334 resultados para Kaasalainen, Nestor
The primary goal of this dissertation is to develop point-based rigid and non-rigid image registration methods that have better accuracy than existing methods. We first present point-based PoIRe, which provides the framework for point-based global rigid registrations. It allows a choice of different search strategies including (a) branch-and-bound, (b) probabilistic hill-climbing, and (c) a novel hybrid method that takes advantage of the best characteristics of the other two methods. We use a robust similarity measure that is insensitive to noise, which is often introduced during feature extraction. We show the robustness of PoIRe using it to register images obtained with an electronic portal imaging device (EPID), which have large amounts of scatter and low contrast. To evaluate PoIRe we used (a) simulated images and (b) images with fiducial markers; PoIRe was extensively tested with 2D EPID images and images generated by 3D Computer Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance (MR) images. PoIRe was also evaluated using benchmark data sets from the blind retrospective evaluation project (RIRE). We show that PoIRe is better than existing methods such as Iterative Closest Point (ICP) and methods based on mutual information. We also present a novel point-based local non-rigid shape registration algorithm. We extend the robust similarity measure used in PoIRe to non-rigid registrations adapting it to a free form deformation (FFD) model and making it robust to local minima, which is a drawback common to existing non-rigid point-based methods. For non-rigid registrations we show that it performs better than existing methods and that is less sensitive to starting conditions. We test our non-rigid registration method using available benchmark data sets for shape registration. Finally, we also explore the extraction of features invariant to changes in perspective and illumination, and explore how they can help improve the accuracy of multi-modal registration. For multimodal registration of EPID-DRR images we present a method based on a local descriptor defined by a vector of complex responses to a circular Gabor filter.
The primary goal of this dissertation is to develop point-based rigid and non-rigid image registration methods that have better accuracy than existing methods. We first present point-based PoIRe, which provides the framework for point-based global rigid registrations. It allows a choice of different search strategies including (a) branch-and-bound, (b) probabilistic hill-climbing, and (c) a novel hybrid method that takes advantage of the best characteristics of the other two methods. We use a robust similarity measure that is insensitive to noise, which is often introduced during feature extraction. We show the robustness of PoIRe using it to register images obtained with an electronic portal imaging device (EPID), which have large amounts of scatter and low contrast. To evaluate PoIRe we used (a) simulated images and (b) images with fiducial markers; PoIRe was extensively tested with 2D EPID images and images generated by 3D Computer Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance (MR) images. PoIRe was also evaluated using benchmark data sets from the blind retrospective evaluation project (RIRE). We show that PoIRe is better than existing methods such as Iterative Closest Point (ICP) and methods based on mutual information. We also present a novel point-based local non-rigid shape registration algorithm. We extend the robust similarity measure used in PoIRe to non-rigid registrations adapting it to a free form deformation (FFD) model and making it robust to local minima, which is a drawback common to existing non-rigid point-based methods. For non-rigid registrations we show that it performs better than existing methods and that is less sensitive to starting conditions. We test our non-rigid registration method using available benchmark data sets for shape registration. Finally, we also explore the extraction of features invariant to changes in perspective and illumination, and explore how they can help improve the accuracy of multi-modal registration. For multimodal registration of EPID-DRR images we present a method based on a local descriptor defined by a vector of complex responses to a circular Gabor filter.
Inscription: Verso: Felicia Nestor, chef, East-West Restaurant, New York
En este artículo proponemos la reflexión sobre la información periodística en el contexto contemporáneo a partir del análisis de las características del soporte del periódico, en una comparación entre dos periódicos de distintos países. A partir de los conceptos de espacialidad, visualidad y comunicabilidad, discutidos por Ferrara, considerando también el análisis de los componentes de paginación y diagramación de los periódicos, buscamos escudriñar los sentidos de la información y del conocimiento en este contexto de instrumentalización técnica
International migration sets in motion a range of significant transnational processes that connect countries and people. How migration interacts with development and how policies might promote and enhance such interactions have, since the turn of the millennium, gained attention on the international agenda. The recognition that transnational practices connect migrants and their families across sending and receiving societies forms part of this debate. The ways in which policy debate employs and understands transnational family ties nevertheless remain underexplored. This article sets out to discern the understandings of the family in two (often intermingled) debates concerned with transnational interactions: The largely state and policydriven discourse on the potential benefits of migration on economic development, and the largely academic transnational family literature focusing on issues of care and the micro-politics of gender and generation. Emphasizing the relation between diverse migration-development dynamics and specific family positions, we ask whether an analytical point of departure in respective transnational motherhood, fatherhood or childhood is linked to emphasizing certain outcomes. We conclude by sketching important strands of inclusions and exclusions of family matters in policy discourse and suggest ways to better integrate a transnational family perspective in global migration-development policy.
BACKGROUND: Considering the high rates of pain as well as its under-management in long-term care (LTC) settings, research is needed to explore innovations in pain management that take into account limited resource realities. It has been suggested that nurse practitioners, working within an inter-professional model, could potentially address the under-management of pain in LTC.
