865 resultados para Light acclimation
Purpose: To investigate how prior-to-injury and usual alcohol consumption relate to time of injury. Patients and methods: The associations between injury time of day and day of week and prior-to-injury (labeled as "acute") alcohol intake and hazardous usual alcohol consumption (considered from the point of view of both heavy episodic drinking [HED] and risky volumes of consumption) are assessed using interview data from a randomized sample of 486 injured patients treated in a Swiss emergency department (ED; Lausanne University Hospital). Results: Acute consumption was associated with both injury time of day and day of week, HED with day of week only, and risky volume with none. Conclusions: Acute consumption and HED, but not risky volume of consumption, show specific time distributions for injuries. These findings highlight the potential importance of considering the time dimension of an injury when providing emergency care and have additional implications for interventions aimed at influencing the alcohol consumption of injured patients presenting to the ED.
Acute brain slices are slices of brain tissue that are kept vital in vitro for further recordings and analyses. This tool is of major importance in neurobiology and allows the study of brain cells such as microglia, astrocytes, neurons and their inter/intracellular communications via ion channels or transporters. In combination with light/fluorescence microscopies, acute brain slices enable the ex vivo analysis of specific cells or groups of cells inside the slice, e.g. astrocytes. To bridge ex vivo knowledge of a cell with its ultrastructure, we developed a correlative microscopy approach for acute brain slices. The workflow begins with sampling of the tissue and precise trimming of a region of interest, which contains GFP-tagged astrocytes that can be visualised by fluorescence microscopy of ultrathin sections. The astrocytes and their surroundings are then analysed by high resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM). An important aspect of this workflow is the modification of a commercial cryo-ultramicrotome to observe the fluorescent GFP signal during the trimming process. It ensured that sections contained at least one GFP astrocyte. After cryo-sectioning, a map of the GFP-expressing astrocytes is established and transferred to correlation software installed on a focused ion beam scanning electron microscope equipped with a STEM detector. Next, the areas displaying fluorescence are selected for high resolution STEM imaging. An overview area (e.g. a whole mesh of the grid) is imaged with an automated tiling and stitching process. In the final stitched image, the local organisation of the brain tissue can be surveyed or areas of interest can be magnified to observe fine details, e.g. vesicles or gold labels on specific proteins. The robustness of this workflow is contingent on the quality of sample preparation, based on Tokuyasu's protocol. This method results in a reasonable compromise between preservation of morphology and maintenance of antigenicity. Finally, an important feature of this approach is that the fluorescence of the GFP signal is preserved throughout the entire preparation process until the last step before electron microscopy.
Nocturnal bees in the genus Megalopta Smith, 1853 are generally collected using artificial light sources. However, between 1993 and 2000, a total of 946 females (no males were captured) were captured using aromatic baits commonly used for orchid bees (Euglossini) in five localities in Bauru region, São Paulo, Brazil. Aromatic compounds used in bait traps were: benzyl acetate, eucalyptol, eugenol, skatole, methyl salicylate, and vanillin. The Megalopta species collected were: M. guimaraesi (71.2% of total number of specimens), M. amoena (28.1%), and M. aegis (0.6%). Using the data from these traps, we showed that there was a positive and significant correlation between the abundance of individuals and meteorological factors, rainfall and temperature. Bees were more commonly collected in the spring (September to December) and summer (December to March) than in the autumn and winter, the latter characterized for being a drier and colder period. Variations in the abundance were also detected among localities and years. The most attractive compounds were eugenol (54%), methyl salicylate (22%), and eucalyptol (16%). The ability to detect smells may have an important role in searching for flowers during dim-light conditions. We suggest the use of aromatic compounds in future studies on the biology of Megalopta in the Neotropical region.
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El present projecte analitza el panorama de la premsa tradicional espanyola a partir dels anys 60 fins als últims dies. El treball proposa un estudi sobre la tendència dels periòdics cap a una cultura light caracteritzada per la seva levitat i la creixent aposta per l'espectacle. Així mateix, es reflexiona sobre el grau d'importància de les relacions públiques com a fonts informatives per als mitjans de comunicació. Aquest escenari mediàtic es posa en pràctica contrastant una varietat de portades de l'ABC i El País a partir del seu primer punt de trobada.
We hypothesised that, during occlusion inside granular aggregates of oxide-rich soils, the light fraction organic matter would undergo a strong process of decomposition, either due to the slow process of aggregate formation and stabilisation or due to digestion in the macro- and meso-fauna guts. This process would favour the accumulation of recalcitrant materials inside aggregates. The aim of this study was to compare the dynamics and the chemical composition of free and occluded light fraction organic matter in a natural cerrado vegetation (woodland savannah) and a nearby pasture (Brachiaria spp.) to elucidate the transformations during occlusion of light fraction in aggregates of a clayey Oxisol. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of the 13C, with Cross Polarisation and Magic Angle Spinning (13C-CPMAS-NMR), and 13C/12C isotopic ratio were combined to study organic matter composition and changes in carbon dynamics, respectively. The occluded light fraction had a slower turnover than the free light fraction and the heavy fraction. Organic matter in the occluded fraction also showed a higher degree of decomposition. The results confirm that processes of soil organic matter occlusion in the typical "very fine strong granular" structure of the studied oxide-rich soil led to an intense transformation, selectively preserving stable organic matter. The small amount of organic material stored as occluded light faction, as well as its stability, suggests that this is not an important or manageable sink for sequestration of atmospheric CO2.
