969 resultados para Linear function
BACKGROUND: Adult patients with repaired tetralogy of Fallot (rTOF) often have diminished exercise capacity. The primary objective of this study was to examine whether abnormalities of biventricular function play a role in exercise limitation in patients with rTOF. METHODS: This was a retrospective review of 99 adult patients with rTOF. Right ventricular (RV) and left ventricular (LV) function were assessed echocardiographically using the myocardial performance index (MPI). Maximal oxygen consumption (VO(2) Max) was measured during a level 1 cardiopulmonary exercise test. RESULTS: The mean age of the cohort was 34 +/- 11 years (50% females). Although most of the patients reported good functional capacity, the peak Vo(2)max was decreased at 22 +/- 6 mL/kg per minute (66% +/- 13% predicted Vo(2)max for age and sex). The mean RV and LV MPI were 0.30 +/- 0.07 and 0.42 +/- 0.09, respectively. In the multivariate model, higher RV MPI (P = .04) and LV MPI (P = .005) values, representing impaired ventricular function, were associated with diminished Vo(2)max. There was a significant correlation between the RV and LV MPI (r = 0.54, P = .001). CONCLUSIONS: Impairment of RV and LV function, as measured by MPI, is associated with diminished exercise capacity in patients with repaired tetralogy of Fallot. Furthermore, there is a linear relationship between the RV and LV function suggesting that ventricular interactions are contributing to the limited exercise capacity in this group of patients. Strategies aimed at preserving biventricular function or improving adverse ventricular interactions could help to improve functional capacity in these patients.
Post-natal exposure to air pollution is associated with diminished lung growth during school age. The current authors aimed to determine whether pre-natal exposure to air pollution is associated with lung function changes in the newborn. In a prospective birth cohort of 241 healthy term-born neonates, tidal breathing, lung volume, ventilation inhomogeneity and exhaled nitric oxide (eNO) were measured during unsedated sleep at age 5 weeks. Maternal exposure to particles with a 50% cut-off aerodynamic diameter of 10 microm (PM(10)), nitrogen dioxide (NO(2)) and ozone (O(3)), and distance to major roads were estimated during pregnancy. The association between these exposures and lung function was assessed using linear regression. Minute ventilation was higher in infants with higher pre-natal PM(10) exposure (24.9 mL x min(-1) per microg x m(-3) PM(10)). The eNO was increased in infants with higher pre-natal NO(2) exposure (0.98 ppb per microg x m(-3) NO(2)). Post-natal exposure to air pollution did not modify these findings. No association was found for pre-natal exposure to O(3) and lung function parameters. The present results suggest that pre-natal exposure to air pollution might be associated with higher respiratory need and airway inflammation in newborns. Such alterations during early lung development may be important regarding long-term respiratory morbidity.
The response to beta(2)-agonists differs between asthmatics and has been linked to subsequent adverse events, even death. Possible determinants include beta(2)-adrenoceptor genotype at position 16, lung function and airway hyperresponsiveness. Fluctuation analysis provides a simple parameter alpha measuring the complex correlation properties of day-to-day peak expiratory flow. The present study investigated whether alpha predicts clinical response to beta(2)-agonist treatment, taking into account other conventional predictors. Analysis was performed on previously published twice-daily peak expiratory flow measurements in 66 asthmatic adults over three 6-month randomised order treatment periods: placebo, salbutamol and salmeterol. Multiple linear regression was used to determine the association between alpha during the placebo period and response to treatment (change in the number of days with symptoms), taking into account other predictors namely beta(2)-adrenoceptor genotype, lung function and its variability, and airway hyperresponsiveness. The current authors found that alpha measured during the placebo period considerably improved the prediction of response to salmeterol treatment, taking into account genotype, lung function or its variability, or airway hyperresponsiveness. The present study provides further evidence that response to beta(2)-agonists is related to the time correlation properties of lung function in asthma. The current authors conclude that fluctuation analysis of lung function offers a novel predictor to identify patients who may respond well or poorly to treatment.
