994 resultados para Lehtisalo, L.: Koulutus ja koulutuspolitiikka 2000-luvulle


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Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan suomalaisten nuorten työmarkkinasiirtymiä. Siirtymiä kuvataan tyypittelemällä nuorten toimintaa työmarkkinoilla. Tyypitellyssä verrataan töissä tai opiskelemassa olevia nuoria työttömänä tai työmarkkinoiden ulkopuolella oleviin nuoriin. Toimintaa työmarkkinoilla seurataan kolmessa ajankohdassa (2008, 2010 ja 2012), nuorten ollessa 21—25 -vuotiaita. Tyypittelyn pohjalta nuorille luodaan työmarkkinauratyyppejä, jotka kuvaavat erilaisia työmarkkinasiirtymiä. Kiinnostuksen kohteena on etenkin se, ovatko nuoret kiinni työmarkkinasiirtymiä tukevissa ja myöhempää työelämään kiinnittymistä edistävissä toiminnoissa vai eivät. Tutkielma linkittyy keskusteluun nuorten syrjäytymisestä, jota lähestytään usein juuri nuorten koulutus- ja työmarkkinatilanteiden kautta. Työmarkkinauria selittäviä tekijöitä tarkastellaan nuoren sukupuolen, koulutuksen, vanhempien koulutuksen, vanhempien saaman toimeentulotuen ja asuinpaikan mukaan. Asuinpaikan vaikutusta tarkastellaan lapsuudessa ja nuoressa aikuisuudessa. Tutkielma on otteeltaan kvantitatiivinen. Aineistona käytetään THL:n ylläpitämää Kansallinen syntymäkohortti 1987 -aineistoa, jossa on seurattu samoja nuoria sikiöajalta nykypäivään eri viranomaisrekistereiden kautta. Tutkielma pohjautuu kokonaisaineistoon (N=57 641). Menetelminä käytetään ristiintaulukointia ja multinomiaalista logistista regressiota. Tulosten perusteella työmarkkinasiirtymät näyttäytyivät sujuvina suurimmalle osalle nuorista. Tutkielmassa 81,5 prosenttia nuorista sijoittui työmarkkinauratyypeille, joille oli leimallista työssäkäynti tai opiskelu kaikkina tutkimusvuosina. Tutkielmassa erotettiin myös joukko nuoria, joille työmarkkinasiirtymät koostuivat pääosin työttömyydestä tai työmarkkinoiden ulkopuolella olemisesta. Näitä nuoria oli 6,1 prosenttia kohortista. Koulutusaste vaikutti työmarkkinasiirtymiin selvästi eniten ja vaikeuksia työmarkkinasiirtymissä kohtasivat eniten nuoret, jotka olivat perusasteen tutkinnon varassa vielä 21-vuotiaana. Vanhemman matala koulutus ja vanhemman saama toimeentulotuki olivat myös yhteydessä työmarkkinasiirtymiin liittyviin katkoksiin. Asuinpaikka vaikutti uratyypeille sijoittumiseen siten, että kaupunkimaisilla alueilla asuvat nuoret olivat todennäköisemmin koko ajan opiskelemassa tai töissä kuin muilla alueilla asuvat nuoret. Asuinpaikka lapsuudessa ei vaikuttanut työmarkkinasiirtymiin. Tulosten perusteella nuorten työmarkkinasiirtymiä tukevat järjestelmät näyttäytyvät Suomessa pääosin toimivina, mutta niitä tulisi kehittää nuorten erilaiset tilanteet ja tuen tarve huomioiden.


