996 resultados para Lenclos, Ninon de, 1620-1705
Although many sparse recovery algorithms have been proposed recently in compressed sensing (CS), it is well known that the performance of any sparse recovery algorithm depends on many parameters like dimension of the sparse signal, level of sparsity, and measurement noise power. It has been observed that a satisfactory performance of the sparse recovery algorithms requires a minimum number of measurements. This minimum number is different for different algorithms. In many applications, the number of measurements is unlikely to meet this requirement and any scheme to improve performance with fewer measurements is of significant interest in CS. Empirically, it has also been observed that the performance of the sparse recovery algorithms also depends on the underlying statistical distribution of the nonzero elements of the signal, which may not be known a priori in practice. Interestingly, it can be observed that the performance degradation of the sparse recovery algorithms in these cases does not always imply a complete failure. In this paper, we study this scenario and show that by fusing the estimates of multiple sparse recovery algorithms, which work with different principles, we can improve the sparse signal recovery. We present the theoretical analysis to derive sufficient conditions for performance improvement of the proposed schemes. We demonstrate the advantage of the proposed methods through numerical simulations for both synthetic and real signals.
Lime–fly ash reactions play a key role in improving the mechanical strength and tailoring the permeability characteristics of compacted fly ash. Activation of fly ash–lime pozzolanic reactions should accelerate the rate of strength development and possibly mobilize higher compressive strengths, facilitating improved engineering performance of fly ash amended materials. This paper makes an assessment of activation of lime–fly ash reactions by curing compacted fly ash–lime specimens at ambient (25°C) and at elevated temperature (80°C). The kinetics of fly ash–lime reactions are examined by monitoring the reacted lime as a function of curing period and temperature. The influence of variations in fly ash/lime content and dry density on the compressive strength developed by specimens at both temperatures is evaluated. The thermodynamic parameters for the fly ash–lime reactions have also been examined. Experimental results showed that curing at 80°C for 24 h accelerated fly ash–lime reactions such that it caused the steam cured (SC) specimens to evelop 1.21–2.44 fold larger strengths than room-temperature cured (RTC) specimens cured at 25°C for 28 days. Analysis of thermodynamic parameters indicated that the fly ash–lime reactions are thermodynamically favored at fly ash contents of 50–70% and lime additions of 16–20%, and the reactions are endothermic in nature. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0000482. © 2012 American Society of Civil Engineers.
In view of the increasing usage of anatase and rutile crystalline phases of titania NPs in the consumer products, their entry into the aquatic environment may pose a serious risk to the ecosystem. In the present study, the possible toxic impact of anatase and rutile nanoparticles (individually and in binary mixture) was investigated using freshwater microalgae, Chlorella sp. at low exposure concentrations (0.25, 0.5 and 1 mg/L) in freshwater medium under UV irradiation. Reduction of cell viability as well as a reduction in chlorophyll content were observed due to the presence of NPs. An antagonistic effect was noted at certain concentrations of binary mixture such as (0.25, 0.25), (0.25, 0.5), and (0.5, 0.5) mg/L, and an additive effect for the other combinations, (0.25, 1), (0.5, 0.25), (0.5, 1), (1, 0.25), (1, 0.5), and (1, 1) mg/L. The hydrodynamic size analyses in the test medium revealed that rutile NPs were more stable in lake water than the anatase and binary mixtures at 6 h, the sizes of anatase (1 mg/L), rutile NPs (1 mg/L), and binary mixture (1, 1 mg/L) were 948.83 +/- 35.01 nm, 555.74 +/- 19.93 nm, and 1620.24 +/- 237.87 nm, respectively]. The generation of oxidative stress was found to be strongly dependent on the crystallinity of the nanoparticles. The transmission electron microscopic images revealed damages in the nucleus and cell membrane of algal cells due to the interaction of anatase NPs, whereas rutile NPs were found to cause chloroplast and internal organelle damages. Mis-shaped chloroplasts, lack of nucleus, and starch-pyrenoid complex were noted in binary-treated cells. The findings from the current study may facilitate the environmental risk assessment of titania NPs in an aquatic ecosystem. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
