901 resultados para MAJOR SOURCE


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We analyzed samples from ODP Holes 652A and 654A (Leg 107, Tyrrhenian Sea) for the amount, type, and thermal maturity of organic matter. The sediments encompass clastic and biogenic lithologies, which were deposited on the passive margin east of Sardinia since the late Miocene to the Pleistocene. Marine, hypersaline/evaporitic, lacustrine/riverine, and finally hemipelagic marine conditions with occasional anoxic(?) interludes gave rise to very diverse sedimentary facies. The majority of samples is lean in organic matter (<0.2% TOC). Notable exceptions are Tortonian sediments (TOC average 0.3%), Messinian oil shales from Core 107-652A-64R (up to 11% TOC), Messinian lacustrine/fluvial sediments from Hole 652A (TOC average 0.42%,), and Pleistocene sapropel samples (>2% TOC). The Messinian oil shale in Hole 652A appears to be the only mature hydrocarbon source rock. In general, Pliocene sediments are the leanest and least mature samples. Pleistocene and Pliocene samples derive organic matter from a marine source. In spite of obvious facies differences in the Messinian between the two sites, pyrolysis results are not conclusive in separating hypersaline facies of Site 654 from the fresh water facies of Site 652, because both appear to have received terrestrial organic tissue as the main component of TOC. It is apparent from the distribution of maximum pyrolysis temperatures that heat flow must have been considerably higher at Site 652 on the lower margin in the Messinian. Molecular maturity indices in lipid extracts substantiate the finding that the organic matter in Tortonian and Messinian samples from Hole 654A is immature, while thermal maturation is more advanced in coeval samples from Hole 652A. Analyses of lipid biomarkers showed that original odd-even predominance was preserved in alkanes and alkylcyclohexanes from Messinian samples in Hole 654A, while thermal maturation had removed any odd-even predominance in Hole 652A. Isomerization data of hopanes and steranes support these differences in thermal history for the two sites. Hopanoid distribution further suggests that petroleum impregnation from a deeper, more mature source resulted in the co-occurrence of immature and mature groups of pentacyclic biomarkers. Even though the presence of 4-methylsteranes may imply that dinoflagellates were a major source for organic matter in the oil shale interval of Hole 652, we did not find intact dinoflagellates or related nonskeletal algae during microscopic investigation of the organic matter in the fine laminations. Morphologically, the laminations resemble bacterial mats.


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Sediment records of the stable isotopic composition of N (d15N) show light d15N values at several sites in the proto-North Atlantic during Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE 2) at the Cenomanian-Turonian transition (~94 Ma). The low d15N during the event is generally attributed to an increase in N2-fixation and incomplete uptake of ammonium for phytoplankton growth. A compilation of all reliable data for the proto North-Atlantic during OAE 2 demonstrates that the most pronounced negative shift in d15N from pre-OAE 2 to OAE 2 occurs in the open ocean, but with d15N never lower than -3 ppm. Using a box model of N cycling for the proto-North Atlantic during OAE 2, we show that N2-fixation is a major contributor to the d15N signal, especially in the open ocean. Incomplete uptake of ammonium for phytoplankton growth is important in regions dominated by downwelling, with lateral transport of ammonium acting as a major source. In the southern proto-North Atlantic, where bottom waters were euxinic, the light d15N signature is largely explained by upwelling of ammonium . Our study provides an overview of regional differences in d15N in the proto-North Atlantic and highlights the role of lateral exchange of water and nutrients, in addition to local biogeochemical processes, in determining d15N values of OAE 2 sediments.


