295 resultados para Lahtinen, Alli


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Peer reviewed


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Peer reviewed


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Peer reviewed


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Resource allocation decisions are made to serve the current emergency without knowing which future emergency will be occurring. Different ordered combinations of emergencies result in different performance outcomes. Even though future decisions can be anticipated with scenarios, previous models follow an assumption that events over a time interval are independent. This dissertation follows an assumption that events are interdependent, because speed reduction and rubbernecking due to an initial incident provoke secondary incidents. The misconception that secondary incidents are not common has resulted in overlooking a look-ahead concept. This dissertation is a pioneer in relaxing the structural assumptions of independency during the assignment of emergency vehicles. When an emergency is detected and a request arrives, an appropriate emergency vehicle is immediately dispatched. We provide tools for quantifying impacts based on fundamentals of incident occurrences through identification, prediction, and interpretation of secondary incidents. A proposed online dispatching model minimizes the cost of moving the next emergency unit, while making the response as close to optimal as possible. Using the look-ahead concept, the online model flexibly re-computes the solution, basing future decisions on present requests. We introduce various online dispatching strategies with visualization of the algorithms, and provide insights on their differences in behavior and solution quality. The experimental evidence indicates that the algorithm works well in practice. After having served a designated request, the available and/or remaining vehicles are relocated to a new base for the next emergency. System costs will be excessive if delay regarding dispatching decisions is ignored when relocating response units. This dissertation presents an integrated method with a principle of beginning with a location phase to manage initial incidents and progressing through a dispatching phase to manage the stochastic occurrence of next incidents. Previous studies used the frequency of independent incidents and ignored scenarios in which two incidents occurred within proximal regions and intervals. The proposed analytical model relaxes the structural assumptions of Poisson process (independent increments) and incorporates evolution of primary and secondary incident probabilities over time. The mathematical model overcomes several limiting assumptions of the previous models, such as no waiting-time, returning rule to original depot, and fixed depot. The temporal locations flexible with look-ahead are compared with current practice that locates units in depots based on Poisson theory. A linearization of the formulation is presented and an efficient heuristic algorithm is implemented to deal with a large-scale problem in real-time.


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O empreendedorismo tem sido um tema recorrente nas análises de incubadoras de empresas. O crescimento das incubadoras no Brasil tem se mantido constante desde o final dos anos 1990, mostrando-se um fenômeno relevante para a criação de emprego e renda. Com o objetivo de avaliar o papel das incubadoras na formação empreendedora, tendo em vista a análise feita por McDougall e Alli (2003) sobre o empreendedorismo internacional, este trabalho busca compreender as perspectivas das empresas emergentes para sustentar-se no mercado global. O trabalho está estruturado em quatro seções. A primeira seção apresenta a temática do empreendedorismo e a metodologia adotada para esta análise; a segunda apresenta o referencial teórico, destacando os conceitos de empreendedorismo internacional; a terceira parte descreve o papel das incubadoras a partir de uma análise documental sobre o tema; a quarta parte aponta perspectivas para a formação empreendedora nas incubadoras de empresas.


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La pratique infirmière en contexte de parentalité précoce et de vulnérabilité sociale auprès de mères âgées de moins de 20 ans et leurs bébés comporte des défis pour les infirmières qui éprouvent des difficultés à établir des liens avec les jeunes pères. Leur pratique d’accompagnement est orientée principalement vers la dyade mère-enfant, tandis qu’elles se sentent peu outillées pour accompagner les jeunes pères dans leur rôle paternel. Des études récentes suggèrent de considérer le genre dans la compréhension de l’espace relationnel entre des pères et des infirmières, notamment dans des services de première ligne. Cette étude a pour but de décrire, selon une perspective sensible au genre, les représentations identitaires qui configurent la relation d’accompagnement entre des jeunes pères et des infirmières dans le cadre des Services intégrés en périnatalité et pour la petite enfance (SIPPE). Partant d’une recherche évaluative multicentrique du Programme de soutien aux jeunes parents (PSJP) des SIPPE, cette recherche qualitative interprétative présente une analyse secondaire de 34 entretiens semi-dirigés complétés auprès de jeunes pères et d’infirmières. L’analyse croisée du discours des participants et la modélisation systémique ont permis de représenter des conceptions identitaires et des dynamiques contextuelles qui composent la relation d’accompagnement entre des jeunes pères et des infirmières dans le PSJP/SIPPE. Cette relation prend principalement forme autour de l’échange d’informations axées sur les soins de l’enfant. De plus, elle est marquée par des représentations différenciées de l’identité parentale du jeune père (père présent et soignant vs père peu compétent), de son engagement dans les responsabilités afférentes à son rôle et par une dynamique de vigie-surveillance exercée par les infirmières. Cette relation peut se transformer à travers le temps, où le père conçu responsable et protecteur devient un allié pour l’infirmière, tout en demeurant sous surveillance. Parmi les contributions de cette recherche, nous signalons l’importance du soutien émotionnel en plus du soutien informationnel pour les pères qu’il importe de considérer à part entière dans l’accompagnement auprès de familles vivant en situation de vulnérabilité sociale. Enfin, cette recherche souligne la pertinence d’une perspective sensible au genre pour concevoir l’espace relationnel du soin et développer la pratique infirmière d’accompagnement.


