860 resultados para Lopes, Lucas - Entrevistas
The research aimed to study the emergence, role, and the possibilities of environmental movements in Sergipe, running through an analysis of the period between 1983 and 2011. This goal has been guided by the core issue of research, which was to analyze the relationship between the mission, structure and action of environmental organizations in Sergipe. The research arose from the need to map and critically evaluate the environmental movement in Sergipe. The methodological procedures focused on the literature search, survey papers in Sergipe a time gap of 28 years, detailed analysis of nine "movements" and selected in-depth interviews, semi-structured interviews with dozens of social actors involved in the area. In conclusion, we observed that environmentalism in Sergipe, from its inception, was associated with recovery of consciousness regarding the environment, to combat local problems of degradation, and the search for legitimacy of public opinion. Although the environmental movement have been, at times, the attention of mass media, the movement failed to leave the niche and achieve a more representative portion of society. You can still see the deep relationship between the profile of environmental leaders, capital strength and the practical results of the environmental actions and finally, it was observed that the action of the movements has much stronger bond with the relationship of the organization and its main leaders with the other "environmentalist," than with the structure and mission of the institution
This is an ethnographic and comparative study of the Maracatus Solar (2006) and Reis de Paus (1960), whose aim was to verify what is ancient and traditional in the new maracatu practiced by the guild Solar and conversely, what is new or modern in the old maracatu ritualized by guild Reis de Paus. It is worth noting that through this case study it is also intended to ethnographically observe and better understand the processes of ruptures and continuities between modernization and tradition, and the relationship between the global and the local. The communication system, the dancing, the music, the costumes and the loas (letters) were analyzed using the technique of participant observation as well as secondary materials such as newspapers, blogs and magazines. The interviews were open, non-directive, but recorded to facilitate understanding the speech of revelers. The research has shown that all the symbolic elements of aesthetic expression of the maracatu are permeated by clashes of historical contexts and of political representation, which, in another instance, also enunciates a fight of micro-community resistance regarding the renewal process and the social development that plague modern megalopolis. It is In this interim, between modernity and tradition that today it can be spoken about the existence of hybrid identity in the maracatu regarding a context mediated by the overall above mentioned values and customs specific of the new generations. However, one can not deny that the forms of negotiations with modernity also require the establishment of a link with the specific singularity of a popular culture that is not excluded, but also should not get invaded by the idea of authenticity. Therefore, performing this study was above all an opportunity to understand also the community life in the city outskirts, understanding society, culture and everyday social relations maintained between humans that produce and make it all happen. The Solar and Reis de Paus do not join in opposition between themselves nor by their similarity. What is most striking among them is the renewal of a tradition that reinvents itself in the form of popular representation across the street parade
The study of social practices aims to overcome the theoretical dichotomies that insist on separating the individual from the social structures and vice versa. In this sense, the debate between objectivism and subjectivism in the construction of social reality still has occupied much time and reflection of various scholars of the humanities. Pierre Bourdieu has extensive work that seeks to advance in relation to the theoretical framework of traditional sociological explanations. Bourdieu`s approach regarding social practices is considered by some researchers as a synthesis of classical theories and by others as an attempt of complexify contemporary studies on the significance of social life. This thesis sharesthis effort to understand the social practices of agents, aiming to analyze the strategies of social and political leaders of family farming in the territories of Seridó and Apodi in Rio Grande do Norte, and it has as reference the theoretical and methodological concepts of habitus, field and capital, in Bourdieu. Therefore, we studied the trajectories of social leaders, here called agents as family farming in the two locations in Rio Grande do Norte. As techniques and procedures of the study, we resortedto semi-structured interviews, observations, participation in events and other researches. In conclusion, this thesis gives an account of the construction of two different relational fields for the activities of agents of family farming in the territories of Seridó and Apodi. Although the relational fields in the territories have been structured under the same prevailing institutions, which are: church, union and political party, the social practice of agents shows itself from social position and political variety. Even with the similarities and differences identified and analyzed in different fields of construction, the social relations of the agents in the territories result in the construction of gated communities, the social capital that is the substrate which the agents called empowered .
