is cytosolic. V0 was also reported to be involved in fusion of vacuoles in yeast. We identified six genes encoding c-subunits (proteolipids) of V0 and two genes encoding F-subunits of V1 and studied the role of the V-ATPase in trafficking in Paramecium. Green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion proteins allowed a clear subcellular localization of c- and F-subunits in the contractile vacuole complex of the osmoregulatory system and in food vacuoles. Several other organelles were also detected, in particular dense core secretory granules (trichocysts). The functional significance of the V-ATPase in Paramecium was investigated by RNA interference (RNAi), using a recently developed feeding method. A novel strategy was used to block the expression of all six c- or both F-subunits simultaneously. The V-ATPase was found to be crucial for osmoregulation, the phagocytotic pathway and the biogenesis of dense core secretory granules. No evidence was found supporting participation of V0 in membrane fusion.
* Work partially supported by contribution of EU commission Under The Fifth Framework Programme, project “MolCoNet” IST-2001-32008.
Transmembrane proteins play crucial roles in many important physiological processes. The intracellular domain of membrane proteins is key for their function by interacting with a wide variety of cytosolic proteins. It is therefore important to examine this interaction. A recently developed method to study these interactions, based on the use of liposomes as a model membrane, involves the covalent coupling of the cytoplasmic domains of membrane proteins to the liposome membrane. This allows for the analysis of interaction partners requiring both protein and membrane lipid binding. This thesis further establishes the liposome recruitment system and utilises it to examine the intracellular interactome of the amyloid precursor protein (APP), most well-known for its proteolytic cleavage that results in the production and accumulation of amyloid beta fragments, the main constituent of amyloid plaques in Alzheimer’s disease pathology. Despite this, the physiological function of APP remains largely unclear. Through the use of the proteo-liposome recruitment system two novel interactions of APP’s intracellular domain (AICD) are examined with a view to gaining a greater insight into APP’s physiological function. One of these novel interactions is between AICD and the mTOR complex, a serine/threonine protein kinase that integrates signals from nutrients and growth factors. The kinase domain of mTOR directly binds to AICD and the N-terminal amino acids of AICD are crucial for this interaction. The second novel interaction is between AICD and the endosomal PIKfyve complex, a lipid kinase involved in the production of phosphatidylinositol-3,5-bisphosphate (PI(3,5)P2) from phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate, which has a role in controlling ensdosome dynamics. The scaffold protein Vac14 of the PIKfyve complex binds directly to AICD and the C-terminus of AICD is important for its interaction with the PIKfyve complex. Using a recently developed intracellular PI(3,5)P2 probe it is shown that APP controls the formation of PI(3,5)P2 positive vesicular structures and that the PIKfyve complex is involved in the trafficking and degradation of APP. Both of these novel APP interactors have important implications of both APP function and Alzheimer’s disease. The proteo-liposome recruitment method is further validated through its use to examine the recruitment and assembly of the AP-2/clathrin coat from purified components to two membrane proteins containing different sorting motifs. Taken together this thesis highlights the proteo-liposome recruitment system as a valuable tool for the study of membrane proteins intracellular interactome. It allows for the mimicking of the protein in its native configuration therefore identifying weaker interactions that are not detected by more conventional methods and also detecting interactions that are mediated by membrane phospholipids.
Phosphoinositides are signalling lipids that are crucial for major signalling events as well as established regulators of membrane trafficking. Control of endosomal sorting and endosomal homeostasis requires phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate (PI(3)P) and phosphatidylinositol-3,5-bisphosphate (PI(3,5)P2), the latter a lipid of low abundance but significant physiological relevance. PI(3,5)P2 is formed by phosphorylation of PI(3)P by the PIKfyve complex which is crucial for maintaining endosomal homeostasis. Interestingly, loss of PIKfyve function results in dramatic neurodegeneration. Despite the significance of PIKfyve, its regulation is still poorly understood. Here we show that the Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP), a central molecule in Alzheimer’s disease, associates with the PIKfyve complex (consisting of Vac14, PIKfyve and Fig4) and that the APP intracellular domain directly binds purified Vac14. We also show that the closely related APP paralogues, APLP1 and 2 associate with the PIKfyve complex. Whether APP family proteins can additionally form direct protein–protein interaction with PIKfyve or Fig4 remains to be explored. We show that APP binding to the PIKfyve complex drives formation of PI(3,5)P2 positive vesicles and that APP gene family members are required for supporting PIKfyve function. Interestingly, the PIKfyve complex is required for APP trafficking, suggesting a feedback loop in which APP, by binding to and stimulating PI(3,5)P2 vesicle formation may control its own trafficking. These data suggest that altered APP processing, as observed in Alzheimer’s disease, may disrupt PI(3,5)P2 metabolism, endosomal sorting and homeostasis with important implications for our understanding of the mechanism of neurodegeneration in Alzheimer’s disease.