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Tämä tutkielma tarkastelee Vasemmistoliiton ja Suvi-Anne Siimeksen välistä suhdetta Siimeksen seitsemän ja puoli vuotta kestäneen puheenjohtajakauden aikana. Fokuksessa on puoluelehdissä käyty lehdistökeskustelu puolueen ja puheenjohtajan välillä. Suvi-Anne Siimes valittiin Vasemmistoliiton puheenjohtajaksi vuonna 1998, kun puolue oli ollut olemassa vain kahdeksan vuotta ja vasta hahmotteli ensimmäistä puolueohjelmaansa. Uuden puheenjohtajan avulla Vasemmistoliitto pyrki kasvattamaan suosiotaan ja muokkaamaan puolueen ideologiaa 2000-luvulle sopivaksi. Siimeksen mediaosaamisen uskottiin tuovan puolueelle lisää suosiota erityisesti naisten ja korkeasti koulutettujen keskuudessa. Vaikka osa aluksi epäilikin Siimeksen kykyjä, oli ihailu lähes varauksetonta hänen tultuaan valituksi puheenjohtajaksi. Siimeksen puheenjohtajuudella tavoiteltiin puolueelle parempaa julkisuuskuvaa, mutta osa vasemmistoliittolaisista tahtoi uudistaa puolueen kokonaan Siimeksen avulla. Alun seesteinen yhteiselo rikkoutui vuonna 2003 Vasemmistoliiton jäätyä eduskuntavaalien jälkeen oppositioon ja poliittisten linjaerojen tultua paremmin esiin. Varsinkin puolueen ammattiyhdistystaustaiset alkoivat haastaa Siimestä puolueen poliittisista linjauksista. Lopullinen välirikko tapahtui maaliskuussa 2006, jolloin Siimes ilmoitti eroavansa Vasemmistoliiton puheenjohtajuudesta kesken kolmannen puheenjohtajakautensa. Tuolloin puolueessa oli vakavia ristiriitoja, jotka ilmenivät julkisena riitelynä ja arvosteluna puolin ja toisin puheenjohtajan ja puolueen eduskuntaryhmän välillä. Siimeksen ero tuli kuitenkin lähes kaikille yllätyksenä. Ristiriidoista huolimatta Siimeksen haluttiin toimivan puolueen keulakuvana vielä yksissä eduskuntavaaleissa. Puheenjohtajan eron aiheuttaman kohun jälkeen Vasemmistoliitto kokosi nopeasti joukkonsa ja uskoi parempaan tulevaisuuteen uuden puheenjohtajan avulla. Ensisijaisena lähdeaineistona käytän lehdistömateriaalia. Päähuomio on Vasemmistoliiton puoluelehdissä käytävässä lehdistökeskustelussa. Puoluelehtien vertailuna on käytetty muuta lehdistömateriaalia. Lehdistömateriaalin tukena on toiminut useiden vasemmistoliittolaisten muistelmat ja omaelämäkerrallisia teokset, jotka valottavat tapahtumia Vasemmistoliitossa Siimeksen puheenjohtajakaudella. Lehdistöaineistoa tukee laaja-alainen valikoima tutkimuskirjallisuutta niin poliittisen historian, valtio-opin, mediatutkimuksen kuin sukupuolentutkimuksenkin alalta.


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In order to examine whether different populations show the same pattern of onset in the Southern Hemisphere, we examined the age-at-first-admission distribution for schizophrenia based on mental health registers from Australia and Brazil. Data on age-at-first-admission for individuals with schizophrenia were extracted from two names-linked registers, (1) the Queensland Mental Health Statistics System, Australia (N=7651, F= 3293, M=4358), and (2) a psychiatric hospital register in Pelotas, Brazil (N=4428, F=2220, M=2208). Age distributions were derived for males and females for both datasets. The general population structure tbr both countries was also obtained. There were significantly more males in the Queensland dataset (gz = 56.9, df3, p < 0.0001 ). Both dataset distributions were skewed to the right. Onset rose steeply after puberty to reach a modal age group of 20-29 for men and women, with a more gradual tail toward the older age groups. In Queensland 68% of women with schizophrenia had their first admissions after age 30, while the proportion from Brazil was 58%. Compared to the Australian dataset, the Brazilian dataset had a slightly greater proportion of first admissions under the age 30 and a slightly smaller proportion over the age of 60 years. This reflects the underlying age distributions of the two populations. This study confirms the wide age range and gender differences in age-at-first-admission distributions for schizophrenia and identified a significant difference in the gender ratio between the two datasets. Given widely differing health services, cultural practices, ethic variability, and the different underlying population distributions, the age-at-first-admission in Queensland and Brazil showed more similarities than differences. Acknowledgments: The Stanley Foundation supported this project.


