536 resultados para Konstam, Angus
A 192-day experiment involving 144 young Angus steers fed growing and finishing diets containing 20% corn gluten feed was conducted to evaluate feeding a soluble source of readily available cobalt. No benefits were observed in rate of gain, feed intake or carcass value by feeding the available source of cobalt.
This experiment was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of daily feeding a live microbial preparation containing two live organisms to finishing cattle. One organism was a lactobacillus, and the other was a propionibacterium, thought to work in concert to improve fermentation in the rumen and overall digestion. The study was conducted with Angus steers with an average initial weight of 550 lbs that were fed a finishing ration containing 50% wet corn gluten feed on a dry basis for 184 days. Feeding the microbial product improved daily gain and feed efficiency 1.7% and 2.4%, respectively, but the differences were not statistically significant. The microbial preparation increased carcass weights 1% but had no effects on quality or yield grades. It is concluded that potential benefits of this product are more likely to be greater when cattle are fed high grain rations rather than diets containing high concentrations of corn gluten feed.
Six-hundred pound Angus steer calves were fed cornbased finishing diets for 180 days to determine the effects of stepwise reduction of protein in the diet on performance and carcass characteristics. Reducing protein in the diet, but satisfying the requirements projected by the National Research Council model for Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle, did not affect performance or carcass measurements. Further reduction in protein content of the diet, so the projected requirement of the rumen microorganisms was not being met, did not affect performance or carcass measurements. It is concluded that quantity of protein fed to finishing cattle can be programmed and abstantially reduced. These reductions will result in substantially less nitrogen excreted in manure from larger feedlots.
White corn was compared with yellow corn in a 180-day finishing trial with 600 lb. Angus steers fed 90% concentrate diets. Steers fed yellow corn consumed 3.3% less feed and were 3.8% more efficient in feed utilization. Rate of gain and carcass characteristics were similar for steers fed white or yellow corn. The color of subcutaneous fat over the ribs was significantly whiter from carcasses of steers fed white corn compared with those fed yellow corn. The results of this study indicate that white corn may be used instead of barley to produce whiter fat in beef carcasses.
An experiment was conducted using Angus cross steer calves of three frame sizes (small, medium, and large) to compare performance of two different grow/finish feeding programs. Half of the cattle in each frame size group were fed a high energy ration through the growing period, similar to calves going directly into the feedlot. The other half was fed a low energy ration, similar to a backgrounding diet, for a period prior to the finishing phase. All cattle were fed a high energy ration through the finishing period. The data showed the cattle fed the low energy growing diet experienced some compensatory gains as shown by ultrasound backfat and average daily gains coupled with intakes greater than the increases seen in the high energy treatment. Carcass data and overall performance data showed no ill effects due to the low energy growing ration.
Four groups of yearling heifers representing different frame sizes—small, medium, and large Angus and medium Simmental—were fed high-grain finishing diets to average Low Choice quality grade. Half the heifers were implanted with estrogen and trenbolone acetate. Backfat and ribeye area were measured by ultrasound four times during the study to assess growth of muscle and fat. Increasing frame size resulted in increased feed intake, greater rates of gain, and a trend towards reduced feed conversion. Greater returns would have been realized from each of the four groups had they been sold in a premium market based on yield grade rather than the conventional grade and yield market. Increasing frame size resulted in greater returns to the value-based market. Implants increased rate of gain and improved feed conversion but did not result in significantly greater returns to the value-based market compared with the grade and yield market. Ribeye area and backfat increased with body weight and time on feed. Increase in ribeye area was linear with time, whereas accumulation of backfat was exponential. Rate of increase in area of ribeye tended to increase and backfat tended to decrease as frame size increased. Implants increased rate of increase in ribeye area but had no effect on rate of deposition of subcutaneous fat. Equations describing growth of ribeye area and backfat for each group predicted average growth for the heifers but did not predict growth of individual heifers. Final carcass yield grade was related to initial thickness of backfat but not to initial ribeye area. These results indicate that the type of cattle selected to be fed for a premium market based on yield grade is important to the success of the program. More work is needed to develop growth equations from ultrasound measurements, but ultrasound will likely be a useful tool in selecting feeder cattle for a value-based market.
Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of body condition scores of beef calves on performance efficiency and carcass characteristics. In Experiment 1, 111 steer calves were stratified by breed and condition score (CS) and randomly allotted to 14 pens. The study was analyzed as a 2 x 3 factorial design, with two breeds (Angus and Simmental) and three initial CS (4.4, 5.1, and 5.6). In Experiment 2, 76 steer calves were allotted to six pens by CS. The resultant pens averaged 3.9, 4.5, 4.7, 5.0, 5.1, and 5.6 in CS. Calves in both studies were fed a corn-based finishing diet formulated to 13.5% crude protein. All calves were implanted with Synovex- SÒ initially and reimplanted with Revalor-SÒ. In Experiment 1, 29-day dry matter intake (lb/day) increased with CS (17.9, 18.1, and 19.1 for 4.4, 5.1, and 5.6, respectively; p < .04). Daily gain (29 days) tended to decrease with increasing CS (4.19, 3.71, and 3.26; p < .13). Days on feed decreased with increasing CS (185, 180, and 178d; p < .07). In Experiment 2, daily gains also increased with decreasing initial CS for the first 114 days (p < .05) and tended to increase overall (p < .20). In Experiment 1, calves with lower initial CS had less external fat at slaughter (.48, .53, and .61 in. for CS 4.4, 5.1, and 5.6, respectively; p < .05). This effect was also noted at slaughter (p < .10), as well as at 57 days (p < .06) and at 148 days (p < .06) as measured by real-time ultrasound. Measurements of intramuscular fat and marbling were not different in either study. These data suggest that CS of feeder calves may be a useful tool for adjusting energy requirements of calves based on body condition. Also, feeder cattle may be sorted into outcome or management groups earlier than currently practiced using body condition and/or real-time ultrasound.
A study was conducted to evaluate early weaning of beef calves at 60-70 days of age on feedlot performance and carcass characteristics. One hundred twenty steer calves sired by either Simmental or Angus sires were weaned at an average age of 67 (early weaned, EW) or 147 (late weaned, LW) days. Calves were allotted to 16 feedlot pens by weaning treatment and sire breed at approximately 750-800 lb. EW calves were heavier (P < .05) in initial feedlot weight. There were no differences due to weaning age on daily gain, dry matter intake, feed efficiency or slaughter weights. Simmental steers required more days on feed than Angus steers (P < .05). Early-weaned calves had a higher percent intramuscular fat (5.7 vs. 5.1%), higher average marbling scores (Small78 vs. Small20, P < .05), a higher percentage of cattle grading average USDA Choice and higher (38% vs. 14%, P < .05) and a higher percentage of USDA Prime (10% vs. 0%, P < .05). These data confirm observations in previous studies that early weaning and placing calves on a higher grain diet improves marbling at slaughter. In this study, the effect was shown in calves weaned at an average of 67 days.
Economic comparisons of income on highly erodible land (HEL) in Adams County were made utilizing five years of grazing data collected from a 13- paddock intensive-rotational grazing system and a four-paddock rotational-grazing system and four years of data collected from an 18-paddock intensive-rotational grazing system, all at the Adams County CRP Research and Demonstration Farm near Corning. Net income from the average grazing weight-gain of Angus-sired calves nursing crossbred cows was compared to the net income from grazing yearling steers, to the net income of eight NRCS-recommended crop rotations, and to the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) option. Results of these comparisons show the 13-paddock intensive rotational grazing system with cow-calf pairs to be the most profitable alternative, with a net return of $19.86 per acre per year. The second most profitable alternative is the CRP option, with a net return of $13.09 per acre, and the third most profitable option is the fourpaddock rotation with cows and calves with a net return of $12.53 per acre. An 18-paddock system returned a net income of $2.47 per acre per year with cows and calves in 1993, but lost an average of $107.69 per acre each year in 1994 and 1995 with yearling steers. Each year, the steers were purchased high and sold low, contributing to the large loss per acre. The following recommended crop rotations all show net losses on these 9-14 % slope, Adair-Shelby Complex soils (ApD3): continuous corn; corn-soybean rotation; corn-soybean rotation with a farm program deficiency payment; corn-corn-corn-oats-meadow-meadow rotation with grass headlands; continuous corn to “T” with grass headlands and buffer strips; continuous corn to “T” with grass headlands, buffer strips, and a deficiency payment; corn-corn-oats-meadow rotation to “T”; and corn-soybeans-oats-meadow-meadow-meadow-meadow rotation to “T”. Per-acre yield assumptions of 90 bushels for corn, 30 bushels for soybeans, 45 bushels for oats, and four tons for alfalfa were used, with per-bushel prices of $2.40 on corn, $5.50 on soybeans, and $1.50 on oats. Alfalfa hay was priced at $40.00 per ton and grass hay at $33.33 per ton. The calf weight-gain in the cow/ calf systems was valued at $.90 per pound. All crop expenses except land costs were calculated from ISU publication Fm 1712, “Estimated Costs of Crop Production in Iowa - 1995.” Land costs were determined by using an opportunity cost and actual property tax figures for the land at the grazing site. In preparation for the end of the CRP beginning in 1996, further economic comparisons will be made after additional grazing seasons and data collection. This project is an interagency cooperative effort sponsored by the Southern Iowa Forage and Livestock Committee which has special permission from the USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) to use CRP land for research and demonstration.
