596 resultados para Kangas, Ilka
The conservation of large carnivores is a formidable challenge for biodiversity conservation. Using a data set on the past and current status of brown bears (Ursus arctos), Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx), gray wolves (Canis lupus), and wolverines (Gulo gulo) in European countries, we show that roughly one-third of mainland Europe hosts at least one large carnivore species, with stable or increasing abundance in most cases in 21st-century records. The reasons for this overall conservation success include protective legislation, supportive public opinion, and a variety of practices making coexistence between large carnivores and people possible. The European situation reveals that large carnivores and people can share the same landscape.
Bereits in der ersten Grundschulklasse bekunden Mädchen ein stärkeres Interesse am Lesen als Jungen, die ihrerseits vergleichsweise mehr Interesse an der Mathematik angeben. In einer Stichprobe von 65 Jungen und 70 Mädchen wurde längsschnittlich geprüft, inwieweit die Geschlechtstypisierung in schulischen Interessen auf das Ausmaß zurückgeführt werden kann, in dem das Geschlechtsrollen-Selbstkonzept und die Einstellungen gegenüber Geschlechtsrollen (traditionell vs. egalitär) des Kindes in Übereinstimmung mit Geschlechtsstereotypen ausgeprägt sind. Erwartungsgemäß wiesen die Kinder bereits in der ersten Schulklasse geschlechtstypisierte Selbstkonzepte auf: Jungen schrieben sich mehr maskulin typisierte Merkmale zu als Mädchen, die ihrerseits mehr feminin-typisierte Merkmale für selbstbeschreibend hielten. Mädchen waren egalitärer gegenüber Geschlechtsrollen eingestellt als Jungen. Die Geschlechtsrollen-Selbstkonzepte beeinflussten moderiert durch die Einstellungen gegenüber Geschlechtsrollen das Interesse am Lesen und der Mathematik in der zweiten Grundschulklasse. Das Zusammenspiel zwischen kognitiver Entwicklung und geschlechtstypisierten Sozialisationseinflüssen wird diskutiert.
Diatoms are the major marine primary producers on the global scale and, recently, several methods have been developed to retrieve their abundance or dominance from satellite remote sensing data. In this work, we highlight the importance of the Southern Ocean (SO) in developing a global algorithm for diatom using an Abundance Based Approach (ABA). A large global in situ data set of phytoplankton pigments was compiled, particularly with more samples collected in the SO. We revised the ABA to take account of the information on the penetration depth (Zpd) and to improve the relationship between diatoms and total chlorophyll-a (TChla). The results showed that there is a distinct relationship between diatoms and TChla in the SO, and a new global model (ABAZpd) improved the estimation of diatoms abundance by 28% in the SO compared with the original ABA model. In addition, we developed a regional model for the SO which further improved the retrieval of diatoms by 17% compared with the global ABAZpd model. As a result, we found that diatom may be more abundant in the SO than previously thought. Linear trend analysis of diatom abundance using the regional model for the SO showed that there are statistically significant trends, both increasing and decreasing, in diatom abundance over the past eleven years in the region.
In the Arctic, under-ice primary production is limited to summer months and is not only restricted by ice thickness and snow cover but also by the stratification of the water column, which constrains nutrient supply for algal growth. RV Polarstern visited the ice-covered Eastern Central basins between 82 to 89°N and 30 to 130°E in summer 2012 when Arctic sea ice declined to a record minimum. During this cruise, we observed a widespread deposition of ice algal biomass of on average 9 g C per m**2 to the deep-sea floor of the Central Arctic basins. Data from this cruise will contribute to assessing the impact of current climate change on Arctic productivity, biodiversity, and ecological function.