Maintenance of epithelial polarity depends on the correct localization and levels of polarity determinants. The evolutionarily conserved transmembrane protein Crumbs is crucial for the size and identity of the apical membrane, yet little is known about the molecular mechanisms controlling the amount of Crumbs at the surface. Here, we show that Crumbs levels on the apical membrane depend on a well-balanced state of endocytosis and stabilization. The adaptor protein 2 (AP-2) complex binds to a motif in the cytoplasmic tail of Crumbs that overlaps with the binding site of Stardust, a protein known to stabilize Crumbs on the surface. Preventing endocytosis by mutations in AP-2 causes expansion of the Crumbs-positive plasma membrane and polarity defects, which can be partially rescued by removing one copy of crumbs. Strikingly, knocking-down both AP-2 and Stardust retains Crumbs on the membrane. This study provides evidence for a molecular mechanism, based on stabilization and endocytosis, to adjust surface levels of Crumbs, which are essential for maintaining epithelial polarity.
Over the past 50 years there has been considerable progress in our understanding of biomolecular interactions at an atomic level. This in turn has allowed molecular simulation methods employing full atomistic modeling at ever larger scales to develop. However, some challenging areas still remain where there is either a lack of atomic resolution structures or where the simulation system is inherently complex. An area where both challenges are present is that of membranes containing membrane proteins. In this review we analyse a new practical approach to membrane protein study that offers a potential new route to high resolution structures and the possibility to simplify simulations. These new approaches collectively recognise that preservation of the interaction between the membrane protein and the lipid bilayer is often essential to maintain structure and function. The new methods preserve these interactions by producing nano-scale disc shaped particles that include bilayer and the chosen protein. Currently two approaches lead in this area: the MSP system that relies on peptides to stabilise the discs, and SMALPs where an amphipathic styrene maleic acid copolymer is used. Both methods greatly enable protein production and hence have the potential to accelerate atomic resolution structure determination as well as providing a simplified format for simulations of membrane protein dynamics.
Phosphoinositides are important components of eukaryotic membranes that are required for multiple forms of membrane dynamics. Phosphoinositides are involved in defining membrane identity, mediate cell signalling and control membrane trafficking events. Due to their pivotal role in membrane dynamics, phosphoinositide de-regulation contributes to various human diseases. In this review, we will focus on the newly emerging regulation of the PIKfyve complex, a phosphoinositide kinase that converts the endosomal phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate [PI(3)P] to phosphatidylinositol-3,5-bisphosphate [PI(3,5)P2)], a low abundance phosphoinositide of outstanding importance for neuronal integrity and function. Loss of PIKfyve function is well known to result in neurodegeneration in both mousemodels and human patients. Our recent work has surprisingly identified the amyloid precursor protein (APP), the central molecule in Alzheimer s disease aetiology, as a novel interaction partner of a subunit of the PIKfyve complex, Vac14. Furthermore, it has been shown that APP modulates PIKfyve function and PI(3,5)P2 dynamics, suggesting that the APP gene family functions as regulator of PI(3,5)P2 metabolism. The recent advances discussed in this review suggest a novel, unexpected, â-amyloid-independent mechanism for neurodegeneration in Alzheimer s disease.
Bin/Amphiphysin/Rvs (BAR) domain proteins control the curvature of lipid membranes in endocytosis, trafficking, cell motility, the formation of complex sub-cellular structures, and many other cellular phenomena. They form three-dimensional assemblies, which act as molecular scaffolds to reshape the membrane and alter its mechanical properties. It is unknown, however, how a protein scaffold forms and how BAR domains interact in these assemblies at protein densities relevant for a cell. In this work, we employ various experimental, theoretical and simulation approaches to explore how BAR proteins organize to form a scaffold on a membrane nanotube. By combining quantitative microscopy with analytical modeling, we demonstrate that a highly curving BAR protein endophilin nucleates its scaffolds at the ends of a membrane tube, contrary to a weaker curving protein centaurin, which binds evenly along the tube’s length. Our work implies that the nature of local protein-membrane interactions can affect the specific localization of proteins on membrane-remodeling sites. Furthermore, we show that amphipathic helices are dispensable in forming protein scaffolds. Finally, we explore a possible molecular structure of a BAR-domain scaffold using coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations. Together with fluorescence microscopy, the simulations show that proteins need only to cover 30–40% of a tube’s surface to form a rigid assembly. Our work provides mechanical and structural insights into the way BAR proteins may sculpt the membrane as a high-order cooperative assembly in important biological processes.