Muitos países subdesenvolvidos são caracterizados por uma significativa diversidade sociocultural e por uma acentuada pobreza em grande parte da população, que fazem uso da caça de animais como uma fonte alternativa de alimento e para outros fins. O estudo objetivou investigar se a distância das populações humanas da zona rural em relação à zona urbana e fatores socioeconômicos podem ser preditores de um maior conhecimento sobre as espécies da fauna utilizadas. Além disso, o estudo objetivou também testar uma ferramenta capaz de gerar uma lista da fauna prioritária para a conservação local a partir do conhecimento local. Os dados foram coletados por meio de 30 entrevistas utilizando formulários semi-estruturados em quatro comunidades rurais no município de Pedro Avelino, RN. Foram calculados o fator de consenso dos informantes (ICF), a importância relativa (IR) e o nível de fidelidade (FL). Adicionalmente, foi calculado o índice de Shannon-Wiener para as categorias de uso: estimação, alimentar, medicinal e para a multiplicidade de uso por informante. Os entrevistados reconhecem 83 espécies pertencentes a 45 famílias de animais. As espécies citadas pertencem a seis grandes grupos taxonômicos: aves, mamíferos, répteis, anfíbios, peixes e insetos. O conhecimento sobre a utilização de animais para as categorias de uso definidas neste trabalho não mostrou relação significativa com os fatores socioeconômicos e nem com a distância das comunidades da zona rural para a zona urbana de Pedro Avelino. Os resultados sugerem, portanto, que a pobreza nivela o conhecimento sobre o uso da fauna independente da distância que as comunidades encontram-se da zona urbana. As listas geradas permitirão direcionar estudos ecológicos mais aprofundados visando à conservação das espécies do bioma Caatinga. Desta forma, é importante considerar as interações existentes entre as pessoas e os animais para melhor entender a dinâmica de utilização e fornecer, assim, subsídios para a conservação das espécies.
Ethnobiology studies Local Ecological Knowledge (LEK) as well as the use and management of natural resources by local communities in order to understand how the environment is perceived, known and classified by human groups. In fishing communities, LEK adds empirical information about the biology of aquatic species and complements scientific findings, especially when it is difficult to obtain factual information during studies on cetaceans, whose behavior is essentially underwater. Cetaceans (whales and dolphins) are constantly threatened by human activities, especially by accidental capture of small coastal species, as in the case of the estuarine dolphin (Sotalia guianensis), object of this study. Ethnobiological researches in fishing communities are of great importance and can clarify aspects of the biology and conservation of this species. Although extensively studied throughout its distribution range, there are still gaps in the knowledge about S. guianensis. Therefore, fishers local ecological knowledge becomes an additional tool to get and confirm information about S. guianensis. This study evaluated the LEK of artisanal fishers who are daily exposed to local population of S. guianensis, through the use of semistructured interviews (N=116). The interviewed fishers were asked about the biology and popular classification of S. guianensis and about possible interactions between this dolphin and them. The studied communities were located in Tibau do Sul (n=39), Pipa (n=36) and Baía Formosa (n=41), all on the south coast of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The study was based on the assumption that differences in fishers LEK among those communities would be caused by both the variety of fishing environments (lagoon/estuary and ocean) and the intensity of tourism activities. Fishers knowledge is expressive and differed among the studied communities depending on the topic investigated. Fishers correctly reported the habitat, distribution, seasonality and behavioral particularities of S. guianensis. Tourism mainly affected the naming of the species. The study results also suggest that marine fishers have greater knowledge about the species than the estuarine/lagoon ones. Local populations accumulate empirical knowledge according to their environment. Hence, it is important to take into account both empirical knowledge and popular participation in management systems, in order to maintain information sharing among communities
