916 resultados para Life-course research
The surface properties of minerals have important implications in geology, environment, industry and biotechnology and for certain aspects in the research on the origin of life. This research project aims to widen the knowledge on the nanoscale surface properties of chlorite and phlogopite by means of advanced methodologies, and also to investigate the interaction of fundamental biomolecules, such as nucleotides, RNA, DNA and amino acid glycine with the surface of the selected phyllosilicates. Multiple advanced and complex experimental approaches based on scanning probe microscopy and spatially resolved spectroscopy were used and in some cases specifically developed. The results demonstrate that chlorite exposes at the surface atomically flat terraces with 0.5 nm steps typically generated by the fragmentation of the octahedral sheet of the interlayer (brucitic-type). This fragmentation at the nanoscale generates a high anisotropy and inhomogeneity with surface type and isomorphous cationic substitutions determining variations of the effective surface potential difference, ranging between 50-100 mV and 400-500 mV, when measured in air, between the TOT surface and the interlayer brucitic sheet. The surface potential was ascribed to be the driving force of the observed high affinity of the surface with the fundamental biomolecules, like single molecules of nucleotides, DNA, RNA and amino acids. Phlogopite was also observed to present an extended atomically flat surface, featuring negative surface potential values of some hundreds of millivolts and no significant local variations. Phlogopite surface was sometimes observed to present curvature features that may be ascribed to local substitutions of the interlayer cations or the presence of a crystal lattice mismatch or structural defects, such as stacking faults or dislocation loops. Surface chemistry was found similar to the bulk. The study of the interaction with nucleotides and glycine revealed a lower affinity with respect to the brucite-like surface of chlorite.
Remission in schizophrenia: validity, frequency, predictors, and patients' perspective 5 years later
In March 2005, the Remission in Schizophrenia Working Group (RSWG) proposed a consensus definition of symptomatic remission in schizophrenia and developed specific operational criteria for its assessment. They pointed out, however, that the validity and the relationship to other outcome dimensions required further examination. This article reviews studies on the validity, frequency, and predictors of symptomatic remission in schizophrenia and studies on patients' perspectives. These studies have demonstrated that the RSWG remission criteria appear achievable and sustainable for a significant proportion of patients, and are related to a better overall symptomatic status and functional outcome and, to a less clear extent, to a better quality of life and cognitive performance. However, achieving symptomatic remission is not automatically concurrent with an adequate status in other outcome dimensions. The results of the present review suggest that the RSWG remission criteria are valid and useful. As such, they should be consistently applied in clinical trials. However the lack of consensus definitions of functional remission and adequate quality of life hampers research on their predictive validity on these outcome dimensions. Future research should therefore search for criteria of these dimensions and test whether the RSWG remission criteria consistently predict a "good" outcome with respect to functioning and quality of life.
The authors examine children's access to and caregiver's satisfaction with organizations that provide leisure time activities for children on Saturdays. The authors argue that access and satisfaction are a function of familie's financial, cultural and social capital. Using data on 1,036 households in the Phoenix metropolitan area in 2003-04, the authors found that families' financial and cultural capital affected whether or not children participate din activities organized by organizations, but family ties to the organization directly (e.g., either worked there, volunteered, donated) resulted in caregivers being more satisfied with the services. The authors also found that the benefits of network closure (caregivers knowing the parents of other children on site) were greater the riskier the activities of the child (e.g., sports or cheerleading). Contrary to the authors expectations, having family or friends in the area did not affect caregiver's satisfaction with the child's provider.
This series of studies is the first to use conjoint analysis to examine how individuals make trade-offs during mate selection when provided information about a partner's history of sexual infidelity. Across three studies, participants ranked profiles of potential mates, with each profile varying across five attributes: financial stability, physical attractiveness, sexual fidelity, emotional investment, and similarity. They also rated each attribute separately for importance in an ideal mate. Overall, we found that for a long-term mate, participants prioritized a potential partner's history of sexual fidelity over other attributes when profiles were ranked conjointly. For a short-term mate, sexual fidelity, physical attractiveness, and financial stability were equally important, and each was more important than emotional investment and similarity. These patterns contrast with participants' self-reported importance ratings of each individual attribute. Our results are interpreted within the context of previous literature examining how making trade-offs affect mate selection.