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In the first of three experiments, 11 participants generated pronation and supination movements of the forearm, in time with an auditory metronome. The metronome frequency was increased in eight steps (0.25 Hz) from a base frequency of 1.75 Hz. On alternating trials, participants were required to coordinate either maximum pronation or maximum supination with each beat of the metronome. In each block of trials, the axis of rotation was either coincident with the long axis of the forearm, above this axis, or below this axis. The stability of the pronate-on-the-beat pattern, as indexed by the number of pattern changes, and the time of onset of pattern change, was greatest when the axis of rotation of the movement was below the long axis of the forearm. In contrast, the stability of the supinate-on-the-beat pattern was greatest when the axis of rotation of the movement was above the long axis of the forearm. In a second experiment, we examined how changes in the position of the axis of rotation alter the activation patterns of muscles that contribute to pronation and supination of the forearm. Variations in the relative dominance of the pronation and supination phases of the movement cycle across conditions were accounted for primarily by changes in the activation profile of flexor carpi radialis (FCR) and extensor carpi radialis longus (ECR). In the Final experiment we examined how these constraints impact upon the stability of bimanual coordination. Thirty-two participants were assigned at random to one of four conditions, each of which combined an axis of rotation configuration (bottom or top) for each limb. The participants generated both inphase (both limbs pronating simultaneously, and supinating simultaneously) and antiphase (left limb pronating and right limb supinating simultaneously, and vice versa) patterns of coordination. When the position of the axis of rotation was equivalent for the left and the right limb, transitions from antiphase to inphase patterns of coordination were Frequently observed. In marked contrast, when the position of the axis of rotation for the left and right limb was contradistinct, transitions From inphase to antiphase patterns of coordination occurred. The results demonstrated that when movements are performed in an appropriate mechanical context, inphase patterns of coordination are less stable than antiphase patterns.


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Inhibitors of proteolytic enzymes (proteases) are emerging as prospective treatments for diseases such as AIDS and viral infections, cancers, inflammatory disorders, and Alzheimer's disease. Generic approaches to the design of protease inhibitors are limited by the unpredictability of interactions between, and structural changes to, inhibitor and protease during binding. A computer analysis of superimposed crystal structures for 266 small molecule inhibitors bound to 48 proteases (16 aspartic, 17 serine, 8 cysteine, and 7 metallo) provides the first conclusive proof that inhibitors, including substrate analogues, commonly bind in an extended beta-strand conformation at the active sites of all these proteases. Representative superimposed structures are shown for (a) multiple inhibitors bound to a protease of each class, (b) single inhibitors each bound to multiple proteases, and (c) conformationally constrained inhibitors bound to proteases. Thus inhibitor/substrate conformation, rather than sequence/composition alone, influences protease recognition, and this has profound implications for inhibitor design. This conclusion is supported by NMR, CD, and binding studies for HIV-1 protease inhibitors/ substrates which, when preorganized in an extended conformation, have significantly higher protease affinity. Recognition is dependent upon conformational equilibria since helical and turn peptide conformations are not processed by proteases. Conformational selection explains the resistance of folded/structured regions of proteins to proteolytic degradation, the susceptibility of denatured proteins to processing, and the higher affinity of conformationally constrained 'extended' inhibitors/substrates for proteases. Other approaches to extended inhibitor conformations should similarly lead to high-affinity binding to a protease.


