914 resultados para Linear boundary value control problems


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Imagining a disturbance made on a compressible boundary layer with the help of a heat source, the critical viscous sublayer, through which the skin friction at any point on a surface is connected with the heat transferred from a heated element embedded in it, has been estimated. Under similar conditions of external flow (Ray1)) the ratio of the critical viscous sublayer to the undisturbed boundary layer thickness is about one-tenth in the laminar case and one hundredth in the turbulent case. These results are similar to those (cf.1)) found in shock wave boundary layer interaction problems.


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The problem of controlling the vibration pattern of a driven string is considered. The basic question dealt with here is to find the control forces which reduce the energy of vibration of a driven string over a prescribed portion of its length while maintaining the energy outside that length above a desired value. The criterion of keeping the response outside the region of energy reduction as close to the original response as possible is introduced as an additional constraint. The slack unconstrained minimization technique (SLUMT) has been successfully applied to solve the above problem. The effect of varying the phase of the control forces (which results in a six-variable control problem) is then studied. The nonlinear programming techniques which have been effectively used to handle problems involving many variables and constraints therefore offer a powerful tool for the solution of vibration control problems.


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A thermal stress problem of a spherical shell with a conical nozzle is solved using a continuum approach. The thermal loading consists of a steady temperature which is uniform on the inner and outer surfaces of the shell and the conical nozzle but may vary linearly across the thickness. The thermal stress problem is converted to an equivalent boundary value problem and boundary conditions are specified at the junction of the spherical shell and conical nozzle. The stresses are obtained for a uniform increase in temperature and for a linear variation of temperature across the thickness of the shell, and are presented in graphical form for ready use.


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A general direct technique of solving a mixed boundary value problem in the theory of diffraction by a semi-infinite plane is presented. Taking account of the correct edge-conditions, the unique solution of the problem is derived, by means of Jones' method in the theory of Wiener-Hopf technique, in the case of incident plane wave. The solution of the half-plane problem is found out in exact form. (The far-field is derived by the method of steepest descent.) It is observed that it is not the Wiener-Hopf technique which really needs any modification but a new technique is certainly required to handle the peculiar type of coupled integral equations which the Wiener-Hopf technique leads to. Eine allgemeine direkte Technik zur Lösung eines gemischten Randwertproblems in der Theorie der Beugung an einer halbunendlichen Ebene wird vorgestellt. Unter Berücksichtigung der korrekten Eckbedingungen wird mit der Methode von Jones aus der Theorie der Wiener-Hopf-Technik die eindeutige Lösung für den Fall der einfallenden ebenen Welle hergeleitet. Die Lösung des Halbebenenproblems wird in exakter Form angegeben. (Das Fernfeld wurde mit der Methode des steilsten Abstiegs bestimmt.) Es wurde bemerkt, daß es nicht die Wiener-Hopf-Technik ist, die wirklich irgend welcher Modifikationen bedurfte. Gewiß aber wird eine neue Technik zur Behandlung des besonderen Typs gekoppelter Integralgleichungen benötigt, auf die die Wiener-Hopf-Technik führt.


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The element-based piecewise smooth functional approximation in the conventional finite element method (FEM) results in discontinuous first and higher order derivatives across element boundaries Despite the significant advantages of the FEM in modelling complicated geometries, a motivation in developing mesh-free methods has been the ease with which higher order globally smooth shape functions can be derived via the reproduction of polynomials There is thus a case for combining these advantages in a so-called hybrid scheme or a `smooth FEM' that, whilst retaining the popular mesh-based discretization, obtains shape functions with uniform C-p (p >= 1) continuity One such recent attempt, a NURBS based parametric bridging method (Shaw et al 2008b), uses polynomial reproducing, tensor-product non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS) over a typical FE mesh and relies upon a (possibly piecewise) bijective geometric map between the physical domain and a rectangular (cuboidal) parametric domain The present work aims at a significant extension and improvement of this concept by replacing NURBS with DMS-splines (say, of degree n > 0) that are defined over triangles and provide Cn-1 continuity across the triangle edges This relieves the need for a geometric map that could precipitate ill-conditioning of the discretized equations Delaunay triangulation is used to discretize the physical domain and shape functions are constructed via the polynomial reproduction condition, which quite remarkably relieves the solution of its sensitive dependence on the selected knotsets Derivatives of shape functions are also constructed based on the principle of reproduction of derivatives of polynomials (Shaw and Roy 2008a) Within the present scheme, the triangles also serve as background integration cells in weak formulations thereby overcoming non-conformability issues Numerical examples involving the evaluation of derivatives of targeted functions up to the fourth order and applications of the method to a few boundary value problems of general interest in solid mechanics over (non-simply connected) bounded domains in 2D are presented towards the end of the paper