Berseem clover and oats were incorporated into a corncorn- oat/berseem clover rotation in 1994 and 1995. Two cuttings of oat-berseem clover hay were harvested during the summer before forage was allowed to stockpile for winter grazing. In 1995, a brown midrib sorghum x sudangrass hybrid was seeded into a field adjacent to a corn field. After corn grain harvest in 1994 and 1995, Charolais x Angus x Simmental cows in midgestation were allotted to replicated fields containing corn crop residues with no complementary forages at 2.5 acres/cow, or corn crop residues and stockpiled berseem clover (2:1) at 2.5 acres/cow to simultaneously graze, or to a drylot. In 1995, cows were allotted to fields containing corn crop residues and brown midrib sorghum x sudangrass (7:3) at 2.5 acres/cow. Berseem clover had greater concentrations of digestible organic matter and crude protein than corn crop residues at the initiation of grazing, but had a more rapid decrease in digestible organic matter concentration than corn crop residues. Brown midrib sorghum x sudangrass forage also had a higher initial concentration of digestible organic matter, but an equal rate of decrease in digestible organic matter concentration to corn crop residues in ungrazed areas of the field. Cows grazing berseem clover with corn crop residues had greater body condition score increases during the first half of the grazing season than cows grazing corn crop residues without complementary forages. Cows grazing corn crop residues without complementary forages required 2,786 and 1,412 less lb hay per cow than cows maintained in a drylot in 1994 and 1995. In 1994, simultaneous grazing of berseem clover with corn crop residues did not reduce hay feeding more than feeding corn crop residues alone. However, in 1995, grazing berseem clover or brown midrib sorghum x sudangrass with corn crop residues reduced the amount of hay required to maintain cows by 358 and 376 lb hay per cow compared with grazing corn crop residues without complementary forage.
Berseem clover and oats were incorporated into a corn-oat/berseem clover rotation in 1994-1996. Two cuttings of oat-berseem clover hay were harvested during the summer before forage was stockpiled for winter grazing. In 1995, brown midrib sorghum x sudangrass hybrid was seeded into a field adjacent to a corn field. This was repeated in 1996 with a standard sorghum x sudangrass hybrid. After corn harvest in 1994–1996, Charolais x Angus x Simmental cows and heifers in midgestation were allotted to corn crop residue, corn crop residue-berseem clover, and corn crop residue-sorghum x sudangrass fields at 2.5 acres/cow, or to a drylot. Berseem clover had greater concentration of digestible organic matter and crude protein than corn crop residues. Corn crop residue digestible organic matter concentration was lower than berseem clover and the brown midrib sorghum x sudangrass, but was higher than that of the standard sorghum x sudangrass hybrid in 1996. Cows grazing corn crop residues without complementary forages required an average of 2,374 less lb. hay per cow than cows maintained in a drylot in 1994-1996. In 1994 and 1996, simultaneous grazing of berseem clover with corn crop residues did not reduce hay feeding more than feeding corn crop residues alone, yet did significantly reduce the amount of hay needed in 1995 to maintain cows by 358 and 376 lb. hay per cow compared with grazing corn crop residues without complementary forage.
Ectodermal dysplasias (EDs) are a large and heterogeneous group of hereditary disorders characterized by abnormalities in structures of ectodermal origin. Incontinentia pigmenti (IP) is an ED characterized by skin lesions evolving over time, as well as dental, nail, and ocular abnormalities. Due to X-linked dominant inheritance IP symptoms can only be seen in female individuals while affected males die during development in utero. We observed a family of horses, in which several mares developed signs of a skin disorder reminiscent of human IP. Cutaneous manifestations in affected horses included the development of pruritic, exudative lesions soon after birth. These developed into wart-like lesions and areas of alopecia with occasional wooly hair re-growth. Affected horses also had streaks of darker and lighter coat coloration from birth. The observation that only females were affected together with a high number of spontaneous abortions suggested an X-linked dominant mechanism of transmission. Using next generation sequencing we sequenced the whole genome of one affected mare. We analyzed the sequence data for non-synonymous variants in candidate genes and found a heterozygous nonsense variant in the X-chromosomal IKBKG gene (c.184C>T; p.Arg62*). Mutations in IKBKG were previously reported to cause IP in humans and the homologous p.Arg62* variant has already been observed in a human IP patient. The comparative data thus strongly suggest that this is also the causative variant for the observed IP in horses. To our knowledge this is the first large animal model for IP.