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Most soils contain preferential flow paths that can impact on solute mobility. Solutes can move rapidly down the preferential flow paths with high pore-water velocities, but can be held in the less permeable region of the soil matrix with low pore-water velocities, thereby reducing the efficiency of leaching. In this study, we conducted leaching experiments with interruption of the flow and drainage of the main flow paths to assess the efficiency of this type of leaching. We compared our experimental results to a simple analytical model, which predicts the influence of the variations in concentration gradients within a single spherical aggregate (SSA) surrounded by preferential flow paths on leaching. We used large (length: 300 mm, diameter: 216 mm) undisturbed field soil cores from two contrasting soil types. To carry out intermittent leaching experiments, the field soil cores were first saturated with tracer solution (CaBr2), and background solution (CaCl2) was applied to mimic a leaching event. The cores were then drained at 25- to 30-cm suction to empty the main flow paths to mimic a dry period during which solutes could redistribute within the undrained region. We also conducted continuous leaching experiments to assess the impact of the dry periods on the efficiency of leaching. The flow interruptions with drainage enhanced leaching by 10-20% for our soils, which was consistent with the model's prediction, given an optimised equivalent aggregate radius for each soil. This parameter quantifies the time scales that characterise diffusion within the undrained region of the soil, and allows us to calculate the duration of the leaching events and interruption periods that would lead to more efficient leaching. Application of these methodologies will aid development of strategies for improving management of chemicals in soils, needed in managing salts in soils, in improving fertiliser efficiency, and in reclaiming contaminated soils. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objective: This paper examines trends in the rate of suicide among young Australians aged 15-24 years from 1964 to 1997 and presents an age-period-cohort analysis of these trends. Method: Study design consisted of an age-period-cohort analysis of suicide mortality in Australian youth aged between 15 and 24 for the years 1964-1997 inclusive. Data sources were Australian Bureau of Statistics data on: numbers of deaths due to suicide by gender and age at death; and population at risk in each of eight birth cohorts (1940-1944, 1945-1949, 1950-1954, 1955-1959, 1960-1964, 1965-1969, 1970-1974, and 1975-1979). Main outcome measures were population rates of deaths among males and females in each birth cohort attributed to suicide in each year 1964-1997. Results: The rate of suicide deaths among Australian males aged 15-24 years increased from 8.7 per 100 000 in 1964 to 30.9 per 100 000 in 1997, with the rate among females changing little over the period, from 5.2 per 100 000 in 1964 to 7.1 per 100 000 in 1997. While the rate of deaths attributed to suicide increased over the birth cohorts, analyses revealed that these increases were largely due to period effects, with suicide twice as likely among those aged 15-24 years in 1985-1997 than between 1964 and 1969. Conclusions: The rate of youth suicide in Australia has increased since 1964, particularly among males. This increase can largely be attributed to period effects rather than to a cohort effect and has been paralleled by an increased rate of youth suicides internationally and by an increase in other psychosocial problems including psychiatric illness, criminal offending and substance use disorders.


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Lengths of silastic tubing were inserted into the peritoneal cavity of rats or rabbits. By two weeks the free-floating implants had become covered by a capsule consisting of several layers of macrophage-derived myofibroblasts and collagen matrix overlaid by a single layer of mesothelial cells. The tubing was removed from the harvested implant and the tissue everted. This now resembled an artery with an inner lining of mesothelial cells (the intima), a media of myofibroblasts, and an outer collagenous adventitia. The tube of living tissue was grafted by end-to-end anastomoses into the transected carotid artery or abdominal aorta of the same animal in which the tissue had been grown, where it remained parent for four months and developed structures resembling elastic lamellae, The myofibroblasts developed a high volume fraction of myofilaments and became responsive to contractile and relaxing agents similar to smooth muscle cells of the adjacent artery wall.