OBJECTIVES: This study evaluated the effectiveness of implementing a nurse practitioner-led, inter-professional pain management team in LTC in improving (a) pain-related resident outcomes; (b) clinical practice behaviours (e.g., documentation of pain assessments, use of non-pharmacological and pharmacological interventions); and, (c) quality of pain medication prescribing practices.
METHODS: A mixed method design was used to evaluate a nurse practitioner-led pain management team, including both a quantitative and qualitative component. Using a controlled before-after study, six LTC homes were allocated to one of three groups: 1) a nurse practitioner-led pain team (full intervention); 2) nurse practitioner but no pain management team (partial intervention); or, 3) no nurse practitioner, no pain management team (control group). In total, 345 LTC residents were recruited to participate in the study; 139 residents for the full intervention group, 108 for the partial intervention group, and 98 residents for the control group. Data was collected in Canada from 2010 to 2012.
RESULTS: Implementing a nurse practitioner-led pain team in LTC significantly reduced residents' pain and improved functional status compared to usual care without access to a nurse practitioner. Positive changes in clinical practice behaviours (e.g., assessing pain, developing care plans related to pain management, documenting effectiveness of pain interventions) occurred over the intervention period for both the nurse practitioner-led pain team and nurse practitioner-only groups; these changes did not occur to the same extent, if at all, in the control group. Qualitative analysis highlighted the perceived benefits of LTC staff about having access to a nurse practitioner and benefits of the pain team, along with barriers to managing pain in LTC.
CONCLUSIONS: The findings from this study showed that implementing a nurse practitioner-led pain team can significantly improve resident pain and functional status as well as clinical practice behaviours of LTC staff. LTC homes should employ a nurse practitioner, ideally located onsite as opposed to an offsite consultative role, to enhance inter-professional collaboration and facilitate more consistent and timely access to pain management.
The use of the Design by Analysis concept is a trend in modern pressure vessel and piping calculations. DBA flexibility allow us to deal with unexpected configurations detected at in-service inspections. It is also important, in life extension calculations, when deviations of the original standard hypotesis adopted initially in Design by Formula, can happen. To apply the DBA to structures under variable mechanic and thermal loads, it is necessary that, alternate plasticity and incremental collapse (with instantaneous plastic collapse as a particular case), be precluded. These are two basic failure modes considered by ASME or European Standards in DBA. The shakedown theory is the tool available to achieve this goal. In order to apply it, is necessary only the range of the variable loads and the material properties. Precise, robust and efficient algorithms to solve the very large nonlinear optimization problems generated in numerical applications of the shakedown theory is a recent achievement. Zouain and co-workers developed one of these algorithms for elastic ideally-plastic materials. But, it is necessary to consider more realistic material properties in real practical applications. This paper shows an enhancement of this algorithm to dealing with limited kinematic hardening, a typical property of the usual steels. This is done using internal thermodynamic variables. A discrete algorithm is obtained using a plane stress, mixed finite element, with internal variable. An example, a beam encased in an end, under constant axial force and variable moment is presented to show the importance of considering the limited kinematic hardening in a shakedown analysis.
In design or safety assessment of mechanical structures, the use of the Design by Analysis (DBA) route is a modern trend. However, for making possible to apply DBA to structures under variable loads, two basic failure modes considered by ASME or European Standards must be precluded. Those modes are the alternate plasticity and incremental collapse (with instantaneous plastic collapse as a particular case). Shakedown theory is a tool that permit us to assure that those kinds of failures will be avoided. However, in practical applications, very large nonlinear optimization problems are generated. Due to this facts, only in recent years have been possible to obtain algorithms sufficiently accurate, robust and efficient, for dealing with this class of problems. In this paper, one of these shakedown algorithms, developed for dealing with elastic ideally-plastic structures, is enhanced to include limited kinematic hardening, a more realistic material behavior. This is done in the continuous model by using internal thermodynamic variables. A corresponding discrete model is obtained using an axisymmetric mixed finite element with an internal variable. A thick wall sphere, under variable thermal and pressure loads, is used in an example to show the importance of considering the limited kinematic hardening in the shakedown calculations