Phytochromes are red/far-red photosensors that regulate numerous developmental programs in plants. Among them, phytochrome A (phyA) is essential to enable seedling de-etiolation under continuous far-red (FR) light, a condition that mimics the environment under a dense canopy. The ecological relevance of this response is demonstrated by the high mortality rate of phyA mutant plants that germinate in deep vegetational shade. phyA signaling involves direct interaction of the photoreceptor with phytochrome-interacting factors PIF1 and PIF3, members of the bHLH transcription factor family. Here we investigated the involvement of PIF4 and PIF5 in phyA signaling, and found that they redundantly control de-etiolation in FR light. The pif4 pif5 double mutant is hypersensitive to low fluence rates of FR light. This phenotype is dependent on FR light perception by phyA, but does not rely on alterations in the phyA level. Our microarray analysis shows that PIF4 and PIF5 are part of an inhibitory mechanism that represses the expression of some light-responsive genes in the dark, and that they are also needed for full expression of several growth-related genes in the light. Unlike PIF1 and PIF3, PIF4 and PIF5 are not degraded in response to FR light, indicating that they are light-regulated by a different mechanism. Our genetic analysis suggests that this is achieved through sequestration of these PIFs by the closely related bHLH transcription factor HFR1 (long hypocotyl in FR light).
CD44 is the major cell-surface receptor for hyaluronan, which is implicated in cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesion, cell migration, and signaling. Studies have shown that CD44-dependent migration requires CD44 to be shed from the cell surface and that matrix metalloproteinase-mediated cleavage may provide an underlying mechanism. However, the full spectrum of proteases that may participate in CD44 shedding has yet to be defined. In this issue, Anderegg et al. demonstrate that ADAM10, but not ADAM17 or MMP14, mediates constitutive shedding of CD44 in human melanoma cells and that knockdown of ADAM10 blocks the antiproliferative activity of the soluble proteolytic cleavage product of CD44.
The OLS estimator of the intergenerational earnings correlation is biased towards zero, while the instrumental variables estimator is biased upwards. The first of these results arises because of measurement error, while the latter rests on the presumption that the education of the parent family is an invalid instrument. We propose a panel data framework for quantifying the asymptotic biases of these estimators, as well as a mis-specification test for the IV estimator. [Author]
An unusual case of localized amyloid light-chain (AL) amyloidosis and extramedullary plasmacytoma of the mitral valve is described. The worsening of a mitral regurgitation led to investigations and surgery. The valve presented marked distortion and thickening by type AL amyloid associated with a monotypic CD138+ immunoglobulin lambda plasma cell proliferation. Systemic staging showed a normal bone marrow and no evidence of amyloid deposition in other localizations. The patient's outcome after mitral valve replacement was excellent. To our knowledge, this is the first description of a localized AL amyloidosis as well as of a primary extramedullary plasmacytoma of the mitral valve.
High quantum efficiency erbium doped silicon nanocluster (Si-NC:Er) light emitting diodes (LEDs) were grown by low-pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD) in a complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) line. Erbium (Er) excitation mechanisms under direct current (DC) and bipolar pulsed electrical injection were studied in a broad range of excitation voltages and frequencies. Under DC excitation, Fowler-Nordheim tunneling of electrons is mediated by Er-related trap states and electroluminescence originates from impact excitation of Er ions. When the bipolar pulsed electrical injection is used, the electron transport and Er excitation mechanism change. Sequential injection of electrons and holes into silicon nanoclusters takes place and nonradiative energy transfer to Er ions is observed. This mechanism occurs in a range of lower driving voltages than those observed in DC and injection frequencies higher than the Er emission rate.
The potential for application of silicon nitride-based light sources to general lighting is reported. The mechanism of current injection and transport in silicon nitride layers and silicon oxide tunnel layers is determined by electro-optical characterization of both bi- and tri-layers. It is shown that red luminescence is due to bipolar injection by direct tunneling, whereas Poole-Frenkel ionization is responsible for blue-green emission. The emission appears warm white to the eye, and the technology has potential for large-area lighting devices. A photometric study, including color rendering, color quality and luminous efficacy of radiation, measured under various AC excitation conditions, is given for a spectrum deemed promising for lighting. A correlated color temperature of 4800K was obtained using a 35% duty cycle of the AC excitation signal. Under these conditions, values for general color rendering index of 93 and luminous efficacy of radiation of 112 lm/W are demonstrated. This proof of concept demonstrates that mature silicon technology, which is extendable to lowcost, large-area lamps, can be used for general lighting purposes. Once the external quantum efficiency is improved to exceed 10%, this technique could be competitive with other energy-efficient solid-state lighting options. ©2011 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: (230.2090) Electro-optical devices; (150.2950) Illumination.
We present a electroluminescence (EL) study of the Si-rich silicon oxide (SRSO) LEDs with and without Er3+ ions under different polarization schemes: direct current (DC) and pulsed voltage (PV). The power efficiency of the devices and their main optical limitations are presented. We show that under PV polarization scheme, the devices achieve one order of magnitude superior performance in comparison with DC. Time-resolved measurements have shown that this enhancement is met only for active layers in which annealing temperature is high enough (>1000 ◦C) for silicon nanocrystal (Si-nc) formation. Modeling of the system with rate equations has been done and excitation cross-sections for both Si-nc and Er3+ ions have been extracted.
High optical power density of 0.5 mW/cm2, external quantum efficiency of 0.1%, and population inversion of 7% are reported from Tb+-implanted silicon-rich silicon nitride/oxide light emitting devices. Electrical and electroluminescence mechanisms in these devices were investigated. The excitation cross section for the 543 nm Tb3+ emission was estimated under electrical pumping, resulting in a value of 8.2 × 10−14 cm2, which is one order of magnitude larger than one reported for Tb3+:SiO2 light emitting devices. These results demonstrate the potentiality of Tb+-implanted silicon nitride material for the development of integrated light sources compatible with Si technology.