Dendrites form the major components of neurons. They are complex branching structures that receive and process thousands of synaptic inputs from other neurons. It is well known that dendritic morphology plays an important role in the function of dendrites. Another important contribution to the response characteristics of a single neuron comes from the intrinsic resonant properties of dendritic membrane. In this paper we combine the effects of dendritic branching and resonant membrane dynamics by generalising the "sum-over-trips" approach [Abbott, L.F., Fahri, E., Gutmann, S.: The path integral for dendritic trees. Biological Cybernetics 66, 49--60 (1991)]. To illustrate how this formalism can shed light on the role of architecture and resonances in determining neuronal output we consider dual recording and reconstruction data from a rat CA1 hippocampal pyramidal cell. Specifically we explore the way in which an $I_{h}$ current contributes to a voltage overshoot at the soma.
The present work investigates the fouling mechanisms of PVDF hollow fibre membrane (0.03 μm) during the dead end ultrafiltration at a fixed permeate flux (outside to inside configuration) of complex synthetic seawater composed by humic acids, alginic acids, inorganic particles and numerous salts at high concentrations. Short term ultrafiltration experiments at 100 L.h-1.m-2 show that the optimal specific filtered volume seems to be equal to 50 L.m-2. A residual fouling resistance equal to 2.1010 m-1 is added after each cycle of filtration during 8h of ultrafiltration at 100 L.h-1.m-2 and 50 L.m-2. Most of the fouling is reversible (80%). Organics are barely (15% of humic acids) retained by the membrane. Backwash efficiency drops during operation which induces less organics into backwash waters. Humic acids could preferentially accumulate on the membrane early in the ultrafiltration and alginic acids after the build-up of a fouling pre-layer. Colloids and particulates could accumulate inside a heterogeneous fouling layer and/or the concentrate compartment of the membrane module before being more largely recovered inside backwash waters.
The LY549-PLA(2)s myotoxins have attracted attention as models for the induction of myonecrosis by a catalytically independent mechanism of action. Structural studies and biological activities have demonstrated that the myotoxic activity of LYS49-PLA(2) is independent of the catalytic activity site. The myotoxic effect is conventionally thought to be to due to the C-terminal region 111-121, which plays an effective role in membrane damage. In the present study, Bn IV LYS49-PLA(2) was isolated from Bothrops neuwiedi snake venom in complex with myristic acid (CH3(CH2)(12)COOH) and its overall structure was refined at 2.2 angstrom resolution. The Bn IV crystals belong to monoclinic space group P2(1) and contain a dimer in the asymmetric unit. The unit cell parameters are a = 38.8, b = 70.4, c = 44.0 angstrom. The biological assembly is a "conventional dimer" and the results confirm that dimer formation is not relevant to the myotoxic activity. Electron density map analysis of the Bn IV structure shows clearly the presence of myristic acid in catalytic site. The relevant structural features for myotoxic activity are located in the C-terminal region and the Bn IV C-terminal residues NKKYRY are a probable heparin binding domain. These findings indicate that the mechanism of interaction between Bn IV and muscle cell membranes is through some kind of cell signal transduction mediated by heparin complexes. (C) 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Three-dimensional Direct Numerical Simulations combined with Particle Image Velocimetry experiments have been performed on a hemisphere-cylinder at Reynolds number 1000 and angle of attack 20◦. At these flow conditions, a pair of vortices, so-called “horn” vortices, are found to be associated with flow separation. In order to understand the highly complex phenomena associated with this fully threedimensional massively separated flow, different structural analysis techniques have been employed: Proper Orthogonal and Dynamic Mode Decompositions, POD and DMD, respectively, as well as criticalpoint theory. A single dominant frequency associated with the von Karman vortex shedding has been identified in both the experimental and the numerical results. POD and DMD modes associated with this frequency were recovered in the analysis. Flow separation was also found to be intrinsically linked to the observed modes. On the other hand, critical-point theory has been applied in order to highlight possible links of the topology patterns over the surface of the body with the computed modes. Critical points and separation lines on the body surface show in detail the presence of different flow patterns in the base flow: a three-dimensional separation bubble and two pairs of unsteady vortices systems, the horn vortices, mentioned before, and the so-called “leeward” vortices. The horn vortices emerge perpendicularly from the body surface at the separation region. On the other hand, the leeward vortices are originated downstream of the separation bubble, as a result of the boundary layer separation. The frequencies associated with these vortical structures have been quantified.