This essay presents and discusses knowledge obtained through tradition taken as knowledge built along generations, transmitted from mouth to mouth and everyday experiences result of a non-scientific knowledge based on observation and hints given by more experient generations. The referred icon used to develop such a discussion in this essay is fishing. We point out the knoledge which enables the fishermen, among other dominions, to: find out the fish and other animals feeding habits; find their way through by astral influence during night navigation and learn the tide flowing based on the moon cycle. On what comes to fishing knowledge, the research was organized based on a bibliographic study about several ways of fishing in the Northern, Northeastern, Southern and Southestern regions of Brazil. In the Northern and Northeastern regions, the field research was also focused. Having interviews, photographs and films as reference, this part of the research was divided into two parts: the first one situated in the Amazonian Region in na area called Baixo-Tocantins, in the State of Pará where we worked with fishermen in the small towns of Abaetetuba and Igarapé-Miri; and the second one was held in the Northeastern region of Brazil, in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, where we worked with fishermen on the Piató Lake, in the small city of Assú. We tarted discussing based on a descriptive study of the fishing techniques used, aiming to identify them as an ordered activity, differed and classified by knoledge obtained through the years, based on the relationship between man and Nature. Creativity, stimulated by human curiosity, is also discussed and shown as a result of various fishing journeys. The myths, as a component of the fishing world, especially those which describe the relationship between men and waters, also have an outstanding place. At last, two fishing techniques belonging to the research field reference, are also described and analysed under the focus of construction and systematization of the knowledge related to fishing. The theory approach is based on reflection upon the tradition knowledge discussed by Almeida (2001), Balandier (1997), Câmara Cascudo (1957, 2000, 2002) and Claude Lévi-Strauss (1976, 1987 and 1991). The essay is an exercise of knowledge production which defends the "relink" of knowledge, as Edgar Morin suggests when dealing with the sciences of complexity
The literature about the Geography teaching has shown that most male and female teachers of this subject go on guiding their teaching practice based on the traditional Geography fundamentals, whose main characteristic consist in the description of places. The incorporation of scientific standards that change the old principles and concepts have not been happening, unless in a punctual way. The overcoming of the traditional Geography, related to the aspects accepted by the scientific field have not happened in Brazil yet, not only because of certain obvious obstacles, as the literature has been pointed out but also by symbolic obstacles, which block the incorporation of the new, of the non habitual action. One of those obstacles that motivated the accomplishment of this study was the social representations that are theoretically studied here under the perspective developed by Serge Moscovici. Then, the focus of this doctorate study is concentrated in the apprehension of the content and structure of the social representation of teaching of Geography and its relation with the habitus that gives form and social visibility to the ones who are teachers of that subject in Teresina. The consecution of this work was especially based on the Pierre Bourdieu´s praxiology, mainly on the concepts of social field, habitus and capital, as well as the theory of social representations, specifically on the approach of central nucleus developed by Jean-Claude Abric and Jean-Claude Flament. The initial hypothesis pointed out the existence of a Geographer´s primary habitus built through the development process of the geographic science field in Brazil, as a basis of production of a social representation of teaching geography . That representation, however, would act as a symbolic obstacle to the incorporation of the new scientific contents and pedagogical practice, which require from the teacher investigative and questionable attitude in the presence of the reality and contents approached in the classroom. That initial hypothesis laid on the theoretical purpose that it has been developed by Domingos Sobrinho (1997), which states that there is a narrow relationship between the habitus and social representation. The study was developed with male and female teachers of Geography from public schools of Teresina. The methodology involved the use of a questionnaire, the free-word association technique and deep interviews. The achieved results showed the presence of a complex process of representational construction and its articulation with a habitus produced by the synthesis of several situational and cultural referents, from among of them we can point out an insertion in a social field of practice exclusively related to the teaching and the reproduction of a professoral teaching (SILVA, 2003), built through the school development process, which those male and female teachers were exposed. The initial hypothesis that considered the local reproduction of a primary habitus of the Geography was denied, therefore, it was verified that there is not in Teresina the production/reproduction of the structures, rules and practice of the national scientific field, in which this subject is inserted. Hence, the incorporation of the new patterns of the geographic scientific knowledge is difficult because of the inexistence of a scientific habitus, that is, mental schema systems that would let the teachers mentioned above connect themselves appropriately to the science and its practices. So, it has gotten a social representation of teaching geography based on contents strictly related to the reproduction of structures, mental schema from the educational field which attach themselves to the hegemonic pedagogical practices in the national scope