OBJECTIVES: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) can have adverse effects on cognitive functioning, mood, and cardiovascular functioning. OSA brings with it disturbances in sleep architecture, oxygenation, sympathetic nervous system function, and inflammatory processes. It is not clear which of these mechanisms is linked to the decrease in cognitive functioning. This study examined the effect of inflammatory parameters on cognitive dysfunction. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty-nine patients with untreated sleep apnea were evaluated by polysomnography and completed a battery of neuropsychological tests. After the first night of evaluation in the sleep laboratory, blood samples were taken for analysis of interleukin 6, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), and soluble TNF receptor 1 (sTNF-R1). RESULTS: sTNF-R1 significantly correlated with cognitive dysfunction. In hierarchical linear regression analysis, measures of obstructive sleep apnea severity explained 5.5% of the variance in cognitive dysfunction (n.s.). After including sTNF-R1, percentage of variance explained by the full model increased more than threefold to 19.6% (F = 2.84, df = 3, 36, p = 0.05). Only sTNF-R1 had a significant individual relationship with cognitive dysfunction (beta = 0.376 t = 2.48, p = 0.02). CONCLUSIONS: sTNF-R1 as a marker of chronic inflammation may be associated with diminished neuropsychological functioning in patients with OSA.
Background. Although tenofovir (TDF) use has increased as part of first-line antiretroviral therapy (ART) across sub-Saharan Africa, renal outcomes among patients receiving TDF remain poorly understood. We assessed changes in renal function and mortality in patients starting TDF- or non-TDF-containing ART in Lusaka, Zambia. Methods. We included patients aged ≥16 years who started ART from 2007 onward, with documented baseline weight and serum creatinine. Renal dysfunction was categorized as mild (eGFR 60-89 mL/min), moderate (30-59 mL/min) or severe (<30 mL/min) using the CKD-EPI formula. Differences in eGFR during ART were analyzed using linear mixed-effect models, the odds of developing moderate or severe eGFR decrease with logistic regression and mortality with competing risk regression. Results. We included 62,230 adults, of which 38,716 (62%) initiated a TDF-based regimen. The proportion with moderate or severe renal dysfunction at baseline was lower in the TDF compared to the non-TDF group (1.9% vs. 4.0%). Among patients with no or mild renal dysfunction, those on TDF were more likely to develop moderate (adjusted OR: 3.11; 95%CI: 2.52-3.87) or severe eGFR decrease (adjusted OR: 2.43; 95%CI: 1.80-3.28), although the incidence of such episodes was low. Among patients with moderate or severe renal dysfunction at baseline, renal function improved independently of ART regimen and mortality was similar in both treatment groups. Conclusions. TDF use did not attenuate renal function recovery or increase mortality in patients with renal dysfunction. Further studies are needed to determine the role of routine renal function monitoring before and during ART use in Africa.
OBJECTIVES Tenofovir is associated with reduced renal function. It is not clear whether patients can be expected to fully recover their renal function if tenofovir is discontinued. METHODS We calculated the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) for patients in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study remaining on tenofovir for at least 1 year after starting a first antiretroviral therapy regimen with tenofovir and either efavirenz or the ritonavir-boosted protease inhibitor lopinavir, atazanavir or darunavir. We estimated the difference in eGFR slope between those who discontinued tenofovir after 1 year and those who remained on tenofovir. RESULTS A total of 1049 patients on tenofovir for at least 1 year were then followed for a median of 26 months, during which time 259 patients (25%) discontinued tenofovir. After 1 year on tenofovir, the difference in eGFR between those starting with efavirenz and those starting with lopinavir, atazanavir and darunavir was - 0.7 [95% confidence interval (CI) -2.3 to 0.8], -1.4 (95% CI -3.2 to 0.3) and 0.0 (95% CI -1.7 to 1.7) mL/min/1.73 m(2) , respectively. The estimated linear rate of decline in eGFR on tenofovir was -1.1 (95% CI -1.5 to -0.8) mL/min/1.73 m(2) per year and its recovery after discontinuing tenofovir was 2.1 (95% CI 1.3 to 2.9) mL/min/1.73 m(2) per year. Patients starting tenofovir with either lopinavir or atazanavir appeared to have the same rates of decline and recovery as those starting tenofovir with efavirenz. CONCLUSIONS If patients discontinue tenofovir, clinicians can expect renal function to recover more rapidly than it declined.