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In anoxic environments, volatile methylated sulfides like methanethiol (MT) and dimethyl sulfide (DMS) link the pools of inorganic and organic carbon with the sulfur cycle. However, direct formation of methylated sulfides from reduction of dissolved inorganic carbon has previously not been demonstrated. When studying the effect of temperature on hydrogenotrophic microbial activity, we observed formation of DMS in anoxic sediment of Lake Plußsee at 55 °C. Subsequent experiments strongly suggested that the formation of DMS involves fixation of bicarbonate via a reductive pathway in analogy to methanogenesis and engages methylation of MT. DMS formation was enhanced by addition of bicarbonate and further increased when both bicarbonate and H2 were supplemented. Inhibition of DMS formation by 2-bromoethanesulfonate points to the involvement of methanogens. Compared to the accumulation of DMS, MT showed the opposite trend but there was no apparent 1:1 stoichiometric ratio between both compounds. Both DMS and MT had negative d13C values of -62 per mil and -55 per mil, respectively. Labeling with NaH**13CO3 showed more rapid incorporation of bicarbonate into DMS than into MT. The stable carbon isotopic evidence implies that bicarbonate was fixed via a reductive pathway of methanogenesis, and the generated methyl coenzyme M became the methyl donor for MT methylation. Neither DMS nor MT accumulation were stimulated by addition of the methyl-group donors methanol and syringic acid or by the methyl-group acceptor hydrogen sulphide. The source of MT was further investigated in a H2**35S labeling experiment, which demonstrated a microbially-mediated process of hydrogen sulfide methylation to MT that accounted for only <10% of the accumulation rates of DMS. Therefore, the major source of the 13C-depleted MT was neither bicarbonate nor methoxylated aromatic compounds. Other possibilities for isotopically depleted MT, such as other organic precursors like methionine, are discussed. This DMS-forming pathway may be relevant for anoxic environments such as hydrothermally influenced sediments and fluids and sulfate-methane transition zones in marine sediments.


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Fluxes of lithogenicmaterial and fluxes of three palaeo productivity proxies (organic carbon, biogenic opal and alkenones) over the past 100,000 years were determined using the 230Th-normalization method in three sediment cores from the Subantarctic South Atlantic Ocean. Features in the lithogenic flux record of each core correspond to similar features in the record of dust deposition in the EPICA Dome C ice core. Biogenic fluxes correlate with lithogenic fluxes in each sediment core. Our preferred interpretation is that South American dust, most probably from Patagonia, constitutes a major source of lithogenic material in Subantarctic South Atlantic sediments, and that past biological productivity in this region responded to variability in the supply of dust, probably due to biologically available iron carried by the dust. Greater nutrient supply as well as greater nutrient utilization (stimulated by dust) contributed to Subantarctic productivity during cold periods, in contrast to the region south of the Antarctic Polar Front (APF), where reduced nutrient supply during cold periods was the principal factor limiting productivity. The anti-phased patterns of productivity on opposite sides of the APF point to shifts in the physical supply of nutrients and to dust as cofactors regulating productivity in the Southern Ocean.


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We estimated the relative contribution of atmospheric Nitrogen (N) input (wet and dry deposition and N fixation) to the epipelagic food web by measuring N isotopes of different functional groups of epipelagic zooplankton along 23°W (17°N-4°S) and 18°N (20-24°W) in the Eastern Tropical Atlantic. Results were related to water column observations of nutrient distribution and vertical diffusive flux as well as colony abundance of Trichodesmium obtained with an Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP5). The thickness and depth of the nitracline and phosphocline proved to be significant predictors of zooplankton stable N isotope values. Atmospheric N input was highest (61% of total N) in the strongly stratified and oligotrophic region between 3 and 7°N, which featured very high depth-integrated Trichodesmium abundance (up to 9.4×104 colonies m-2), strong thermohaline stratification and low zooplankton delta15N (~2 per mil). Relative atmospheric N input was lowest south of the equatorial upwelling between 3 and 5°S (27%). Values in the Guinea Dome region and north of Cape Verde ranged between 45 and 50%, respectively. The microstructure-derived estimate of the vertical diffusive N flux in the equatorial region was about one order of magnitude higher than in any other area (approximately 8 mmol m-2 d 1). At the same time, this region received considerable atmospheric N input (35% of total). In general, zooplankton delta15N and Trichodesmium abundance were closely correlated, indicating that N fixation is the major source of atmospheric N input. Although Trichodesmium is not the only N fixing organism, its abundance can be used with high confidence to estimate the relative atmospheric N input in the tropical Atlantic (r2 = 0.95). Estimates of absolute N fixation rates are two- to tenfold higher than incubation-derived rates reported for the same regions. Our approach integrates over large spatial and temporal scales and also quantifies fixed N released as dissolved inorganic and organic N. In a global analysis, it may thus help to close the gap in oceanic N budgets.