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La pratique infirmière en contexte de parentalité précoce et de vulnérabilité sociale auprès de mères âgées de moins de 20 ans et leurs bébés comporte des défis pour les infirmières qui éprouvent des difficultés à établir des liens avec les jeunes pères. Leur pratique d’accompagnement est orientée principalement vers la dyade mère-enfant, tandis qu’elles se sentent peu outillées pour accompagner les jeunes pères dans leur rôle paternel. Des études récentes suggèrent de considérer le genre dans la compréhension de l’espace relationnel entre des pères et des infirmières, notamment dans des services de première ligne. Cette étude a pour but de décrire, selon une perspective sensible au genre, les représentations identitaires qui configurent la relation d’accompagnement entre des jeunes pères et des infirmières dans le cadre des Services intégrés en périnatalité et pour la petite enfance (SIPPE). Partant d’une recherche évaluative multicentrique du Programme de soutien aux jeunes parents (PSJP) des SIPPE, cette recherche qualitative interprétative présente une analyse secondaire de 34 entretiens semi-dirigés complétés auprès de jeunes pères et d’infirmières. L’analyse croisée du discours des participants et la modélisation systémique ont permis de représenter des conceptions identitaires et des dynamiques contextuelles qui composent la relation d’accompagnement entre des jeunes pères et des infirmières dans le PSJP/SIPPE. Cette relation prend principalement forme autour de l’échange d’informations axées sur les soins de l’enfant. De plus, elle est marquée par des représentations différenciées de l’identité parentale du jeune père (père présent et soignant vs père peu compétent), de son engagement dans les responsabilités afférentes à son rôle et par une dynamique de vigie-surveillance exercée par les infirmières. Cette relation peut se transformer à travers le temps, où le père conçu responsable et protecteur devient un allié pour l’infirmière, tout en demeurant sous surveillance. Parmi les contributions de cette recherche, nous signalons l’importance du soutien émotionnel en plus du soutien informationnel pour les pères qu’il importe de considérer à part entière dans l’accompagnement auprès de familles vivant en situation de vulnérabilité sociale. Enfin, cette recherche souligne la pertinence d’une perspective sensible au genre pour concevoir l’espace relationnel du soin et développer la pratique infirmière d’accompagnement.


