434 resultados para Lebanese Christians
Questo lavoro traccia un quadro della diffusione e trasmissione delle conoscenze riguardanti l’anatomia e la fisiologia del corpo umano nel mondo iranico in età sasanide (III-VII sec. d.C.). La tesi analizza il ruolo delle scuole di medicina in territorio iranico, come quelle sorte a Nisibi e Gundēšābūr, delle figure dei re sasanidi interessati alla filosofia e alla scienza greca, e dei centri di studio teologico e medico che, ad opera dei cristiani siro-orientali, si fecero promotori della conoscenza medico-scientifica greca in terra d’Iran.
The purpose of this thesis is to offer both an exposition and defense for the Catholic Church's traditional understanding of eucharistic transubstantiation. I hope to show how a belief in such a doctrine is in no way irrational nor is it indefensible; butinstead, the doctrine of transubstantiation makes sense when it is viewed in light of what Catholic Christians believe about who the human being is, what the human desires, and the special way in which God personally works in human history. The method I am following investigates how the doctrine of transubstantiation coheres with and follows the other beliefs that Catholics hold; that is, beginning with certain presuppositions, there is a certain rational progression to the Catholic understanding of real presence.
Vom 13. Mai 1738 bis zum 7. September 1740 befindet sich der sächsische Kurprinz Friedrich Christian (1722-1764) auf seiner Italienreise. Sein eigenhändig geschriebenes Reisejournal, sowie die Berichte seines Tutors geben einen tiefen Einblick über das aktuelle Kunstgeschehen in Rom. Friedrich Christian wird durch die Fürsorge der Kardinäle Alessandro und Annibale Albani mit der intellektuellen Elite und mit den namhaftesten in Rom wirkenden Künstlern sowie mit der Kunst Raphaels und der bolognesisch-römischen Barock-Klassizisten bekannt beziehungsweise vertraut gemacht. In der römischen Akademie der Arkadier und in der Académie de France kommt er mit dem Ideal der Simplizität und der 'Nachahmung' der Antike in Berührung. Auf seinem Rückweg von Rom nach Venedig ist hierfür der Aufenthalt bei Scipione Maffei in Verona bezeichnend. In Venedig schließlich kann im besonderen Friedrich Christians Kenntnis von der Inventarisation des dortigen 'Statuario Pubblico', der ehemaligen Antikensammlung in der Antisala der Bibliothek von San Marco verzeichnet werden. Friedrich Christian kehrte mit diesen neuen Eindrücken nach Dresden zurück, wo Anton Raphael Mengs seine Karriere als Künstler begann und ein paar Jahre später sich Johann Joachim Winckelmann aufhielt. Unter der Obhut des Kardinals Alessandro Albani sollten Mengs und Winckelmann dann in Rom die malerische und theoretische Grundlage für den Klassizismus schaffen.
History and Identity in the Late Antique Near East gathers together the work of distinguished historians and early career scholars with a broad range of expertise to investigate the significance of newly emerged, or recently resurrected, ethnic identities on the borders of the eastern Mediterranean world. It focuses on the "long late antiquity" from the eve of the Arab conquest of the Roman East to the formation of the Abbasid caliphate. The first half of the book offers papers on the Christian Orient on the cusp of the Islamic invasions. These papers discuss how Christians negotiated the end of Roman power, whether in the selective use of the patristic past to create confessional divisions or the emphasis of the shared philosophical legacy of the Greco-Roman world. The second half of the book considers Muslim attempts to negotiate the pasts of the conquered lands of the Near East, where the Christian histories of Hira or Egypt were used to create distinctive regional identities for Arab settlers. Like the first half, this section investigates the redeployment of a shared history, this time the historical imagination of the Qu'ran and the era of the first caliphs. All the papers in the volume bring together studies of the invention of the past across traditional divides between disciplines, placing the re-assessment of the past as a central feature of the long late antiquity. As a whole, History and Identity in the Late Antique Near East represents a distinctive contribution to recent writing on late antiquity, due to its cultural breadth, its interdisciplinary focus, and its novel definition of late antiquity itself.