BACKGROUND: Renal failure after thoracoabdominal aortic repair is a significant clinical problem. Distal aortic perfusion for organ and spinal cord protection requires cannulation of the left femoral artery. In 2006, we reported the finding that direct cannulation led to leg ischemia in some patients and was associated with increased renal failure. After this finding, we modified our perfusion technique to eliminate leg ischemia from cannulation. In this article, we present the effects of this change on postoperative renal function. METHODS: Between February 1991 and July 2008, we repaired 1464 thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms. Distal aortic perfusion was used in 1088, and these were studied. Median patient age was 68 years, and 378 (35%) were women. In September 2006, we began to adopt a sidearm femoral cannulation technique that provides distal aortic perfusion while maintaining downstream flow to the leg. This was used in 167 patients (15%). We measured the joint effects of preoperative glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and cannulation technique on the highest postoperative creatinine level, postoperative renal failure, and death. Analysis was by multiple linear or logistic regression with interaction. RESULTS: The preoperative GFR was the strongest predictor of postoperative renal dysfunction and death. No significant main effects of sidearm cannulation were noted. For peak creatinine level and postoperative renal failure, however, strong interactions between preoperative GFR and sidearm cannulation were present, resulting in reductions of postoperative renal complications of 15% to 20% when GFR was <60 mL>/min/1.73 m(2). For normal GFR, the effect was negated or even reversed at very high levels of GFR. Mortality, although not significantly affected by sidearm cannulation, showed a similar trend to the renal outcomes. CONCLUSION: Use of sidearm cannulation is associated with a clinically important and highly statistically significant reduction in postoperative renal complications in patients with a low GFR. Reduced renal effect of skeletal muscle ischemia is the proposed mechanism. Effects among patients with good preoperative renal function are less clear. A randomized trial is needed.
Despite rapid to-and-fro motion of the retinal image that results from their incessant involuntary eye movements, persons with infantile nystagmus (IN) rarely report the perception of motion smear. We performed two experiments to determine if the reduction of perceived motion smear in persons with IN is associated with an increase in the speed of the temporal impulse response. In Experiment 1, increment thresholds were determined for pairs of successively presented flashes of a long horizontal line, presented on a 65-cd/m2 background field. The stimulus-onset asynchrony (SOA) between the first and second flash varied from 5.9 to 234 ms. In experiment 2, temporal contrast sensitivity functions were determined for a 3-cpd horizontal square-wave grating that underwent counterphase flicker at temporal frequencies between 1 and 40 Hz. Data were obtained for 2 subjects with predominantly pendular IN and 8 normal observers in Experiment 1 and for 3 subjects with IN and 4 normal observers in Experiment 2. Temporal impulse response functions (TIRFs) were estimated as the impulse response of a linear second-order system that provided the best fit to the increment threshold data in Experiment 1 and to the temporal contrast sensitivity functions in Experiment 2. Estimated TIRFs of the subjects with pendular IN have natural temporal frequencies that are significantly faster than those of normal observers (ca. 13 vs. 9 Hz), indicating an accelerated temporal response to visual stimuli. This increase in response speed is too small to account by itself for the virtual absence of perceived motion smear in subjects with IN, and additional neural mechanisms are considered.
Novel insights into intra-cellular signalling involved in pemphigus vulgaris (PV), an autoimmune blistering disease of skin and mucous membranes, are now revealing new therapeutic approaches such as the chemical inhibition of PV-associated signals in conjunction with standard immunosuppressive therapy. However, extensive inhibition of signalling molecules that are required for normal tissue function and integrity may hamper this approach. Using a neonatal PV mouse model, we demonstrate that epidermal blistering can be prevented in a dose-dependent manner by clinically approved EGFR inhibitors erlotinib and lapatinib, but only up to approximately 50% of normal EGFR activity. At lower EGFR activity, blisters again aggravated and were highly exacerbated in mice with a conditional deletion of EGFR. Statistical analysis of the relation between EGFR activity and the extent of skin blistering revealed the best fit with a non-linear, V-shaped curve with a median break point at 52% EGFR activity (P = 0.0005). Moreover, lapatinib (a dual EGFR/ErbB2 inhibitor) but not erlotinib significantly reduced blistering in the oral cavity, suggesting that signalling mechanisms differ between PV predilection sites. Our results demonstrate that future clinical trials evaluating EGFR/ErbB2 inhibitors in PV patients must select treatment doses that retain a specific level of signal molecule activity. These findings may also be of relevance for cancer patients treated with EGFR inhibitors, for whom skin lesions due to extensive EGFR inhibition represent a major threat.