As espécies de entomopatógenos que causam impacto em populações de hospedeiros são muitas. Entretanto, informações básicas sobre sua biologia, identificação e relação entre o sistema patógeno-hospedeiro são escassas. Este estudo teve por objetivo identificar os fungos associados a Parlatoria ziziphus (Lucas)em pomares citrícolas do município de Taiúva, SP. Foram realizadas coletas mensais, em dois pomares de laranja (Citrus sinensis Osbeck), variedade Pera, de janeiro de 1995 a fevereiro de 1996. Amostraram-se 15 árvores em cada pomar, retirando-se 16 folhas por árvore. Estas foram levadas ao laboratório, para determinação dos fungos associados à cochonilha. Para a identificação dos fungos, consideraram-se aspectos da estrutura reprodutiva e do esporo. Foram identificadas cinco espécies, citadas como patógenos de diaspidídeos por vários autores: Fusarium coccophilum (Desm.) Wr. & Rg., Nectria flammea (Tul.) Dingley (fase sexual de F. coccophilum), Tetracrium coccicolum Hohnell, Podonectria coccicola (Ellis & Everhart) Petch (fase sexual de T. coccicolum) e Myriangium duriaei Mont. & Berk. Fusarium coccophilum foi a espécie mais freqüente e a mais prevalente, na maioria das coletas realizadas, em ambas as áreas amostradas.
This work focalize the institutional and educational evaluation, aiming to investigate the Municipal System Institutional Evaluation Performance of Teresina City Piauí (2001-2005), and to reflect about Institutional System Performance and its contribution to compose a new learning evaluation practice. In this sense, classifies elements about the evaluation practice in two Elementary Education municipal public schools, involving Education Municipal Bureau technicians as managers, pedagogues, teachers and students. Based on the ethnographic studies principles in the educational area, the work employs investigative procedures like document analysis, interviews with groups and individuals and also participator s comments. Intending to comprehend the complexity produced by the institutional and education evaluation processes, the wok reveals the Institutional Evaluation legal and educational political basis and the several positions assumed by the Learning Evaluation, as a classification tool or as a learning enhancement. This work points, as results, to a evaluation culture bipolarity carried out by the Municipal Education System as a explicit control and regulation toll, related to the classification and learning in a interaction process that operates both in the pressure and the reflection, as a culture practice established between excellence of logic and learning. The evaluation history has been construct on the evaluation actions dialectics, joint simultaneously between the Institutional Evaluation Performance and the learning evaluation. The senses, meanings and actions bipolarity is a interaction process product sustained between the institutional evaluation, under the scholar ranking application, and the learning evaluation. In this relativity, the teacher evaluation practice is found, ruled by interesting, thoughts and actions on the school evaluation, allowing a higher security and support to the learning results. Grounded in the researched reality, its possible to say that the teacher s evaluation practice is diversified, with different characteristics, when it is done in the learning search and in the learning intention. In the first case, reflects, rearranges and constructs new actions that lead the student to produce learning. In the second, shows the will, the wish of learning, but is a weak action, producing a not really significant learning and development; as a result, remains the mark approach as a determinant in the student future. The work s hope is to contribute not just to rethink these two evaluations dimensions the institutional and the learning ones but also to organize the school and to improve the pedagogic process