This paper will discuss how the gender perspective can be applied to the study of the Early Modern Jesuit China mission. I will show that the category of gender provides a promising research perspective on Sino-Western cultural exchange, for it brings to the forefront important aspects of social life in the “contact zone” of Chinese Christian communities. I will argue that through the intercultural contact initiated by the Jesuit China mission, gender roles started to shift slightly on both sides. On the one hand, the Jesuits adopted the Confucian ideal of the separation of the sexes (nannü zhi bie), building for example separate Churches for women, something unknown in Europe. On the other hand, Chinese Christians were urged to reconsider aspects of their traditional gender norms, when for instance some men left their concubines in order to become Christian. The paper will be divided in three parts. First, it will focus on the history of concepts and discuss what gender relations meant in the context of the Early Modern China mission. Then it will turn to the representation of female religiosity in Jesuit Annual Letters and show how the gender perspective can lead to a re-evaluation this source genre. Finally, it will reflect on how the gender perspective can give us fresh insights into well-known paradigms on Sino-Western relations, taking the accommodation paradigm as an example.
BACKGROUND Treatment of patients with paediatric acute lymphoblastic leukaemia has evolved such that the risk of late effects in survivors treated in accordance with contemporary protocols could be different from that noted in those treated decades ago. We aimed to estimate the risk of late effects in children with standard-risk acute lymphoblastic leukaemia treated with contemporary protocols. METHODS We used data from similarly treated members of the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study cohort. The Childhood Cancer Survivor Study is a multicentre, North American study of 5-year survivors of childhood cancer diagnosed between 1970 and 1986. We included cohort members if they were aged 1·0-9·9 years at the time of diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and had received treatment consistent with contemporary standard-risk protocols for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. We calculated mortality rates and standardised mortality ratios, stratified by sex and survival time, after diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. We calculated standardised incidence ratios and absolute excess risk for subsequent neoplasms with age-specific, sex-specific, and calendar-year-specific rates from the Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results Program. Outcomes were compared with a sibling cohort and the general US population. FINDINGS We included 556 (13%) of 4329 cohort members treated for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Median follow-up of the survivors from 5 years after diagnosis was 18·4 years (range 0·0-33·0). 28 (5%) of 556 participants had died (standardised mortality ratio 3·5, 95% CI 2·3-5·0). 16 (57%) deaths were due to causes other than recurrence of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Six (1%) survivors developed a subsequent malignant neoplasm (standardised incidence ratio 2·6, 95% CI 1·0-5·7). 107 participants (95% CI 81-193) in each group would need to be followed-up for 1 year to observe one extra chronic health disorder in the survivor group compared with the sibling group. 415 participants (376-939) in each group would need to be followed-up for 1 year to observe one extra severe, life-threatening, or fatal disorder in the group of survivors. Survivors did not differ from siblings in their educational attainment, rate of marriage, or independent living. INTERPRETATION The prevalence of adverse long-term outcomes in children treated for standard risk acute lymphoblastic leukaemia according to contemporary protocols is low, but regular care from a knowledgeable primary-care practitioner is warranted. FUNDING National Cancer Institute, American Lebanese-Syrian Associated Charities, Swiss Cancer Research.
Considering that endemic hunger is a consequence of poverty, and that food is arguably the most basic of all human needs, this book chapter shows one of the more prominent examples of rules and policy fragmentation but also one of the most blatant global governance problems. The three monotheistic religions Judaism, Christians and Islam are surprisingly unanimous about God’s prescriptions on hunger or, put theologically, on what can be said, or should be said, about the interpretations and traditions which, taken together, form the respective and differentiated traditions, identities and views of these beliefs on how to deal with poverty and hunger. A clear social ethos, in the form of global needs satisfaction, runs through both Jewish and Christian texts, and the Qur’an (Zakat). It confirms the value inversion between the world of the mighty and that of the hungry. The message is clear: because salvation is available only through the grace of God, those who have must give to those who have not. This is not charity: it is an inversion of values which can not be addressed by spending 0.7% of your GDP on ODA, and the implication of this sense of redistributive justice is that social offenders will be subject to the Last Judgement. Interestingly, these religious scriptures found their way directly into the human rights treaties adopted by the United Nations and ratified by the parliaments, as a legal base for the duty to protect, to respect and to remedy. On the other side the contradiction with international trade law is all the more flagrant, and it has a direct bearing on poverty: systematic surplus food dumping is still allowed under WTO rules, despite the declared objective ‘to establish a fair and market-oriented agricultural trading system’. A way forward would be a kind of ‘bottom up’ approach by focusing on extreme cases of food insecurity caused by food dumping, or by export restrictions where a direct effect of food insecurity in other countries can be established. Also, international financing institutions need to review their policies and lending priorities. The same goes for the bilateral investment treaties and a possible ‘public interest’ clause, at least in respect of agricultural land acquisitions in vulnerable countries. The bottom line is this: WTO rules cannot entail a right to violate other, equally binding treaty obligations when its membership as a whole claims to contribute to the Millennium Development Goals and pledges to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger.