After 5 years of conceptualizing, investigating, and writing about corrective experiences (CEs), we (the authors of this chapter) met to talk about what we learned. In this chapter, we summarize our joint understanding of (a) the definition of CEs; (b) the contexts in which CEs occur; (c) client, therapist, and external factors that facilitate CEs; (d) the consequences of CEs; and (e) ideas for future theoretical, clinical, empirical, and training directions. As will become evident, the authors of this chapter, who represent a range of theoretical orientations, reached consensus on some CE-related topics but encountered controversy and lively debate about other topics. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2013 APA, all rights reserved)
We developed a model to calculate a quantitative risk score for individual aquaculture sites. The score indicates the risk of the site being infected with a specific fish pathogen (viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus (VHSV); infectious haematopoietic necrosis virus, Koi herpes virus), and is intended to be used for risk ranking sites to support surveillance for demonstration of zone or member state freedom from these pathogens. The inputs to the model include a range of quantitative and qualitative estimates of risk factors organised into five risk themes (1) Live fish and egg movements; (2) Exposure via water; (3) On-site processing; (4) Short-distance mechanical transmission; (5) Distance-independent mechanical transmission. The calculated risk score for an individual aquaculture site is a value between zero and one and is intended to indicate the risk of a site relative to the risk of other sites (thereby allowing ranking). The model was applied to evaluate 76 rainbow trout farms in 3 countries (42 from England, 32 from Italy and 2 from Switzerland) with the aim to establish their risk of being infected with VHSV. Risk scores for farms in England and Italy showed great variation, clearly enabling ranking. Scores ranged from 0.002 to 0.254 (mean score 0.080) in England and 0.011 to 0.778 (mean of 0.130) for Italy, reflecting the diversity of infection status of farms in these countries. Requirements for broader application of the model are discussed. Cost efficient farm data collection is important to realise the benefits from a risk-based approach.
BACKGROUND Long-term hormone therapy has been the standard of care for advanced prostate cancer since the 1940s. STAMPEDE is a randomised controlled trial using a multiarm, multistage platform design. It recruits men with high-risk, locally advanced, metastatic or recurrent prostate cancer who are starting first-line long-term hormone therapy. We report primary survival results for three research comparisons testing the addition of zoledronic acid, docetaxel, or their combination to standard of care versus standard of care alone. METHODS Standard of care was hormone therapy for at least 2 years; radiotherapy was encouraged for men with N0M0 disease to November, 2011, then mandated; radiotherapy was optional for men with node-positive non-metastatic (N+M0) disease. Stratified randomisation (via minimisation) allocated men 2:1:1:1 to standard of care only (SOC-only; control), standard of care plus zoledronic acid (SOC + ZA), standard of care plus docetaxel (SOC + Doc), or standard of care with both zoledronic acid and docetaxel (SOC + ZA + Doc). Zoledronic acid (4 mg) was given for six 3-weekly cycles, then 4-weekly until 2 years, and docetaxel (75 mg/m(2)) for six 3-weekly cycles with prednisolone 10 mg daily. There was no blinding to treatment allocation. The primary outcome measure was overall survival. Pairwise comparisons of research versus control had 90% power at 2·5% one-sided α for hazard ratio (HR) 0·75, requiring roughly 400 control arm deaths. Statistical analyses were undertaken with standard log-rank-type methods for time-to-event data, with hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% CIs derived from adjusted Cox models. This trial is registered at ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT00268476) and ControlledTrials.com (ISRCTN78818544). FINDINGS 2962 men were randomly assigned to four groups between Oct 5, 2005, and March 31, 2013. Median age was 65 years (IQR 60-71). 1817 (61%) men had M+ disease, 448 (15%) had N+/X M0, and 697 (24%) had N0M0. 165 (6%) men were previously treated with local therapy, and median prostate-specific antigen was 65 ng/mL (IQR 23-184). Median follow-up was 43 months (IQR 30-60). There were 415 deaths in the control group (347 [84%] prostate cancer). Median overall survival was 71 months (IQR 32 to not reached) for SOC-only, not reached (32 to not reached) for SOC + ZA (HR 0·94, 95% CI 0·79-1·11; p=0·450), 81 months (41 to not reached) for SOC + Doc (0·78, 0·66-0·93; p=0·006), and 76 months (39 to not reached) for SOC + ZA + Doc (0·82, 0·69-0·97; p=0·022). There was no evidence of heterogeneity in treatment effect (for any of the treatments) across prespecified subsets. Grade 3-5 adverse events were reported for 399 (32%) patients receiving SOC, 197 (32%) receiving SOC + ZA, 288 (52%) receiving SOC + Doc, and 269 (52%) receiving SOC + ZA + Doc. INTERPRETATION Zoledronic acid showed no evidence of survival improvement and should not be part of standard of care for this population. Docetaxel chemotherapy, given at the time of long-term hormone therapy initiation, showed evidence of improved survival accompanied by an increase in adverse events. Docetaxel treatment should become part of standard of care for adequately fit men commencing long-term hormone therapy. FUNDING Cancer Research UK, Medical Research Council, Novartis, Sanofi-Aventis, Pfizer, Janssen, Astellas, NIHR Clinical Research Network, Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research.