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The initial boundary value problem for the Burgers equation in the domain x greater-or-equal, slanted 0, t > 0 with flux boundary condition at x = 0 has been solved exactly. The behaviour of the solution as t tends to infinity is studied and the “asymptotic profile at infinity” is obtained. In addition, the uniqueness of the solution of the initial boundary value problem is proved and its inviscid limit as var epsilon → 0 is obtained.


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The eigenvalue and eigenstructure assignment procedure has found application in a wide variety of control problems. In this paper a method for assigning eigenstructure to a linear time invariant multi-input system is proposed. The algorithm determines a matrix that has eigenvalues and eigenvectors at the desired locations. It is obtained from the knowledge of the open-loop system and the desired eigenstructure. Solution of the matrix equation, involving unknown controller gams, open-loop system matrices, and desired eigenvalues and eigenvectors, results hi the state feedback controller. The proposed algorithm requires the closed-loop eigenvalues to be different from those of the open-loop case. This apparent constraint can easily be overcome by a negligible shift in the values. Application of the procedure is illustrated through the offset control of a satellite supported, from an orbiting platform, by a flexible tether.


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The eigenvalue assignment/pole placement procedure has found application in a wide variety of control problems. The associated literature is rather extensive with a number of techniques discussed to that end. In this paper a method for assigning eigenvalues to a Linear Time Invariant (LTI) single input system is proposed. The algorithm determines a matrix, which has eigenvalues at the desired locations. It is obtained from the knowledge of the open-loop system and the desired eigenvalues. Solution of the matrix equation, involving unknown controller gains, open-loop system matrices and desired eigenvalues, results in the state feedback controller. The proposed algorithm requires the closed-loop eigenvalues to be different from those of the open-loop case. This apparent constraint is easily overcome by a negligible shift in the values. Two examples are considered to verify the proposed algorithm. The first one pertains to the in-plane libration of a Tethered Satellite System (TSS) while the second is concerned with control of the short period dynamics of a flexible airplane. Finally, the method is extended to determine the Controllability Grammian, corresponding to the specified closed-loop eigenvalues, without computing the controller gains.


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The free vibration of strings with randomly varying mass and stiffness is considered. The joint probability density functions of the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions are characterized in terms of the solution of a pair of stochastic non-linear initial value problems. Analytical solutions of these equations based on the method of stochastic averaging are obtained. The effects of the mean and autocorrelation of the mass process are included in the analysis. Numerical results for the marginal probability density functions of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions are obtained and are found to compare well with Monte Carlo simulation results. The random eigenvalues, when normalized with respect to their corresponding deterministic values, are observed to tend to become first order stochastically stationary with respect to the mode count.


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The Modified Crack Closure Integral (MCCI) technique based on Irwin's crack closure integral concept is very effective for estimation of strain energy release rates G in individual as well as mixed-mode configurations in linear elastic fracture mechanics problems. In a finite element approach, MCCI can be evaluated in the post-processing stage in terms of nodal forces and displacements near the crack tip. The MCCI expressions are however, element dependent and require a systematic derivation using stress and displacement distributions in the crack tip elements. Earlier a general procedure was proposed by the present authors for the derivation of MCCI expressions for 3-dimensional (3-d) crack problems modelled with 8-noded brick elements. A concept of sub-area integration was proposed to estimate strain energy release rates at a large number of points along the crack front. In the present paper a similar procedure is adopted for the derivation of MCCI expressions for 3-d cracks modelled with 20-noded brick elements. Numerical results are presented for centre crack tension and edge crack shear specimens in thick slabs, showing a comparison between present results and those available in the literature.