Esta tesis de maestría es el resultado de una investigación de carácter cualitativo y etnometodológico, realizada entre agosto de 2003 y junio de 2004, en una escuela primaria estatal, ubicada en Natal RN (Brasil). Su objetivo fue investigar la recepción de la lectura de literatura por parte de una maestra a la que, según reveló, no le gustaba leer y no se consideraba lectora de literatura. Se buscó investigar la mediación que le posibilitara llegar a ser lectora, comprender cuáles son los aspectos que influyen en la relación entre el lector en formación y la lectura de literatura, y verificar cómo repercute ese proceso de formación en la práctica docente de la maestra estudiada. Los procedimientos de investigación fueron aplicados con flexibilidad, tomando en cuenta el proceso de formación lectora de la docente. Los principales instrumentos utilizados fueron dos entrevistas semi-estructuradas, realizadas con la maestra, y notas de campo, que adquirieron el formato de un diario de investigación. En la primera etapa, fueron realizadas treinta sesiones de lectura, para posibilitar el acercamiento de la maestra a diferentes textos literarios. En la segunda etapa, fueron realizados tres encuentros de planificación con la maestra y cinco clases de lectura con sus alumnos. El análisis focaliza la recepción de la lectura literaria por parte de la maestra, abordando diferentes aspectos: su historia en relación con la lectura; la identificación, el contrato ficcional y la relación texto-vida; las previsiones y sus verificaciones; la mediación y el andamiaje brindados para introducir a la maestra en la cultura de la lectura. Se focaliza también la relación entre sus roles de lectora y de mediadora de lectores. Los fundamentos teóricos se basan, principalmente, en Coulon (1995a, 1995b), Vigotsky (1989, 1991, 2003), Graves y Graves (1995), Smith (1991), Jauss (2002), Iser (1996, 1999) y Amarilha (1996, 2001). Como resultados de este trabajo, se destacan el interés de la maestra, la manera en que ella se involucró con las historias leídas mediante procesos de identificación con algunos personajes y la relación que estableció entre los textos y su historia; esos procesos indican avances significativos en su vínculo con la lectura de literatura. La mediación ocupó un papel central en la consecución de aquellos avances. Vale destacar que la relación texto-vida fue establecida por la maestra con cierta ingenuidad, lo que le impidió vivenciar lo ficcional como una actividad lúdica. Se considera necesario un contacto más intenso y regular con textos de ficción, para que la docente pueda distanciarse de su vida cotidiana y adquirir la autonomía y la conciencia transformadora que le permitirán ir y volver de la realidad a la ficción, enriqueciéndose, sin confundirlas. Ese contacto no depende sólo de una actitud individual y personal de la maestra, sino del contexto institucional y social en el cual está inmersa. En ese sentido, la segunda etapa del trabajo de campo demostró que el pasaje de la formación lectora inicial a una acción pedagógica adecuada es complejo; los procesos no son lineales y, todavía, queda un largo camino por recorrer
O compromisso dessa pesquisa volta-se para a compreensão das práticas pedagógicas desenvolvidas na alfabetização de jovens e adultos, bem como se propõe a construir caminhos na busca de práticas que levem em conta as especificidades dos alunos dessa modalidade de ensino. Os aportes teóricos que nos guiaram nessa busca foram os estudos acerca de alfabetização na perspectiva do letramento, nos quais a escrita é vista como um sistema de representação, dessa forma o processo de alfabetização tem como objetivo a apropriação da escrita em toda sua complexidade e usos sociais. Para o desenvolvimento desta pesquisa o direcionamento metodológico assume as premissas da pesquisa qualitativa do tipo etnográfico a fim de possibilitar o conhecimento da realidade a partir da sua vivência cotidiana. Nesse sentido, foram observadas as atividades desenvolvidas pelos partícipes da pesquisa e também realizadas entrevistas e questionários com o objetivo de um melhor conhecimento a respeito da realidade que os cerca. Tendo em vista as características de nossa pesquisa e a construção de nossos dados através de registros oriundos de observações e também registros verbais, encontramos na teoria da análise de conteúdo, mais especificamente na análise temática a fundamentação necessária para realizarmos nossas análises. Os dados construídos e analisados nos apontam caminhos pelos quais torna-se possível realizarmos um trabalho de alfabetização que possa efetivamente contribuir na construção do conhecimento pelo aluno jovem e adulto, respeitando suas especificidades e anseios
This research, whose theme is related to climacteric, aims to know the social representation of menopause developed by the nurses working for Estratégia Saúde da Família (Family Health Strategy) in João Pessoa PB, as well as identifying its structure and verifying the way it interferes with the assistance and educational practices to the climacterial user. In the theoretical level, it is based on a model that articulates the social representations theory, the central nucleus complementary theory and the central concepts of Pierre Bourdieu s praxiology: habitus, cultural capital, social field and symbolic power. A hundred and forty-seven female nurses who work for Estratégia Saúde da Família (Family Health Strategy) in João Pessoa (PB) took part in this research, and the data collection period was from February 2008 to March 2009. As to the methods and techniques, we used the method to determine the central nucleus based on the free association of words, a questionnaire to identify