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Labor export has been part of Vietnam’s socio-economic development strategy since the beginning of the doi moi era. Recent years, Vietnam has sent about 80,000 workers abroad per year. Vietnam has become a major source country of unskilled foreign workers for high-income East Asian countries. However, in these receiving countries, the desertion rate among Vietnamese workers is quite high, compared with that for workers from other countries. This paper examines the impact of Korean and Japanese policies for receiving foreign workers applied to and implemented in Vietnam, as well as the impact of Vietnamese labor sending system, on the problem of runaway workers.


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Las organizaciones son sistemas o unidades sociales, compuestas por personas que interactúan entre sí, para lograr objetivos comunes. Uno de sus objetivos es la productividad. La productividad es un constructo multidimensional en la que influyen aspectos tecnológicos, económicos, organizacionales y humanos. Diversos estudios apoyan la influencia de la motivación de las personas, de las habilidades y destrezas de los individuos, de su talento para desempeñar el trabajo, así como también del ambiente de trabajo presente en la organización, en la productividad. Por esta razón, el objetivo general de la investigación, es analizar la influencia entre los factores humanos y la productividad. Se hará énfasis en la persona como factor productivo clave, para responder a las interrogantes de la investigación, referidas a cuáles son las variables humanas que inciden en la productividad, a la posibilidad de plantear un modelo de productividad que considere el impacto del factor humano y la posibilidad de encontrar un método para la medición de la productividad que contemple la percepción del factor humano. Para resolver estas interrogantes, en esta investigación se busca establecer las relaciones entre las variables humanas y la productividad, vistas desde la perspectiva de tres unidades de análisis diferentes: individuo, grupo y organización, para la formulación de un modelo de productividad humana y el diseño de un instrumento para su medida. Una de las principales fuente de investigación para la elección de las variables humanas, la formulación del modelo, y el método de medición de la productividad, fue la revisión de la literatura disponible sobre la productividad y el factor humano en las organizaciones, lo que facilitó el trazado del marco teórico y conceptual. Otra de las fuentes para la selección fue la opinión de expertos y de especialistas directamente involucrados en el sector eléctrico venezolano, lo cual facilitó la obtención de un modelo, cuyas variables reflejasen la realidad del ámbito en estudio. Para aportar una interpretación explicativa del fenómeno, se planteó el modelo de los Factores Humanos vs Productividad (MFHP), el cual se analizó desde la perspectiva del análisis causal y fue conformado por tres variables latentes exógenas denominadas: factores individuales, factores grupales y factores organizacionales, que estaban relacionadas con una variable latente endógena denominada productividad. El MFHP se formuló mediante la metodología de los modelos de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM). Las relaciones inicialmente propuestas entre las variables latentes fueron corroboradas por los ajustes globales del modelo, se constataron las relaciones entre las variables latentes planteadas y sus indicadores asociados, lo que facilitó el enunciado de 26 hipótesis, de las cuales se comprobaron 24. El modelo fue validado mediante la estrategia de modelos rivales, utilizada para comparar varios modelos SEM, y seleccionar el de mejor ajuste, con sustento teórico. La aceptación del modelo se realizó mediante la evaluación conjunta de los índices de bondad de ajuste globales. Asimismo, para la elaboración del instrumento de medida de la productividad (IMPH), se realizó un análisis factorial exploratorio previo a la aplicación del análisis factorial confirmatorio, aplicando SEM. La revisión de los conceptos de productividad, la incidencia del factor humano, y sus métodos de medición, condujeron al planteamiento de métodos subjetivos que incorporaron la percepción de los principales actores del proceso productivo, tanto para la selección de las variables, como para la formulación de un modelo de productividad y el diseño de un instrumento de medición de la productividad. La contribución metodológica de este trabajo de investigación, ha sido el empleo de los SEM para relacionar variables que tienen que ver con el comportamiento humano en la organización y la productividad, lo cual abre nuevas posibilidades a la investigación en este ámbito. Organizations are social systems or units composed of people who interact with each other to achieve common goals. One objective is productivity, which is a multidimensional construct influenced by technological, economic, organizational and human aspects. Several studies support