利用特殊设计的“hat shape”试样,在分离式Hopkinson压杆和MTS通用材料试验机上实验研究了颗粒尺寸和应变率对颗粒增强金属基复合材料(SiC/6151Al)变形局部化行为的影响。结果表明:颗粒尺寸对复合材料的变形强化与变形局部化行为有显著影响。具体表现为:颗粒越小,复合材料流动应力越高,即强化效果越好;另一方面,对受载试样的微观检测发现,颗粒越小,复合材料剪切变形局部化越明显。同时发现,冲击载荷(高应变率)下复合材料更容易发生变形局部化。
El presente trabajo se realizó en el Laboratorio de Cultivo de Tejidos Vegetales del Programa Recursos Genéticos Nicaragüenses (REGEN), ubicado en la Universidad Nacional Agraria (UNA). El experimento se evaluó en dos fases, en la primera fase se estudió el comportamiento in vitro de ápices de los clones de yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) MCol-22, Okra y Portland cultivados en un medio nutritivo MS (Murashige y Skoog, 1962) con concentraciones de 0.00 mg/1 y 0.040 mg/1 de BAP (6-bencil aminopurina) y concentraciones de 0.05 mg/1 0.10 mgfl y 0.20 mg/1 de GA3 (ácido giberélico). En la segunda fase se evaluó el comportamiento de cuatro clones (C6-1141, MCol-1505, MCol-2215 y MMex-59) en las consistencias de medio nutritivo semisólida y líquida. A través del estudio se determinó que el genotipo es un factor muy importante sobre la respuesta organogénica de los tejidos cultivados in vitro. Sin embargo, es posible definir medios nutritivos para grupos de clones, facilitando así el proceso de micropropagación de especies de importancia económica como la yuca. Los clones que sobresalieron en la primera fase fueron el Portland y MCol- 22. Con respecto al efecto del BAP la concentración 0.04 mg/1 predominó sobre la concentración 0.00 mg/1, para todas las variables evaluadas en el ensayo. Así mismo, la concentración 0.10 mg/1 de GA 3 resultó la más efectiva. Por otra parte, de las consistencias de medios nutritivos evaluados en la segunda fase, se determinó que la consistencia semisólida dió mejor resultado sobre el número de raíces y la consistencia líquida tuvo mayor influencia sobre la variable altura de planta.
La prospección y caracterización preliminar in situ de Manilkara zapota L. y Chrysophyllum cainita L. fue realizado en todo Nicaragua. Inicialmente se recopiló toda información existente a cerca de estas especies, luego se realizó un inventario y caracterización in situ; además se obtuvo información a través de entrevistas realizadas a los poseedores de los árboles y se registraron con fichas de datos etnobotánicos, finalmente se elaboró una guía de descriptores básicos permitiendo la toma de datos tanto cuantitativos como cualitativos. Para la interpretación de los caracteres cualitativos se utilizó la ficha de inventarios de la caracterización preliminar y los caracteres cuantitativos obtenidos en las giras de colectas se introdujeron en una base de datos para luego ser procesados a través del programa de análisis estadístico SAS; además se realizó un análisis de agrupamiento, seleccionándose para este fin el análisis de conglomerados (Cluster analysis). Se hizo referencia a aspectos económicos y sociales, así se determinó que los nombres comunes varían de acuerdo a la zona, región y lengua; en cuanto al uso se establece que el más frecuente es el consumo de fruto fresco, pero también se le atribuyen propiedades medicinales y maderables. Existe poca información sobre las tazas de producción y consumo, la comercialización de su fruto es a nivel interno dentro de los diferentes mercados locales de las regiones y por lo general estas especies se encuentran como árboles aislados entre otros frutales a nivel de huertos familiares y raramente se encuentran manejados como plantaciones comerciales debido a que la producción es a largo plazo, esto sumado a la introducción de frutas exóticas causan la erosión genética de las especies. La mayor distribución de ambas especies se encontró en la región ecológica 1, presentando el 83.58 por ciento del total de muestras evaluadas para Manilkara zapota L (146 muestras evaluadas) y 56.47 por ciento para Chrysophyllum cainito L (85 muestras evaluadas); esto se debe a que esta región presenta condiciones adecuadas para el establecimiento de Sapotáceas.
