973 resultados para Kurt Spang


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The study area. located north of Konva (Central Turkey), is composed of Silurian to Cretaceous metamorphosed rocks. The lower unit of the oldest formation (Silurian-Early Permian) is mostly made up of Silurian-Early Carboniferous metacarbonates. These rocks pass laterally and vertically to Devonian-Early Permian series having continental margin, shallow water and pelagic characteristics. They are intruded or juxtaposed to different kinds of metamagmatic rocks. which show MORB. continental arc and within plate characteristics. The Palaeozoic units are covered unconformably by Triassic-Cretaceous metasedimentary units. All these rocks are overthrusted by Mesozoic ophiolites. The Palaeozoic sequence can be seen as a northern Palaeotethys passive, then active margin. The northward subduction of the Palaeotethys ocean during the Carboniferous-Triassic times, induced the development of a magmatic arc and fore-arc sequence (Carboniferous-Permian). Before the Early Triassic (?Late Permian) time. the fore-arc sequence was uplifted above sea level and eroded. The Triassic sequences are regarded as marking the onset of back-arc opening and detachment of the Anatolian Konya block from the active Eurasian margin. Finally. a suture zone formed during the Carman between the Konya region and the Menderes-Tauride Cimmerian block due to the closing of Palaeotethvs. This geodynamic evolution can be correlated with the evolution of the Karaburun sequence in western Turkey.


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Introduction: In periapical surgery, the absence of standardization between different studies makes it difficult to compare the outcomes. Objective: To compare the healing classification of different authors and evaluate the prognostic criteria of periapical surgery at 12 months. Material and methods: 278 patients (101 men and 177 women) with a mean age of 38.1 years (range 11 to 77) treated with periapical surgery using the ultrasound technique and a 2.6x magnifying glass, and silver amalgam as root-end filling material were included in the study. Evolution was analyzed using the clinical criteria of Mikkonen et al., 1983; radiographic criteria of Rud et al., 1972; the overall combined clinical and radiographic criteria of von Arx and Kurt, 1999; and the Friedman (2005) concept of functional tooth at 12 months of surgery. Results: After 12 months, 87.2% clinical success was obtained according to the Mikkonen et al., 1983 criteria; 73.9% complete radiographic healing using Rud et al. criteria; 62.1% overall success, following the clinical and radiographic parameters of von Arx and Kurt, and 91.9% of teeth were functional. The von Arx and Kurt criteria was found to be the most reliable. Conclusion: Overall evolution according to von Arx and Kurt agreed most closely with the other scales


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Introduction: In periapical surgery, the absence of standardization between different studies makes it difficult to compare the outcomes. Objective: To compare the healing classification of different authors and evaluate the prognostic criteria of periapical surgery at 12 months. Material and methods: 278 patients (101 men and 177 women) with a mean age of 38.1 years (range 11 to 77) treated with periapical surgery using the ultrasound technique and a 2.6x magnifying glass, and silver amalgam as root-end filling material were included in the study. Evolution was analyzed using the clinical criteria of Mikkonen et al., 1983; radiographic criteria of Rud et al., 1972; the overall combined clinical and radiographic criteria of von Arx and Kurt, 1999; and the Friedman (2005) concept of functional tooth at 12 months of surgery. Results: After 12 months, 87.2% clinical success was obtained according to the Mikkonen et al., 1983 criteria; 73.9% complete radiographic healing using Rud et al. criteria; 62.1% overall success, following the clinical and radiographic parameters of von Arx and Kurt, and 91.9% of teeth were functional. The von Arx and Kurt criteria was found to be the most reliable. Conclusion: Overall evolution according to von Arx and Kurt agreed most closely with the other scales


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Selostus: Kypsennettyjen viljojen sulavuus ja ravitsemuksellinen arvo koirien ruokinnassa