The youth of Massachusetts are of primary concern to legislators and citizens. This briefing report features three essays by experts – Lisa Jones, Ramon Borges-Mendez, and Janis Wolak – who focus on three aspects of youth wellbeing: youth victimization and other indicators of psychological health, youth unemployment, and online sexual predators of youth. Although youth well-being is of primary concern, the worrisome stories about crimes against children that regularly fill the media have unfortunately obscured some more positive news from statistical reports on these same issues. Child victimizations of various types – i.e., child sexual abuse, witnessing domestic violence, child physical abuse, sexual assaults of teenagers, physical assaults and robberies of teenagers, and homicides of teenagers – have been declining nationwide and in Massachusetts since the early 1990s, in some cases declining dramatically.
Switzerland has the second-most-expensive healthcare system worldwide, with 11.5% of gross domestic product spent on health care in 2003. Switzerland has a healthcare system with universal insurance coverage and a social insurance system, ensuring an adequate financial situation for 96% of the 1.1 million older inhabitants. Key concerns related to the care of older persons are topics such as increasing healthcare costs, growing public awareness of patient autonomy, and challenges related to assisted suicide. In 2004, the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences issued guidelines for the care of disabled older persons. Since 2000, geriatrics has been a board-certified discipline with a 3-year training program in addition to 5 years of training in internal or family medicine. There are approximately 125 certified geriatricians in Switzerland, working primarily in geriatric centers in urban areas. Switzerland has an excellent research environment, ranking second of all countries worldwide in life sciences research-but only 13th in aging research. This is in part due to a lack of specific training programs promoting research on aging and inadequate funding. In addition, there is a shortage of academic geriatricians in Switzerland, in part due to the fact that two of five Swiss universities had no academic geriatric departments in 2005. With more-adequate financial resources for academic geriatrics, Switzerland would have the opportunity to contribute more to aging research internationally and to improved care for older patients.
Researchers throughout the years have been challenged to go beyond aspects such as environment and socioeconomic status in the search for school-level characteristics that make a difference in student achievement. The purpose of this study was to examine the factors that play a role in how students develop their personal source of motivation, and consequently, how it pushes them to succeed academically. Through interviews with student volunteers, undergraduates and graduates were asked about their personal journey to defining academic success for themselves, and how their cultural background and values have both affected this pathway to such a development. How they narrated where their motivation to succeed comes from was the root of the study, as this would help determine the structures of life-course movement through a grade-oriented schooling throughout high school and now in college. Data derived from the interviews revealed several different trajectories of such academic development, which was a result of such a wide range of participants, in terms of their own backgrounds and cultural and family histories.
Aus der Lebensverlaufsperspektive wird die intergenerationale Mobilität von Männern und Frauen in den Kohorten 1929-31, 1939-41 und 1949-51 untersucht. In welchem Umfang hat die Expansion des öffentlichen Dienstes Mobilitätschancen eröffnet? Inwieweit hat der öffentliche Dienst als Sonderstruktur im Gegensatz zur Privatwirtschaft seine Funktion als "Mobilitätskanal" ausgeweitet? Modifizieren für den öffentlichen Dienst charakteristische institutionelle Regelungen der Rekrutierung und Allokation von Arbeitskräften diese Funktion? Für empirische Analysen wurden Längsschnittdaten des Lebensverlaufsprojekts am Berliner Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung herangezogen. Zunehmende herkunftsbedingte und bildungsmäßige Ungleichheit bestimmen einen Großteil der Chancen intergenerationaler Mobilität. Die Ausdehnung der Staatsbeschäftigung hat dazu geführt, daß in der Kohortenabfolge vor allem die Berufsanfänger aufstiegen, die in der Lage waren, in den öffentlichen Dienst einzutreten. Das Nachholen beim Berufseinstieg verpaßter Aufstiege ist kaum möglich, und dies gelingt auch nicht durch die Beschäftigung im öffentlichen Dienst. Für die Wahrscheinlichkeit intergenerationaler Aufstiege im Berufsverlauf gibt es keine sektorspezifischen Unterschiede. Staatsbeschäftigte unterliegen aufgrund der Besitzstandswahrung einem deutlich geringeren Abstiegsrisiko als privatwirtschaftlich Beschäftigte. Der Staatssektor hat seine Funktion als Aufstiegskanal für Berufsanfänger ausgeweitet und garantiert seinen langfristig Beschäftigten die erreichte Statuslage. Damit ist der öffentliche Dienst ein weiteres Strukturprinzip sozialer Ungleichheit.