the influence on productivity of personal motivation, of the skills and abilities of individuals, of their talent for the job, as well as of the work environment present in the organization. Therefore, the overall objective of this research is to analyze the influence between human factors and productivity. The emphasis is on the individual as a productive factor which is key in order to answer the research questions concerning the human variables that affect productivity and to address the ability to propose a productivity model that considers the impact of the human factor and the possibility of finding a method for the measurement of productivity that includes the perception of the human factor. To consider these questions, this research seeks to establish the relationships between human and productivity variables, as seen from the perspective of three different units of analysis: the individual, the group and the organization, in order to formulate a model of human productivity and to design an instrument for its measurement. A major source of research for choosing the human variables, model formulation, and method of measuring productivity, was the review of the available literature on productivity and the human factor in organizations which facilitated the design of the theoretical and conceptual framework. Another source for the selection was the opinion of experts and specialists directly involved in the Venezuelan electricity sector which facilitated obtaining a model whose variables reflect the reality of the area under study. To provide an interpretation explaining the phenomenon, the model of the Human Factors vs. Productivity Model (HFPM) was proposed. This model has been analyzed from the perspective of causal analysis and was composed of three latent exogenous variables denominated: individual, group and organizational factors which are related to a latent variable denominated endogenous productivity. The HFPM was formulated using the methodology of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The initially proposed relationships between latent variables were confirmed by the global fits of the model, the relationships between the latent variables and their associated indicators enable the statement of 26 hypotheses, of which 24 were confirmed. The model was validated using the strategy of rival models, used for comparing various SEM models and to select the one that provides the best fit, with theoretical support. The acceptance of the model was performed through the joint evaluation of the adequacy of global fit indices. Additionally, for the development of an instrument to measure productivity, an exploratory factor analysis was performed prior to the application of a confirmatory factor analysis, using SEM. The review of the concepts of productivity, the impact of the human factor, and the measurement methods led to a subjective methods approach that incorporated the perception of the main actors of the production process, both for the selection of variables and for the formulation of a productivity model and the design of an instrument to measure productivity. The methodological contribution of this research has been the use of SEM to relate variables that have to do with human behavior in the organization and with productivity, opening new possibilities for research in this area.


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Performing three-dimensional pin-by-pin full core calculations based on an improved solution of the multi-group diffusion equation is an affordable option nowadays to compute accurate local safety parameters for light water reactors. Since a transport approximation is solved, appropriate correction factors, such as interface discontinuity factors, are required to nearly reproduce the fully heterogeneous transport solution. Calculating exact pin-by-pin discontinuity factors requires the knowledge of the heterogeneous neutron flux distribution, which depends on the boundary conditions of the pin-cell as well as the local variables along the nuclear reactor operation. As a consequence, it is impractical to compute them for each possible configuration; however, inaccurate correction factors are one major source of error in core analysis when using multi-group diffusion theory. An alternative to generate accurate pin-by-pin interface discontinuity factors is to build a functional-fitting that allows incorporating the environment dependence in the computed values. This paper suggests a methodology to consider the neighborhood effect based on the Analytic Coarse-Mesh Finite Difference method for the multi-group diffusion equation. It has been applied to both definitions of interface discontinuity factors, the one based on the Generalized Equivalence Theory and the one based on Black-Box Homogenization, and for different few energy groups structures. Conclusions are drawn over the optimal functional-fitting and demonstrative results are obtained with the multi-group pin-by-pin diffusion code COBAYA3 for representative PWR configurations.