certain regularities that constitute the nurses habitus, and the semi-structured interview to explore opinions and attitudes when facing assistance situations and educational practices and to collect other relevant information. The data analysis was developed, when referring to the free associations, with the help of the EVOC software, which is a group of articulated programs which carry out the statistical analysis of the evocations and the identification of the possible elements of both the central nucleus and the peripheral system of the social representation. As to the questionnaire, we used the descriptive statistical analysis and the analysis of correlation between the variables. The interviews were submitted to a categorical analysis of the content. The EVOC result indicated that the cognition hormone was the only element of the central nucleus of the social representation of menopause. Due to its symbolic value and structuring power, this central nucleus ensures the strict and, at the same time, flexible character of the representational content. The analysis of the social advancement, of some fundamental features of the group habitus, as well as the analysis of its insertion in the health field and of the attitudinal opinions and dispositions concerning the assistance given to the climacterial user, and the analysis of the pedagogical dimension of this assistance, all these analyses lead to the conclusion that the nurses who took part in this research share a social representation of the menopause resulting from the association of different technical and scientific knowledge. These derive from the biomedical pattern as well as from hegemonic values which disqualify old age and overvalue youth, from pedagogical conceptions arising from patterns that are presently regarded as authoritative and old-fashioned and from cultural references (responsible for the semantic variations concerning the central nucleus) which are specific to the subgroups the nurses belong to. This research enables the creation of opportunities for discussion between active nurses working for Estratégia Saúde da Família, and the nurses who are teachers at institutions of higher education, aiming at linking theory to practice, so that they can find ways of thinking about the climacteric and working, in a more comprehensive way, with users who are experiencing this stage of life
The theory contemporary in the field of early children education, as well the legal discourse and official texts valid in our country point to the need for systematization of proposals pedagogic / curriculum in institutions, built and carried out by subjects that act as factor of assurance care quality. Quest us about what knowledge are required to teachers in developing a proposed curriculum for children education. Defined as an object of study, the knowledge teachers necessary for the development of a proposed curriculum for children education. As goals, assume: investigate teachers knowledge necessary for the development of a proposed curriculum in a Public Institution for children education and contribute to the (new) meaning on the part of teachers, knowledge needed to build a proposed curriculum for children education. Assuming the principles of the paradigm of qualitative research, we have developed a research institution of a children education Network Public Hall of Ceará-Mirim-RN, which serves children of four and five years old (preschool) with the participation of 17 teachers and two supervisory (teachers) that institution - subject of our research. Therefore, we have adopted the principles of action research, according to which the knowledge gained through research should build so shared / dialogue in the relationship between researcher and participants, what is the implementation of an effective action formative. As the search procedures developed observations no-teaching participants in the meetings and activities of the classroom; semi-structured interviews (individual and collective) with teachers and supervisors; analysis of school documents and participant observation in the seminars of studies reflective. The latter is implemented as key moments of speech and thought, and finally to (new) meaning of knowledge, the subject of the research-action. For these knowledge, the systematization of the register built was developed based on the principles of analysis of Content that guided us to the definition of two categories 1) knowledge teachers concerning conceptions of curriculum / proposed curriculum and 2) knowledge teachers concerning specifics of children education. From these were built subs representing thematings more specific and significant, among the many that emerged in the analysis: 1.1) Definitions of curriculum and curriculum proposal; 1.2) The subjects makers / implementing a curriculum / proposed curriculum; 1.3) elements constituting a curriculum / proposed curriculum for children education and 2.1) Functions of children education and conception of child; 2.2) The space of the play in the organization of routine. Under the intervention could significant advances with regard to (new) meaning of such knowledge from the subjects, with major disruptions to their original designs. These are presented and reflected in this work. In front of this movement, transformation, made the need for a permanent work in the context of the institution of in-service training, or mediated by pedagogical coordinator or other to assume this role with teachers, in order to provide the development and effectiveness of proposed curriculum consistent and contextualized in practice effective with the children concrete envisage the service to their specificities and a quality education