Arginine vasopressin (AVP) has a key role in osmoregulation by facilitating water transport in the collecting duct. Recent evidence suggests that AVP may have additional effects on renal function and favor cyst growth in polycystic kidney disease. Whether AVP also affects kidney structure in the general population is unknown. We analyzed the association of copeptin, an established surrogate for AVP, with parameters of renal function and morphology in a multicentric population-based cohort. Participants from families of European ancestry were randomly selected in three Swiss cities. We used linear multilevel regression analysis to explore the association of copeptin with renal function parameters as well as kidney length and the presence of simple renal cysts assessed by ultrasound examination. Copeptin levels were log-transformed. The 529 women and 481 men had median copeptin levels of 3.0 and 5.2 pmol/L, respectively (P<0.001). In multivariable analyses, the copeptin level was associated inversely with eGFR (β=-2.1; 95% confidence interval [95% CI], -3.3 to -0.8; P=0.002) and kidney length (β=-1.2; 95% CI, -1.9 to -0.4; P=0.003) but positively with 24-hour urinary albumin excretion (β=0.11; 95% CI, 0.01 to 0.20; P=0.03) and urine osmolality (β=0.08; 95% CI, 0.05 to 0.10; P<0.001). A positive association was found between the copeptin level and the presence of renal cysts (odds ratio, 1.6; 95% CI, 1.1 to 2.4; P=0.02). These results suggest that AVP has a pleiotropic role in renal function and may favor the development of simple renal cysts.
OBJECTIVES Chewing efficiency may be evaluated using cohesive specimen, especially in elderly or dysphagic patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate three two-coloured chewing gums for a colour-mixing ability test and to validate a new purpose built software (ViewGum©). METHODS Dentate participants (dentate-group) and edentulous patients with mandibular two-implant overdentures (IOD-group) were recruited. First, the dentate-group chewed three different types of two-coloured gum (gum1-gum3) for 5, 10, 20, 30 and 50 chewing cycles. Subsequently the number of chewing cycles with the highest intra- and inter-rater agreement was determined visually by applying a scale (SA) and opto-electronically (ViewGum©, Bland-Altman analysis). The ViewGum© software determines semi-automatically the variance of hue (VOH); inadequate mixing presents with larger VOH than complete mixing. Secondly, the dentate-group and the IOD-group were compared. RESULTS The dentate-group comprised 20 participants (10 female, 30.3±6.7 years); the IOD-group 15 participants (10 female, 74.6±8.3 years). Intra-rater and inter-rater agreement (SA) was very high at 20 chewing cycles (95.00-98.75%). Gums 1-3 showed different colour-mixing characteristics as a function of chewing cycles, gum1 showed a logarithmic association; gum2 and gum3 demonstrated more linear behaviours. However, the number of chewing cycles could be predicted in all specimens from VOH (all p<0.0001, mixed linear regression models). Both analyses proved discriminative to the dental state. CONCLUSION ViewGum© proved to be a reliable and discriminative tool to opto-electronically assess chewing efficiency, given an elastic specimen is chewed for 20 cycles and could be recommended for the evaluation of chewing efficiency in a clinical and research setting. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE Chewing is a complex function of the oro-facial structures and the central nervous system. The application of the proposed assessments of the chewing function in geriatrics or special care dentistry could help visualising oro-functional or dental comorbidities in dysphagic patients or those suffering from protein-energy malnutrition.