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Opinnäytetyöni on dramatisoitu konsertti Kurt Weillin musiikista, sekä kirjallinen raportti. Työn kirjallinen osio käsittelee konsertin valmistusprosessia, taustatietoja säveltäjästä sekä hänen teoksistaan. Prosessissa kuvaan matkaa konsertti-idean syntymisestä eri työvaiheiden kautta valmiiksi esitykseksi, josta cd-taltiointi työn liitteenä. Opinnäytetyöni syntyi rakkaudesta Kurt Weillin musiikkiin ja halustani työstää siitä ohjattu, dramatisoitu kokonaisuus. Weillin laulut antavat mielestäni klassiselle laulajalle enemmän vapauksia sekä tulkintamahdollisuuksia kuin perinteinen klassinen musiikki. Halusin myös kasvaa oman konsertin mittoihin ja ottaa riskin, kehittyäkseni taiteilijana ja muusikkona oppiakseni tunnistamaan, evaluoimaan ja taloudellistamaan työskentelytapojani. Konsertin materiaali on koottu säveltäjän teoksista tämän koko elinkaaren ajalta. Weillin elämän vaiheista ja tuotannosta kirjoittaessani olen käyttänyt Sandersin kirjoittamaa Weillin elämäkertaa, sekä Sellarin toimittamaa kirjaa keskusteluista Kurt Weillin teosten äärellä. Lisäksi apunani ovat olleet nettibiografia sekä kollegani Tuula Niirasen Weill -esitelmän muistiinpanot. Konserttimateriaalin olin rajannut 12 lauluun, jotka valitsin suuremmasta joukosta, sen perusteella, mitkä lauluista alkoivat istua ja tuntua omimmilta. Hienolla muusikkojen ja taiteilijoiden yhteistyöllä saatiin aikaiseksi onnistunut dramatisoitu konsertti, joka toi ihmisiä Weillin musiikin ääreen. Toivon, että musiikki sai myös uusia ihailijoita. Ammatillinen itsetuntemukseni ja itseluottamukseni syventyi ja koen prosessin myötä myös kasvaneeni muusikkona ja taiteilijana. - Opinnäytetyöhön liittyy teososa: CD-äänilevy.


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Samlingen med signum HB IIa finns vid huvudbiblioteket och innehåller filosofisk litteratur till och med år 1999. Vid Humanistiska biblioteket finns dessutom en samling filosofisk litteratur i anslutning till ämnet Filosofi. Stommen till akademibibliotekets filosofiska samlingar ligger i donationer. Några donatorer från äldre tid kan nämnas, som hovrättsauskultant Harry Streng, FM Kurt Reuter, prof. Rolf Lagerborg, teol.dr. Eric Hammarberg, prof. J.V.Tallqvist och fil.dr. Arne Törnudd. Friexemplar som erhållits från och med 1919 samt inköp kompletterar samlingen vid huvudbiblioteket. Den filosofiska litteraturen vid huvudbiblioteket söks med sökfunktionen Signum och söktermen HB IIa medan återvinning av litteratur tryckt före 1980 görs genom manuell sökning i huvudbibliotekets systematiska kortkatalog. Retroaktiv inmatning i databasen Alma gör att också litteratur tryckt 1830 t.o.m. 1979 med tiden blir sökbar i Alma. Från och med år 2000 ingår den filosofiska litteraturen vid huvudbiblioteket i en numerus currens-samling.


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Samlingen med signum HB IId finns vid huvudbiblioteket och innehåller litteratur om psykologi till och med år 1999. I samlingen ingår handböcker och många klassiska verk. Vid Humanistiska biblioteket och i samband med ämnet Psykologi finns också psykologisk litteratur. Biblioteket har emottagit flere donationer innehållande psykologisk litteratur bl.a. av Ragnar Hollmérus, Kurt Reuter, Rolf Lagerborg, Eva Gadolin Lagerwall och Eric Hammarberg Speciellt handböcker och klassiska verk har köpts till samlingen. Friexemplar som erhållits från 1919 har kompletterat samlingen. Den psykologiska litteraturen söks i Alma med sökfunktionen Signum och söktermen HB IId. En del litteratur tryckt före 1980 skall sökas manuellt i huvudbibliotekets systematiska kortkatalog, men retroaktiv inmatning i Alma av litteratur tryckt mellan 1830 och 1979 pågår. Från och med år 2000 ingår den psykologiska litteraturen vid huvudbiblioteket i en numerus currens-samling.


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Invasive nonnative species are a major problem in river ecosystems, and have large ecological and economic costs. Few ecosystems can resist invasions. The species that tend to invade most readily are those that humans. Introduce the most, and the ecosystems they invade are those with the most human activity. Most invasions are irreversible, and control is expensive, so efforts should be focused on prevention of future invasions


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Two samples of residues from iron mining plants have been investigated for their retention capacity of As, Cu, Cr, and Pb. The sample with the higher content of iron oxides showed the highest capacity to retain metals. The adsorption affinity series changes from Pb>Cu>Cr~As to As>Pb>Cu>Cr or As>Cu>Cr>Pb, depending on the material and the concentration of the initial solution. In the competitive environment, the Pb adsorption decreases and the As, Cu and Cr adsorption increases. Sequential extraction procedures, carried out after adsorption batch experiments, showed that the most important adsorption process occurs in the oxide fraction and that the major part of the absorbed metal is remobilized from exchangeable and oxide fractions.


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Comparison of national budgets for R&D is often made but it should consider the relative productivity and their factors. In Brazil, inefficiency factors as well as their causes have been diagnosed since the late 60's and solutions have been proposed within various governmental organisms, from CNPq to the strategy think tanks. Problems that hinder R&D and innovation in Brazil are reviewed from a historical perspective together with the proposed solutions providing a detailed analysis of the difficulties that have to be overcome to achieve a more effective innovation environment, adequate for the present times, challenges and opportunities.


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Äänitetty radiosta.