This investigation proposes to analyze the teaching practice in the Child Education, considering the childhood and the Child Education conceptions declared by the teachers. It was opted as methodological approach the qualitative conception of research, marking a critical perspective of the subjects, and their relations in the educational processes. It was privileged as instruments of construction of the data, the observation of the practices of the teachers developed in the ordinary day, the semistructured interviews, and the documental analysis to complement information, through the developing report of the students, done by the teachers in the end of the teaching year. This way, from the understanding of the childhood in a social perspective, and historically constructed, considering the concrete children insertion in the social reality and the child as a whole subject and by rights, it was developed the interpretative analysis of the data. The investigated reality showed that the childhood conceptions linked to the comprehension of child and child development, declared by the teachers, subjects of the research, have been associated, in some aspects, to the present thought of thinking and acting in relation to the small child, evidencing, consequently, several limitations of pedagogical order, and the demanding evidence of a bigger development of the teachers about the question.
This thesis concerns the problem about the pedagogue actuation in the social education into no scholars places. It search to understand the context and the social pedagogue role to his praxis and formation that enlarger the possibilities of the social educative practices into no scholars places. In this direction, we developed an investigation about the actuation of the pedagogues-educators in Natal city, in the 2007-2010 periods, into Municipal Secretary of the Labor and Social Assistance (SEMTAS). Considering that pedagogues are regularly attached in social educators profession as municipals public employees, we re the objective to evaluate their role into the social executed in the no scholars places, with the focus in the environmental dimensions of theirs work s places, pedagogical organization, institutional management and the professional formation. It privileged in this research the Specialized Reference Center of Social Assistance II (CREAS II), the Passages Houses I, II and III, the Social-Educative Measures in Open Environment Execution Program of Natal city (PENSEMA) and the Pitimbú Educational Center (CEDUC-Pitimbú). To realize this study it developed a research with qualitative nature by critic ethnography approach privileging those information collected with the social pedagogue-educators of the mentioned places. Through the methodological procedures adopted; beyond the bibliographical review we remarked the documental research, the semi-structured interview, the questionnaires-routes and the field observations. The analytical results revealed that the politics to the social education in Brazil historically came been dimensioned by the fight of social movements demanding the fundamental rights to the excluded people; that the SEMTAS politics of social education present a relative basic social protection to the excluded children and young people specially into law view; that the politics of social education in Natal city it s close of the logic of sanitarian attention about the disadvantaged groups; that the conceptual, methodological and formatives fragilities needs to the social pedagogues-educators praxis into non scholars places made difficult the operation capacity of a educative proposition anchored in a institutional action guided by the idea of emancipator education; that the SEMTAS take face several difficulties to developed a web assistance as preview in the reception proposition elaborated by the social pedagogues-educators. However in despite the tensions we remarked the value of this potentiality to the non scholar social education in her attempt to constitute herself in a legitimate space to the pedagogue professional actuation. In despite the obstacles to work and formation quotidian, across those non scholar spaces in the municipalities institutes to the social politics, it demonstrated personal sensibility and professional creativity in learning mediations and educative action to the children and younger derived from exclusion process and the social iniquities