Risk behaviors such as substance use or deviance are often limited to the early stages of the life course. Whereas the onset of risk behavior is well studied, less is currently known about the decline and timing of cessation of risk behaviors of different domains during young adulthood. Prevalence and longitudinal developmental patterning of alcohol use, drinking to the point of drunkenness, smoking, cannabis use, deviance, and HIV-related sexual risk behavior were compared in a Swiss community sample (N = 2,843). Using a longitudinal cohort-sequential approach to link multiple assessments with 3 waves of data for each individual, the studied period spanned the ages of 16 to 29 years. Although smoking had a higher prevalence, both smoking and drinking up to the point of drunkenness followed an inverted U-shaped curve. Alcohol consumption was also best described by a quadratic model, though largely stable at a high level through the late 20s. Sexual risk behavior increased slowly from age 16 to age 22 and then remained largely stable. In contrast, cannabis use and deviance linearly declined from age 16 to age 29. Young men were at higher risk for all behaviors than were young women, but apart from deviance, patterning over time was similar for both sexes. Results about the timing of increase and decline as well as differences between risk behaviors may inform tailored prevention programs during the transition from late adolescence to adulthood.
Despite the widespread interest in the topic and a vast international literature, only little is known about the development of intergenerational mobility in Switzerland. Based on a new harmonized database for Switzerland (comprising various surveys such as different waves of the ISSP, EVS, or the ESS), we provide a systematic account of changes in the link between social origin and destination over time (covering birth cohorts from 1940 through 1980). We analyze effects of parental education and class on own educational achievement and social class for both men and women, using a refined variant of the methodological approach proposed by Jann and Combet (2012). The approach is based on the concept of proportional reduction of error (PRE) and features a number of advantages over more traditional approaches. For example, it provides smooth estimates of changes in social mobility that have a clear interpretation and it can easily incorporate control variables and multiple dimensions of parental characteristics. To evaluate the validity of our approach, we employ the oft-used log-multiplicative layer effect model (Xie 1992) as a benchmark. Results indicate that our approach performs well and produces qualitatively similar findings as Xie’s model. For men, effects of social origin have been stable over the observed period. For women, however, social mobility significantly decreased among younger cohorts, mostly due to expanding female education and labor force participation. Jann, Ben, Benita Combet (2012). Zur Entwicklung der intergenerationalen Mobilität in der Schweiz (On the Development of Intergenerational Mobility in Switzerland). Swiss Journal of Sociology 38(2): 177-199. Xie, Yu (1992). The Log-Multiplicative Layer Effect Model for Comparing Mobility Tables. American Sociological Review 57(3): 380-395.
This paper studies the evolution of life satisfaction over the life course in Germany. It clarifies the causal interpretation of the econometric model by discussing the choice of control variables and the underidentification between age, cohort and time effects. The empirical part analyzes the distribution of life satisfaction over the life course at the aggregated, subgroup and individual level. To the findings: On average, life satisfaction is mildly decreasing up to age 55 followed by a hump shape with a maximum at 70. The analysis at the lower levels suggests that people differ in their life satisfaction trends, whereas the hump shape after age 55 is robust. No important differences between men and women are found. In contrast, education groups differ in their trends: highly educated people become happier over the life cycle, where life satisfaction decreases for less-educated people.
Dass es geschlechtstypische Berufe gibt, und dass die Berufsaspirationen und die Wahl der Berufsausbildung nach der Pflichtschulzeit zwischen den Geschlechtern deutlich differieren, ist eine vielfach empirisch belegte Tatsache. Diese geschlechtstypische Segregation bei der Berufswahl und der zum ausgewählten Beruf führenden schulischen und beruflichen Ausbildung wird bei der Erklärung oftmals (pauschal) auf die geschlechtsspezifische Sozialisation und darin vermittelte Geschlechterstereotype zurückgeführt. Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden aus strukturell-individualistischer Sicht Mechanismen der geschlechtstypischen Berufsaspiration und Berufsbildungsentscheidung beschrieben, die theoriegeleitet empirisch aufgedeckt werden sollen. Für die Analysen werden Daten der drei Wellen des DAB-Panels verwendet, die für die Deutschschweiz Informationen von 203 Schulklassen mit rund 3.300 Schülerinnen und Schüler zur Verfügung stellen. Mittels dieser Paneldaten wird für Jugendliche der Deutschschweiz gezeigt, dass der sozioökonomische Status des Elternhauses, das damit einhergehende Motiv des intergenerationalen Statuserhalts sowie der Lebenslaufplanungen wichtige Beiträge zur Erklärung der Segregation der Berufswahl nach Geschlecht liefern. Diese mit dem Sozialstatus des Elternhauses verbundenen Mechanismen sind weitaus einflussreicher als die geschlechtsspezifische Sozialisation.