In applied work economists often seek to relate a given response variable y to some causal parameter mu* associated with it. This parameter usually represents a summarization based on some explanatory variables of the distribution of y, such as a regression function, and treating it as a conditional expectation is central to its identification and estimation. However, the interpretation of mu* as a conditional expectation breaks down if some or all of the explanatory variables are endogenous. This is not a problem when mu* is modelled as a parametric function of explanatory variables because it is well known how instrumental variables techniques can be used to identify and estimate mu*. In contrast, handling endogenous regressors in nonparametric models, where mu* is regarded as fully unknown, presents di±cult theoretical and practical challenges. In this paper we consider an endogenous nonparametric model based on a conditional moment restriction. We investigate identification related properties of this model when the unknown function mu* belongs to a linear space. We also investigate underidentification of mu* along with the identification of its linear functionals. Several examples are provided in order to develop intuition about identification and estimation for endogenous nonparametric regression and related models.
Several congenital syndromes associated with anterior segment (AS) anomalies can lead to impaired vision and glaucoma, such as nail-patella syndrome (NPS), caused by mutations in the LIM homeodomain transcription factor LMX1B and Axenfeld-Rieger's syndrome (ARS), caused by mutations in the bicoid-related homeodomain transcription factor PITX2. Targeted mutations in lmx1b and pitx2 and RNA in situ analysis reveal that both genes are required for AS development and are co-expressed within the periocular mesenchyme, suggesting they participate in a shared genetic pathway. Lmx1b homozygous mutants display iris and corneal stroma hypoplasia, and defects in ciliary body formation. In contrast, pitx2 homozygous mutants exhibit a more severe phenotype: the AS chamber, corneal endothelium, and extraocular muscles (EOM) fail to develop. The absence of EOM in pitx2 mutants suggests pitx2 acts upstream of lmx1b, or that other lmx1b family members, such as lmx1a, can compensate for lmx1b function. Lmxla/lmx1b double homozygous mutants have a reduced capacity to generate EOM, implying that lmx1 gene products have a redundant function in EOM development and that lmx1 family members may act downstream of pitx2. However, analysis of pitx2 expression in the AS tissues of lmx1b mutants and reciprocal studies of lmx1b expression in pitx2 mutants indicate that these genes do not function in a simple linear pathway. Instead, lmx1b and pitx2 may regulate a shared set of downstream targets or both genes may work in parallel transcribing unique targets required for a common biological process. Ultrastructural analysis of lmx1b and pitx2 mutant corneas indicates that collagen fibrillogenesis is perturbed, revealing a common role for both genes in the deposition of extracellular matrix. Furthermore, lmx1b/pitx2 double heterozygotes develop corneal opacities not observed in single heterozygotes demonstrating that lmx1b and pitx2 genetically interact. Data suggests that defects in the basement membrane of the corneal endothelium underlie the opacities observed in double heterozygotes. Additionally, double heterozygotes develop anterior synechias that occlude the trabecular meshwork, potentially blocking aqueous humor drainage. These data suggest that lmx1b and pitx2 are responsible for ECM deposition in multiple cell types and imply that such defects may contribute to the glaucomas observed in NPS and ARS patients. ^
Consider a nonparametric regression model Y=mu*(X) + e, where the explanatory variables X are endogenous and e satisfies the conditional moment restriction E[e|W]=0 w.p.1 for instrumental variables W. It is well known that in these models the structural parameter mu* is 'ill-posed' in the sense that the function mapping the data to mu* is not continuous. In this paper, we derive the efficiency bounds for estimating linear functionals E[p(X)mu*(X)] and int_{supp(X)}p(x)mu*(x)dx, where p is a known weight function and supp(X) the support of X, without assuming mu* to be well-posed or even identified.
Thecosome pteropods (shelled pelagic molluscs) can play an important role in the food web of various ecosystems and play a key role in the cycling of carbon and carbonate. Since they harbor an aragonitic shell, they could be very sensitive to ocean acidification driven by the increase of anthropogenic CO2 emissions. The impact of changes in the carbonate chemistry was investigated on Limacina helicina, a key species of Arctic ecosystems. Pteropods were kept in culture under controlled pH conditions corresponding to pCO2 levels of 350 and 760 µatm. Calcification was estimated using a fluorochrome and the radioisotope 45Ca. It exhibits a 28 % decrease at the pH value expected for 2100 compared to the present pH value. This result supports the concern for the future of pteropods in a high-CO2 world, as well as of those species dependent upon them as a food resource. A decline of their populations would likely cause dramatic changes to the structure, function and services of polar ecosystems.