von e. Christen
by Sir George Adam Smith ... ; planned by ... Israel Abrahams and ed. by Edwyn R. Bevan ... With an introduction by the master of Balliol
Extremist rhetoric and behaviour, including violence, emanating from those fearing and opposed to Islamic extremism—and typically generalising that to Islam or Muslims—is undeniable. Equally, there is evidence of Muslim rhetoric that fires up fears of a threatening West and antipathy to religious ‘others’ as damned infidels, including Christians and Jews who are otherwise regarded as co-religionists—as ‘peoples of the Book’. Mutual discontent and antipathy abound. On the one hand, Islamic extremism provokes a reactionary extremism from parts, at least, of the non-Muslim world; on the other hand, Muslim extremism appears often in response to the perception of an aggressive and impositional colonising non-Muslim world. ‘Reactive Co-Radicalization’, I suggest, names this mutual rejection and exclusionary circle currently evident, in particular, with respect to many Muslim and non-Muslim communities. This article discusses reactive co-radicalization as a hermeneutical perspective on religious extremism with particular reference to two European cases.
An appeal to Christians to support Jewish emancipation and to fellow Jews to show themselves to be good citizens of Austria
El objetivo de este artículo es mostrar la imposibilidad de separar la relación existente entre teología y experiencia mística en la obra de Orígenes. Básicamente esta cuestión es analizada a través de dos grandes temas: las bases teológicas del sistema de Orígenes y la comunicabilidad de Dios-Padre y del Logos al alma humana, a través de la exégesis de la Fuente de Agua Viva. En el primer apartado se plantea el problema acerca del tipo de trascendencia que Dios-Padre tiene con respecto al Hijo, mostrando que no existe subordinación ontológica entre ellos. La noción de agape es utilizada por Orígenes como “puente ontológico" entre Dios-Padre y su Logos. A continuación se analiza el Libro XIII del Comentario al Evangelio de Juan y las Homilías XII y XIII sobre el Génesis, profundizando la cuestión de la Fuente de Agua Viva. A través de la bella exégesis que el maestro alejandrino realiza es posible advertir la inseparable relación entre el marco doctrinal propuesto por el alejandrino, con el camino que lleva al encuentro con lo divino. También se insiste en que Orígenes ha sido uno de los grandes maestros en la historia del cristianismo, que ha logrado conciliar a través del ejemplo de su propia vida, una inmensa profundidad teológica con la experiencia directa de unión con lo divino.
El judaísmo tardío y posteriormente el cristianismo incursionaron frecuentemente en el célebre pasaje de Éx. 3, 14, entendiéndolo como la revelación del Nombre divino a Moisés. Las respectivas influencias de la ontología griega y de la Septuaginta que traduce el citado texto hebreo por “Yo Soy el que Soy" (ejgwv eijmi oJ w[n), se hicieron presentes en la tradición cristiana desde sus orígenes hasta la Escolástica del siglo XIII. Sea con matices esencialistas o de carácter existencial, el Dios bíblico ha sido comprendido como “Ser" en distintos momentos del cristianismo medieval. Este alejamiento de la intuición bíblica originaria en dirección a una concepción helénica del Ser, produjo notables consecuencias en la imagen de Dios sostenida por los cristianos.