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Overcoming the phenomenon known as difficult synthetic sequences has been a major goal in solid-phase peptide synthesis for over 30 years. In this work the advantages of amide backbone-substitution in the solid-phase synthesis of difficult peptides are augmented by developing an activated N-alpha-acyl transfer auxiliary. Apart from disrupting troublesome intermolecular hydrogen-bonding networks, the primary function of the activated N-alpha-auxiliary was to facilitate clean and efficient acyl capture of large or beta-branched amino acids and improve acyl transfer yields to the secondary N-alpha-amine. We found o-hydroxyl-substituted nitrobenzyl (Hnb) groups were suitable N-alpha-auxiliaries for this purpose. The relative acyl transfer efficiency of the Hnb auxiliary was superior to the 2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzyl (Hmb) auxiliary with protected amino acids of varying size. Significantly, this difference in efficiency was more pronounced between more sterically demanding amino acids. The Hnb auxiliary is readily incorporated at the N-alpha-amine during SPPS by reductive alkylation of its corresponding benzaldehyde derivative and conveniently removed by mild photolysis at 366 nm. The usefulness of the Hnb auxiliary for the improvement of coupling efficiencies in the chain-assembly of difficult peptides was demonstrated by the efficient Hnb-assisted Fmoc solid-phase synthesis of a known hindered difficult peptide sequence, STAT-91. This work suggests the Hnb auxiliary will significantly enhance our ability to synthesize difficult polypeptides and increases the applicability of amide-backbone substitution.


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RESUMO: O presente estudo pretende analisar a imagem percebida de Lisboa como destino turístico por parte do mercado finlandês, considerando as seguintes perguntas de partida: a) quais os elementos que caracterizam a imagem percebida de Lisboa como destino turístico por parte dos turistas finlandeses; b) quais os factores com maior predominância na imagem percebida e c) qual o perfil do turista finlandês que visita Lisboa. Para atingir os objectivos deste estudo, foi realizado um inquérito por questionário a turistas finlandeses em Lisboa, de forma autoministrada, nos meses de Maio, Junho, Setembro e Outubro de 2008, no último dia da sua estada. Para além de questões que visaram compreender a imagem percebida de Lisboa como destino turístico, por parte dos inquiridos, o questionário incluiu perguntas sobre as suas características sócio-demográficas. Os resultados confirmaram as três componentes da imagem propostas no modelo de Echtner e Ritchie: psicológica-funcional, atributos-holística e comum-única. Os mesmos permitem também concluir que os inquiridos valorizam principalmente as características históricas e estéticas da cidade, como também o bom clima e a simpatia da população local. Por sua vez, os aspectos relativos à programação, eventos, diversão nocturna, interacção com a população local e preços, são os factores menos associados à cidade pelos inquiridos. As qualidades e as características únicas de Lisboa foram destacadas, tendo-se também verificado um elevado grau de satisfação com a visita à cidade e um vasto leque de sugestões dos inquiridos para melhorar Lisboa como destino turístico. ABSTRACT: This study aims to analyze the perceived image of Lisbon as a tourist destination by the Finnish market, considering the following questions: a) what are the elements that characterize the perceived image of Lisbon as a tourist destination by Finnish tourists b ) what features/attributes are most predominant in the perceived image c) what is the sociodemographic profile of the Finnish tourist who visits Lisbon. Data was collected in May, June September and October 2008. The questions were used seeking to identify the image of Lisbon of the respondents as a tourist destination, as well as the socio-demographic characteristics of the tourists. The results identified the three components of the image model proposed by Ritchie and Echtner: psychological-functional, attributes-holistic and commonunique. The results also allowed to conclude that respondents identify and value particularly historical and aesthetic characteristics, as well as the good weather and the friendliness of the local people whereas factors of the city such as the events, the nightlife, the interaction with the local population and the price level, didn’t particularly convinced the respondents. The qualities and the unique characteristics of Lisbon were highlighted, having also noticed a high degree of satisfaction on the visit to the city and a wide range of suggestions obtained from respondents to improve Lisbon as a tourist destination. TIIVISTELMÄ: Perehdyin tutkielmassani suomalaisten kokemusperäiseen mielikuvaan Lissabonista matkakohteena. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, millaisia kokemuksia ja mielikuvia suomalaisilla matkailijoilla on Lissabonista matkakohteena. Tutkimus pyrki vastaamaan kolmeen kysymykseen: a) mitkä tekijät luonnehtivat suomalaisten matkailijoiden kokemusperäistä mielikuvaa Lissabonista matkakohteena, b) mitkä ominaisuudet hallitsevat kyseistä mielikuvaa sekä c) mihin sukupuoli-, ikä-, koulutus- ja yhteiskuntaluokkaan Lissabonissa vierailevat suomalaiset matkailijat kuuluivat. Tiedot kerättiin touko-, kesä-, syys- ja lokakuussa 2008. Kyselyssä keskityttiin pääosin matkailijoiden kokemuksiin ja mielikuviin Lissabonista sekä matkan ominaisuuksiin ja matkailijoiden matkakohdetta koskeviin tietoihin. Lisäksi matkailijoita pyydettiin kirjoittamaan, miten Lissabonin asemaa matkakohteena voitaisiin parantaa. Alkuperäisen olettamuksen mukaan tulokset osoittivat Echtnerin ja Richien ehdottaman mallin mukaisesti mielikuvien muodostuvan kolmesta osatekijästä: toiminnallinen-psykologinen, attribuutti-kokonaisvaltainen ja yleinenainutlaatuinen. Tulokset osoittivat vastaajien yhtyvän mielikuvissaan ensisijaisesti kaupungin toiminnallisiin osatekijöihin. Sen sijaan kaupungin tapahtumiin ja yöelämään tai vuorovaikutukseen paikallisten kanssa taikka hintatasoon liittyviä ominaisuuksia ei koettu erityisen merkittäviksi. Vastauksista tulivat selvästi esille Lissabonin vetovoimatekijät ja ainutlaatuiset ominaisuudet matkakohteena. Lisäksi vastaukset osoittivat matkailijoiden olleen suurimmaksi osaksi erittäin tyytyväisiä vierailuunsa kaupungissa. Vastauksiin sisältyi myös useita ehdotuksia Lissabonin aseman parantamiseksi matkailukohteena.