A Constituição Federal de 1988 e o Estatuto da Cidade estabelecem o Plano Diretor como instrumento básico da política de ordenamento territorial, tendo como princípio fundamental o cumprimento da função social da propriedade e do direito à cidade. Na perspectiva de adequação às diretrizes e objetivos da política urbana estabelecidos em 1988, o município de Natal elaborou os Planos Diretores de 1994 e 2007, definindo instrumentos e parâmetros de regulação do uso e ocupação do solo possíveis de assegurar o cumprimento da função social da propriedade urbana e de gerar subsídios ao planejamento e à gestão da cidade. Apesar de Natal ter sido um dos municípios brasileiros pioneiros na adoção desses princ pios, antecipando e incorporando os instrumentos que em 2001 viriam a ser definidos no Estatuto da Cidade, identifica-se que alguns desses instrumentos e parâmetros direcionados à regulação do uso e ocupação do solo não tiveram sua aplicação plena, a exemplo do mecanismo de acompanhamento e controle dado pelo Estoque de Área Edificável e da Densidade, que foi substituída pelo Coeficiente de Aproveitamento no Plano Diretor de 2007. Questionando esse procedimento, busca-se na presente pesquisa investigar de que maneira essa substituição do parâmetro densidade pelo coeficiente de aproveitamento influenciou na capacidade da gestão pública de regular os processos de uso e ocupação do solo, de forma a adequar a sua intensificação ao suporte da infraestrutura instalada. Foram tomadas como referência teórico-conceitual as contribuições sobre a prática de planejamento urbano no Brasil, nos marcos do ideário da reforma urbana, com destaque para as reflexõe s de Flávio Villaça, Orlando Alves Santos Junior e Daniel Todtmann Montandon, Luiz César de Q. Ribeiro, Raquel Rolnik, Ermínia Maricato, Laura Machado de Bueno e Renato Cymbalista, José Roberto Bassul e Carlos F. Lago Burnett, e, com relação aos parâmetros de controle urbanístico, o estudo identifica as diferentes abordagens sobre a densidade urbana e o coeficiente de aproveitamento com base nas reflexões de Claudio Acioly Jr., Forbes Davidson, Juan Luis Mascaró, Ricardo Ojima, Marcelo de Souza, José Rámon Navarro Vera e Armando Ortuño Padilla, Nestor Goulart Reis, Marta Dora Grostein e Susana Ricardo Alves. Como conclusão, discute-se a hipótese formulada, inicialmente, de que a mudança de parâmetros verificada colocou limites para o município realizar uma gestão adequada do solo urbano e, portanto, de fazer cumprir a função social da propriedade, considerando a necessidade de adequação entre a intensificação do uso e ocupação do solo e a infraestrutura instalada
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias de la Visión).-- Universidad de La Salle. Maestría en Ciencias de la Visión, 2014
Acompanha: Procedimento para o uso do Tracker como objeto de ensino, suas potencialidades e dificuldades para aprendizagem de física no ensino médio
En El Salvador desde el año 1940 existen empresas dedicadas a la compra-venta de Equipos Médicos que realizan operaciones con Entidades Gubernamentales, a las cuales se les dificulta la recuperación de la inversión efectuada con las Instituciones mencionadas; es por ello que se ha considerado importante la realización del Flujo de Caja en las empresas de este sector, debido a que este informe financiero le permite prever sus necesidades de efectivo a corto plazo, es decir tener una visión anticipada de los ingresos y egresos de efectivo esperados durante un periodo determinado. Las empresas persiguen obtener liquidez, ya que ésta representa la cualidad de los activos para ser convertidos en dinero efectivo de forma inmediata sin pérdida significativa de su valor. De tal manera que cuanto más fácil es convertir un activo en dinero más líquido se dice que es. El grado en que una empresa puede hacer frente a sus obligaciones corrientes es la medida de su liquidez a corto plazo. Se tiene como fin determinar las bases para la elaboración del Flujo de Caja, proporcionando lineamientos a seguir y aspectos importantes a considerar en su elaboración, la forma como debe de realizarse su análisis y aplicación para obtener mejores resultados en la liquidez de la compañía. A la vez se formula una guía de procedimientos a realizar con las Entidades Gubernamentales para el cumplimiento oportuno de los contratos con estas entidades, tomando como referencia los tiempos y plazos señalados en la Ley de Adquisiciones y Contrataciones de la Administración Pública. La investigación se desarrolló con el tipo de estudio hipotético deductivo, ya que se partió de una hipótesis planteada y que sirvió para la verificación de la posible solución a la problemática, determinando la incidencia que ésta tiene sobre la investigación realizada. Se realizó un estudio analítico descriptivo, está investigación se especificaron las características importantes de las empresas y se sometió a análisis, midiendo y evaluando diversos aspectos, dimensiones o componentes del fenómeno a investigar. Los resultados de nuestra investigación reflejan que la gran mayoría de empresas dedicadas a la compra-venta de equipos médicos no cuentan con la liquidez necesaria para cumplir con sus compromisos financieros y se ven en la necesidad de incurrir en los financiamientos que otorgan las diferentes Instituciones Bancarias, ya que un porcentaje muy elevado de sus operaciones de venta son realizadas al crédito a un periodo mínimo de 30 días. De esta manera se concluye que el Flujo de Caja es una herramienta financiara de mucha importancia para la toma de decisiones y es por ello que se recomienda la buena aplicación para estar anticipados a las complicaciones de efectivo que la empresa pueda tener en el futuro. También se observa que las empresas tienen dificultades con la recuperación de la inversión realizada con las Entidades Gubernamentales, por esto se recomienda que la administración debe agilizar los procesos para el cumplimiento de las obligaciones adquiridas en los diferentes contratos, logrando así la recuperación de la inversión en un corto plazo.
El motivo que llevó al autor a escribir sobre este tema es la esperanza de poder transmitir parte de esta pasión sobre la economía colombiana que ha sentido desde su formación como economista. La historia de la economía es una parte de la disciplina económica en la que, con unos excelentes conocimientos, se puede profundizar en la comprensión del país y su interrelación con el mundo. El propósito de este libro es transmitir, de forma clara y sencilla, algunos elementos sobre la formación de la estructura económica en el Estado colombiano y su aporte al desarrollo.