Despite existing knowledge about the role of the A Disintegrin and Metalloproteinase 10 (ADAM10) as the α-secretase involved in the non-amyloidogenic processing of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) and Notch signalling we have only limited information about its regulation. In this study, we have identified ADAM10 interactors using a split ubiquitin yeast two hybrid approach. Tetraspanin 3 (Tspan3), which is highly expressed in the murine brain and elevated in brains of Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients, was identified and confirmed to bind ADAM10 by co-immunoprecipitation experiments in mammalian cells in complex with APP and the γ-secretase protease presenilin. Tspan3 expression increased the cell surface levels of its interacting partners and was mainly localized in early and late endosomes. In contrast to the previously described ADAM10-binding tetraspanins, Tspan3 did not affect the endoplasmic reticulum to plasma membrane transport of ADAM10. Heterologous Tspan3 expression significantly increased the appearance of carboxy-terminal cleavage products of ADAM10 and APP, whereas N-cadherin ectodomain shedding appeared unaffected. Inhibiting the endocytosis of Tspan3 by mutating a critical cytoplasmic tyrosine-based internalization motif led to increased surface expression of APP and ADAM10. After its downregulation in neuroblastoma cells and in brains of Tspan3-deficient mice, ADAM10 and APP levels appeared unaltered possibly due to a compensatory increase in the expression of Tspans 5 and 7, respectively. In conclusion, our data suggest that Tspan3 acts in concert with other tetraspanins as a stabilizing factor of active ADAM10, APP and the γ-secretase complex at the plasma membrane and within the endocytic pathway.
The assembly of outer membranes of the cell wall of Gram-negative bacteria and of various organelles of eukaryotic cells requires the evolutionarily conserved β-barrel-assembly machinery (BAM) complex. This thesis describes the biochemical and biophysical properties of the periplasmic domain of the β-barrel assembly machinery protein A (PD-BamA) of the E. coli BAM complex, its effect on insertion and folding of the Outer membrane protein A (OmpA) into lipid bilayers and the identification of regions of PD-BamA that may be involved in protein-protein interactions. The secondary structure of PD-BamA in mixed lipid bilayers, analyzed by Circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, contained less β-sheet at an increased content of phosphatidylglycerol (PG) in the lipid membrane. This result showed membrane binding, albeit only in the presence of negatively charged lipids. Fluorescence spectroscopy demonstrated that PD-BamA only binds to lipid bilayers containing the negatively charged DOPG, confirming the results of CD spectroscopy. PD-BamA did not bind to zwitterionic but overall neutral lipid bilayers. PD-BamA bound to OmpA at a stoichiometry of 1:1. PD-BamA strongly facilitated insertion and folding of OmpA into lipid membranes. Kinetics of PD-BamA mediated folding of OmpA was well described by two parallel folding processes, a fast folding process and a slow folding process, differing by 2-3 orders of magnitude in their rate constants. The folding yields of OmpA depended on the concentration of lipid membranes and also on the lipid head groups. The presence of PD-BamA resulted in increased folding yields of OmpA in negatively charged DOPG, but PD-BamA did not affect the folding kinetics of OmpA into bilayers of zwitterionic but overall neutral lipids. The efficiency of folding and insertion of OmpA into lipid bilayers strongly depended on the ratio PD-BamA/OmpA and was optimal at equimolar concentrations of PD-BamA and OmpA. To examine complexes of unfolded OmpA with PD-BamA in more detail, site-directed spectroscopy was used to explore contact regions in both, PD-BamA and OmpA. Similarly, contact regions were also investigated for another protein complex formed by PD-BamA and the lipoprotein BamD. The obtained data suggest, that the site of interaction on PD-BamA for OmpA might be oriented towards the exterior environment away from the preceding POTRA domains, but that PD-BamA is oriented with its short α-helix α1 of POTRA domain 5 towards the C-terminal end of BamD.
Previous results provided evidence that Cratylia mollis seed lectin (Cramoll 1,4) promotes Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes death by necrosis via a mechanism involving plasma membrane permeabilization to Ca(2+) and mitochondrial dysfunction due to matrix Ca(2+) overload. In order to investigate the mechanism of Ca(2+) -induced mitochondrial impairment, experiments were performed analyzing the effects of this lectin on T. cruzi mitochondrial fraction and in isolated rat liver mitochondria (RLM), as a control. Confocal microscopy of T. cruzi whole cell revealed that Cramoll 1,4 binding to the plasma membrane glycoconjugates is followed by its internalization and binding to the mitochondrion. Electrical membrane potential (∆Ψm ) of T. cruzi mitochondrial fraction suspended in a reaction medium containing 10 μM Ca(2+) was significantly decreased by 50 μg/ml Cramoll 1,4 via a mechanism insensitive to cyclosporine A (CsA, membrane permeability transition (MPT) inhibitor), but sensitive to catalase or 125 mM glucose. In RLM suspended in a medium containing 10 μM Ca(2+) this lectin, at 50 μg/ml, induced increase in the rate of hydrogen peroxide release, mitochondrial swelling, and ∆Ψm disruption. All these mitochondrial alterations were sensitive to CsA, catalase, and EGTA. These results indicate that Cramoll 1, 4 leads to inner mitochondrial membrane permeabilization through Ca(2+) dependent mechanisms in both mitochondria. The sensitivity to CsA in RLM characterizes this lectin as a MPT inducer and the lack of CsA effect identifies a CsA-insensitive MPT in T. cruzi mitochondria.