<正> 国际结构碰撞会议(An International Conference and Exposition“Structural Impact and Crashworthiness”)由美国空军技术研究所、英国帝国理工学院、美国陆军、威斯特兰直升飞机有限公司发起,1984年7月16—20日于英国伦敦帝国理工学院举行。会议主要讨论:①汽车、飞机、火车的耐撞毁性;②船舶和海上结构的碰撞;③地面设施对飞机的碰撞、地震以及瞬时加载的防御;④在建筑物和飞行器中的敏感装置和隔离;⑤金属和复合材料的撞击破坏和损伤;⑥金属和复合成分的毁坏、损伤和残余强度的评定;⑦在充满液体结构中的液压冲击;⑧为最佳防御高速碰撞而设计的结构和人体装甲。会议主席为帝国理工学院航
Consultoria Legislativa - Área XI - Meio Ambiente e Direito Ambiental,Organização Territorial, Desenvolvimento Urbano e Regional.
Consultoria Legislativa - Área X - Agricultura e Política Rural.
Discorre sobre o significado da construção de Brasília e sua irreversibilidade. Apresenta dados sobre os custos desta, que desmentem as notícias sobre o fato. Enumera as medidas que necessitam serem tomadas para a consolidação da capital federal e solicita aos deputados a dar tramitação aos projetos pendentes para este fim.
[EN]A study was conducted on crossbred steers (n=275; 376±924 kg) to evaluate performance and carcass quality of cattle fed wheat or corn dried distillers’ grains with solubles (DDGS). The control ration contained 86.6% rolled barley grain, 5.7% supplement and 7.7% barley silage (DM basis). The four treatments included replacement of barley grain at 20 or 40% of the diet (DM basis) with wheat or corn DDGS. Steers were slaughtered at a common end weight of 645 kg with 100 steers randomly (n=20 per treatment) selected for determination of the retail yield of sub-primal boneless boxed beef (SPBBB). Data were analyzed as a completely randomized design using pen as the experimental unit. Feeding increasing levels of wheat DDGS led to a quadratic increase in dry matter intake (DMI) (P<0.01), whereas increasing levels of corn DDGS led to a quadratic decrease in DMI (P=0.01). Average daily gain was not influenced (P=0.13) by feeding wheat or corn DDGS, but cattle fed corn DDGS exhibited a quadratic increase (P=0.01) in gain:feed. As a result, a quadratic increase (P<0.01) in calculated NEg of the diet was observed as corn DDGS levels increased. A linear decrease (P=0.04) in days on feed (169, 166 and 154 d) was noted when increasing levels of wheat DDGS (0, 20 and 40%) were fed. Dressing percentage increased in a linear fashion with wheat DDGS (P<0.01) inclusion level and in a quadratic fashion (P=0.01) as corn DDGS inclusion level increased although other carcass traits were not affected (P=0.10) by treatment. The results indicate that replacement of barley grain with corn or wheat DDGS up to 40% of the diet (DM) can lead to superior performance (improved gain:feed or reduced days on feed, respectively) with no detrimental effect on quality grade or carcass SPBBB yield.
A review and analysis of the exotic fish distribution and introduction is made using bibliographic information. Both lentic and lotic environments were considered. In order to classify the state of the populations, different categories were defined as follow: permanent, probably permanent, reported and unknown. Results show that 15 species were attempted to be introduced from 1904. Only 8 of them arose an successfull aclimatization: raimbow trout, brown trout, lake trout, landlocked salmon, carp, goldfish, and mosquitofish. For the salmonids, ecological features were analized, in order to explain the disappearence or the permanence in some regions. (Document contains 90 pages)
Borba de Moraes diz : "Essa é a primeira edição, muito rara, deste famoso livro..." Solidonio Leite, que chamou a atenção do público para o significado literário desse clássico esquecido, publicou, em 1920, o fac-simile desta primeira edição.