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The eigenvalue and eigenstructure assignment procedure has found application in a wide variety of control problems. In this paper a method for assigning eigenstructure to a Linear time invariant multi-input system is proposed. The algorithm determines a matrix that has eigenvalues and eigenvectors at the desired locations. It is obtained from the knowledge of the open-loop system and the desired eigenstructure. solution of the matrix equation, involving unknown controller gains, open-loop system matrices, and desired eigenvalues and eigenvectors, results in the state feedback controller. The proposed algorithm requires the closed-loop eigenvalues to be different from those of the open-loop case. This apparent constraint can easily be overcome by a negligible shift in the values. Application of the procedure is illustrated through the offset control of a satellite supported, from an orbiting platform, by a flexible tether,


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The eigenvalue assignment/pole placement procedure has found application in a wide variety of control problems. The associated literature is rather extensive with a number of techniques discussed to that end. In this paper a method for assigning eigenvalues to a Linear Time Invariant (LTI) single input system is proposed. The algorithm determines a matrix, which has eigenvalues at the desired locations. It is obtained from the knowledge of the open-loop system and the desired eigenvalues. Solution of the matrix equation, involving unknown controller gains, open-loop system matrices and desired eigenvalues, results in the state feedback controller. The proposed algorithm requires the closed-loop eigenvalues to be different from those of the open-loop case. This apparent constraint is easily overcome by a negligible shift in the values. Two examples are considered to verify the proposed algorithm. The first one pertains to the in-plane libration of a Tethered Satellite System (TSS) while the second is concerned with control of the short period dynamics of a flexible airplane. Finally, the method is extended to determine the Controllability Grammian, corresponding to the specified closed-loop eigenvalues, without computing the controller gains.


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The Modified Crack Closure Integral (MCCI) technique based on Irwin's crack closure integral concept is very effective for estimation of strain energy release rates G in individual as well as mixed-mode configurations in linear elastic fracture mechanics problems. In a finite element approach, MCCI can be evaluated in the post-processing stage in terms of nodal forces and displacements near the crack tip. The MCCI expressions are however, element dependent and require a systematic derivation using stress and displacement distributions in the crack tip elements. Earlier a general procedure was proposed by the present authors for the derivation of MCCI expressions for 3-dimensional (3-d) crack problems modelled with 8-noded brick elements. A concept of sub-area integration was proposed to estimate strain energy release rates at a large number of points along the crack front. In the present paper a similar procedure is adopted for the derivation of MCCI expressions for 3-d cracks modelled with 20-noded brick elements. Numerical results are presented for centre crack tension and edge crack shear specimens in thick slabs, showing a comparison between present results and those available in the literature.


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Even though dynamic programming offers an optimal control solution in a state feedback form, the method is overwhelmed by computational and storage requirements. Approximate dynamic programming implemented with an Adaptive Critic (AC) neural network structure has evolved as a powerful alternative technique that obviates the need for excessive computations and storage requirements in solving optimal control problems. In this paper, an improvement to the AC architecture, called the �Single Network Adaptive Critic (SNAC)� is presented. This approach is applicable to a wide class of nonlinear systems where the optimal control (stationary) equation can be explicitly expressed in terms of the state and costate variables. The selection of this terminology is guided by the fact that it eliminates the use of one neural network (namely the action network) that is part of a typical dual network AC setup. As a consequence, the SNAC architecture offers three potential advantages: a simpler architecture, lesser computational load and elimination of the approximation error associated with the eliminated network. In order to demonstrate these benefits and the control synthesis technique using SNAC, two problems have been solved with the AC and SNAC approaches and their computational performances are compared. One of these problems is a real-life Micro-Electro-Mechanical-system (MEMS) problem, which demonstrates that the SNAC technique is applicable to complex engineering systems.


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A class of I boundary value problems involving propagation of two-dimensional surface water waves, associated with water of uniform finite depth, against a plane vertical wave maker is investigated under the assumption that the surface is covered by a thin sheet of ice. It is assumed that the ice-cover behaves like a thin isotropic elastic plate. Then the problems under consideration lead to those of solving the two-dimensional Laplace equation in a semi-infinite strip, under Neumann boundary conditions on the vertical boundary as well as on one of the horizontal boundaries, representing the bottom of the fluid region, and a condition involving upto fifth order derivatives of the unknown function on the top horizontal ice-covered boundary, along with the two appropriate edge-conditions, at the ice-covered corner, ensuring the uniqueness of the solutions. The mixed boundary value problems are solved completely, by exploiting the regularity property of the Fourier cosine transform.