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Baseando-se em alguns problemas com os quais profissionais de saúde se deparam no atendimento a crianças vítimas de violência, discutem-se as implicações éticas da interferência na dinâmica familiar utilizada para promover a proteção dessas crianças. Partindo do princípio de que a violência contra a criança é prima facie moralmente errada, aborda-se a questão dos direitos da criança e discute-se a intervenção praticada a partir de algumas teorias éticas: conseqüencialismo, utilitarismo e deontologia. Conclui-se que uma interferência que proteja a criança, tentando preservar a integridade familiar sempre que possível, é moralmente justificável.


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Treatment with indinavir has been shown to result in marked decreases in viral load and increases in CD4 cell counts in HIV-infected individuals. A randomized double-blind study to evaluate the efficacy of indinavir alone (800 mg q8h), zidovidine alone (200 mg q8h) or the combination was performed to evaluate progression to AIDS. 996 antiretroviral therapy-naive patients with CD4 cell counts of 50-250/mm3 were allocated to treatment. During the trial the protocol was amended to add lamivudine to the zidovudine-containing arms. The primary endpoint was time to development of an AIDS-defining illness or death. The study was terminated after a protocol-defined interim analysis demonstrated highly significant reductions in progression to a clinical event in the indinavir-containing arms, compared to the zidovudine arm (p<0.0001). Over a median follow-up of 52 weeks (up to 99 weeks), percent reductions in hazards for the indinavir plus zidovudine and indinavir groups compared to the zidovudine group were 70% and 61%, respectively. Significant reductions in HIV RNA and increases in CD4 cell counts were also seen in the indinavir-containing groups compared to the zidovudine group. Improvement in both CD4 cell count and HIV RNA were associated with reduced risk of disease progression. All three regimens were generally well tolerated.