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Respiratory motion is a major source of reduced quality in positron emission tomography (PET). In order to minimize its effects, the use of respiratory synchronized acquisitions, leading to gated frames, has been suggested. Such frames, however, are of low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) as they contain reduced statistics. Super-resolution (SR) techniques make use of the motion in a sequence of images in order to improve their quality. They aim at enhancing a low-resolution image belonging to a sequence of images representing different views of the same scene. In this work, a maximum a posteriori (MAP) super-resolution algorithm has been implemented and applied to respiratory gated PET images for motion compensation. An edge preserving Huber regularization term was used to ensure convergence. Motion fields were recovered using a B-spline based elastic registration algorithm. The performance of the SR algorithm was evaluated through the use of both simulated and clinical datasets by assessing image SNR, as well as the contrast, position and extent of the different lesions. Results were compared to summing the registered synchronized frames on both simulated and clinical datasets. The super-resolution image had higher SNR (by a factor of over 4 on average) and lesion contrast (by a factor of 2) than the single respiratory synchronized frame using the same reconstruction matrix size. In comparison to the motion corrected or the motion free images a similar SNR was obtained, while improvements of up to 20% in the recovered lesion size and contrast were measured. Finally, the recovered lesion locations on the SR images were systematically closer to the true simulated lesion positions. These observations concerning the SNR, lesion contrast and size were confirmed on two clinical datasets included in the study. In conclusion, the use of SR techniques applied to respiratory motion synchronized images lead to motion compensation combined with improved image SNR and contrast, without any increase in the overall acquisition times.


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The variation in the adoption of a technology as a major source of competitive advantage has been attributed to the wide-ranging strategic foresight and the integrative capability of a firm. These possible areas of competitive advantage can exist in the periphery of the firm's strategic vision and can get easily blurred as a result of rigidness and can permeate in the decision-making process of the firm. This article explores how electric utility firms with a renewable energy portfolio can become strategically rigid in terms of adoption of newer technologies. The reluctance or delay in the adoption of new technology can be characterized as strategic rigidness, brought upon as a result of a firm's core competence or core capability in the other, more conventional technology arrangement. This paper explores the implications of such rigidness on the performance of a firm and consequently on the energy eco-system. The paper substantiates the results by emphasizing the case of Iberdrola S.A., an incumbent firm as a wind energy developer and its adoption decision behavior. We illustrate that the very routines that create competitive advantage for firms in the electric utility industry are vulnerable as they might also develop as sources of competitive disadvantage, when firms confront environmental change and uncertainty.


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Glutens, the storage proteins in wheat grains, are a major source of protein in human nutrition. The protein composition of wheat has therefore been an important focus of cereal research. Proteomic tools have been used to describe the genetic diversity of wheat germplasms from different origins at the level of polymorphisms in alleles encoding glutenin and gliadin, the two main proteins of gluten. More recently, proteomics has been used to understand the impact of specific gluten proteins on wheat quality. Here we review the impact of proteomics on the study of gluten proteins as it has evolved from fractionation and electrophoretic techniques to advanced mass spectrometry. In the postgenome era, proteomics is proving to be essential in the effort to identify and understand the interactions between different gluten proteins. This is helping to fill in gaps in our knowledge of how the technological quality of wheat is determined by the interaction between genotype and environment. We also collate information on the various storage protein alleles identified and their prevalence, which makes it possible to infer the effects of wheat selection on grain protein content. We conclude by reviewing the more recent use of transgenesis aimed at improving the quality of gluten.