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This research was devoted to gaining information on teachers? use of technology, specifically SMARTBOARD technology, for teaching and promoting learning in the classroom. Research has suggested that use of technology can enhance learning and classroom practices. This has resulted in administrators encouraging the use of SMARTBOARDS, installing them in classrooms and providing training and support for teachers to use this technology. Adoption of new technology, however, is not simple. It is even more challenging because making the best use of new technologies requires more than training; it requires a paradigm shift in teachers? pedagogical approach. Thus, while it may be reasonable to believe that all we need to do is show teachers the benefits of using the SMARTBOARD; research tells us that changing paradigms is difficult for a variety of reasons. This research had two main objectives. First, to discover what factors might positively or negatively affect teachers? decisions to take up this technology. Second, to investigate how the SMARTBOARD is used by teachers who have embraced it and how this impacts participation in classrooms. The project was divided into two parts; the first was a survey research (Part 1), and the second was an ethnographic study (Part 2). A thirty-nine item questionnaire was designed to obtain information on teachers? use of technology and the SMARTBOARD. The questionnaire was distributed to fifty teachers at two EMSB schools: James Lyng Adult Centre (JLAC) and the High School of Montreal (HSM). Part 2 was an ethnographic qualitative study of two classes (Class A, Class B) at JLAC. Class A was taught by a male teacher, an early-adopter of technology and a high-level user of the SMARTBOARD; Class B was taught by a female teacher who was more traditional and a low-level user. These teachers were selected because they had similar years of experience and general competence in their subject matter but differed in their use of the technology. The enrollment in Class A and Class B were twenty-three and twenty-four adult students, respectively. Each class was observed for 90 minutes on three consecutive days in April 2010. Data collection consisted of videotapes of the entire period, and observational field notes with a graphical recording of participatory actions. Information from the graphical recording was converted to sociograms, a graphic representation of social links among individuals involved in joint action. The sociogram data was tabulated as quantified data. The survey results suggest that although most teachers are interested in and use some form of technology in their teaching, there is a tendency for factors of gender and years of experience to influence the use of and opinions on using technology. A Chi Square analysis of the data revealed (a) a significant difference (2 = 6.031, p < .049) for gender in that male teachers are more likely to be interested in the latest pedagogic innovation compared to female teachers; and, (b) a significant difference for years of experience (2 = 10.945, p < .004), showing that teachers with ?6 years experience were more likely to use the SMARTBOARD, compared to those with more experience (>6 years). All other items from the survey data produced no statistical difference. General trends show that (a) male teachers are more willing to say yes to using the SMARTBOARD compared to female teachers, and (b) teachers with less teaching experience were more likely to have positive opinions about using the SMARTBOARD compared to teachers with more experience. The ethnographic study results showed differences in students? response patterns in the two classrooms. Even though both teachers are experienced and competent, Teacher A elicited more participation from his students than Teacher B. This was so partly because he used the SMARTBOARD to present visual materials that the students could easily respond to. By comparison, Teacher B used traditional media or methods to present most of her course material. While these methods also used visual materials, students were not able to easily relate to these smaller, static images and did not readily engage with the material. This research demonstrates a generally positive attitude by teachers towards use of the SMARTBOARD and a generally positive role of this technology in enhancing students? learning and engagement in the classroom. However, there are many issues related to the SMARTBOARD use that still need to be examined. A particular point is whether teachers feel adequately trained to integrate SMARTBOARD technology into their curricula. And, whether the gender difference revealed is related to other factors like a need for more support, other responsibilities, or a general sense of anxiety when it comes to technology. Greater opportunity for training and ongoing support may be one way to increase teacher use of the SMARTBOARD; particularly for teachers with more experience (>6 years) and possibly also for female teachers.


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El derecho internacional, como el derecho administrativo de cada Estado, se encuentra vinculado a la finalidad universal del derecho. No obstante, la influencia de la comunidad internacional en los asuntos jurídicos de los Estados está generando, con el auge de la globalización, mecanismos o instrumentos que de forma no impositiva pero sí persuasiva, vienen delimitando las competencias estatales. Estos instrumentos ejercen la función de ordenar los ámbitos de validez de dichas competencias jurídicas y administrativas internas, a través de formas declaratorias de carácter internacional, mediante normas jurídicas blandas denominadas soft law. El amplio y variado uso del soft law en temas como los derechos humanos y el medio ambiente plantea una dificultad para la teoría tradicional de fuentes, inspirada en la voluntad de los Estados, los cuales se constituyen a partir de su soberanía estatal (hard law). Esto sugiere una dicotomía jurídica, en donde el soft law se contrasta con las reglas legales que definen obligaciones específicas de hard law, es decir, “son normas o principios más abiertos o generales en su contenido y significado, comprendiéndose como suaves. En tal caso, el Soft Law plantea una apertura a la internacionalización y democratización del derecho administrativo. La creciente adopción de instrumentos de soft law de influencia internacional o global permite la participación de actores no estatales, tales como las organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONG), y de carácter civil en la construcción de políticas e instrumentos que en ocasiones adquieren más legitimidad que las leyes creadas para atender tales asuntos.